//! We update the UI here to reflect the device configuration.
        void radio_ConfigChanged(object sender, SerialNetConfigEventArgs e)
            SerialNetConfig config = e.SerialNetConfig;
            //! update the UI now that we have a nice config!
            String hello = "";

            RoleComboBox.SelectedIndex = (int)config.role;

            if (config.autonet)
                AutoNetworkComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
                AutoNetworkComboBox.SelectedIndex = 1;

            PANIDTextBox.Text = config.panIDLong.ToString();
            SPANIDTextBox.Text = config.panID.ToString();
            ChannelMaskTextBox.Text = config.chMask.ToString();
            ChannelTextBox.Text = config.channel.ToString();
            ShortAddressTextBox.Text = config.src.ToString();
            SNTextBox.Text = config.sn.ToString();
            TXPowerTextBox.Text = config.sn.ToString();
            //! Update the UI to match the config
 void radio_ConfigChangedSafe(object sender, SerialNetConfigEventArgs e)
     this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal, UpdateRadioConfigHandler, this, e);
 void parser_ConfigReceived(object sender, SerialNetConfigEventArgs e)
     this.config = e.SerialNetConfig;
     if (ConfigChanged != null)
         ConfigChanged(this, new SerialNetConfigEventArgs(this.config)); //!< bubble up the config changed event so the UI can subscribe too.