public HlGraphEntry(HighLevel.HlGraph HlGraph, List <HighLevel.ArgumentLocation> fromInclusiveLocation, List <HighLevel.ArgumentLocation> toExclusiveLocation) { m_HlGraph = HlGraph; m_fromInclusiveLocation = fromInclusiveLocation; m_toExclusiveLocation = toExclusiveLocation; }
public static bool Do(HlGraph Graph) { DataFlow <LocationList> .Result DfResult = DoDF(Graph); List <Location> DeadDefinitionList = new List <Location>(); bool Changed = false; foreach (BasicBlock BasicBlock in Graph.BasicBlocks) { DeadDefinitionList.Clear(); LocationList List = DfResult.ExitState[BasicBlock]; if (List == null) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(BasicBlock == Graph.CanonicalExitBlock); } else { DeadDefinitionList.AddRange(List); } Changed |= ForBlock(BasicBlock, ref DeadDefinitionList); } return(Changed); }
internal static HlGraphEntry ConstructRelatedHlGraphEntry(MethodInfo Method, HighLevel.HlGraph ParentGraph, HlGraphCache RelatedGraphCache) { HlGraphEntry CacheEntry = ConstructHlGraphEntry(Method, 0, false, "Cil2OpenCL_Sub_Seq{0}"); RelatedGraphCache.SetValue(IntPtr.Zero, Method, CacheEntry); ParentGraph.RelatedGraphs[Method] = CacheEntry; GenerateOpenCLSource(CacheEntry); return(CacheEntry); }
private static string getOpenCLSource(HighLevel.HlGraph HLgraph) { using (StringWriter Srcwriter = new StringWriter()) { OpenCLInterop.WriteOpenCL(HLgraph, Srcwriter); string OpenClSource = Srcwriter.ToString(); if (DumpCode > 2) { System.Console.WriteLine(OpenClSource); } return(OpenClSource); } }
public InvokeContext(HighLevel.HlGraph HLgraph, int RandomSeed) { m_ValueTypeMap = HLgraph.ValueTypeMap; m_Arguments = new List <InvokeArgument>(HLgraph.Arguments.Count); for (int i = 0; i < HLgraph.Arguments.Count; i++) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(HLgraph.Arguments[i].Index == i); m_Arguments.Add(null); } if (!object.ReferenceEquals(HLgraph.RandomSeedArgument, null)) { PutArgument(HLgraph.RandomSeedArgument, RandomSeed); } }
private static void DoInvoke(int[] WorkSize, object Target, HlGraphEntry CacheEntry, InvokeContext ctx, OpenCLNet.Device device) { HighLevel.HlGraph HLgraph = CacheEntry.HlGraph; foreach (KeyValuePair <FieldInfo, HighLevel.ArgumentLocation> Entry in HLgraph.StaticFieldMap) { ctx.PutArgument(Entry.Value, Entry.Key.GetValue(null)); } SetArguments(ctx, Target, HLgraph.RootPathEntry); /* * foreach (KeyValuePair<FieldInfo, HighLevel.ArgumentLocation> Entry in HLgraph.ThisFieldMap) * { * ctx.PutArgument(Entry.Value, Entry.Key.GetValue(Target)); * } * foreach (KeyValuePair<FieldInfo, Dictionary<FieldInfo, HighLevel.ArgumentLocation>> Entry in HLgraph.OuterThisFieldMap) { * object RealThis = Entry.Key.GetValue(Target); * foreach (KeyValuePair<FieldInfo, HighLevel.ArgumentLocation> SubEntry in Entry.Value) { * ctx.PutArgument(SubEntry.Value, SubEntry.Key.GetValue(RealThis)); * } * }*/ foreach (KeyValuePair <HighLevel.ArgumentLocation, HighLevel.ArrayInfo> Entry in HLgraph.MultiDimensionalArrayInfo) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Entry.Key.Index >= 0 && Entry.Key.Index < ctx.Arguments.Count); InvokeArgument BaseArrayArg = ctx.Arguments[Entry.Key.Index]; System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(BaseArrayArg != null && BaseArrayArg.Value != null && BaseArrayArg.Value.GetType() == Entry.Key.DataType); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Entry.Key.DataType.IsArray && Entry.Key.DataType.GetArrayRank() == Entry.Value.DimensionCount); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(BaseArrayArg.Value is Array); Array BaseArray = (System.Array)BaseArrayArg.Value; long BaseFactor = 1; for (int Dimension = 1; Dimension < Entry.Value.DimensionCount; Dimension++) { int ThisDimensionLength = BaseArray.GetLength(Entry.Value.DimensionCount - 1 - (Dimension - 1)); BaseFactor *= ThisDimensionLength; ctx.PutArgument(Entry.Value.ScaleArgument[Dimension], (int)BaseFactor); } } ctx.Complete(); OpenCLInterop.CallOpenCLNet(WorkSize, CacheEntry, ctx, HLgraph, device); }
/// <summary> /// Perform data-flow analysis to get dead definitions for each basic block. /// </summary> /// <param name="Graph">HlGraph.</param> /// <returns>Data flow results.</returns> /// <remarks>Dead definitions is an all-paths reverse data flow problem described by the /// following equations: /// /// <code> /// InitFn(n) := ( (n == CanonicalExit) ? ALL_STACK | ALL_LOCAL | ALL_ARG : TOP, TOP ) /// NodeFn(n, l) := l + n.DAD - n.UEU /// EdgeFn(s, t, l) := l /// MergeFn(l, r) := (l & r) /// </code> /// </remarks> public static DataFlow <LocationList> .Result DoDF(HlGraph Graph) { DataFlow <LocationList> .Result DfResult = DataFlow <LocationList> .Reverse( Graph.BasicBlocks, delegate(BasicBlock BasicBlock, out LocationList Entry, out LocationList Exit) { if (Graph.CanonicalExitBlock == BasicBlock) { Entry = new LocationList(); for (int i = 0; i < Graph.m_MaxStack; i++) { Entry.Add(new StackLocation(i)); } foreach (LocalVariableLocation LocVar in Graph.LocalVariables) { Entry.Add(LocVar); } foreach (ArgumentLocation Arg in Graph.Arguments) { Entry.Add(Arg); } Exit = null; } else { Entry = Exit = null; } }, delegate(BasicBlock BasicBlock, LocationList DeadDefinitionList) { return(BeforeInstruction(BasicBlock, 0, DeadDefinitionList)); }, delegate(BasicBlock Source, BasicBlock Target, LocationList DeadDefinitionList) { return(DeadDefinitionList); }, LocationList.MergeInlineAnd ); return(DfResult); }
internal static void WriteOpenCL(HighLevel.HlGraph HLgraph, Type StructType, TextWriter writer) { if (StructType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("StructType"); } else if (!StructType.IsValueType) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Unable to generate OpenCL code for non-ValueType '{0}'", StructType.FullName)); } writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine("// OpenCL structure definition for type '{0}'", StructType.FullName); writer.WriteLine("typedef {0} {{", GetOpenClType(HLgraph, StructType)); FieldInfo[] Fields = StructType.GetFields(); foreach (FieldInfo Field in Fields) { writer.WriteLine("\t{0} {1};", GetOpenClType(HLgraph, Field.FieldType), Field.Name); } writer.WriteLine("}} t_{0};", HLgraph.ValueTypeMap[StructType]); }
public abstract List <HighLevel.Instruction> GetHighLevel(HighLevel.HlGraph Context);
private static HlGraphEntry ConstructHlGraphEntry(MethodInfo Method, int GidParamCount, bool IsKernel, string NameTemplate) { TextWriter writer = System.Console.Out; string MethodName = string.Format(NameTemplate, HlGraphSequenceNumber++); HighLevel.HlGraph HLgraph = new HighLevel.HlGraph(Method, MethodName); HLgraph.IsKernel = IsKernel; HLgraph.ValueTypeMap = m_ValueTypeMap; if (!IsKernel && Method.DeclaringType.IsValueType && ((Method.CallingConvention & CallingConventions.HasThis) != 0)) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(HLgraph.Arguments.Count > 0); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(HLgraph.Arguments[0].DataType.IsByRef && HLgraph.Arguments[0].DataType.GetElementType() == Method.DeclaringType); HLgraph.KeepThis = true; } if (DumpCode > 3) { WriteCode(HLgraph, writer); } // Optimize it (just some copy propagation and dead assignment elimination to get rid of // CIL stack accesses) HLgraph.Optimize(); if (DumpCode > 4) { WriteCode(HLgraph, writer); } // Convert all expression trees into something OpenCL can understand HLgraph.ConvertForOpenCl(subGraphCache); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(HLgraph.KeepThis || !HLgraph.HasThisParameter); // Change the real first arguments (the "int"s of the Action<> method) to local variables // which get their value from OpenCL's built-in get_global_id() routine. // NOTE: ConvertArgumentToLocal removes the specified argument, so both calls need to specify // an ArgumentId of zero!!! List <HighLevel.LocalVariableLocation> IdLocation = new List <HighLevel.LocalVariableLocation>(); for (int i = 0; i < GidParamCount; i++) { IdLocation.Add(HLgraph.ConvertArgumentToLocal(0)); } // Add fromInclusive and toExclusive as additional parameters List <HighLevel.ArgumentLocation> StartIdLocation = new List <HighLevel.ArgumentLocation>(); List <HighLevel.ArgumentLocation> EndIdLocation = new List <HighLevel.ArgumentLocation>(); for (int i = 0; i < GidParamCount; i++) { StartIdLocation.Add(HLgraph.InsertArgument(i * 2 + 0, "fromInclusive" + i, typeof(int), false)); EndIdLocation.Add(HLgraph.InsertArgument(i * 2 + 1, "toExclusive" + i, typeof(int), false)); } // "i0 = get_global_id(0) + fromInclusive0;" for (int i = 0; i < GidParamCount; i++) { HLgraph.CanonicalStartBlock.Instructions.Insert(i, new HighLevel.AssignmentInstruction( new HighLevel.LocationNode(IdLocation[i]), new HighLevel.AddNode( new HighLevel.CallNode(typeof(OpenClFunctions).GetMethod("get_global_id", new Type[] { typeof(uint) }), new HighLevel.IntegerConstantNode(i)), new HighLevel.LocationNode(StartIdLocation[i]) ) ) ); } // "if (i0 >= toExclusive0) return;" if (GidParamCount > 0) { HighLevel.BasicBlock ReturnBlock = null; foreach (HighLevel.BasicBlock BB in HLgraph.BasicBlocks) { if (BB.Instructions.Count == 1 && BB.Instructions[0].InstructionType == HighLevel.InstructionType.Return) { ReturnBlock = BB; break; } } if (ReturnBlock == null) { ReturnBlock = new HighLevel.BasicBlock("CANONICAL_RETURN_BLOCK"); ReturnBlock.Instructions.Add(new HighLevel.ReturnInstruction(null)); HLgraph.BasicBlocks.Add(ReturnBlock); } ReturnBlock.LabelNameUsed = true; for (int i = 0; i < GidParamCount; i++) { HLgraph.CanonicalStartBlock.Instructions.Insert(GidParamCount + i, new HighLevel.ConditionalBranchInstruction( new HighLevel.GreaterEqualsNode( new HighLevel.LocationNode(IdLocation[i]), new HighLevel.LocationNode(EndIdLocation[i]) ), ReturnBlock ) ); } } // Create the argument to pass the random seed, if necessary if (!object.ReferenceEquals(HLgraph.RandomStateLocation, null) && HLgraph.RandomStateLocation.LocationType == HighLevel.LocationType.LocalVariable) { // This can only happen for kernels. All nested routines get a pointer to // the kernel's rnd_state instead System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(HLgraph.IsKernel); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(HLgraph.RandomSeedArgument, null)); HLgraph.RandomSeedArgument = HLgraph.CreateArgument("rnd_seed", typeof(uint), false); if (GidParamCount > 0) { HighLevel.Node LocalSeed = null; for (int i = 0; i < GidParamCount; i++) { if (LocalSeed == null) { LocalSeed = new HighLevel.LocationNode(IdLocation[i]); } else { LocalSeed = new HighLevel.AddNode( new HighLevel.LocationNode(IdLocation[i]), new HighLevel.MulNode( LocalSeed, new HighLevel.IntegerConstantNode(0x10000) /* TODO: what is a good factor here ??? */ ) ); } } HLgraph.CanonicalStartBlock.Instructions.Add(new HighLevel.AssignmentInstruction( new HighLevel.NamedFieldNode(new HighLevel.LocationNode(HLgraph.RandomStateLocation), "x", typeof(uint)), new HighLevel.AddNode( LocalSeed, new HighLevel.IntegerConstantNode(1) ) ) ); } else { HLgraph.CanonicalStartBlock.Instructions.Add(new HighLevel.AssignmentInstruction( new HighLevel.NamedFieldNode(new HighLevel.LocationNode(HLgraph.RandomStateLocation), "x", typeof(uint)), new HighLevel.IntegerConstantNode(1) ) ); } HLgraph.CanonicalStartBlock.Instructions.Add(new HighLevel.AssignmentInstruction( new HighLevel.NamedFieldNode(new HighLevel.LocationNode(HLgraph.RandomStateLocation), "y", typeof(uint)), new HighLevel.LocationNode(HLgraph.RandomSeedArgument) )); // Perform TWO warmup rounds, so our not-so-random start states // get a chance to really inflict changes to all 32 bits of // generated random numbers. HLgraph.CanonicalStartBlock.Instructions.Add(new HighLevel.AssignmentInstruction( null, new HighLevel.CallNode( typeof(OpenClFunctions).GetMethod("rnd"), new HighLevel.AddressOfNode( new HighLevel.LocationNode(HLgraph.RandomStateLocation) ) ) ) ); HLgraph.CanonicalStartBlock.Instructions.Add(new HighLevel.AssignmentInstruction( null, new HighLevel.CallNode( typeof(OpenClFunctions).GetMethod("rnd"), new HighLevel.AddressOfNode( new HighLevel.LocationNode(HLgraph.RandomStateLocation) ) ) ) ); } if (DumpCode > 5) { WriteCode(HLgraph, writer); } // Update location usage information HLgraph.AnalyzeLocationUsage(); // Finally, add the graph to the cache HlGraphEntry CacheEntry = new HlGraphEntry(HLgraph, StartIdLocation, EndIdLocation); return(CacheEntry); }
public override string ToString() { StringBuilder String = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; if (!IsStaticCall) { if (SubNodes.Count == 0) { String.Append("(???)."); } else { String.Append(SubNodes[0].ToString()); String.Append("."); } i++; } string Name = object.ReferenceEquals(HlGraph, null) ? OpenClAliasAttribute.Get(MethodInfo) : HlGraph.GetOpenClFunctionName(MethodInfo); if (Name == null) { Name = MethodInfo.Name; } String.Append(Name); String.Append("("); bool IsFirst = true; for (; i < SubNodes.Count; i++) { if (IsFirst) { IsFirst = false; } else { String.Append(", "); } String.Append(SubNodes[i].ToString()); } String.Append(")"); return(String.ToString()); }
private static void GenerateOpenCLSource(HlGraphEntry CacheEntry) { // Non-kernel methods include just their own code, but kernel methods include everything required if (!CacheEntry.HlGraph.IsKernel || CacheEntry.HlGraph.RelatedGraphs.Count == 0) { CacheEntry.Source = getOpenCLSource(CacheEntry.HlGraph); return; } // No recursion allowed, so we can get away with a topological sort of all involved functions // with no prototypes beforehand. // The following code has been adapted from // // "Tarjan's algorithm and topological sorting implementation in Python" by Paul Harrison // Step 1: get list of all involved methods List <HighLevel.HlGraph> Nodes = new List <HighLevel.HlGraph>(); Nodes.Add(CacheEntry.HlGraph); for (int i = 0; i < Nodes.Count; i++) { HighLevel.HlGraph Entry = Nodes[i]; foreach (HlGraphEntry SubEntry in Entry.RelatedGraphs.Values) { if (!Nodes.Contains(SubEntry.HlGraph)) { Nodes.Add(SubEntry.HlGraph); } } } // Step 2: topological sort Dictionary <HighLevel.HlGraph, int> count = new Dictionary <HighLevel.HlGraph, int>(); foreach (HighLevel.HlGraph Current in Nodes) { count[Current] = 0; } foreach (HighLevel.HlGraph Current in Nodes) { foreach (HlGraphEntry SuccessorEntry in Current.RelatedGraphs.Values) { count[SuccessorEntry.HlGraph]++; } } List <HighLevel.HlGraph> Ready = new List <HighLevel.HlGraph>(); List <HighLevel.HlGraph> Result = new List <HighLevel.HlGraph>(Nodes.Count); Ready.Add(CacheEntry.HlGraph); while (Ready.Count > 0) { HighLevel.HlGraph Current = Ready[Ready.Count - 1]; Ready.RemoveAt(Ready.Count - 1); Result.Add(Current); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(count[Current] == 0); foreach (HlGraphEntry Successor in Current.RelatedGraphs.Values) { count[Successor.HlGraph]--; if (count[Successor.HlGraph] == 0) { Ready.Add(Successor.HlGraph); } } } // Step 3: check for recursions. If there is any strongly-connected component, count[s] // will never reach zero, so the Ready list runs empty without all functions being // inserted into the Result list. if (Result.Count != Nodes.Count) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to compute topological sort of functions. Recursions are not supported."); } // Generate code for all HlGraphs in the Result list, in reverse order Result.Reverse(); CacheEntry.Source = getOpenCLSource(Result); }
public InvokeContext(HighLevel.HlGraph HLgraph) : this(HLgraph, GetRandomSeed()) { }
public static string GetOpenClType(HighLevel.HlGraph HlGraph, Type DataType) { return(InnerGetOpenClType(HlGraph, DataType)); }
private static string InnerGetOpenClType(HighLevel.HlGraph HlGraph, Type DataType) { if (DataType == typeof(void)) { return("void"); } else if (DataType == typeof(sbyte)) { return("char"); } else if (DataType == typeof(byte)) { return("uchar"); } else if (DataType == typeof(short)) { return("short"); } else if (DataType == typeof(ushort)) { return("ushort"); } else if (DataType == typeof(int) || DataType == typeof(IntPtr) || DataType == typeof(bool)) { return("int"); } else if (DataType == typeof(uint) || DataType == typeof(UIntPtr)) { return("uint"); } else if (DataType == typeof(long)) { return("long"); } else if (DataType == typeof(ulong)) { return("ulong"); } else if (DataType == typeof(float)) { return("float"); } else if (DataType == typeof(double)) { return("double"); } else if (DataType.IsByRef) { return(InnerGetOpenClType(HlGraph, DataType.GetElementType()) + "*"); } else if (DataType.IsArray) { return(InnerGetOpenClType(HlGraph, DataType.GetElementType()) + "*"); } else if (object.ReferenceEquals(DataType, RandomStateDataType)) { return("uint2"); } else if (DataType.IsValueType && DataType.BaseType == typeof(System.ValueType) && HlGraph != null && HlGraph.ValueTypeMap != null) { string Name; if (!HlGraph.ValueTypeMap.TryGetValue(DataType, out Name)) { HlGraph.ValueTypeMap[DataType] = Name = "genstruct_" + HlGraph.ValueTypeMap.Count; } return("struct " + Name); } else { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Sorry, data type '{0}' cannot be mapped to OpenCL.", DataType)); } }
internal static void CallOpenCLNet(int[] WorkSize, HlGraphEntry CacheEntry, InvokeContext ctx, HighLevel.HlGraph HLgraph, OpenCLNet.Device device) { // We can invoke the kernel using the arguments from ctx now :) if (device == null) { device = GetFirstGpu(); if (device == null) { device = GetFirstCpu(); } if (device == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("device"); } } OpenCLNet.Platform Platform = device.Platform; OpenCLNet.Context context; OpenCLNet.Program program; lock (CacheEntry) { context = CacheEntry.Context; if (context == null) { IntPtr[] properties = new IntPtr[] { new IntPtr((long)OpenCLNet.ContextProperties.PLATFORM), Platform.PlatformID, IntPtr.Zero, }; context = CacheEntry.Context = Platform.CreateContext(properties, new OpenCLNet.Device[] { device }, null, IntPtr.Zero); } program = CacheEntry.Program; if (program == null) { StringBuilder source = new StringBuilder(); source.Append(GetOpenCLSourceHeader(Platform, device, CacheEntry)); source.Append(CacheEntry.Source); source.Append(GetOpenCLSourceFooter(Platform, device)); program = context.CreateProgramWithSource(source.ToString()); try { program.Build(); } catch (Exception ex) { string err = program.GetBuildLog(device); throw new Exception(err, ex); } CacheEntry.Program = program; } } using (CallContext CallContext = new CallContext(context, device, OpenCLNet.CommandQueueProperties.PROFILING_ENABLE, program.CreateKernel(HLgraph.MethodName))) { OpenCLNet.CommandQueue commandQueue = CallContext.CommandQueue; for (int i = 0; i < ctx.Arguments.Count; i++) { ctx.Arguments[i].WriteToKernel(CallContext, i); } //OpenCLNet.Event StartEvent, EndEvent; //commandQueue.EnqueueMarker(out StartEvent); IntPtr[] GlobalWorkSize = new IntPtr[WorkSize.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < WorkSize.Length; i++) { GlobalWorkSize[i] = new IntPtr(WorkSize[i]); } commandQueue.EnqueueNDRangeKernel(CallContext.Kernel, (uint)GlobalWorkSize.Length, null, GlobalWorkSize, null); for (int i = 0; i < ctx.Arguments.Count; i++) { ctx.Arguments[i].ReadFromKernel(CallContext, i); } commandQueue.Finish(); //commandQueue.EnqueueMarker(out EndEvent); //commandQueue.Finish(); //ulong StartTime, EndTime; //StartEvent.GetEventProfilingInfo(OpenCLNet.ProfilingInfo.QUEUED, out StartTime); //EndEvent.GetEventProfilingInfo(OpenCLNet.ProfilingInfo.END, out EndTime); } }
internal static void WriteOpenCL(HighLevel.HlGraph HLgraph, TextWriter writer) { writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine("// OpenCL source for {2} method '{0}' of type '{1}'", HLgraph.MethodBase.ToString(), HLgraph.MethodBase.DeclaringType.ToString(), HLgraph.IsKernel ? "kernel" : "related"); writer.WriteLine("{2}{0} {1}(", GetOpenClType(HLgraph, ((MethodInfo)HLgraph.MethodBase).ReturnType), HLgraph.MethodName, HLgraph.IsKernel ? "__kernel " : string.Empty); for (int i = 0; i < HLgraph.Arguments.Count; i++) { HighLevel.ArgumentLocation Argument = HLgraph.Arguments[i]; string AttributeString = string.Empty; if ((Argument.Flags & HighLevel.LocationFlags.IndirectRead) != 0) { AttributeString += "/*[in"; } if ((Argument.Flags & HighLevel.LocationFlags.IndirectWrite) != 0) { if (AttributeString == string.Empty) { AttributeString += "/*[out"; } else { AttributeString += ",out"; } } if (AttributeString != string.Empty) { AttributeString += "]*/ "; } if ((Argument.DataType.IsArray || Argument.DataType.IsPointer || Argument.DataType.IsByRef) && ((Argument.Flags & Hybrid.MsilToOpenCL.HighLevel.LocationFlags.PointerLocal) == 0)) { AttributeString += "__global "; } writer.WriteLine("\t{0}{1} {2}{3}", AttributeString, GetOpenClType(HLgraph, Argument.DataType), Argument.Name, i + 1 < HLgraph.Arguments.Count ? "," : string.Empty); } writer.WriteLine(")"); writer.WriteLine("/*"); writer.WriteLine(" Generated by CIL2OpenCL"); writer.WriteLine("*/"); writer.WriteLine("{"); foreach (HighLevel.LocalVariableLocation LocalVariable in HLgraph.LocalVariables) { string AttributeString = string.Empty; if ((LocalVariable.Flags & HighLevel.LocationFlags.Read) != 0) { if (AttributeString == string.Empty) { AttributeString += "/*["; } else { AttributeString += ","; } AttributeString += "read"; } if ((LocalVariable.Flags & HighLevel.LocationFlags.Write) != 0) { if (AttributeString == string.Empty) { AttributeString += "/*["; } else { AttributeString += ","; } AttributeString += "write"; } if ((LocalVariable.Flags & HighLevel.LocationFlags.IndirectRead) != 0) { if (AttributeString == string.Empty) { AttributeString += "/*["; } else { AttributeString += ","; } AttributeString += "deref_read"; } if ((LocalVariable.Flags & HighLevel.LocationFlags.IndirectWrite) != 0) { if (AttributeString == string.Empty) { AttributeString += "/*["; } else { AttributeString += ","; } AttributeString += "deref_write"; } if (AttributeString == string.Empty) { AttributeString = "/*UNUSED*/ // "; } else { AttributeString += "]*/ "; } if ((LocalVariable.Flags & Hybrid.MsilToOpenCL.HighLevel.LocationFlags.PointerGlobal) != 0) { AttributeString += "__global "; } writer.WriteLine("\t{0}{1} {2};", AttributeString, GetOpenClType(HLgraph, LocalVariable.DataType), LocalVariable.Name); } HighLevel.BasicBlock FallThroughTargetBlock = HLgraph.CanonicalStartBlock; for (int i = 0; i < HLgraph.BasicBlocks.Count; i++) { HighLevel.BasicBlock BB = HLgraph.BasicBlocks[i]; if (BB == HLgraph.CanonicalEntryBlock || BB == HLgraph.CanonicalExitBlock) { continue; } if (FallThroughTargetBlock != null && FallThroughTargetBlock != BB) { writer.WriteLine("\tgoto {0};", FallThroughTargetBlock.LabelName); } FallThroughTargetBlock = null; writer.WriteLine(); if (BB.LabelNameUsed) { writer.WriteLine("{0}:", BB.LabelName); } else { writer.WriteLine("//{0}: (unreferenced block label)", BB.LabelName); } foreach (HighLevel.Instruction Instruction in BB.Instructions) { writer.WriteLine("\t{0}", Instruction.ToString()); } if (BB.Successors.Count == 0) { writer.WriteLine("\t// End of block is unreachable"); } else if (BB.Successors[0] == HLgraph.CanonicalExitBlock) { writer.WriteLine("\t// End of block is unreachable/canonical routine exit"); } else { FallThroughTargetBlock = BB.Successors[0]; } } writer.WriteLine("}"); }
private static void WriteCode(HighLevel.HlGraph HLgraph, TextWriter writer) { writer.WriteLine("// begin {0}", HLgraph.MethodBase); if (HLgraph.MethodBase.IsConstructor) { writer.Write("constructor {0}::{1} (", ((System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo)HLgraph.MethodBase).DeclaringType, HLgraph.MethodBase.Name); } else { writer.Write("{0} {1}(", ((MethodInfo)HLgraph.MethodBase).ReturnType, HLgraph.MethodBase.Name); } for (int i = 0; i < HLgraph.Arguments.Count; i++) { if (i > 0) { writer.Write(", "); } HighLevel.ArgumentLocation Argument = HLgraph.Arguments[i]; string AttributeString = string.Empty; if ((Argument.Flags & HighLevel.LocationFlags.IndirectRead) != 0) { AttributeString += "__deref_read "; } if ((Argument.Flags & HighLevel.LocationFlags.IndirectWrite) != 0) { AttributeString += "__deref_write "; } writer.Write("{0}{1} {2}", AttributeString, Argument.DataType, Argument.Name); } writer.WriteLine(") {"); foreach (HighLevel.LocalVariableLocation LocalVariable in HLgraph.LocalVariables) { writer.WriteLine("\t{0} {1};", LocalVariable.DataType, LocalVariable.Name); } for (int i = 0; i < HLgraph.BasicBlocks.Count; i++) { HighLevel.BasicBlock BB = HLgraph.BasicBlocks[i]; if (BB == HLgraph.CanonicalEntryBlock || BB == HLgraph.CanonicalExitBlock) { continue; } writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine("{0}:", BB.LabelName); foreach (HighLevel.Instruction Instruction in BB.Instructions) { writer.WriteLine("\t{0}", Instruction.ToString()); } if (BB.Successors.Count == 0) { writer.WriteLine("\t// unreachable code"); } else if (i + 1 == HLgraph.BasicBlocks.Count || HLgraph.BasicBlocks[i + 1] != BB.Successors[0]) { if (BB.Successors[0] == HLgraph.CanonicalExitBlock) { writer.WriteLine("\t// to canonical routine exit"); } else { writer.WriteLine("\tgoto {0};", BB.Successors[0].LabelName); } } } writer.WriteLine("}"); writer.WriteLine("// end"); writer.WriteLine(); }
private void TraverseTree(Node Node, bool TopIsDef, bool ArrayDef) { if (Node == null) { return; } if (TopIsDef) { if (Node.NodeType == NodeType.Location) { Location Location = ((LocationNode)Node).Location; if (!DefinedLocations.Contains(Location)) { DefinedLocations.Add(Location); } } else if (Node.NodeType == NodeType.ArrayAccess) { TraverseTree(Node, false, true); } else if (Node.NodeType == NodeType.AddressOf) { TraverseTree(((AddressOfNode)Node).SubNodes[0], true, false); TraverseTree(((AddressOfNode)Node).SubNodes[0], false, false); } else if (Node.NodeType == NodeType.Deref) { TraverseTree(((DerefNode)Node).SubNodes[0], false, false); } else if (Node.NodeType == NodeType.InstanceField) { // Do nothing here. ConvertForOpenCl will convert this to an argument location, // so regular analysis treats it as such at a later pass } else if (Node.NodeType == NodeType.NamedField) { TraverseTree(((NamedFieldNode)Node).SubNodes[0], true, false); } else { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } } else { if (Node.NodeType == NodeType.Location) { Location Location = ((LocationNode)Node).Location; if (!UsedLocations.Contains(Location)) { UsedLocations.Add(Location); } } else { HlGraphEntry RelatedGraphEntry; if (Node.NodeType == NodeType.ArrayAccess && Node.SubNodes.Count > 0 && Node.SubNodes[0].NodeType == NodeType.Location) { Location ArrayLocation = ((LocationNode)Node.SubNodes[0]).Location; if (ArrayDef && !IndirectDefinedLocations.Contains(ArrayLocation)) { IndirectDefinedLocations.Add(ArrayLocation); } else if (!ArrayDef && !IndirectUsedLocations.Contains(ArrayLocation)) { IndirectUsedLocations.Add(ArrayLocation); } } else if (Node.NodeType == NodeType.Call && Node.SubNodes.Count > 0 && !object.ReferenceEquals(RelatedGraphs, null) && RelatedGraphs.TryGetValue(((CallNode)Node).MethodInfo, out RelatedGraphEntry)) { // Call to other generated method. Propagate indirect usage flags HlGraph HlGraph = RelatedGraphEntry.HlGraph; for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(Node.SubNodes.Count, HlGraph.Arguments.Count); i++) { ArgumentLocation Argument = HlGraph.Arguments[i]; if ((Argument.Flags & (LocationFlags.IndirectRead | LocationFlags.IndirectWrite)) != 0) { Node SubNode = Node.SubNodes[i]; if (SubNode.NodeType == NodeType.Location) { Location ArrayLocation = ((LocationNode)SubNode).Location; if ((Argument.Flags & LocationFlags.IndirectRead) != 0 && !IndirectUsedLocations.Contains(ArrayLocation)) { IndirectUsedLocations.Add(ArrayLocation); } if ((Argument.Flags & LocationFlags.IndirectWrite) != 0 && !IndirectDefinedLocations.Contains(ArrayLocation)) { IndirectDefinedLocations.Add(ArrayLocation); } } } } } foreach (Node SubNode in Node.SubNodes) { TraverseTree(SubNode, (SubNode.NodeType == NodeType.AddressOf) ? true : false, false); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Perform intra-block copy propagation. /// </summary> /// <param name="Graph">HlGraph.</param> /// <returns>TRUE if any changes have occured, FALSE otherwise.</returns> public static bool Do(HlGraph Graph) { bool Changed = false; CpState State = new CpState(); Dictionary <Location, LocDef> InsertedDict = new Dictionary <Location, LocDef>(); List <Location> RemoveKeys = new List <Location>(); List <KeyValuePair <Location, LocDef> > NewDefs = new List <KeyValuePair <Location, LocDef> >(); // // Get the list of undefined locations at the end of each basic block // DataFlow <LocationList> .Result DfResult = DeadAssignmentElimination.DoDF(Graph); // // Iterate through basic blocks // foreach (BasicBlock BB in Graph.BasicBlocks) { // // Iterate through instructions // State.Defs.Clear(); for (int InstructionIndex = 0; InstructionIndex < BB.Instructions.Count; InstructionIndex++) { Instruction Instruction = BB.Instructions[InstructionIndex]; // // Query lists of used and defined locations for the current instruction. If it uses // a location that is present in the CpState, the definition can only be pasted if: // // 1) The definition is not of the form "x := f(..., x, ...)"; i.e., the location // does not depend on an equally-named one at the defining site, // // OR // // 2) The definition is of the form "x := f(..., x, ...)", and the definition is dead after // the current instruction. // // NOTE: Pasting the definition in case (2) duplicates evaluation of "f" at the current // instruction, as dead assignment elimination will not be able to remove the original // defining site due to location x being used here. Therefore, in this case, we need to // remove the instruction itself if the definition is pasted, but we can only do so if the // value is not used afterwards. // LocationUsage LocationUsage = LocationUsage.ForInstruction(Instruction); foreach (Location Location in LocationUsage.UsedLocations) { LocDef LocDef; if (State.Defs.TryGetValue(Location, out LocDef) && LocDef.SelfRef) { LocationList DeadList = DeadAssignmentElimination.BeforeInstruction(BB, InstructionIndex + 1, DfResult.ExitState[BB]); if (!DeadList.Contains(Location)) { State.Defs.Remove(Location); } } } // // Rewrite trees // Instruction.Argument = ForTree(BB, Instruction, State, Instruction.Argument, false, ref Changed, InsertedDict); Instruction.Result = ForTree(BB, Instruction, State, Instruction.Result, true, ref Changed, InsertedDict); // // Change CpState to reflect any newly defined locations // foreach (Location Location in LocationUsage.DefinedLocations) { State.Defs.Remove(Location); if (Location.LocationType == LocationType.CilStack || Location.LocationType == LocationType.LocalVariable) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Instruction.InstructionType == InstructionType.Assignment); if (Instruction.Result != null && Instruction.Result.NodeType == NodeType.Location) { LocDef NewLocDef = new LocDef(BB, Instruction, Location, Instruction.Argument); NewDefs.Add(new KeyValuePair <Location, LocDef>(Location, NewLocDef)); } } // // Remove other definition entries that have been invalidated by redefining one of their inputs // foreach (KeyValuePair <Location, LocDef> Entry in State.Defs) { if (Entry.Value.UsedLocations.Contains(Location)) { RemoveKeys.Add(Entry.Key); } } } // // Remove and add entries to CpState as necessary // if (RemoveKeys != null && RemoveKeys.Count != 0) { foreach (Location RemoveLocation in RemoveKeys) { State.Defs.Remove(RemoveLocation); } RemoveKeys.Clear(); } if (NewDefs != null && NewDefs.Count != 0) { foreach (KeyValuePair <Location, LocDef> Entry in NewDefs) { State.Defs.Add(Entry.Key, Entry.Value); } NewDefs.Clear(); } // // Remove instructions at defining sites that have become obsolete. This is only // true for CilStack locations, as they are the only ones guaranteed to be consumed // at most once. All other obsolete instructions are taken care of by dead code // elimination. // // BUGBUG: this fails for the DUP instruction... // if (InsertedDict.Count != 0 && LocationUsage.UsedLocations.Count != 0) { foreach (Location Location in LocationUsage.UsedLocations) { LocDef RemoveLocDef; if (Location.LocationType == LocationType.CilStack && InsertedDict.TryGetValue(Location, out RemoveLocDef)) { bool OK = RemoveLocDef.BasicBlock.Instructions.Remove(RemoveLocDef.Instruction); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(OK); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(RemoveLocDef.BasicBlock, BB)); if (object.ReferenceEquals(RemoveLocDef.BasicBlock, BB) && OK) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(BB.Instructions[InstructionIndex - 1], Instruction)); InstructionIndex--; } } } } InsertedDict.Clear(); } } return(Changed); }