/// <summary> /// Load a file via the chosen handler without invoking the dialog to choose /// </summary> /// <param name="Handler">handler to user (format)</param> /// <param name="filename">target file</param> /// <param name="ContextId">Set the title bar to this format</param> public static void FileLoad(IFormatHandler Handler, string filename, SupportedFileHandleFormats ContextId) { if (TargetWindow == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Forgot to set TargetWindow befor call"); } if (Handler != null) { var NewContext = new ContextFile { CurrentFile = filename }; try { Handler.Load(TargetWindow.mainWindowRichText, NewContext); } catch (IOException e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Error loading file. Message is " + e.Message); NewContext = null; } if (NewContext != null) { TargetWindow.CurrentFile = NewContext; NewContext.Format = ContextId; TargetWindow.mainWindowRichText.Modified = false; NewContext.UpdateContextTitle(TargetWindow); } return; } throw new ArgumentNullException("handler=null"); }
public static void FileSave(IFormatHandler Handler, string filename) { if (TargetWindow == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Forgot to set TargetWindow befor call"); } if (Handler != null) { var NewContext = new ContextFile(); try { NewContext.CurrentFile = filename; Handler.Save(TargetWindow.mainWindowRichText, NewContext); } catch (IOException e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Error saving file"); NewContext = null; } if (NewContext != null) { TargetWindow.CurrentFile = NewContext; } return; } throw new ArgumentNullException("handler=null"); }
public void Setup(ContextFile CurrentFile, ContextSetting Settings, RichTextBox Target) { CFile = CurrentFile; CSettings = Settings; TextSource = Target; Ready = true; PrinterSets = new PrinterSettings(); }
/// <summary> /// save the file specified by the RTF window contents to the Context /// </summary> /// <param name="Contents">the RTF window to read text from</param> /// <param name="context">contains where to save</param> public void Save(System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox Contents, ContextFile context) { using (var WriteTo = File.OpenWrite(context.CurrentFile)) { var bytes = GetBytesForSave(Contents); WriteTo.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); } }
public void Save(System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox Contents, ContextFile context) { using (var FileOut = File.OpenWrite(context.CurrentFile)) { NoteDocument prep = new NoteDocument(); prep.EncodingData = StringEncodingData.PLAINTEXT | StringEncodingData.UNICODE_STRING; prep.CoreString = Contents.Text; prep.SaveToStream(FileOut); } }
public void Save(System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox Contents, ContextFile context) { using (var Target = ZipFile.Open(context.CurrentFile, ZipArchiveMode.Update)) { ZipArchiveEntry SubTarget = Target.CreateEntry("text\\document\\" + NameFromDoc(context.CurrentFile)); { var data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Contents.Text); using (var SubStream = SubTarget.Open()) { SubStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); } } } }
/// <summary> /// load the specified file into the RTF window /// </summary> /// <param name="Contents">load the file into this</param> /// <param name="context">the context to load from</param> public void Load(System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox Contents, ContextFile context) { using (var ReadFrom = File.OpenRead(context.CurrentFile)) { var load = GetStringFromFile(ReadFrom); if (this.RTF) { Contents.Rtf = load; } else { Contents.Text = load; } } }
public void Load(RichTextBox Contents, ContextFile context) { bool stringIsUnicode = false; bool rtf = false; using (var input = File.OpenRead(context.CurrentFile)) { NoteDocument Data = new NoteDocument(input); if (Data.EncodingData.HasFlag(StringEncodingData.ANSI_STRING) || (Data.EncodingData.HasFlag(StringEncodingData.UNICODE_STRING) == false)) { stringIsUnicode = false; } else { stringIsUnicode = true; } if (Data.EncodingData.HasFlag(StringEncodingData.PLAINTEXT) || (Data.EncodingData.HasFlag(StringEncodingData.RICHTEXT) == false)) { rtf = false; } else { rtf = true; } if (rtf) { Contents.Rtf = Data.CoreString; } else { Contents.Text = Data.CoreString; } } }
private void NewToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CurrentFile.HasChanged) { switch (MessageBox.Show(Path.GetFileName(CurrentFile.CurrentFile) + " has changed. Save Changes?", "Save Changes?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { case DialogResult.Cancel: { return; } case DialogResult.Yes: { if (CurrentFile.FileExists) { FileHandling.FileSave(FileHandling.GetHandlerClassInstance(CurrentFile.Format), CurrentFile.CurrentFile); } else { using (var SaveDialog = FileHandling.GetOpenDialogForHandler(CurrentFile.Format)) { } } } break; case DialogResult.No: break; default: throw new Exception("Someone forgot to add code for different DialogResult in File->New"); } } CurrentFile = new ContextFile(); CurrentFile.UpdateContextTitle(this); }
public void Load(System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox Contents, ContextFile context) { }