private async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Serch() { int NumberPhones = 0; try { NumberPhones = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxX2.Text); } catch { } List <CV_Info> CvList = await CV_Info.Serch(textBox1.Text, textBox2.Text, comboBox1.SelectedIndex != -1?CV_Study.CV_StudyList[comboBox1.SelectedIndex].id : -1, comboBox2.SelectedIndex, comboBox3.SelectedIndex != -1?CvTeamNeed.CvTeamNeedList[comboBox3.SelectedIndex].id : -1, checkBoxX1.Checked, NumberPhones, textBoxX1.Text, comboBoxEx1.SelectedIndex != -1?CvTeamNeed.CvTeamNeedList[comboBoxEx1.SelectedIndex].id : -1, textBoxX3.Text); List <CV_Info> CvListAfter = new List <CV_Info>(); if (comboBoxEx2.SelectedIndex != -1) { for (int i = 0; i < CvList.Count; i++) { if (await HaveScil.GetHAVECVSELC(CvList[i].id, Scileis.ScileislList[comboBoxEx2.SelectedIndex].id)) { CvListAfter.Add(CvList[i]); } } } else { CvListAfter = CvList; } System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() => { ClassDataGridViewDo.DataGridEnterGridForCV_InfoCV(dataGridViewX1, CvListAfter); } ); }
private async void Adder() { if (textBoxX1.Text != "") { int idw = Convert.ToInt32(await CV_Info.Serch(textBoxX1.Text)); if (idw != -1) { dataGridViewX1.Rows.Add(textBoxX1.Text); } textBoxX1.Text = ""; } }
private async void buttonX2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < dataGridViewX1.Rows.Count; i++) { int idw = Convert.ToInt32(await CV_Info.Serch((dataGridViewX1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value).ToString())); if (idw != -1) { CV_Info iNfo = new CV_Info(idw); await iNfo.UpdateForGetTheCV(-1, null, ""); } // MessageBox.Show( (await CV_Info.Serch(textBoxX1.Text)).ToString()); } MegBox.Show("تم المعالجة"); }
private async void buttonX2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < dataGridViewX1.Rows.Count; i++) { int idw = Convert.ToInt32(await CV_Info.Serch((dataGridViewX1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value).ToString())); if (idw != -1) { CV_Info iNfo = new CV_Info(idw); await iNfo.UpdateForGetTheCV(CvTeamNeed.CvTeamNeedList[comboBoxEx1.SelectedIndex].id, dateTimeInput1.Value, textBoxX2.Text); } // MessageBox.Show( (await CV_Info.Serch(textBoxX1.Text)).ToString()); } MegBox.Show("تم المعالجة"); }
public static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <List <CV_Info> > Serch(string Fullname, string Notes, int Id_Study, int Year_sutr, int ID_TemaNeed, bool Chek, int NumberPhone, string CodeForCV, int SelectTeamOut, string NotesOut) { String Where = ""; List <CV_Info> Ve = new List <CV_Info>(); Fullname = ClassDataGridViewDo.LograthemChangEverAleffToAll(Fullname, true); System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand Sqlcom = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT [id] ,[FullName] ,[Notes] ,[NmuberOfArchev] ,[Id_Study] ,[Year_sutr],[Numberphone] ,[Date],[ID_TemaNeed] ,[Bit] ,[ToOutTeam] , [ToOutDate] , [Notesout],[Delete] FROM [HR_SARC].[dbo].[CV_Info] where [Delete] =0 and [FullName] = @FullName " + Where); if (Notes.Trim() != "") { Where += " and [Notes] like @Notes"; Sqlcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Notes", "%" + ClassDataGridViewDo.LograthemChangEverAleffToAll(Notes) + "%"); } if (Id_Study != -1) { Where += " and [Id_Study] = @Id_Study"; Sqlcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("Id_Study", Id_Study); } if (Year_sutr != -1) { Where += " and [Year_sutr] = @Year_sutr"; Sqlcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("Year_sutr", Year_sutr); } if (ID_TemaNeed != -1) { Where += " and [ID_TemaNeed] = @ID_TemaNeed"; Sqlcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("ID_TemaNeed", ID_TemaNeed); } if (Chek) { Where += " and [Bit] = @Bit"; Sqlcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("Bit", !Chek); } if (NumberPhone != 0) { Where += " and [Numberphone] = @Numberphone"; Sqlcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("Numberphone", NumberPhone); } if (SelectTeamOut != -1) { Where += " and [ToOutTeam] = @ToOutTeam"; Sqlcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("ToOutTeam", SelectTeamOut); } if (NotesOut.Trim() != "") { Where += " and [Notesout] like @Notesout"; Sqlcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("Notesout", "%" + ClassDataGridViewDo.LograthemChangEverAleffToAll(NotesOut, true) + "%"); } Sqlcom.CommandText = "SELECT [id] ,[FullName] ,[Notes] ,[NmuberOfArchev] ,[Id_Study] ,[Year_sutr],[Numberphone] ,[Date],[ID_TemaNeed] ,[Bit] ,[ToOutTeam] , [ToOutDate] , [Notesout],[Delete] FROM [HR_SARC].[dbo].[CV_Info] where [Delete] =0 and [FullName] like @FullName " + Where; Sqlcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FullName", "%" + Fullname + "%"); if (CodeForCV != "") { Sqlcom.CommandText = "SELECT [id] ,[FullName] ,[Notes] ,[NmuberOfArchev] ,[Id_Study] ,[Year_sutr],[Numberphone] ,[Date],[ID_TemaNeed] ,[Bit] ,[ToOutTeam] , [ToOutDate] , [Notesout],[Delete] FROM [HR_SARC].[dbo].[CV_Info] where [Delete] =0 and [id] = @id "; Sqlcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("id", await CV_Info.Serch(CodeForCV)); } List <List <object> > Ob = await Sqldatabasethrding.GetSql(Sqlcom); for (int i = 0; i < Ob.Count; i++) { if (Ob[i].Count != 0) { try { Ve.Add(new CV_Info( Convert.ToInt32(Ob[i][0]), Convert.ToString(Ob[i][1]), Convert.ToString(Ob[i][2]), Convert.ToInt32(Ob[i][3]), Convert.ToInt32(Ob[i][4]), Convert.ToInt32(Ob[i][5]), Convert.ToInt32(Ob[i][6]), ClassConvert.ConvDateTimeNull(Ob[i][7]), Convert.ToInt32(Ob[i][8]), Convert.ToBoolean(Ob[i][9]), -1, null, null )); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorClass.SaveErrorFile(e); } } } return(Ve); }