private static void EncodeTree(HuffmanTree tree, ushort[] buffer, ref int bitPosition)
            if (tree.IsLeaf())
                // put a 1 bit
                buffer[bitPosition / 16] |= (ushort)(0x8000 >> (int)(bitPosition % 16));

                // append the char code
                AppendCode(buffer, (ushort)tree.Character, ref bitPosition);


            // if it's not a leaf, put a 0 bit

            EncodeTree(tree.Left, buffer, ref bitPosition);
            EncodeTree(tree.Right, buffer, ref bitPosition);
        // reads and decodes `filename`, returns the decoded text
        public static string Decode(string filename)
            byte[] buffer;

                buffer = File.ReadAllBytes(filename);

            if (buffer.Length == 0)
                // empty file

            // 1. read metadata

            // first 6 bits
            int fileFormatVersion = buffer[0] & 0xFC;

            if (fileFormatVersion > FileFormatVersion)
                throw new FormatException("File '" + filename + "' has a newer format (file format version " + fileFormatVersion.ToString("00") + "), or is invalid or corrupted.");

            if (buffer.Length < 8)
                // 4 bytes for metadata,
                // at least 3 bytes for tree (a 1 bit and 16 bits for char code),
                // and at least 1 byte for the text
                throw new FormatException("File '" + filename + "' is invalid or corrupted.");

            int treeLengthInBytes    = ((int)(buffer[0] & 0x03) << 16) | ((int)buffer[1] << 8) | ((int)buffer[2]);
            int bitsOfLastByteOfTree = buffer[3] >> 4;
            int bitsOfLastByteOfText = buffer[3] & 0x0F;

            if (bitsOfLastByteOfTree < 1 || bitsOfLastByteOfTree > 8 || bitsOfLastByteOfText < 1 || bitsOfLastByteOfText > 8 || treeLengthInBytes < 3 || treeLengthInBytes > 147456 || buffer.Length < 5 + treeLengthInBytes)
                throw new FormatException("File '" + filename + "' is invalid or corrupted.");

            // 2. decode the tree

            HuffmanTree tree = new HuffmanTree();
            // the first 32 bits are for metadata
            int treeBitPosition = 32;

                DecodeTree(tree, buffer, ref treeBitPosition, (3 + treeLengthInBytes) * 8 + bitsOfLastByteOfTree);
            catch (FormatException)
                throw new FormatException("File '" + filename + "' is invalid or corrupted.");

            // 3. decode the text

            string decodedText = "";

            // if the text entirely consists of a single character
            if (tree.IsLeaf())
                for (int i = 4 + treeLengthInBytes; i < buffer.Length; i++)
                    // the huffman code for the only character must be 0
                    if (buffer[i] != 0)
                        throw new FormatException("File '" + filename + "' is invalid or corrupted.");

                // length of the huffman code is 1,
                // so the number of characters equals the number of bits of the encoded text
                int numOfChars = (buffer.Length - treeLengthInBytes - 5) * 8 + bitsOfLastByteOfText;

                for (int i = 0; i < numOfChars; i++)
                    decodedText += tree.Character;


            HuffmanTree currentNode = tree;

            for (int i = 4 + treeLengthInBytes; i < buffer.Length - 1; i++)
                for (byte mask = 0x80; mask != 0; mask >>= 1)
                    if ((buffer[i] & mask) != 0)
                        // reached bit 1, go right
                        currentNode = currentNode.Right;
                        // reached bit 0, go left
                        currentNode = currentNode.Left;

                    if (currentNode == null)
                        throw new FormatException("File '" + filename + "' is invalid or corrupted.");

                    if (currentNode.IsLeaf())
                        // reached a leaf, read a character
                        decodedText += currentNode.Character;
                        // go to the root
                        currentNode = tree;

            // only some bits of the last byte (bitsOfLastByteOfEncodedText) are real data
            for (byte mask = 0x80, count = 0; count < bitsOfLastByteOfText; mask >>= 1, count++)
                if ((buffer[buffer.Length - 1] & mask) != 0)
                    // reached bit 1, go right
                    currentNode = currentNode.Right;
                    // reached bit 0, go left
                    currentNode = currentNode.Left;

                if (currentNode == null)
                    throw new FormatException("File '" + filename + "' is invalid or corrupted.");

                if (currentNode.IsLeaf())
                    // reached a leaf, read a character
                    decodedText += currentNode.Character;
                    // go to the root
                    currentNode = tree;
