private void Form2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //CHtmlTag debug = new CHtmlTag(); int debug1 = 0; int debug2 = 0; //string debugstr=debug.getSourceByTag("<li><li>test</li></li>", "li", ref debug1, out debug2); if (DateTime.Now.Year > 2011) { MessageBox.Show("�������Ѿ�����"); this.Close(); } data_area_t area; work1 = new CWdManager(); work1.load_game(); /* * * ��һҳ s=80��ҳ��*/ data_conf = new data_conf_t(); = "������Ϣ��ȫ��Ʒ��֤��֤����"; data_conf.cols = 8; data_conf.url = ""; //data_conf.url = ""; data_conf.encoding = "UTF-8"; data_conf.areas = new Hashtable(); // ����1:title area = new data_area_t("����"); area.enable = true; area.from = "<head>"; = "</head>"; area.info_path = ""; area.regex = "(?<=<title>)[^<]*(?=</title>)"; area.mode = AREA_MODE.REGEX; data_conf.areas.Add(, area); // ����2:���� area = new data_area_t("��������"); //area.from = "���ߣ��й���Ϣ��ȫ��֤����"; // = "��֤��ҵչʾ"; area.from = "<TABLE style=\"BORDER-RIGHT:"; = "</table>"; area.regex = "(?<=<(tr).*>).*(?=<\\/\\1>)"; area.mode = AREA_MODE.ITERATOR; area.info_path = ""; area.iter_tag = "tr"; data_conf.areas.Add(, area); work1.data_confs.Add(, data_conf); data_conf = new data_conf_t(""); data_conf.cols = 0; data_conf.url = ""; data_conf.encoding = "UTF-8"; data_conf.areas = new Hashtable(); work1.data_confs.Add(, data_conf); data_conf = new data_conf_t("weibo_��㿴��.com"); data_conf.cols = 0; data_conf.url = ""; data_conf.encoding = "UTF-8"; data_conf.areas = new Hashtable(); // ����1:title area = new data_area_t("title"); area.enable = true; area.from = "<head>"; = "</head>"; area.info_path = ""; area.regex = "(?<=<title>)[^<]*(?=</title>)"; area.mode = AREA_MODE.REGEX; data_conf.areas.Add(, area); // ����2 area = new data_area_t("��㿴���˺��б�"); area.enable = true; area.from = "<ul class=\"MIB_feed\">"; = "<div class=\"feed_bt\">"; area.info_path = "li"; area.regex = "(?<=<a href=\")\\S+(?=\" title=\")"; area.mode = AREA_MODE.REGEX; data_conf.areas.Add(, area); work1.data_confs.Add(, data_conf); data_conf = new data_conf_t(""); data_conf.cols = 0; data_conf.url = ""; data_conf.url = ""; data_conf.encoding = "GB2312"; data_conf.areas = new Hashtable(); // ����1:title area = new data_area_t("title"); area.enable = true; area.from = "<head>"; = "</head>"; area.info_path = ""; area.regex = "(?<=<title>)[^<]*(?=</title>)"; area.mode = AREA_MODE.REGEX; data_conf.areas.Add(, area); // ����2 area = new data_area_t("��Ʒ�б�"); area.enable = true; area.from = "<!-- mall -->"; = "</form>"; area.info_path = ""; area.regex = ".*"; area.iter_tag = "li"; area.mode = AREA_MODE.ITERATOR; data_conf.areas.Add(, area); work1.data_confs.Add(, data_conf); comboBox1.Items.Clear(); foreach (DictionaryEntry item in work1.data_confs) { data_conf_t conf = (data_conf_t)item.Value; comboBox1.Items.Add(; } comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; }
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string[] items; string ret = ""; CWdManager work1 = new CWdManager(); work1.conf.copy(this.data_conf); ret = work1.getData(work1.conf.url, work1.conf, out items); txtResult.Text = ret; toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "����."; }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string url = comboBox1.Text; CWdManager test1 = new CWdManager(); frmSource source = new frmSource(); source.Show(); try { source.setText(test1.getXmlText(url)); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("ָ����ҳ�治����XML��淶"); source.Close(); } }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboBox1.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { return; } if (!work1.data_confs.ContainsKey(comboBox1.Text)) { return; } this.data_conf = (data_conf_t)work1.data_confs[comboBox1.Text]; string url = data_conf.url; CWdManager test1 = new CWdManager(); Bitmap thumbnail;// = test1.GenerateScreenshot(url, 1024, 768); // Generate thumbnail of a webpage at the webpage's full size (height and width) thumbnail = test1.GenerateScreenshot(url); // Display Thumbnail in PictureBox control pictureBox1.Image = thumbnail; pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int i = 0; //ListViewItem item; string url = comboBox1.Text; string[] links; CWdManager test1 = new CWdManager(); test1.getLinks(url, out links); txtResult.Text = ""; while (i < links.Length) { txtResult.Text += i.ToString(); txtResult.Text += "\t"; for (int j = 1; j < 2; j++) { txtResult.Text += links[i++]; txtResult.Text += "\t"; if (i >= links.Length) { break; } } txtResult.Text += "\r\n"; } /* listView1.Items.Clear(); listView1.Columns.Clear(); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { ColumnHeader head = new ColumnHeader(); head.Width = -1; head.Text = i.ToString(); listView1.Columns.Add(head); } while (i < links.Length) { item = new ListViewItem(); item.Text = i.ToString(); for (int j = 1; j < 2; j++) { item.SubItems.Add(links[i++]); if (i >= links.Length) { break; } } listView1.Items.Add(item); } for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { listView1.Columns[i].Width = -1; } * */ }