public void Process(Crawler crawler, PropertyBag propertyBag) { AspectF.Define. NotNull(crawler, "crawler"). NotNull(propertyBag, "propertyBag"); if (propertyBag.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { return; } if (!IsHtmlContent(propertyBag.ContentType)) { return; } HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument { OptionAddDebuggingAttributes = false, OptionAutoCloseOnEnd = true, OptionFixNestedTags = true, OptionReadEncoding = true }; using (Stream reader = propertyBag.GetResponse()) { Encoding documentEncoding = htmlDoc.DetectEncoding(reader); reader.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); if (!documentEncoding.IsNull()) { htmlDoc.Load(reader, documentEncoding, true); } else { htmlDoc.Load(reader, true); } } string originalContent = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.OuterHtml; if (HasTextStripRules || HasSubstitutionRules) { string content = StripText(originalContent); content = Substitute(content, propertyBag.Step); using (TextReader tr = new StringReader(content)) { htmlDoc.Load(tr); } } propertyBag["HtmlDoc"].Value = htmlDoc; HtmlNodeCollection nodes = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//title"); // Extract Title if (!nodes.IsNull()) { propertyBag.Title = string.Join(";", nodes. Select(n => n.InnerText). ToArray()).Trim(); } // Extract Meta Data nodes = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//meta[@content and @name]"); if (!nodes.IsNull()) { propertyBag["Meta"].Value = ( from entry in nodes let name = entry.Attributes["name"] let content = entry.Attributes["content"] where !name.IsNull() && !name.Value.IsNullOrEmpty() && !content.IsNull() && !content.Value.IsNullOrEmpty() select name.Value + ": " + content.Value).ToArray(); } propertyBag.Text = htmlDoc.ExtractText().Trim(); if (HasLinkStripRules || HasTextStripRules) { string content = StripLinks(originalContent); using (TextReader tr = new StringReader(content)) { htmlDoc.Load(tr); } } // Extract Links DocumentWithLinks links = htmlDoc.GetLinks(); foreach (string link in links.Links.Union(links.References)) { if (link.IsNullOrEmpty()) { continue; } string baseUrl = propertyBag.ResponseUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path); string decodedLink = ExtendedHtmlUtility.HtmlEntityDecode(link); string normalizedLink = NormalizeLink(baseUrl, decodedLink); if (normalizedLink.IsNullOrEmpty()) { continue; } crawler.AddStep(new Uri(normalizedLink), propertyBag.Step.Depth + 1, propertyBag.Step, new Dictionary<string, object> { {Resources.PropertyBagKeyOriginalUrl, link}, {Resources.PropertyBagKeyOriginalReferrerUrl, propertyBag.ResponseUri} }); } }
public Task<bool> Process(ICrawler crawler, PropertyBag propertyBag) { AspectF.Define .NotNull(crawler, nameof(crawler)) .NotNull(propertyBag, nameof(propertyBag)); if (propertyBag.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { return Task.FromResult(true); } if (!IsHtmlContent(propertyBag.ContentType)) { return Task.FromResult(true); } HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument { OptionAddDebuggingAttributes = false, OptionAutoCloseOnEnd = true, OptionFixNestedTags = true, OptionReadEncoding = true }; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(propertyBag.Response)) { Encoding documentEncoding = htmlDoc.DetectEncoding(ms); ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); if (!documentEncoding.IsNull()) { htmlDoc.Load(ms, documentEncoding, true); } else { htmlDoc.Load(ms, true); } } string originalContent = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.OuterHtml; if (HasTextStripRules || HasSubstitutionRules) { string content = StripText(originalContent); content = Substitute(content, propertyBag.Step); using (TextReader tr = new StringReader(content)) { htmlDoc.Load(tr); } } propertyBag["HtmlDoc"].Value = htmlDoc; HtmlNodeCollection nodes = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//title"); // Extract Title if (!nodes.IsNull()) { propertyBag.Title = string.Join(";", nodes. Select(n => n.InnerText). ToArray()).Trim(); } // Extract Meta Data nodes = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//meta[@content and @name]"); if (!nodes.IsNull()) { propertyBag["Meta"].Value = ( from entry in nodes let name = entry.Attributes["name"] let content = entry.Attributes["content"] where !name.IsNull() && !name.Value.IsNullOrEmpty() && !content.IsNull() && !content.Value.IsNullOrEmpty() select $"{name.Value}: {content.Value}").ToArray(); } // Extract text propertyBag.Text = htmlDoc.ExtractText().Trim(); if (HasLinkStripRules || HasTextStripRules) { string content = StripLinks(originalContent); using (TextReader tr = new StringReader(content)) { htmlDoc.Load(tr); } } string baseUrl = propertyBag.ResponseUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path); // Extract Head Base nodes = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//head/base[@href]"); if (!nodes.IsNull()) { baseUrl = nodes .Select(entry => new {entry, href = entry.Attributes["href"]}) .Where(arg => !arg.href.IsNull() && !arg.href.Value.IsNullOrEmpty() && Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(arg.href.Value, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)) .Select(t => { if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(t.href.Value, UriKind.Relative)) { return propertyBag.ResponseUri.GetComponents(UriComponents.SchemeAndServer, UriFormat.Unescaped) + t.href.Value; } return t.href.Value; }) .AddToEnd(baseUrl) .FirstOrDefault(); } // Extract Links DocumentWithLinks links = htmlDoc.GetLinks(); foreach (string link in links.Links.Union(links.References)) { if (link.IsNullOrEmpty()) { continue; } string decodedLink = ExtendedHtmlUtility.HtmlEntityDecode(link); string normalizedLink = NormalizeLink(baseUrl, decodedLink); if (normalizedLink.IsNullOrEmpty()) { continue; } crawler.Crawl(new Uri(normalizedLink), propertyBag); } return Task.FromResult(true); }