예제 #1
	/// <summary>
	/// Create an input node network and upload the given set of input objects.
	/// This creates a SOP/merge node, and input nodes for each object in inputObjects
	/// which are then connected to the merge node.
	/// It finds the input interface that supports each object in inputObjects for creating
	/// the input node and uploading the data based on the type of data.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="session">Session to create the input node in</param>
	/// <param name="assetID">Main asset ID</param>
	/// <param name="connectMergeID">Created SOP/merge node ID</param>
	/// <param name="inputObjects">List of input objects to upload</param>
	/// <param name="inputObjectsConnectedAssetIDs">List of input node IDs for the input nodes created</param>
	/// <param name="bKeepWorldTransform">Whether to use world transform for the input nodes</param>
	/// <returns>True if successfully uploading input nodes</returns>
	public static bool CreateInputNodeWithMultiObjects(HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_NodeId assetID,
		ref HAPI_NodeId connectMergeID, ref List<HEU_InputObjectInfo> inputObjects, ref List<HAPI_NodeId> inputObjectsConnectedAssetIDs, bool bKeepWorldTransform)
	    // Create the merge SOP node that the input nodes are going to connect to.
	    if (!session.CreateNode(-1, "SOP/merge", null, true, out connectMergeID))
		Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unable to create merge SOP node for connecting input assets.");
		return false;

	    int numObjects = inputObjects.Count;
	    for (int i = 0; i < numObjects; ++i)
		HAPI_NodeId newConnectInputID = HEU_Defines.HEU_INVALID_NODE_ID;

		// Skipping null gameobjects. Though if this causes issues, can always let it continue
		// to create input node, but not upload mesh data
		if (inputObjects[i]._gameObject == null)

		HEU_InputInterface inputInterface = GetInputInterface(inputObjects[i]);
		if (inputInterface == null)
		    Debug.LogWarningFormat("No input interface found for gameobject: {0}. Skipping upload!", inputObjects[i]._gameObject.name);

		bool bResult = inputInterface.CreateInputNodeWithDataUpload(session, connectMergeID, inputObjects[i]._gameObject, out newConnectInputID);
		if (!bResult || newConnectInputID == HEU_Defines.HEU_INVALID_NODE_ID)
		    Debug.LogError("Failed to upload input.");

		inputObjectsConnectedAssetIDs[i] = newConnectInputID;

		if (!session.ConnectNodeInput(connectMergeID, i, newConnectInputID))
		    Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unable to connect input nodes!");
		    return false;

		UploadInputObjectTransform(session, inputObjects[i], newConnectInputID, bKeepWorldTransform);

	    return true;