public static Material LoadUnityMaterial(string materialPath) { if(materialPath.StartsWith(HEU_Defines.DEFAULT_UNITY_BUILTIN_RESOURCES)) { return HEU_AssetDatabase.LoadUnityAssetFromUniqueAssetPath<Material>(materialPath); } string relativePath = materialPath; if (relativePath.StartsWith(Application.dataPath)) { // If absolute path, change to relative path relativePath = HEU_AssetDatabase.GetAssetRelativePath(materialPath); } Material material = null; string mainPath = null; string subPath = null; HEU_AssetDatabase.GetSubAssetPathFromPath(relativePath, out mainPath, out subPath); if(subPath != null) { // This is a subasset. Need to find it by first loading the main asset. Object subObject = HEU_AssetDatabase.LoadSubAssetAtPath(mainPath, subPath); if(subObject != null) { material = subObject as Material; } } else { // Try loading from Resources first material = Resources.Load<Material>(relativePath) as Material; if (material == null) { // If not in Resources, try loading from project HEU_AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(relativePath, HEU_AssetDatabase.HEU_ImportAssetOptions.Default); material = HEU_AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(relativePath, typeof(Material)) as Material; } } return material; }
public void PopulateInputPreset(HEU_InputPreset inputPreset) { inputPreset._inputObjectType = _inputObjectType; inputPreset._inputAssetName = _inputAsset != null ? : ""; inputPreset._inputIndex = _inputIndex; inputPreset._inputName = _inputName; inputPreset._keepWorldTransform = _keepWorldTransform; inputPreset._packGeometryBeforeMerging = _packGeometryBeforeMerging; foreach (HEU_InputObjectInfo inputObject in _inputObjects) { HEU_InputObjectPreset inputObjectPreset = new HEU_InputObjectPreset(); if (inputObject._gameObject != null) { inputObjectPreset._gameObjectName =; // Tag whether scene or project input object inputObjectPreset._isSceneObject = !HEU_GeneralUtility.IsGameObjectInProject(inputObject._gameObject); if (!inputObjectPreset._isSceneObject) { // For inputs in project, use the project path as name inputObjectPreset._gameObjectName = HEU_AssetDatabase.GetAssetOrScenePath(inputObject._gameObject); } } else { inputObjectPreset._gameObjectName = ""; } inputObjectPreset._useTransformOffset = inputObject._useTransformOffset; inputObjectPreset._translateOffset = inputObject._translateOffset; inputObjectPreset._rotateOffset = inputObject._rotateOffset; inputObjectPreset._scaleOffset = inputObject._scaleOffset; inputPreset._inputObjectPresets.Add(inputObjectPreset); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns the valid relative path if the given path is under the project Assets/ directory. /// If not, it returns the given path as is, but warns the user that the path is outside the project /// and therefore not safe to use if the project changes location on another workstation (eg. source control). /// </summary> /// <param name="inPath">Path to validate.</param> /// <returns>Relative path to project Assets/ folder, or just returns the path as is if outside the project.</returns> public static string GetValidRelativePath(string inPath) { // If the selected path is outside the project directory, warn user // If inside project, make sure its relative (for version control and multi-user projects) if (!HEU_AssetDatabase.IsPathRelativeToAssets(inPath)) { string relativePath = HEU_AssetDatabase.GetAssetRelativePath(inPath); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(relativePath)) { string message = string.Format("Path: {0} is outside the project!\n This is not recommended if using version control or for multi-user projects.", inPath); Debug.LogWarning(message); } else { inPath = relativePath; } } return inPath; }
private void DestroyOutputs() { if (_generatedOutputs != null) { for (int i = 0; i < _generatedOutputs.Count; ++i) { HEU_GeneratedOutput.DestroyGeneratedOutput(_generatedOutputs[i]); _generatedOutputs[i] = null; } _generatedOutputs.Clear(); } if (_outputCacheFilePaths != null && _outputCacheFilePaths.Count > 0) { foreach(string filepath in _outputCacheFilePaths) { HEU_AssetDatabase.DeleteAssetAtPath(filepath); } _outputCacheFilePaths.Clear(); } }
public static void CreateAddObjectInAssetCacheFolder(string assetName, string assetObjectFileName, UnityEngine.Object objectToAdd, ref string bakedAssetPath, ref UnityEngine.Object assetDBObject) { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bakedAssetPath)) { bakedAssetPath = HEU_AssetDatabase.CreateUniqueBakePath(assetName); } if (assetDBObject == null) { HEU_AssetDatabase.CreateObjectInAssetCacheFolder(objectToAdd, bakedAssetPath, assetObjectFileName, objectToAdd.GetType()); assetDBObject = objectToAdd; } else { HEU_AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(objectToAdd, assetDBObject); } #else // TODO RUNTIME: AssetDatabase is not supported at runtime. Do we need to support this for runtime? Debug.LogWarning(HEU_Defines.HEU_USERMSG_NONEDITOR_NOT_SUPPORTED); #endif }
/// <summary> /// Destroy any terrain components and data on given gameObject. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameObject"></param> public static void DestroyTerrainComponents(GameObject gameObject) { if(gameObject == null) { return; } Terrain terrain = gameObject.GetComponent<Terrain>(); if(terrain != null) { if (terrain.terrainData != null) { HEU_AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(terrain.terrainData); HEU_GeneralUtility.DestroyImmediate(terrain.terrainData, true); terrain.terrainData = null; } DestroyImmediate(terrain); } DestroyComponent<TerrainCollider>(gameObject); }
public static Material LoadUnityMaterial(string materialPath) { if(materialPath.StartsWith(HEU_Defines.DEFAULT_UNITY_BUILTIN_RESOURCES)) { return HEU_AssetDatabase.LoadUnityAssetFromUniqueAssetPath<Material>(materialPath); } string relativePath = materialPath; if (relativePath.StartsWith(Application.dataPath)) { // If absolute path, change to relative path relativePath = HEU_AssetDatabase.GetAssetRelativePath(materialPath); } // Try loading from Resources first Material material = Resources.Load<Material>(relativePath) as Material; if(material == null) { // If not in Resources, try loading from project HEU_AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(relativePath, HEU_AssetDatabase.HEU_ImportAssetOptions.Default); material = HEU_AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(relativePath, typeof(Material)) as Material; } return material; }
public static Material GetNewMaterialWithShader(string assetCacheFolderPath, string shaderName, string materialName = "", bool bWriteToFile = true) { Material material = null; Shader shader = FindShader(shaderName); if (shader != null) { material = new Material(shader); if (materialName == null || materialName.Length == 0) { = shaderName; } else { = materialName; } if (bWriteToFile && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetCacheFolderPath)) { string materialFileName = materialName + ".mat"; HEU_AssetDatabase.CreateObjectInAssetCacheFolder(material, assetCacheFolderPath, materialFileName, typeof(Material)); } } return material; }
/// <summary> /// Returns HEU_UploadMeshData with mesh data found on meshGameObject. /// </summary> /// <param name="meshGameObject">The GameObject to query mesh data from</param> /// <returns>A valid HEU_UploadMeshData if mesh data found or null</returns> public static HEU_InputDataMesh CreateSingleMeshData(GameObject meshGameObject) { HEU_InputDataMesh meshData = new HEU_InputDataMesh(); MeshFilter meshfilter = meshGameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); if (meshfilter == null) { return null; } if (meshfilter.sharedMesh == null) { return null; } meshData._mesh = meshfilter.sharedMesh; meshData._numVertices = meshData._mesh.vertexCount; meshData._numSubMeshes = meshData._mesh.subMeshCount; meshData._meshName =; meshData._meshPath = HEU_AssetDatabase.GetAssetOrScenePath(meshGameObject); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(meshData._meshPath)) { meshData._meshPath =; } MeshRenderer meshRenderer = meshGameObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); if (meshRenderer != null) { meshData._materials = meshRenderer.sharedMaterials; } meshData._transform = meshGameObject.transform; return meshData; }
public static void BakeGameObjectComponents(GameObject sourceGO, GameObject targetGO, string assetName, string outputPath, bool bIsInstancer) { UnityEngine.Object assetDBObject = null; Dictionary<Mesh, Mesh> sourceToTargetMeshMap = new Dictionary<Mesh, Mesh>(); Dictionary<Material, Material> sourceToCopiedMaterials = new Dictionary<Material, Material>(); string newAssetDBObjectFileName = HEU_AssetDatabase.AppendMeshesAssetFileName(assetName); HEU_PartData.BakePartToGameObject( partData: null, srcGO: sourceGO, targetGO: targetGO, assetName: assetName, bIsInstancer: bIsInstancer, bDeleteExistingComponents: false, // Materials might be overwritten if true bDontDeletePersistantResources: false, bWriteMeshesToAssetDatabase: true, bakedAssetPath: ref outputPath, sourceToTargetMeshMap, sourceToCopiedMaterials, assetDBObject: ref assetDBObject, assetObjectFileName: newAssetDBObjectFileName, bReconnectPrefabInstances: false, bKeepPreviousTransformValues: false ); }
public void LoadPreset(HEU_SessionBase session, HEU_InputPreset inputPreset) { ResetInputNode(session); ChangeInputType(session, inputPreset._inputObjectType); if (inputPreset._inputObjectType == InputObjectType.UNITY_MESH) { bool bSet = false; int numObjects = inputPreset._inputObjectPresets.Count; for (int i = 0; i < numObjects; ++i) { bSet = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputPreset._inputObjectPresets[i]._gameObjectName)) { GameObject inputGO = null; if (inputPreset._inputObjectPresets[i]._isSceneObject) { inputGO = HEU_GeneralUtility.GetGameObjectByNameInScene(inputPreset._inputObjectPresets[i]._gameObjectName); } else { // Use the _gameObjectName as path to find in scene inputGO = HEU_AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(inputPreset._inputObjectPresets[i]._gameObjectName, typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject; if (inputGO == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unable to find input at {0}", inputPreset._inputObjectPresets[i]._gameObjectName); } } if (inputGO != null) { HEU_InputObjectInfo inputObject = InternalAddInputObjectAtEnd(inputGO); bSet = true; inputObject._useTransformOffset = inputPreset._inputObjectPresets[i]._useTransformOffset; inputObject._translateOffset = inputPreset._inputObjectPresets[i]._translateOffset; inputObject._rotateOffset = inputPreset._inputObjectPresets[i]._rotateOffset; inputObject._scaleOffset = inputPreset._inputObjectPresets[i]._scaleOffset; } else { Debug.LogWarningFormat("Gameobject with name {0} not found. Unable to set input object.", inputPreset._inputAssetName); } } if (!bSet) { // Add dummy spot (user can replace it manually) InternalAddInputObjectAtEnd(null); } } } else if (inputPreset._inputObjectType == HEU_InputNode.InputObjectType.HDA) { bool bSet = false; int numInptus = inputPreset._inputAssetPresets.Count; for (int i = 0; i < numInptus; ++i) { bSet = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputPreset._inputAssetPresets[i]._gameObjectName)) { bSet = FindAddToInputHDA(inputPreset._inputAssetPresets[i]._gameObjectName); } if (!bSet) { // Couldn't add for some reason, so just add dummy spot (user can replace it manually) InternalAddInputHDAAtEnd(null); } } if (numInptus == 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputPreset._inputAssetName)) { // Old preset. Add it to input FindAddToInputHDA(inputPreset._inputAssetName); } } KeepWorldTransform = inputPreset._keepWorldTransform; PackGeometryBeforeMerging = inputPreset._packGeometryBeforeMerging; RequiresUpload = true; ClearUICache(); }
/// <summary> /// Upload the given list of mesh data in uploadMeshes into node with inputNodeID. /// If the source was a LOD group, then group names are assigned to the geometry. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">Session to upload to</param> /// <param name="inputNodeID">The ID of the input node to upload into</param> /// <param name="uploadMeshes">List of mesh data</param> /// <param name="bHasLODGroup">Whether the source was a LOD group and therefore treat it specially</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool UploadInputMeshData(HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_NodeId inputNodeID, List<HEU_UploadMeshData> uploadMeshes, bool bHasLODGroup) { List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3>(); List<Vector3> normals = new List<Vector3>(); List<Vector2> uvs = new List<Vector2>(); List<Color> colors = new List<Color>(); List<int> triIndexList = new List<int>(); int numMaterials = 0; // Accumulate vertices, normals, uvs, colors, and indices. // Keep track of indices start and count for each mesh for later when uploading material assignments and groups. // Indices need to be reindexed with vertex offset as we accumulate vertices. int numMeshes = uploadMeshes.Count; for (int i = 0; i < numMeshes; ++i) { int vertexOffset = vertices.Count; vertices.AddRange(uploadMeshes[i]._mesh.vertices); normals.AddRange(uploadMeshes[i]._mesh.normals); uvs.AddRange(uploadMeshes[i]._mesh.uv); colors.AddRange(uploadMeshes[i]._mesh.colors); uploadMeshes[i]._indexStart = new uint[uploadMeshes[i]._numSubMeshes]; uploadMeshes[i]._indexCount = new uint[uploadMeshes[i]._numSubMeshes]; for (int j = 0; j < uploadMeshes[i]._numSubMeshes; ++j) { int indexStart = triIndexList.Count; // Indices have to be re-indexed with our own offset int[] meshIndices = uploadMeshes[i]._mesh.GetTriangles(j); int numIndices = meshIndices.Length; for (int k = 0; k < numIndices; ++k) { triIndexList.Add(vertexOffset + meshIndices[k]); } uploadMeshes[i]._indexStart[j] = (uint)indexStart; uploadMeshes[i]._indexCount[j] = (uint)(triIndexList.Count) - uploadMeshes[i]._indexStart[j]; } numMaterials += uploadMeshes[i]._materials != null ? uploadMeshes[i]._materials.Length : 0; } // It is possible for some meshes to not have normals/uvs/colors while others do. // In the case where an attribute is missing on some meshes, we clear out those attributes so we don't upload // partial attribute data. int numVertices = vertices.Count; if (normals.Count != numVertices) { normals = null; } if (uvs.Count != numVertices) { uvs = null; } if (colors.Count != numVertices) { colors = null; } HAPI_PartInfo partInfo = new HAPI_PartInfo(); partInfo.faceCount = triIndexList.Count / 3; partInfo.vertexCount = triIndexList.Count; partInfo.pointCount = vertices.Count; partInfo.pointAttributeCount = 1; partInfo.vertexAttributeCount = 0; partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount = 0; partInfo.detailAttributeCount = 0; if (normals != null && normals.Count > 0) { partInfo.vertexAttributeCount++; } if (uvs != null && uvs.Count > 0) { partInfo.vertexAttributeCount++; } if (colors != null && colors.Count > 0) { partInfo.vertexAttributeCount++; } if (numMaterials > 0) { partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount++; } if (numMeshes > 0) { partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount++; } if (bHasLODGroup) { partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount++; partInfo.detailAttributeCount++; } HAPI_GeoInfo displayGeoInfo = new HAPI_GeoInfo(); if (!session.GetDisplayGeoInfo(inputNodeID, ref displayGeoInfo)) { return false; } HAPI_NodeId displayNodeID = displayGeoInfo.nodeId; if (!session.SetPartInfo(displayNodeID, 0, ref partInfo)) { return false; } int[] faceCounts = new int[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int i = 0; i < partInfo.faceCount; ++i) { faceCounts[i] = 3; } int[] triIndices = triIndexList.ToArray(); if (!HEU_GeneralUtility.SetArray2Arg(displayNodeID, 0, session.SetFaceCount, faceCounts, 0, partInfo.faceCount)) { return false; } if (!HEU_GeneralUtility.SetArray2Arg(displayNodeID, 0, session.SetVertexList, triIndices, 0, partInfo.vertexCount)) { return false; } if (!SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_POSITION, 3, vertices.ToArray(), ref partInfo, true)) { return false; } //if(normals != null && !SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_NORMAL, 3, normals, ref partInfo, true)) if (normals != null && !SetMeshVertexAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_NORMAL, 3, normals.ToArray(), triIndices, ref partInfo, true)) { return false; } if (uvs != null && uvs.Count > 0) { Vector3[] uvs3 = new Vector3[uvs.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < uvs.Count; ++i) { uvs3[i][0] = uvs[i][0]; uvs3[i][1] = uvs[i][1]; uvs3[i][2] = 0; } //if(!SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_UV, 3, uvs3, ref partInfo, false)) if (!SetMeshVertexAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_UV, 3, uvs3, triIndices, ref partInfo, false)) { return false; } } if (colors != null && colors.Count > 0) { Vector3[] rgb = new Vector3[colors.Count]; float[] alpha = new float[colors.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < colors.Count; ++i) { rgb[i][0] = colors[i].r; rgb[i][1] = colors[i].g; rgb[i][2] = colors[i].b; alpha[i] = colors[i].a; } //if(!SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_COLOR, 3, rgb, ref partInfo, false)) if (!SetMeshVertexAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_COLOR, 3, rgb, triIndices, ref partInfo, false)) { return false; } //if(!SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_ALPHA, 1, alpha, ref partInfo, false)) if (!SetMeshVertexFloatAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_ALPHA, 1, alpha, triIndices, ref partInfo)) { return false; } } // Set material names for round-trip perservation of material assignment // Each HEU_UploadMeshData might have a list of submeshes and materials // These are all combined into a single mesh, with group names if (numMaterials > 0) { bool bFoundAtleastOneValidMaterial = false; string[] materialIDs = new string[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int g = 0; g < uploadMeshes.Count; ++g) { if (uploadMeshes[g]._numSubMeshes != uploadMeshes[g]._materials.Length) { // Number of submeshes should equal number of materials since materials determine submeshes continue; } for (int i = 0; i < uploadMeshes[g]._materials.Length; ++i) { string materialName = HEU_AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(uploadMeshes[g]._materials[i]); if (materialName == null) { materialName = ""; } else if (materialName.StartsWith(HEU_Defines.DEFAULT_UNITY_BUILTIN_RESOURCES)) { materialName = HEU_AssetDatabase.GetUniqueAssetPathForUnityAsset(uploadMeshes[g]._materials[i]); } bFoundAtleastOneValidMaterial |= !string.IsNullOrEmpty(materialName); int faceStart = (int)uploadMeshes[g]._indexStart[i] / 3; int faceEnd = faceStart + ((int)uploadMeshes[g]._indexCount[i] / 3); for (int m = faceStart; m < faceEnd; ++m) { materialIDs[m] = materialName; } } } if (bFoundAtleastOneValidMaterial) { HAPI_AttributeInfo materialIDAttrInfo = new HAPI_AttributeInfo(); materialIDAttrInfo.exists = true; materialIDAttrInfo.owner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_PRIM; = HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_STRING; materialIDAttrInfo.count = partInfo.faceCount; materialIDAttrInfo.tupleSize = 1; materialIDAttrInfo.originalOwner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_INVALID; if (!session.AddAttribute(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityMaterialAttribName, ref materialIDAttrInfo)) { return false; } if (!session.SetAttributeStringData(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityMaterialAttribName, ref materialIDAttrInfo, materialIDs, 0, partInfo.faceCount)) { return false; } } } // Set mesh name attribute HAPI_AttributeInfo attrInfo = new HAPI_AttributeInfo(); attrInfo.exists = true; attrInfo.owner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_PRIM; = HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_STRING; attrInfo.count = partInfo.faceCount; attrInfo.tupleSize = 1; attrInfo.originalOwner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_INVALID; if (session.AddAttribute(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityInputMeshAttr, ref attrInfo)) { string[] primitiveNameAttr = new string[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int g = 0; g < uploadMeshes.Count; ++g) { for (int i = 0; i < uploadMeshes[g]._numSubMeshes; ++i) { int faceStart = (int)uploadMeshes[g]._indexStart[i] / 3; int faceEnd = faceStart + ((int)uploadMeshes[g]._indexCount[i] / 3); for (int m = faceStart; m < faceEnd; ++m) { primitiveNameAttr[m] = uploadMeshes[g]._meshPath; } } } if (!session.SetAttributeStringData(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityInputMeshAttr, ref attrInfo, primitiveNameAttr, 0, partInfo.faceCount)) { return false; } } else { return false; } // Set LOD group membership if (bHasLODGroup) { int[] membership = new int[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int g = 0; g < uploadMeshes.Count; ++g) { if (g > 0) { // Clear array for (int m = 0; m < partInfo.faceCount; ++m) { membership[m] = 0; } } // Set 1 for faces belonging to this group for (int s = 0; s < uploadMeshes[g]._numSubMeshes; ++s) { int faceStart = (int)uploadMeshes[g]._indexStart[s] / 3; int faceEnd = faceStart + ((int)uploadMeshes[g]._indexCount[s] / 3); for (int m = faceStart; m < faceEnd; ++m) { membership[m] = 1; } } if (!session.AddGroup(displayNodeID, 0, HAPI_GroupType.HAPI_GROUPTYPE_PRIM, uploadMeshes[g]._meshName)) { return false; } if (!session.SetGroupMembership(displayNodeID, 0, HAPI_GroupType.HAPI_GROUPTYPE_PRIM, uploadMeshes[g]._meshName, membership, 0, partInfo.faceCount)) { return false; } } } return session.CommitGeo(displayNodeID); }
private void GenerateTerrain(List<HEU_LoadBufferVolume> terrainBuffers) { Transform parent = this.gameObject.transform; // Directory to store generated terrain files. string outputTerrainpath = GetOutputCacheDirectory(); outputTerrainpath = HEU_Platform.BuildPath(outputTerrainpath, "Terrain"); int numVolumes = terrainBuffers.Count; for(int t = 0; t < numVolumes; ++t) { if (terrainBuffers[t]._heightMap != null) { GameObject newGameObject = new GameObject("heightfield_" + terrainBuffers[t]._tileIndex); Transform newTransform = newGameObject.transform; newTransform.parent = parent; HEU_GeneratedOutput generatedOutput = new HEU_GeneratedOutput(); generatedOutput._outputData._gameObject = newGameObject; Terrain terrain = HEU_GeneralUtility.GetOrCreateComponent<Terrain>(newGameObject); TerrainCollider collider = HEU_GeneralUtility.GetOrCreateComponent<TerrainCollider>(newGameObject); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(terrainBuffers[t]._terrainDataPath)) { // Load the source TerrainData, then make a unique copy of it in the cache folder TerrainData sourceTerrainData = HEU_AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(terrainBuffers[t]._terrainDataPath, typeof(TerrainData)) as TerrainData; if (sourceTerrainData == null) { Debug.LogWarningFormat("TerrainData, set via attribute, not found at: {0}", terrainBuffers[t]._terrainDataPath); } terrain.terrainData = HEU_AssetDatabase.CopyUniqueAndLoadAssetAtAnyPath(sourceTerrainData, outputTerrainpath, typeof(TerrainData)) as TerrainData; if (terrain.terrainData != null) { // Store path so that it can be deleted on clean up AddGeneratedOutputFilePath(HEU_AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(terrain.terrainData)); } } if (terrain.terrainData == null) { terrain.terrainData = new TerrainData(); } TerrainData terrainData = terrain.terrainData; collider.terrainData = terrainData; HEU_TerrainUtility.SetTerrainMaterial(terrain, terrainBuffers[t]._specifiedTerrainMaterialName); #if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER terrain.allowAutoConnect = true; // This has to be set after setting material terrain.drawInstanced = true; #endif int heightMapSize = terrainBuffers[t]._heightMapWidth; terrainData.heightmapResolution = heightMapSize; if (terrainData.heightmapResolution != heightMapSize) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unsupported terrain size: {0}", heightMapSize); continue; } // The terrainData.baseMapResolution is not set here, but rather left to whatever default Unity uses // The terrainData.alphamapResolution is set later when setting the alphamaps. // 32 is the default for resolutionPerPatch const int detailResolution = 1024; const int resolutionPerPatch = 32; terrainData.SetDetailResolution(detailResolution, resolutionPerPatch); terrainData.SetHeights(0, 0, terrainBuffers[t]._heightMap); // Note that Unity uses a default height range of 600 when a flat terrain is created. // Without a non-zero value for the height range, user isn't able to draw heights. // Therefore, set 600 as the value if height range is currently 0 (due to flat heightfield). float heightRange = terrainBuffers[t]._heightRange; if (heightRange == 0) { heightRange = 600; } terrainData.size = new Vector3(terrainBuffers[t]._terrainSizeX, heightRange, terrainBuffers[t]._terrainSizeY); terrain.Flush(); // Set position HAPI_Transform hapiTransformVolume = new HAPI_Transform(true); hapiTransformVolume.position[0] += terrainBuffers[t]._position[0]; hapiTransformVolume.position[1] += terrainBuffers[t]._position[1]; hapiTransformVolume.position[2] += terrainBuffers[t]._position[2]; HEU_HAPIUtility.ApplyLocalTransfromFromHoudiniToUnity(ref hapiTransformVolume, newTransform); // Set layers Texture2D defaultTexture = HEU_VolumeCache.LoadDefaultSplatTexture(); int numLayers = terrainBuffers[t]._splatLayers.Count; #if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER // Create TerrainLayer for each heightfield layer. // Note that height and mask layers are ignored (i.e. not created as TerrainLayers). // Since height layer is first, only process layers from 2nd index onwards. if (numLayers > 1) { // Keep existing TerrainLayers, and either update or append to them TerrainLayer[] existingTerrainLayers = terrainData.terrainLayers; // Total layers are existing layers + new alpha maps List<TerrainLayer> finalTerrainLayers = new List<TerrainLayer>(existingTerrainLayers); for (int m = 1; m < numLayers; ++m) { TerrainLayer terrainlayer = null; int terrainLayerIndex = -1; bool bSetTerrainLayerProperties = true; HEU_LoadBufferVolumeLayer layer = terrainBuffers[t]._splatLayers[m]; // Look up TerrainLayer file via attribute if user has set it if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(layer._layerPath)) { terrainlayer = HEU_AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(layer._layerPath, typeof(TerrainLayer)) as TerrainLayer; if (terrainlayer == null) { Debug.LogWarningFormat("TerrainLayer, set via attribute, not found at: {0}", layer._layerPath); continue; } else { // Always check if its part of existing list so as not to add it again terrainLayerIndex = HEU_TerrainUtility.GetTerrainLayerIndex(terrainlayer, existingTerrainLayers); } } if (terrainlayer == null) { terrainlayer = new TerrainLayer(); terrainLayerIndex = finalTerrainLayers.Count; finalTerrainLayers.Add(terrainlayer); } else { // For existing TerrainLayer, make a copy of it if it has custom layer attributes // because we don't want to change the original TerrainLayer. if (layer._hasLayerAttributes && terrainLayerIndex >= 0) { // Copy the TerrainLayer file TerrainLayer prevTerrainLayer = terrainlayer; terrainlayer = HEU_AssetDatabase.CopyAndLoadAssetAtAnyPath(terrainlayer, outputTerrainpath, typeof(TerrainLayer), true) as TerrainLayer; if (terrainlayer != null) { // Update the TerrainLayer reference in the list with this copy finalTerrainLayers[terrainLayerIndex] = terrainlayer; // Store path for clean up later AddGeneratedOutputFilePath(HEU_AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(terrainlayer)); } else { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unable to copy TerrainLayer '{0}' for generating Terrain. " + "Using original TerrainLayer. Will not be able to set any TerrainLayer properties.", layer._layerName); terrainlayer = prevTerrainLayer; bSetTerrainLayerProperties = false; // Again, continuing on to keep proper indexing. } } } if (bSetTerrainLayerProperties) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(layer._diffuseTexturePath)) { terrainlayer.diffuseTexture = HEU_MaterialFactory.LoadTexture(layer._diffuseTexturePath); } if (terrainlayer.diffuseTexture == null) { terrainlayer.diffuseTexture = defaultTexture; } terrainlayer.diffuseRemapMin =; terrainlayer.diffuseRemapMax =; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(layer._maskTexturePath)) { terrainlayer.maskMapTexture = HEU_MaterialFactory.LoadTexture(layer._maskTexturePath); } terrainlayer.maskMapRemapMin =; terrainlayer.maskMapRemapMax =; terrainlayer.metallic = layer._metallic; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(layer._normalTexturePath)) { terrainlayer.normalMapTexture = HEU_MaterialFactory.LoadTexture(layer._normalTexturePath); } terrainlayer.normalScale = layer._normalScale; terrainlayer.smoothness = layer._smoothness; terrainlayer.specular = layer._specularColor; terrainlayer.tileOffset = layer._tileOffset; if (layer._tileSize.magnitude == 0f && terrainlayer.diffuseTexture != null) { // Use texture size if tile size is 0 layer._tileSize = new Vector2(terrainlayer.diffuseTexture.width, terrainlayer.diffuseTexture.height); } terrainlayer.tileSize = layer._tileSize; } } terrainData.terrainLayers = finalTerrainLayers.ToArray(); } #else // Need to create SplatPrototype for each layer in heightfield, representing the textures. SplatPrototype[] splatPrototypes = new SplatPrototype[numLayers]; for (int m = 0; m < numLayers; ++m) { splatPrototypes[m] = new SplatPrototype(); HEU_LoadBufferVolumeLayer layer = terrainBuffers[t]._splatLayers[m]; Texture2D diffuseTexture = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(layer._diffuseTexturePath)) { diffuseTexture = HEU_MaterialFactory.LoadTexture(layer._diffuseTexturePath); } if (diffuseTexture == null) { diffuseTexture = defaultTexture; } splatPrototypes[m].texture = diffuseTexture; splatPrototypes[m].tileOffset = layer._tileOffset; if (layer._tileSize.magnitude == 0f && diffuseTexture != null) { // Use texture size if tile size is 0 layer._tileSize = new Vector2(diffuseTexture.width, diffuseTexture.height); } splatPrototypes[m].tileSize = layer._tileSize; splatPrototypes[m].metallic = layer._metallic; splatPrototypes[m].smoothness = layer._smoothness; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(layer._normalTexturePath)) { splatPrototypes[m].normalMap = HEU_MaterialFactory.LoadTexture(layer._normalTexturePath); } } terrainData.splatPrototypes = splatPrototypes; #endif // Set the splatmaps if (terrainBuffers[t]._splatMaps != null) { // Set the alphamap size before setting the alphamaps to get correct scaling // The alphamap size comes from the first alphamap layer int alphamapResolution = terrainBuffers[t]._heightMapWidth; if (numLayers > 1) { alphamapResolution = terrainBuffers[t]._splatLayers[1]._heightMapWidth; } terrainData.alphamapResolution = alphamapResolution; terrainData.SetAlphamaps(0, 0, terrainBuffers[t]._splatMaps); } // Set the tree scattering if (terrainBuffers[t]._scatterTrees != null) { HEU_TerrainUtility.ApplyScatterTrees(terrainData, terrainBuffers[t]._scatterTrees); } // Set the detail layers if (terrainBuffers[t]._detailPrototypes != null) { HEU_TerrainUtility.ApplyDetailLayers(terrain, terrainData, terrainBuffers[t]._detailProperties, terrainBuffers[t]._detailPrototypes, terrainBuffers[t]._detailMaps); } terrainBuffers[t]._generatedOutput = generatedOutput; _generatedOutputs.Add(generatedOutput); SetOutputVisiblity(terrainBuffers[t]); } } }
/// <summary> /// Returns HEU_UploadMeshData with mesh data found on meshGameObject. /// </summary> /// <param name="meshGameObject">The GameObject to query mesh data from</param> /// <returns>A valid HEU_UploadMeshData if mesh data found or null</returns> public static HEU_InputDataMesh CreateSingleMeshData(GameObject meshGameObject, bool bExportColliders) { HEU_InputDataMesh meshData = new HEU_InputDataMesh(); if (meshGameObject == null) { return null; } Mesh sharedMesh = GetMeshFromObject(meshGameObject); if (sharedMesh == null) { return null; } meshData._mesh = sharedMesh; meshData._numVertices = meshData._mesh.vertexCount; meshData._numSubMeshes = meshData._mesh.subMeshCount; meshData._meshName =; // Use project path is not saved in scene, otherwise just use name if (HEU_GeneralUtility.IsGameObjectInProject(meshGameObject)) { meshData._meshPath = HEU_AssetDatabase.GetAssetOrScenePath(meshGameObject); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(meshData._meshPath)) { meshData._meshPath =; } } else { meshData._meshPath =; } //HEU_Logger.Log("Mesh Path: " + meshData._meshPath); MeshRenderer meshRenderer = meshGameObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); if (meshRenderer != null) { meshData._materials = meshRenderer.sharedMaterials; } meshData._transform = meshGameObject.transform; if (bExportColliders && meshGameObject != null) { meshData._colliders = new List<HEU_InputDataCollider>(); Collider[] colliders = meshGameObject.GetComponents<Collider>(); if (colliders != null) { for (int i = 0; i < colliders.Length; i++) { Collider collider = colliders[i]; if (collider == null) continue; HEU_InputDataCollider newCollider = new HEU_InputDataCollider(); newCollider._collider = collider; if (collider.GetType() == typeof(BoxCollider)) { newCollider._colliderType = HEU_InputColliderType.BOX; } else if (collider.GetType() == typeof(SphereCollider)) { newCollider._colliderType = HEU_InputColliderType.SPHERE; } else if (collider.GetType() == typeof(CapsuleCollider)) { newCollider._colliderType = HEU_InputColliderType.CAPSULE; } else if (collider.GetType() == typeof(MeshCollider)) { newCollider._colliderType = HEU_InputColliderType.MESH; } else { HEU_Logger.LogWarningFormat("Collider type not supported: {0}",; newCollider._collider = null; newCollider._colliderType = HEU_InputColliderType.NONE; } if (newCollider._colliderType != HEU_InputColliderType.NONE) { meshData._colliders.Add(newCollider); } } } } return meshData; }
private void GenerateInstancesFromNodeIDs(HAPI_NodeId cookNodeId, HEU_LoadBufferInstancer instancerBuffer, Dictionary <HAPI_NodeId, HEU_LoadBufferBase> idBuffersMap, Transform instanceRootTransform) { // For single collision geo override GameObject singleCollisionGO = null; // For multi collision geo overrides, keep track of loaded objects Dictionary <string, GameObject> loadedCollisionObjectMap = new Dictionary <string, GameObject>(); if (instancerBuffer._collisionAssetPaths != null && instancerBuffer._collisionAssetPaths.Length == 1) { // Single collision override if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(instancerBuffer._collisionAssetPaths[0])) { HEU_AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(instancerBuffer._collisionAssetPaths[0], HEU_AssetDatabase.HEU_ImportAssetOptions.Default); singleCollisionGO = HEU_AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(instancerBuffer._collisionAssetPaths[0], typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject; } if (singleCollisionGO == null) { // Continue on but log error Debug.LogErrorFormat("Collision asset at path {0} not found for instance {1}.", instancerBuffer._collisionAssetPaths[0], instancerBuffer._name); } } int numInstances = instancerBuffer._instanceNodeIDs.Length; for (int i = 0; i < numInstances; ++i) { HEU_LoadBufferBase sourceBuffer = null; if (!idBuffersMap.TryGetValue(instancerBuffer._instanceNodeIDs[i], out sourceBuffer) || sourceBuffer == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Part with id {0} is missing. Unable to setup instancer!", instancerBuffer._instanceNodeIDs[i]); return; } // If the part we're instancing is itself an instancer, make sure it has generated its instances if (sourceBuffer._bInstanced && sourceBuffer._generatedOutput == null) { HEU_LoadBufferInstancer sourceBufferInstancer = instancerBuffer as HEU_LoadBufferInstancer; if (sourceBufferInstancer != null) { GenerateInstancer(cookNodeId, sourceBufferInstancer, idBuffersMap); } } GameObject sourceGameObject = sourceBuffer._generatedOutput._outputData._gameObject; if (sourceGameObject == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Output gameobject is null for source {0}. Unable to instance for {1}.", sourceBuffer._name, instancerBuffer._name); continue; } GameObject collisionSrcGO = null; if (singleCollisionGO != null) { // Single collision geo collisionSrcGO = singleCollisionGO; } else if (instancerBuffer._collisionAssetPaths != null && (i < instancerBuffer._collisionAssetPaths.Length) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(instancerBuffer._collisionAssetPaths[i])) { // Mutliple collision geo (one per instance). if (!loadedCollisionObjectMap.TryGetValue(instancerBuffer._collisionAssetPaths[i], out collisionSrcGO)) { collisionSrcGO = HEU_AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(instancerBuffer._collisionAssetPaths[i], typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject; if (collisionSrcGO == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unable to load collision asset at {0} for instancing!", instancerBuffer._collisionAssetPaths[i]); } else { loadedCollisionObjectMap.Add(instancerBuffer._collisionAssetPaths[i], collisionSrcGO); } } } int numTransforms = instancerBuffer._instanceTransforms.Length; for (int j = 0; j < numTransforms; ++j) { CreateNewInstanceFromObject(sourceGameObject, (j + 1), instanceRootTransform, ref instancerBuffer._instanceTransforms[j], instancerBuffer._instancePrefixes, instancerBuffer._name, collisionSrcGO); } } }
/// <summary> /// Apply the given detail layers and properties to the given terrain. /// The detail distance and resolution will be set, along with detail prototypes, and layers. /// </summary> /// <param name="terrain">The Terrain to set the detail properies on</param> /// <param name="terrainData">The TerrainData to apply the layers to</param> /// <param name="detailProperties">Container for detail distance and resolution</param> /// <param name="heuDetailPrototypes">Data for creating DetailPrototypes</param> /// <param name="convertedDetailMaps">The detail maps to set for the detail layers</param> public static void ApplyDetailLayers(Terrain terrain, TerrainData terrainData, HEU_DetailProperties detailProperties, List<HEU_DetailPrototype> heuDetailPrototypes, List<int[,]> convertedDetailMaps) { #if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER if (detailProperties != null) { if (detailProperties._detailDistance >= 0) { terrain.detailObjectDistance = detailProperties._detailDistance; } if (detailProperties._detailDensity >= 0) { terrain.detailObjectDensity = detailProperties._detailDensity; } int resPerPath = detailProperties._detailResolutionPerPatch > 0 ? detailProperties._detailResolutionPerPatch : terrainData.detailResolutionPerPatch; int detailRes = detailProperties._detailResolution > 0 ? detailProperties._detailResolution : terrainData.detailResolutionPerPatch; if (resPerPath > 0 && detailRes > 0) { // This should match with half the terrain size terrainData.SetDetailResolution(detailRes, resPerPath); } } if (heuDetailPrototypes.Count != convertedDetailMaps.Count) { Debug.LogError("Number of volume detail layers differs from converted detail maps. Unable to apply detail layers."); return; } // For now, just override existing detail prototypes and layers // If user asks for appending/overwriting them, then can use a new index attribute to map them List<DetailPrototype> detailPrototypes = new List<DetailPrototype>(); int numDetailLayers = heuDetailPrototypes.Count; for(int i = 0; i < numDetailLayers; ++i) { DetailPrototype detailPrototype = new DetailPrototype(); HEU_DetailPrototype heuDetail = heuDetailPrototypes[i]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(heuDetail._prototypePrefab)) { detailPrototype.prototype = HEU_AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(heuDetail._prototypePrefab, typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject; detailPrototype.usePrototypeMesh = true; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(heuDetail._prototypeTexture)) { detailPrototype.prototypeTexture = HEU_MaterialFactory.LoadTexture(heuDetail._prototypeTexture); detailPrototype.usePrototypeMesh = false; } detailPrototype.bendFactor = heuDetail._bendFactor; detailPrototype.dryColor = heuDetail._dryColor; detailPrototype.healthyColor = heuDetail._healthyColor; detailPrototype.maxHeight = heuDetail._maxHeight; detailPrototype.maxWidth = heuDetail._maxWidth; detailPrototype.minHeight = heuDetail._minHeight; detailPrototype.minWidth = heuDetail._minWidth; detailPrototype.noiseSpread = heuDetail._noiseSpread; detailPrototype.renderMode = (DetailRenderMode)heuDetail._renderMode; detailPrototypes.Add(detailPrototype); } // Set the DetailPrototypes if (detailPrototypes.Count > 0) { terrainData.detailPrototypes = detailPrototypes.ToArray(); } // Set the DetailLayers for(int i = 0; i < numDetailLayers; ++i) { terrainData.SetDetailLayer(0, 0, i, convertedDetailMaps[i]); } #endif }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if given gameobjet is in Project only, and not in scene. /// </summary> /// <param name="go"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsGameObjectInProject(GameObject go) { return HEU_AssetDatabase.ContainsAsset(go); }
/// <summary> /// Upload the inputData (mesh geometry) into the input node with inputNodeID. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">Session that the input node exists in</param> /// <param name="inputNodeID">ID of the input node</param> /// <param name="inputData">Container of the mesh geometry</param> /// <returns>True if successfully uploaded data</returns> public bool UploadData(HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_NodeId inputNodeID, HEU_InputData inputData) { HEU_InputDataMeshes inputDataMeshes = inputData as HEU_InputDataMeshes; if (inputDataMeshes == null) { Debug.LogError("Expected HEU_InputDataMeshes type for inputData, but received unsupported type."); return false; } List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3>(); List<Vector3> normals = new List<Vector3>(); List<Color> colors = new List<Color>(); #if UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER const int NumUVSets = 8; #else const int NumUVSets = 4; #endif List<Vector3>[] uvs = new List<Vector3>[NumUVSets]; for (int u = 0; u < NumUVSets; ++u) { uvs[u] = new List<Vector3>(); } // Use tempUVs to help with reindexing List<Vector3>[] tempUVs = new List<Vector3>[NumUVSets]; for (int u = 0; u < NumUVSets; ++u) { tempUVs[u] = new List<Vector3>(); } List<int> pointIndexList = new List<int>(); List<int> vertIndexList = new List<int>(); int numMaterials = 0; int numMeshes = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes.Count; // Get the parent's world transform, so when there are multiple child meshes, // can merge and apply their local transform after subtracting their parent's world transform Matrix4x4 rootInvertTransformMatrix = Matrix4x4.identity; if (numMeshes > 1) { rootInvertTransformMatrix = inputDataMeshes._inputObject.transform.worldToLocalMatrix; } // Always using the first submesh topology. This doesn't support mixed topology (triangles and quads). MeshTopology meshTopology = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[0]._mesh.GetTopology(0); int numVertsPerFace = 3; if (meshTopology == MeshTopology.Quads) { numVertsPerFace = 4; } // For all meshes: // Accumulate vertices, normals, uvs, colors, and indices. // Keep track of indices start and count for each mesh for later when uploading material assignments and groups. // Find shared vertices, and use unique set of vertices to use as point positions. // Need to reindex indices for both unique vertices, as well as vertex attributes. for (int i = 0; i < numMeshes; ++i) { Vector3[] meshVertices = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.vertices; Matrix4x4 localToWorld = rootInvertTransformMatrix * inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._transform.localToWorldMatrix; List<Vector3> uniqueVertices = new List<Vector3>(); // Keep track of old vertex positions (old vertex slot points to new unique vertex slot) int[] reindexVertices = new int[meshVertices.Length]; Dictionary<Vector3, int> reindexMap = new Dictionary<Vector3, int>(); // For each vertex, check against subsequent vertices for shared positions. for (int a = 0; a < meshVertices.Length; ++a) { Vector3 va = meshVertices[a]; if (!reindexMap.ContainsKey(va)) { if (numMeshes > 1 && !inputDataMeshes._hasLOD) { // For multiple meshes that are not LODs, apply local transform on vertices to get the merged mesh. uniqueVertices.Add(localToWorld.MultiplyPoint(va)); } else { uniqueVertices.Add(va); } // Reindex to point to unique vertex slot reindexVertices[a] = uniqueVertices.Count - 1; reindexMap[va] = uniqueVertices.Count - 1; } else { reindexVertices[a] = reindexMap[va]; } } int vertexOffset = vertices.Count; vertices.AddRange(uniqueVertices); Vector3[] meshNormals = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.normals; Color[] meshColors = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.colors; // This is really silly. mesh.GetUVs gives uvs regardless if they exist or not (makes duplicates of // first uv if they don't exist), but mesh.uv* gives correct UVs, but in Vector2 format. // Since we need to convert to Vector3 later, this checks mesh.uv*, then uses mesh.GetUVs to get in Vector3. // Note skipping uv1 as its internally used (i.e. the 2nd uv set is uv2) int uindex = 0; GetUVsFromMesh(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.uv, tempUVs[0], uindex++); GetUVsFromMesh(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.uv2, tempUVs[1], uindex++); GetUVsFromMesh(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.uv3, tempUVs[2], uindex++); GetUVsFromMesh(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.uv4, tempUVs[3], uindex++); #if UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER GetUVsFromMesh(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.uv5, tempUVs[4], uindex++); GetUVsFromMesh(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.uv6, tempUVs[5], uindex++); GetUVsFromMesh(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.uv7, tempUVs[6], uindex++); GetUVsFromMesh(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.uv8, tempUVs[7], uindex++); #endif inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._indexStart = new uint[inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._numSubMeshes]; inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._indexCount = new uint[inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._numSubMeshes]; // For each submesh: // Generate face to point index -> pointIndexList // Generate face to vertex attribute index -> vertIndexList for (int j = 0; j < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._numSubMeshes; ++j) { int indexStart = pointIndexList.Count; int vertIndexStart = vertIndexList.Count; // Indices have to be re-indexed with our own offset // (using GetIndices to generalize triangles and quad indices) int[] meshIndices = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.GetIndices(j); int numIndices = meshIndices.Length; for (int k = 0; k < numIndices; ++k) { int originalIndex = meshIndices[k]; meshIndices[k] = reindexVertices[originalIndex]; pointIndexList.Add(vertexOffset + meshIndices[k]); vertIndexList.Add(vertIndexStart + k); if (meshNormals != null && (originalIndex < meshNormals.Length)) { normals.Add(meshNormals[originalIndex]); } for (int u = 0; u < NumUVSets; ++u) { if (tempUVs[u].Count > 0) { uvs[u].Add(tempUVs[u][originalIndex]); } } if (meshColors != null && (originalIndex < meshColors.Length)) { colors.Add(meshColors[originalIndex]); } } inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._indexStart[j] = (uint)indexStart; inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._indexCount[j] = (uint)(pointIndexList.Count) - inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._indexStart[j]; } numMaterials += inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._materials != null ? inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._materials.Length : 0; } // It is possible for some meshes to not have normals/uvs/colors while others do. // In the case where an attribute is missing on some meshes, we clear out those attributes so we don't upload // partial attribute data. int totalAllVertexCount = vertIndexList.Count; if (normals.Count != totalAllVertexCount) { normals = null; } if (colors.Count != totalAllVertexCount) { colors = null; } HAPI_PartInfo partInfo = new HAPI_PartInfo(); partInfo.faceCount = vertIndexList.Count / numVertsPerFace; partInfo.vertexCount = vertIndexList.Count; partInfo.pointCount = vertices.Count; partInfo.pointAttributeCount = 1; partInfo.vertexAttributeCount = 0; partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount = 0; partInfo.detailAttributeCount = 0; //Debug.LogFormat("Faces: {0}; Vertices: {1}; Verts/Face: {2}", partInfo.faceCount, partInfo.vertexCount, numVertsPerFace); if (normals != null && normals.Count > 0) { partInfo.vertexAttributeCount++; } for (int u = 0; u < NumUVSets; ++u) { if (uvs[u].Count > 0 && uvs[u].Count == totalAllVertexCount) { partInfo.vertexAttributeCount++; } else { uvs[u].Clear(); } } if (colors != null && colors.Count > 0) { partInfo.vertexAttributeCount++; } if (numMaterials > 0) { partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount++; } if (numMeshes > 0) { partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount++; } if (inputDataMeshes._hasLOD) { partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount++; partInfo.detailAttributeCount++; } HAPI_GeoInfo displayGeoInfo = new HAPI_GeoInfo(); if (!session.GetDisplayGeoInfo(inputNodeID, ref displayGeoInfo)) { return false; } HAPI_NodeId displayNodeID = displayGeoInfo.nodeId; if (!session.SetPartInfo(displayNodeID, 0, ref partInfo)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input part info. "); return false; } int[] faceCounts = new int[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int i = 0; i < partInfo.faceCount; ++i) { faceCounts[i] = numVertsPerFace; } int[] faceIndices = pointIndexList.ToArray(); if (!HEU_GeneralUtility.SetArray2Arg(displayNodeID, 0, session.SetFaceCount, faceCounts, 0, partInfo.faceCount)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry face counts."); return false; } if (!HEU_GeneralUtility.SetArray2Arg(displayNodeID, 0, session.SetVertexList, faceIndices, 0, partInfo.vertexCount)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry indices."); return false; } if (!HEU_InputMeshUtility.SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_POSITION, 3, vertices.ToArray(), ref partInfo, true)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry position."); return false; } int[] vertIndices = vertIndexList.ToArray(); //if(normals != null && !SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_NORMAL, 3, normals.ToArray(), ref partInfo, true)) if (normals != null && !HEU_InputMeshUtility.SetMeshVertexAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_NORMAL, 3, normals.ToArray(), vertIndices, ref partInfo, true)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry normals."); return false; } for (int u = 0; u < NumUVSets; ++u) { if (uvs[u].Count > 0) { // Skip uv1 as its used internally. So it goes: uv, uv2, ..., uv8 string uvName = u == 0 ? HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_UV : string.Format("{0}{1}", HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_UV, u + 1); if (!HEU_InputMeshUtility.SetMeshVertexAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, uvName, 3, uvs[u].ToArray(), vertIndices, ref partInfo, false)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry UV" + u); return false; } } } if (colors != null && colors.Count > 0) { Vector3[] rgb = new Vector3[colors.Count]; float[] alpha = new float[colors.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < colors.Count; ++i) { rgb[i][0] = colors[i].r; rgb[i][1] = colors[i].g; rgb[i][2] = colors[i].b; alpha[i] = colors[i].a; } //if(!SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_COLOR, 3, rgb, ref partInfo, false)) if (!HEU_InputMeshUtility.SetMeshVertexAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_COLOR, 3, rgb, vertIndices, ref partInfo, false)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry colors."); return false; } //if(!SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_ALPHA, 1, alpha, ref partInfo, false)) if (!HEU_InputMeshUtility.SetMeshVertexFloatAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_ALPHA, 1, alpha, vertIndices, ref partInfo)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry color alpha."); return false; } } // Set material names for round-trip perservation of material assignment // Each HEU_UploadMeshData might have a list of submeshes and materials // These are all combined into a single mesh, with group names if (numMaterials > 0) { bool bFoundAtleastOneValidMaterial = false; string[] materialIDs = new string[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int g = 0; g < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes.Count; ++g) { if (inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._numSubMeshes != inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._materials.Length) { // Number of submeshes should equal number of materials since materials determine submeshes continue; } for (int i = 0; i < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._materials.Length; ++i) { string materialName = HEU_AssetDatabase.GetAssetPathWithSubAssetSupport(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._materials[i]); if (materialName == null) { materialName = ""; } else if (materialName.StartsWith(HEU_Defines.DEFAULT_UNITY_BUILTIN_RESOURCES)) { materialName = HEU_AssetDatabase.GetUniqueAssetPathForUnityAsset(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._materials[i]); } bFoundAtleastOneValidMaterial |= !string.IsNullOrEmpty(materialName); int faceStart = (int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexStart[i] / numVertsPerFace; int faceEnd = faceStart + ((int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexCount[i] / numVertsPerFace); for (int m = faceStart; m < faceEnd; ++m) { materialIDs[m] = materialName; } } } if (bFoundAtleastOneValidMaterial) { HAPI_AttributeInfo materialIDAttrInfo = new HAPI_AttributeInfo(); materialIDAttrInfo.exists = true; materialIDAttrInfo.owner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_PRIM; = HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_STRING; materialIDAttrInfo.count = partInfo.faceCount; materialIDAttrInfo.tupleSize = 1; materialIDAttrInfo.originalOwner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_INVALID; if (!session.AddAttribute(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityMaterialAttribName, ref materialIDAttrInfo)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to add input geometry unity material name attribute."); return false; } if (!HEU_GeneralUtility.SetAttributeArray(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityMaterialAttribName, ref materialIDAttrInfo, materialIDs, session.SetAttributeStringData, partInfo.faceCount)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry unity material name."); return false; } } } // Set mesh name attribute HAPI_AttributeInfo attrInfo = new HAPI_AttributeInfo(); attrInfo.exists = true; attrInfo.owner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_PRIM; = HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_STRING; attrInfo.count = partInfo.faceCount; attrInfo.tupleSize = 1; attrInfo.originalOwner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_INVALID; if (session.AddAttribute(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityInputMeshAttr, ref attrInfo)) { string[] primitiveNameAttr = new string[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int g = 0; g < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes.Count; ++g) { for (int i = 0; i < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._numSubMeshes; ++i) { int faceStart = (int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexStart[i] / numVertsPerFace; int faceEnd = faceStart + ((int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexCount[i] / numVertsPerFace); for (int m = faceStart; m < faceEnd; ++m) { primitiveNameAttr[m] = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._meshPath; } } } if (!HEU_GeneralUtility.SetAttributeArray(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityInputMeshAttr, ref attrInfo, primitiveNameAttr, session.SetAttributeStringData, partInfo.faceCount)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry unity mesh name."); return false; } } else { return false; } // Set LOD group membership if (inputDataMeshes._hasLOD) { int[] membership = new int[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int g = 0; g < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes.Count; ++g) { if (g > 0) { // Clear array for (int m = 0; m < partInfo.faceCount; ++m) { membership[m] = 0; } } // Set 1 for faces belonging to this group for (int s = 0; s < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._numSubMeshes; ++s) { int faceStart = (int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexStart[s] / numVertsPerFace; int faceEnd = faceStart + ((int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexCount[s] / numVertsPerFace); for (int m = faceStart; m < faceEnd; ++m) { membership[m] = 1; } } if (!session.AddGroup(displayNodeID, 0, HAPI_GroupType.HAPI_GROUPTYPE_PRIM, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._meshName)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to add input geometry LOD group name."); return false; } if (!session.SetGroupMembership(displayNodeID, 0, HAPI_GroupType.HAPI_GROUPTYPE_PRIM, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._meshName, membership, 0, partInfo.faceCount)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry LOD group name."); return false; } } } return session.CommitGeo(displayNodeID); }
private void GenerateTerrain(List<HEU_LoadBufferVolume> terrainBuffers) { Transform parent = this.gameObject.transform; int numVolumes = terrainBuffers.Count; for(int t = 0; t < numVolumes; ++t) { if (terrainBuffers[t]._heightMap != null) { GameObject newGameObject = new GameObject("heightfield_" + terrainBuffers[t]._tileIndex); Transform newTransform = newGameObject.transform; newTransform.parent = parent; HEU_GeneratedOutput generatedOutput = new HEU_GeneratedOutput(); generatedOutput._outputData._gameObject = newGameObject; Terrain terrain = HEU_GeneralUtility.GetOrCreateComponent<Terrain>(newGameObject); TerrainCollider collider = HEU_GeneralUtility.GetOrCreateComponent<TerrainCollider>(newGameObject); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(terrainBuffers[t]._terrainDataPath)) { terrain.terrainData = HEU_AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(terrainBuffers[t]._terrainDataPath, typeof(TerrainData)) as TerrainData; if (terrain.terrainData == null) { Debug.LogWarningFormat("TerrainData, set via attribute, not found at: {0}", terrainBuffers[t]._terrainDataPath); } } if (terrain.terrainData == null) { terrain.terrainData = new TerrainData(); } TerrainData terrainData = terrain.terrainData; collider.terrainData = terrainData; HEU_TerrainUtility.SetTerrainMaterial(terrain); #if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER terrain.allowAutoConnect = true; // This has to be set after setting material terrain.drawInstanced = true; #endif int heightMapSize = terrainBuffers[t]._heightMapWidth; terrainData.heightmapResolution = heightMapSize; if (terrainData.heightmapResolution != heightMapSize) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unsupported terrain size: {0}", heightMapSize); continue; } // The terrainData.baseMapResolution is not set here, but rather left to whatever default Unity uses // The terrainData.alphamapResolution is set later when setting the alphamaps. // 32 is the default for resolutionPerPatch const int detailResolution = 1024; const int resolutionPerPatch = 32; terrainData.SetDetailResolution(detailResolution, resolutionPerPatch); terrainData.SetHeights(0, 0, terrainBuffers[t]._heightMap); // Note that Unity uses a default height range of 600 when a flat terrain is created. // Without a non-zero value for the height range, user isn't able to draw heights. // Therefore, set 600 as the value if height range is currently 0 (due to flat heightfield). float heightRange = terrainBuffers[t]._heightRange; if (heightRange == 0) { heightRange = 600; } terrainData.size = new Vector3(terrainBuffers[t]._terrainSizeX, heightRange, terrainBuffers[t]._terrainSizeY); terrain.Flush(); // Set position HAPI_Transform hapiTransformVolume = new HAPI_Transform(true); hapiTransformVolume.position[0] += terrainBuffers[t]._position[0]; hapiTransformVolume.position[1] += terrainBuffers[t]._position[1]; hapiTransformVolume.position[2] += terrainBuffers[t]._position[2]; HEU_HAPIUtility.ApplyLocalTransfromFromHoudiniToUnity(ref hapiTransformVolume, newTransform); // Set layers Texture2D defaultTexture = HEU_VolumeCache.LoadDefaultSplatTexture(); int numLayers = terrainBuffers[t]._layers.Count; #if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER // Create TerrainLayer for each heightfield layer. // Note that height and mask layers are ignored (i.e. not created as TerrainLayers). // Since height layer is first, only process layers from 2nd index onwards. if (numLayers > 1) { TerrainLayer[] terrainLayers = new TerrainLayer[numLayers - 1]; for (int m = 1; m < numLayers; ++m) { TerrainLayer terrainlayer = null; HEU_LoadBufferVolumeLayer layer = terrainBuffers[t]._layers[m]; // Look up TerrainLayer file via attribute if user has set it if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(layer._layerPath)) { terrainlayer = HEU_AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(layer._layerPath, typeof(TerrainLayer)) as TerrainLayer; if (terrainlayer == null) { Debug.LogWarningFormat("TerrainLayer, set via attribute, not found at: {0}", layer._layerPath); continue; } } if (terrainlayer == null) { terrainlayer = new TerrainLayer(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(layer._diffuseTexturePath)) { terrainlayer.diffuseTexture = HEU_MaterialFactory.LoadTexture(layer._diffuseTexturePath); } if (terrainlayer.diffuseTexture == null) { terrainlayer.diffuseTexture = defaultTexture; } terrainlayer.diffuseRemapMin =; terrainlayer.diffuseRemapMax =; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(layer._maskTexturePath)) { terrainlayer.maskMapTexture = HEU_MaterialFactory.LoadTexture(layer._maskTexturePath); } terrainlayer.maskMapRemapMin =; terrainlayer.maskMapRemapMax =; terrainlayer.metallic = layer._metallic; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(layer._normalTexturePath)) { terrainlayer.normalMapTexture = HEU_MaterialFactory.LoadTexture(layer._normalTexturePath); } terrainlayer.normalScale = layer._normalScale; terrainlayer.smoothness = layer._smoothness; terrainlayer.specular = layer._specularColor; terrainlayer.tileOffset = layer._tileOffset; if (layer._tileSize.magnitude == 0f && terrainlayer.diffuseTexture != null) { // Use texture size if tile size is 0 layer._tileSize = new Vector2(terrainlayer.diffuseTexture.width, terrainlayer.diffuseTexture.height); } terrainlayer.tileSize = layer._tileSize; // Note index is m - 1 due to skipping height layer terrainLayers[m - 1] = terrainlayer; } terrainData.terrainLayers = terrainLayers; } #else // Need to create SplatPrototype for each layer in heightfield, representing the textures. SplatPrototype[] splatPrototypes = new SplatPrototype[numLayers]; for (int m = 0; m < numLayers; ++m) { splatPrototypes[m] = new SplatPrototype(); HEU_LoadBufferVolumeLayer layer = terrainBuffers[t]._layers[m]; Texture2D diffuseTexture = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(layer._diffuseTexturePath)) { diffuseTexture = HEU_MaterialFactory.LoadTexture(layer._diffuseTexturePath); } if (diffuseTexture == null) { diffuseTexture = defaultTexture; } splatPrototypes[m].texture = diffuseTexture; splatPrototypes[m].tileOffset = layer._tileOffset; if (layer._tileSize.magnitude == 0f && diffuseTexture != null) { // Use texture size if tile size is 0 layer._tileSize = new Vector2(diffuseTexture.width, diffuseTexture.height); } splatPrototypes[m].tileSize = layer._tileSize; splatPrototypes[m].metallic = layer._metallic; splatPrototypes[m].smoothness = layer._smoothness; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(layer._normalTexturePath)) { splatPrototypes[m].normalMap = HEU_MaterialFactory.LoadTexture(layer._normalTexturePath); } } terrainData.splatPrototypes = splatPrototypes; #endif // Set the splatmaps if (terrainBuffers[t]._splatMaps != null) { // Set the alphamap size before setting the alphamaps to get correct scaling // The alphamap size comes from the first alphamap layer int alphamapResolution = terrainBuffers[t]._heightMapWidth; if (numLayers > 1) { alphamapResolution = terrainBuffers[t]._layers[1]._heightMapWidth; } terrainData.alphamapResolution = alphamapResolution; terrainData.SetAlphamaps(0, 0, terrainBuffers[t]._splatMaps); } // Set the tree scattering if (terrainBuffers[t]._scatterTrees != null) { HEU_TerrainUtility.ApplyScatter(terrainData, terrainBuffers[t]._scatterTrees); } terrainBuffers[t]._generatedOutput = generatedOutput; _generatedOutputs.Add(generatedOutput); SetOutputVisiblity(terrainBuffers[t]); } } }
private bool DrawDetailsGeometry() { bool bChanged = false; EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 250; { bool oldValue = HEU_PluginSettings.Curves_ShowInSceneView; bool newValue = HEU_EditorUI.DrawToggleLeft(oldValue, "Show Curves in Scene View"); if (newValue != oldValue) { HEU_PluginSettings.Curves_ShowInSceneView = newValue; HEU_HoudiniAsset.SetCurvesVisibilityInScene(newValue); bChanged = true; } } HEU_EditorUI.DrawSeparator(); { float oldValue = HEU_PluginSettings.NormalGenerationThresholdAngle; float newValue = EditorGUILayout.DelayedFloatField("Normal Generation Threshold Angle", oldValue); if (newValue != oldValue) { HEU_PluginSettings.NormalGenerationThresholdAngle = newValue; bChanged = true; } } HEU_EditorUI.DrawSeparator(); { string oldValue = HEU_PluginSettings.DefaultTerrainMaterial; if (_terrainMaterial == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldValue)) { //Debug.Log("Loading terrain material at: " + oldValue); _terrainMaterial = HEU_MaterialFactory.LoadUnityMaterial(oldValue); } Material newMaterial = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Default Terrain Material", _terrainMaterial, typeof(Material), false) as Material; if (newMaterial != _terrainMaterial) { HEU_PluginSettings.DefaultTerrainMaterial = (newMaterial != null) ? HEU_AssetDatabase.GetAssetPathWithSubAssetSupport(newMaterial) : ""; _terrainMaterial = newMaterial; bChanged = true; } } HEU_EditorUI.DrawSeparator(); { string oldValue = HEU_PluginSettings.TerrainSplatTextureDefault; string newValue = EditorGUILayout.DelayedTextField("Default Terrain Splat Texture", oldValue); if (!newValue.Equals(oldValue)) { HEU_PluginSettings.TerrainSplatTextureDefault = newValue; bChanged = true; } } HEU_EditorUI.DrawSeparator(); { string oldValue = HEU_PluginSettings.DefaultStandardShader; string newValue = EditorGUILayout.DelayedTextField("Default Standard Shader", oldValue); if (!newValue.Equals(oldValue)) { HEU_PluginSettings.DefaultStandardShader = newValue; bChanged = true; } } HEU_EditorUI.DrawSeparator(); { string oldValue = HEU_PluginSettings.DefaultTransparentShader; string newValue = EditorGUILayout.DelayedTextField("Default Transparent Shader", oldValue); if (!newValue.Equals(oldValue)) { HEU_PluginSettings.DefaultTransparentShader = newValue; bChanged = true; } } HEU_EditorUI.DrawSeparator(); { string oldValue = HEU_PluginSettings.DefaultVertexColorShader; string newValue = EditorGUILayout.DelayedTextField("Default Vertex Color Shader", oldValue); if (!newValue.Equals(oldValue)) { HEU_PluginSettings.DefaultVertexColorShader = newValue; bChanged = true; } } HEU_EditorUI.DrawSeparator(); { string oldValue = HEU_PluginSettings.DefaultCurveShader; string newValue = EditorGUILayout.DelayedTextField("Default Curve Shader", oldValue); if (!newValue.Equals(oldValue)) { HEU_PluginSettings.DefaultCurveShader = newValue; bChanged = true; } } HEU_EditorUI.DrawSeparator(); EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 0; return bChanged; }
private void GenerateInstancesFromAssetPaths(HEU_LoadBufferInstancer instancerBuffer, Transform instanceRootTransform) { // For single asset, this is set when its impoted GameObject singleAssetGO = null; // For multi assets, keep track of loaded objects so we only need to load once for each object Dictionary<string, GameObject> loadedUnityObjectMap = new Dictionary<string, GameObject>(); // Temporary empty gameobject in case the specified Unity asset is not found GameObject tempGO = null; if (instancerBuffer._assetPaths.Length == 1) { // Single asset path if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(instancerBuffer._assetPaths[0])) { HEU_AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(instancerBuffer._assetPaths[0], HEU_AssetDatabase.HEU_ImportAssetOptions.Default); singleAssetGO = HEU_AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(instancerBuffer._assetPaths[0], typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject; } if (singleAssetGO == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Asset at path {0} not found. Unable to create instances for {1}.", instancerBuffer._assetPaths[0], instancerBuffer._name); return; } } int numInstancesCreated = 0; int numInstances = instancerBuffer._instanceTransforms.Length; for (int i = 0; i < numInstances; ++i) { // Reset to the single asset for each instance allows which is null if using multi asset // therefore forcing the instance asset to be found GameObject unitySrcGO = singleAssetGO; if (unitySrcGO == null) { // If not using single asset, then there must be an asset path for each instance if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(instancerBuffer._assetPaths[i])) { continue; } if (!loadedUnityObjectMap.TryGetValue(instancerBuffer._assetPaths[i], out unitySrcGO)) { // Try loading it //HEU_AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(instancerBuffer._assetPaths[i], HEU_AssetDatabase.HEU_ImportAssetOptions.Default); unitySrcGO = HEU_AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(instancerBuffer._assetPaths[i], typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject; if (unitySrcGO == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unable to load asset at {0} for instancing!", instancerBuffer._assetPaths[i]); // Even though the source Unity object is not found, we should create an object instance info to track it if (tempGO == null) { tempGO = new GameObject(); } unitySrcGO = tempGO; } // Adding to map even if not found so we don't flood the log with the same error message loadedUnityObjectMap.Add(instancerBuffer._assetPaths[i], unitySrcGO); } } CreateNewInstanceFromObject(unitySrcGO, (numInstancesCreated + 1), instanceRootTransform, ref instancerBuffer._instanceTransforms[i], instancerBuffer._instancePrefixes, instancerBuffer._name); numInstancesCreated++; } if (tempGO != null) { HEU_GeneralUtility.DestroyImmediate(tempGO, bRegisterUndo: false); } }
public void LoadPreset(HEU_SessionBase session, HEU_InputPreset inputPreset) { ResetInputNode(session); ChangeInputType(session, inputPreset._inputObjectType); if (inputPreset._inputObjectType == HEU_InputNode.InputObjectType.UNITY_MESH) { int numObjects = inputPreset._inputObjectPresets.Count; for (int i = 0; i < numObjects; ++i) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputPreset._inputObjectPresets[i]._gameObjectName)) { GameObject inputGO = null; if (inputPreset._inputObjectPresets[i]._isSceneObject) { inputGO = HEU_GeneralUtility.GetGameObjectByNameInScene(inputPreset._inputObjectPresets[i]._gameObjectName); } else { // Use the _gameObjectName as path to find in scene inputGO = HEU_AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(inputPreset._inputObjectPresets[i]._gameObjectName, typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject; if(inputGO == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unable to find input at {0}", inputPreset._inputObjectPresets[i]._gameObjectName); } } if (inputGO != null) { HEU_InputObjectInfo inputObject = AddInputObjectAtEnd(inputGO); inputObject._useTransformOffset = inputPreset._inputObjectPresets[i]._useTransformOffset; inputObject._translateOffset = inputPreset._inputObjectPresets[i]._translateOffset; inputObject._rotateOffset = inputPreset._inputObjectPresets[i]._rotateOffset; inputObject._scaleOffset = inputPreset._inputObjectPresets[i]._scaleOffset; } else { Debug.LogWarningFormat("Gameobject with name {0} not found. Unable to set input object.", inputPreset._inputAssetName); } } } } else if (inputPreset._inputObjectType == HEU_InputNode.InputObjectType.HDA) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputPreset._inputAssetName)) { GameObject inputAsset = GameObject.Find(inputPreset._inputAssetName); if (inputAsset != null) { HEU_HoudiniAssetRoot inputAssetRoot = inputAsset != null ? inputAsset.GetComponent<HEU_HoudiniAssetRoot>() : null; if (inputAssetRoot != null && inputAssetRoot._houdiniAsset != null) { // Need to reconnect and make sure connected asset is in this session _inputAsset = inputAsset; if (!inputAssetRoot._houdiniAsset.IsAssetValidInHoudini(session)) { inputAssetRoot._houdiniAsset.RequestCook(true, false, true, true); } _connectedNodeID = inputAssetRoot._houdiniAsset.AssetID; _parentAsset.ConnectToUpstream(inputAssetRoot._houdiniAsset); _connectedInputAsset = _inputAsset; } else { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Input HDA with name {0} is not a valid asset (missing components). Unable to set input asset.", inputPreset._inputAssetName); } } else { Debug.LogWarningFormat("Game with name {0} not found. Unable to set input asset.", inputPreset._inputAssetName); } } } KeepWorldTransform = inputPreset._keepWorldTransform; PackGeometryBeforeMerging = inputPreset._packGeometryBeforeMerging; RequiresUpload = true; ClearUICache(); }
public void GenerateTerrainWithAlphamaps(HEU_SessionBase session, HEU_HoudiniAsset houdiniAsset, bool bRebuild) { if(_layers == null || _layers.Count == 0) { Debug.LogError("Unable to generate terrain due to lack of heightfield layers!"); return; } HEU_VolumeLayer heightLayer = _layers[0]; HAPI_VolumeInfo heightVolumeInfo = new HAPI_VolumeInfo(); bool bResult = session.GetVolumeInfo(_ownerNode.GeoID, heightLayer._part.PartID, ref heightVolumeInfo); if (!bResult) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unable to get volume info for height layer: {0}!", heightLayer._layerName); return; } // Special handling of volume cache presets. It is applied here (if exists) because it might pertain to TerrainData that exists // in the AssetDatabase. If we don't apply here but rather create a new one, the existing file will get overwritten. // Applying the preset here for terrain ensures the TerrainData is reused. // Get the volume preset for this part HEU_VolumeCachePreset volumeCachePreset = houdiniAsset.GetVolumeCachePreset(_ownerNode.ObjectNode.ObjectName, _ownerNode.GeoName, TileIndex); if (volumeCachePreset != null) { ApplyPreset(volumeCachePreset); // Remove it so that it doesn't get applied when doing the recook step houdiniAsset.RemoveVolumeCachePreset(volumeCachePreset); } // The TerrainData and TerrainLayer files needs to be saved out if we create them. This creates the relative folder // path from the Asset's cache folder: {assetCache}/{geo name}/Terrain/Tile{tileIndex}/... string relativeFolderPath = HEU_Platform.BuildPath(_ownerNode.GeoName, HEU_Defines.HEU_FOLDER_TERRAIN, HEU_Defines.HEU_FOLDER_TILE + TileIndex); if (bRebuild) { // For full rebuild, re-create the TerrainData instead of using previous _terrainData = null; } //Debug.Log("Generating Terrain with AlphaMaps: " + (_terrainData != null ? : "NONE")); TerrainData terrainData = _terrainData; Vector3 terrainOffsetPosition =; // Look up TerrainData file via attribute if user has set it string terrainDataFile = HEU_GeneralUtility.GetAttributeStringValueSingle(session, _ownerNode.GeoID, heightLayer._part.PartID, HEU_Defines.DEFAULT_UNITY_HEIGHTFIELD_TERRAINDATA_FILE_ATTR, HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_PRIM); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(terrainDataFile)) { TerrainData loadedTerrainData = HEU_AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(terrainDataFile, typeof(TerrainData)) as TerrainData; if (loadedTerrainData == null) { Debug.LogWarningFormat("TerrainData, set via attribute, not found at: {0}", terrainDataFile); } else { // In the case that the specified TerrainData belongs to another Terrain (i.e. input Terrain), // make a copy of it and store it in our cache. Note that this overwrites existing TerrainData in our cache // because the workflow is such that attributes will always override local setting. string bakedTerrainPath = houdiniAsset.GetValidAssetCacheFolderPath(); bakedTerrainPath = HEU_Platform.BuildPath(bakedTerrainPath, relativeFolderPath); terrainData = HEU_AssetDatabase.CopyAndLoadAssetAtAnyPath(loadedTerrainData, bakedTerrainPath, typeof(TerrainData), true) as TerrainData; if (terrainData == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unable to copy TerrainData from {0} for generating Terrain.", terrainDataFile); } } } // Generate the terrain and terrain data from the height layer. This applies height values. bResult = HEU_TerrainUtility.GenerateTerrainFromVolume(session, ref heightVolumeInfo, heightLayer._part.ParentGeoNode.GeoID, heightLayer._part.PartID, heightLayer._part.OutputGameObject, ref terrainData, out terrainOffsetPosition); if (!bResult || terrainData == null) { return; } if (_terrainData != terrainData) { _terrainData = terrainData; heightLayer._part.SetTerrainData(terrainData, relativeFolderPath); } heightLayer._part.SetTerrainOffsetPosition(terrainOffsetPosition); int terrainSize = terrainData.heightmapResolution; // Now process TerrainLayers and alpha maps // First, preprocess all layers to get heightfield arrays, converted to proper size List<float[]> heightFields = new List<float[]>(); // Corresponding list of HF volume layers to process as splatmaps List<HEU_VolumeLayer> volumeLayersToProcess = new List<HEU_VolumeLayer>(); int numLayers = _layers.Count; float minHeight = 0; float maxHeight = 0; float heightRange = 0; // This skips the height layer, and processes all other layers. // Note that mask shouldn't be part of _layers at this point. for(int i = 1; i < numLayers; ++i) { float[] normalizedHF = HEU_TerrainUtility.GetNormalizedHeightmapFromPartWithMinMax(session, _ownerNode.GeoID, _layers[i]._part.PartID, _layers[i]._xLength, _layers[i]._yLength, ref minHeight, ref maxHeight, ref heightRange); if (normalizedHF != null && normalizedHF.Length > 0) { heightFields.Add(normalizedHF); volumeLayersToProcess.Add(_layers[i]); } } int numVolumeLayers = volumeLayersToProcess.Count; HAPI_NodeId geoID; HAPI_PartId partID; Texture2D defaultTexture = LoadDefaultSplatTexture(); #if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER // Create or update the terrain layers based on heightfield layers. // Keep existing TerrainLayers, and either update or append to them TerrainLayer[] existingTerrainLayers = terrainData.terrainLayers; // Total layers are existing layers + new alpha maps List<TerrainLayer> finalTerrainLayers = new List<TerrainLayer>(existingTerrainLayers); // This holds the alpha map indices for each layer that will be added to the TerrainData. // The alpha maps could be a mix of existing and new values, so need to know which to use // Initially set to use existing alpha maps, then override later on if specified via HF layers List<int> alphaMapIndices = new List<int>(); for (int a = 0; a < existingTerrainLayers.Length; ++a) { // Negative indices for existing alpha map (offset by -1) alphaMapIndices.Add(-a - 1); } bool bNewTerrainLayer = false; HEU_VolumeLayer layer = null; TerrainLayer terrainLayer = null; bool bSetTerrainLayerProperties = true; for (int m = 0; m < numVolumeLayers; ++m) { bNewTerrainLayer = false; bSetTerrainLayerProperties = true; layer = volumeLayersToProcess[m]; geoID = _ownerNode.GeoID; partID = layer._part.PartID; terrainLayer = null; int terrainLayerIndex = -1; // The TerrainLayer attribute overrides existing TerrainLayer. So if its set, load and use it. string terrainLayerFile = HEU_GeneralUtility.GetAttributeStringValueSingle(session, geoID, partID, HEU_Defines.DEFAULT_UNITY_HEIGHTFIELD_TERRAINLAYER_FILE_ATTR, HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_PRIM); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(terrainLayerFile)) { terrainLayer = HEU_AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(terrainLayerFile, typeof(TerrainLayer)) as TerrainLayer; if (terrainLayer == null) { Debug.LogWarningFormat("TerrainLayer, set via attribute, not found at: {0}", terrainLayerFile); // Not earlying out or skipping this layer due to error because we want to keep proper indexing // by creating a new TerrainLayer. } else { // TerrainLayer loaded from attribute. // It could be an existing TerrainLayer that is already part of finalTerrainLayers // or could be a new one which needs to be added. // If its a different TerrainLayer than existing, update the finalTerrainLayers, and index. if (layer._terrainLayer != null && layer._terrainLayer != terrainLayer) { terrainLayerIndex = HEU_TerrainUtility.GetTerrainLayerIndex(layer._terrainLayer, existingTerrainLayers); if (terrainLayerIndex >= 0) { finalTerrainLayers[terrainLayerIndex] = terrainLayer; } } if (terrainLayerIndex == -1) { // Always check if its part of existing list so as not to add it again terrainLayerIndex = HEU_TerrainUtility.GetTerrainLayerIndex(terrainLayer, existingTerrainLayers); } } } // No terrain layer specified, so try using existing if we have it if (terrainLayer == null) { terrainLayerIndex = HEU_TerrainUtility.GetTerrainLayerIndex(layer._terrainLayer, existingTerrainLayers); if (terrainLayerIndex >= 0) { // Note the terrainLayerIndex is same for finalTerrainLayers as existingTerrainLayers terrainLayer = existingTerrainLayers[terrainLayerIndex]; } } // Still not found, so just create a new one if (terrainLayer == null) { terrainLayer = new TerrainLayer(); = layer._layerName; //Debug.LogFormat("Created new TerrainLayer with name: {0} ",; bNewTerrainLayer = true; } if (terrainLayerIndex == -1) { // Adding to the finalTerrainLayers if this is indeed a newly created or loaded TerrainLayer // (i.e. isn't already part of the TerrainLayers for this Terrain). // Save this layer's index for later on if we make a copy. terrainLayerIndex = finalTerrainLayers.Count; finalTerrainLayers.Add(terrainLayer); // Positive index for alpha map from heightfield (starting at 1) alphaMapIndices.Add(m + 1); } else { // Positive index for alpha map from heightfield (starting at 1) alphaMapIndices[terrainLayerIndex] = m + 1; } // For existing TerrainLayer, make a copy of it if it has custom layer attributes // because we don't want to change the original TerrainLayer. if (!bNewTerrainLayer && layer._hasLayerAttributes) { string bakedTerrainPath = houdiniAsset.GetValidAssetCacheFolderPath(); bakedTerrainPath = HEU_Platform.BuildPath(bakedTerrainPath, relativeFolderPath); TerrainLayer prevTerrainLayer = terrainLayer; terrainLayer = HEU_AssetDatabase.CopyAndLoadAssetAtAnyPath(terrainLayer, bakedTerrainPath, typeof(TerrainLayer), true) as TerrainLayer; if (terrainLayer != null) { // Update the TerrainLayer reference in the list with this copy finalTerrainLayers[terrainLayerIndex] = terrainLayer; } else { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unable to copy TerrainLayer '{0}' for generating Terrain. " + "Using original TerrainLayer. Will not be able to set any TerrainLayer properties.", layer._layerName); terrainLayer = prevTerrainLayer; bSetTerrainLayerProperties = false; // Again, continuing on to keep proper indexing. } } // Now override layer properties if they have been set via attributes if (bSetTerrainLayerProperties) { LoadLayerPropertiesFromAttributes(session, geoID, partID, terrainLayer, bNewTerrainLayer, defaultTexture); } if (bNewTerrainLayer) { // In order to retain the new TerrainLayer, it must be saved to the AssetDatabase. Object savedObject = null; string layerFileNameWithExt =; if (!layerFileNameWithExt.EndsWith(HEU_Defines.HEU_EXT_TERRAINLAYER)) { layerFileNameWithExt += HEU_Defines.HEU_EXT_TERRAINLAYER; } houdiniAsset.AddToAssetDBCache(layerFileNameWithExt, terrainLayer, relativeFolderPath, ref savedObject); } // Store reference layer._terrainLayer = terrainLayer; } // Get existing alpha maps so we can reuse the values if needed float[,,] existingAlphaMaps = terrainData.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, terrainData.alphamapWidth, terrainData.alphamapHeight); terrainData.terrainLayers = finalTerrainLayers.ToArray(); int numTotalAlphaMaps = finalTerrainLayers.Count; #else // Create or update the SplatPrototype based on heightfield layers. // Need to create or reuse SplatPrototype for each layer in heightfield, representing the textures. SplatPrototype[] existingSplats = terrainData.splatPrototypes; // A full rebuild clears out existing splats, but a regular cook keeps them. List<SplatPrototype> finalSplats = new List<SplatPrototype>(existingSplats); // This holds the alpha map indices for each layer that will be added to the TerrainData // The alpha maps could be a mix of existing and new values, so need to know which to use List<int> alphaMapIndices = new List<int>(); // Initially set to use existing alpha maps, then override later on if specified via HF layers. for (int a = 0; a < existingSplats.Length; ++a) { // Negative indices for existing alpha map (offset by -1) alphaMapIndices.Add(-a - 1); } bool bNewSplat = false; HEU_VolumeLayer layer = null; SplatPrototype splatPrototype = null; for (int m = 0; m < numVolumeLayers; ++m) { bNewSplat = false; layer = volumeLayersToProcess[m]; geoID = _ownerNode.GeoID; partID = layer._part.PartID; // Try to find existing SplatPrototype for reuse. But not for full rebuild. splatPrototype = null; if (layer._splatPrototypeIndex >= 0 && layer._splatPrototypeIndex < existingSplats.Length) { splatPrototype = existingSplats[layer._splatPrototypeIndex]; // Positive index for alpha map from heightfield (starting at 1) alphaMapIndices[layer._splatPrototypeIndex] = m + 1; } if (splatPrototype == null) { splatPrototype = new SplatPrototype(); layer._splatPrototypeIndex = finalSplats.Count; finalSplats.Add(splatPrototype); // Positive index for alpha map from heightfield (starting at 1) alphaMapIndices.Add(m + 1); } // Now override splat properties if they have been set via attributes LoadLayerPropertiesFromAttributes(session, geoID, partID, splatPrototype, bNewSplat, defaultTexture); } // On regular cook, get existing alpha maps so we can reuse the values if needed. float[,,] existingAlphaMaps = terrainData.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, terrainData.alphamapWidth, terrainData.alphamapHeight); terrainData.splatPrototypes = finalSplats.ToArray(); int numTotalAlphaMaps = finalSplats.Count; #endif // Set alpha maps by combining with existing alpha maps, and appending new heightfields float[,,] alphamap = null; if (numTotalAlphaMaps > 0 && volumeLayersToProcess.Count > 0) { // Convert the heightfields into alpha maps with layer strengths float[] strengths = new float[volumeLayersToProcess.Count]; for (int m = 0; m < volumeLayersToProcess.Count; ++m) { strengths[m] = volumeLayersToProcess[m]._strength; } alphamap = HEU_TerrainUtility.AppendConvertedHeightFieldToAlphaMap( volumeLayersToProcess[0]._xLength, volumeLayersToProcess[0]._yLength, existingAlphaMaps, heightFields, strengths, alphaMapIndices); // Update the alphamap resolution to the actual size of the first // heightfield layer used for the alphamaps. // Setting the size before setting the alphamas applies proper scaling. int alphamapResolution = volumeLayersToProcess[0]._xLength; terrainData.alphamapResolution = alphamapResolution; terrainData.SetAlphamaps(0, 0, alphamap); } // Tree instances for scattering HEU_TerrainUtility.ApplyScatter(terrainData, _scatterTrees); // If the layers were writen out, this saves the asset DB. Otherwise user has to save it themselves. // Not 100% sure this is needed, but without this the editor doesn't know the terrain asset has been updated // and therefore doesn't import and show the terrain layer. HEU_AssetDatabase.SaveAssetDatabase(); }
/// <summary> /// For the given object, returns its file path if it exists. /// </summary> /// <param name="inObject">Object to get the path for.</param> /// <returns>Valid path or null if none found.</returns> public static string LocateValidFilePath(UnityEngine.Object inObject) { return(inObject != null?HEU_AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(inObject) : null); }
private bool DrawDetailsGeometry() { bool bChanged = false; EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 250; { bool oldValue = HEU_PluginSettings.Curves_ShowInSceneView; bool newValue = HEU_EditorUI.DrawToggleLeft(oldValue, "Show Curves in Scene View"); if (newValue != oldValue) { HEU_PluginSettings.Curves_ShowInSceneView = newValue; HEU_HoudiniAsset.SetCurvesVisibilityInScene(newValue); bChanged = true; } } HEU_EditorUI.DrawSeparator(); { int oldValue = HEU_PluginSettings.MaxVerticesPerPrimitive; int newValue = EditorGUILayout.DelayedIntField("Max Vertices Per Primitive", oldValue); if (newValue != oldValue) { if (newValue == 3 || newValue == 4) { HEU_PluginSettings.MaxVerticesPerPrimitive = newValue; bChanged = true; } else { Debug.LogWarningFormat("Plugin only supports 3 (triangles) or 4 (quads) max vertices values."); } } } HEU_EditorUI.DrawSeparator(); { float oldValue = HEU_PluginSettings.NormalGenerationThresholdAngle; float newValue = EditorGUILayout.DelayedFloatField("Normal Generation Threshold Angle", oldValue); if (newValue != oldValue) { HEU_PluginSettings.NormalGenerationThresholdAngle = newValue; bChanged = true; } } HEU_EditorUI.DrawSeparator(); { string oldValue = HEU_PluginSettings.DefaultTerrainMaterial; if (_terrainMaterial == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldValue)) { //Debug.Log("Loading terrain material at: " + oldValue); _terrainMaterial = HEU_MaterialFactory.LoadUnityMaterial(oldValue); } Material newMaterial = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Default Terrain Material", _terrainMaterial, typeof(Material), false) as Material; if (newMaterial != _terrainMaterial) { string materialPath = ""; if (newMaterial != null) { materialPath = HEU_AssetDatabase.GetAssetPathWithSubAssetSupport(newMaterial); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(materialPath) && (materialPath.StartsWith(HEU_Defines.DEFAULT_UNITY_BUILTIN_RESOURCES))) { // Default materials need to be specially handled materialPath = HEU_AssetDatabase.GetUniqueAssetPathForUnityAsset(newMaterial); newMaterial = HEU_AssetDatabase.LoadUnityAssetFromUniqueAssetPath<Material>(materialPath); } } HEU_PluginSettings.DefaultTerrainMaterial = materialPath; _terrainMaterial = newMaterial; bChanged = true; } } HEU_EditorUI.DrawSeparator(); { string oldValue = HEU_PluginSettings.TerrainSplatTextureDefault; string newValue = EditorGUILayout.DelayedTextField("Default Terrain Splat Texture", oldValue); if (!newValue.Equals(oldValue)) { HEU_PluginSettings.TerrainSplatTextureDefault = newValue; bChanged = true; } } HEU_EditorUI.DrawSeparator(); { string oldValue = HEU_PluginSettings.DefaultStandardShader; string newValue = EditorGUILayout.DelayedTextField("Default Standard Shader", oldValue); if (!newValue.Equals(oldValue)) { HEU_PluginSettings.DefaultStandardShader = newValue; bChanged = true; } } HEU_EditorUI.DrawSeparator(); { string oldValue = HEU_PluginSettings.DefaultTransparentShader; string newValue = EditorGUILayout.DelayedTextField("Default Transparent Shader", oldValue); if (!newValue.Equals(oldValue)) { HEU_PluginSettings.DefaultTransparentShader = newValue; bChanged = true; } } HEU_EditorUI.DrawSeparator(); { string oldValue = HEU_PluginSettings.DefaultVertexColorShader; string newValue = EditorGUILayout.DelayedTextField("Default Vertex Color Shader", oldValue); if (!newValue.Equals(oldValue)) { HEU_PluginSettings.DefaultVertexColorShader = newValue; bChanged = true; } } HEU_EditorUI.DrawSeparator(); { string oldValue = HEU_PluginSettings.DefaultCurveShader; string newValue = EditorGUILayout.DelayedTextField("Default Curve Shader", oldValue); if (!newValue.Equals(oldValue)) { HEU_PluginSettings.DefaultCurveShader = newValue; bChanged = true; } } HEU_EditorUI.DrawSeparator(); EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 0; return bChanged; }
public static void WriteMaterialToAssetCache(Material material, string assetCacheFolderPath, string materialName) { string materialFileName = materialName + HEU_Defines.HEU_EXT_MAT; //Debug.LogFormat("Writing material {0} out to {1}", materialFileName, assetCacheFolderPath); HEU_AssetDatabase.CreateObjectInAssetCacheFolder(material, assetCacheFolderPath, HEU_Defines.HEU_FOLDER_MATERIALS, materialFileName, typeof(Material)); }
public void PopulateInputPreset(HEU_InputPreset inputPreset) { inputPreset._inputObjectType = _inputObjectType; // Deprecated and replaced with _inputAssetPresets. Leaving it in for backwards compatibility. //inputPreset._inputAssetName = _inputAsset != null ? : ""; inputPreset._inputIndex = _inputIndex; inputPreset._inputName = _inputName; inputPreset._keepWorldTransform = _keepWorldTransform; inputPreset._packGeometryBeforeMerging = _packGeometryBeforeMerging; foreach (HEU_InputObjectInfo inputObject in _inputObjects) { HEU_InputObjectPreset inputObjectPreset = new HEU_InputObjectPreset(); if (inputObject._gameObject != null) { inputObjectPreset._gameObjectName =; // Tag whether scene or project input object inputObjectPreset._isSceneObject = !HEU_GeneralUtility.IsGameObjectInProject(inputObject._gameObject); if (!inputObjectPreset._isSceneObject) { // For inputs in project, use the project path as name inputObjectPreset._gameObjectName = HEU_AssetDatabase.GetAssetOrScenePath(inputObject._gameObject); } } else { inputObjectPreset._gameObjectName = ""; } inputObjectPreset._useTransformOffset = inputObject._useTransformOffset; inputObjectPreset._translateOffset = inputObject._translateOffset; inputObjectPreset._rotateOffset = inputObject._rotateOffset; inputObjectPreset._scaleOffset = inputObject._scaleOffset; inputPreset._inputObjectPresets.Add(inputObjectPreset); } foreach (HEU_InputHDAInfo hdaInfo in _inputAssetInfos) { HEU_InputAssetPreset inputAssetPreset = new HEU_InputAssetPreset(); if (hdaInfo._connectedGO != null) { if (!HEU_GeneralUtility.IsGameObjectInProject(hdaInfo._connectedGO)) { inputAssetPreset._gameObjectName =; } else { inputAssetPreset._gameObjectName = ""; } inputPreset._inputAssetPresets.Add(inputAssetPreset); } } }
public static bool DoesMaterialExistInAssetCache(Material material) { return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(HEU_AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(material)); }
/// <summary> /// Upload the inputData (mesh geometry) into the input node with inputNodeID. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">Session that the input node exists in</param> /// <param name="inputNodeID">ID of the input node</param> /// <param name="inputData">Container of the mesh geometry</param> /// <returns>True if successfully uploaded data</returns> public bool UploadData(HEU_SessionBase session, HAPI_NodeId inputNodeID, HEU_InputData inputData) { HEU_InputDataMeshes inputDataMeshes = inputData as HEU_InputDataMeshes; if (inputDataMeshes == null) { Debug.LogError("Expected HEU_InputDataMeshes type for inputData, but received unsupported type."); return false; } List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3>(); List<Vector3> normals = new List<Vector3>(); List<Vector2> uvs = new List<Vector2>(); List<Color> colors = new List<Color>(); List<int> pointIndexList = new List<int>(); List<int> vertIndexList = new List<int>(); int numMaterials = 0; int numMeshes = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes.Count; // Get the parent's world transform, so when there are multiple child meshes, // can merge and apply their local transform after subtracting their parent's world transform Matrix4x4 rootInvertTransformMatrix = Matrix4x4.identity; if (numMeshes > 1) { rootInvertTransformMatrix = inputDataMeshes._inputObject.transform.worldToLocalMatrix; } // For all meshes: // Accumulate vertices, normals, uvs, colors, and indices. // Keep track of indices start and count for each mesh for later when uploading material assignments and groups. // Find shared vertices, and use unique set of vertices to use as point positions. // Need to reindex indices for both unique vertices, as well as vertex attributes. for (int i = 0; i < numMeshes; ++i) { Vector3[] meshVertices = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.vertices; Matrix4x4 localToWorld = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._transform.localToWorldMatrix * rootInvertTransformMatrix; List<Vector3> uniqueVertices = new List<Vector3>(); // Keep track of old vertex positions (old vertex slot points to new unique vertex slot) int[] reindexVertices = new int[meshVertices.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < meshVertices.Length; ++j) { reindexVertices[j] = -1; } // For each vertex, check against subsequent vertices for shared positions. for (int a = 0; a < meshVertices.Length; ++a) { Vector3 va = meshVertices[a]; if (reindexVertices[a] == -1) { if (numMeshes > 1 && !inputDataMeshes._hasLOD) { // For multiple meshes that are not LODs, apply local transform on vertices to get the merged mesh. uniqueVertices.Add(localToWorld.MultiplyPoint(va)); } else { uniqueVertices.Add(va); } // Reindex to point to unique vertex slot reindexVertices[a] = uniqueVertices.Count - 1; } for (int b = a + 1; b < meshVertices.Length; ++b) { if (va == meshVertices[b]) { // Shared vertex -> reindex to point to unique vertex slot reindexVertices[b] = reindexVertices[a]; } } } int vertexOffset = vertices.Count; vertices.AddRange(uniqueVertices); Vector3[] meshNormals = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.normals; Vector2[] meshUVs = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.uv; Color[] meshColors = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.colors; inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._indexStart = new uint[inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._numSubMeshes]; inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._indexCount = new uint[inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._numSubMeshes]; // For each submesh: // Generate face to point index -> pointIndexList // Generate face to vertex attribute index -> vertIndexList for (int j = 0; j < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._numSubMeshes; ++j) { int indexStart = pointIndexList.Count; int vertIndexStart = vertIndexList.Count; // Indices have to be re-indexed with our own offset int[] meshIndices = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._mesh.GetTriangles(j); int numIndices = meshIndices.Length; for (int k = 0; k < numIndices; ++k) { int originalIndex = meshIndices[k]; meshIndices[k] = reindexVertices[originalIndex]; pointIndexList.Add(vertexOffset + meshIndices[k]); vertIndexList.Add(vertIndexStart + k); if (meshNormals != null && (originalIndex < meshNormals.Length)) { normals.Add(meshNormals[originalIndex]); } if (meshUVs != null && (originalIndex < meshUVs.Length)) { uvs.Add(meshUVs[originalIndex]); } if (meshColors != null && (originalIndex < meshColors.Length)) { colors.Add(meshColors[originalIndex]); } } inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._indexStart[j] = (uint)indexStart; inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._indexCount[j] = (uint)(pointIndexList.Count) - inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._indexStart[j]; } numMaterials += inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._materials != null ? inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[i]._materials.Length : 0; } // It is possible for some meshes to not have normals/uvs/colors while others do. // In the case where an attribute is missing on some meshes, we clear out those attributes so we don't upload // partial attribute data. int totalAllVertexCount = vertIndexList.Count; if (normals.Count != totalAllVertexCount) { normals = null; } if (uvs.Count != totalAllVertexCount) { uvs = null; } if (colors.Count != totalAllVertexCount) { colors = null; } HAPI_PartInfo partInfo = new HAPI_PartInfo(); partInfo.faceCount = vertIndexList.Count / 3; partInfo.vertexCount = vertIndexList.Count; partInfo.pointCount = vertices.Count; partInfo.pointAttributeCount = 1; partInfo.vertexAttributeCount = 0; partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount = 0; partInfo.detailAttributeCount = 0; if (normals != null && normals.Count > 0) { partInfo.vertexAttributeCount++; } if (uvs != null && uvs.Count > 0) { partInfo.vertexAttributeCount++; } if (colors != null && colors.Count > 0) { partInfo.vertexAttributeCount++; } if (numMaterials > 0) { partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount++; } if (numMeshes > 0) { partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount++; } if (inputDataMeshes._hasLOD) { partInfo.primitiveAttributeCount++; partInfo.detailAttributeCount++; } HAPI_GeoInfo displayGeoInfo = new HAPI_GeoInfo(); if (!session.GetDisplayGeoInfo(inputNodeID, ref displayGeoInfo)) { return false; } HAPI_NodeId displayNodeID = displayGeoInfo.nodeId; if (!session.SetPartInfo(displayNodeID, 0, ref partInfo)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input part info. "); return false; } int[] faceCounts = new int[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int i = 0; i < partInfo.faceCount; ++i) { faceCounts[i] = 3; } int[] triIndices = pointIndexList.ToArray(); if (!HEU_GeneralUtility.SetArray2Arg(displayNodeID, 0, session.SetFaceCount, faceCounts, 0, partInfo.faceCount)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry face counts."); return false; } if (!HEU_GeneralUtility.SetArray2Arg(displayNodeID, 0, session.SetVertexList, triIndices, 0, partInfo.vertexCount)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry indices."); return false; } if (!HEU_InputMeshUtility.SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_POSITION, 3, vertices.ToArray(), ref partInfo, true)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry position."); return false; } int[] vertIndices = vertIndexList.ToArray(); //if(normals != null && !SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_NORMAL, 3, normals.ToArray(), ref partInfo, true)) if (normals != null && !HEU_InputMeshUtility.SetMeshVertexAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_NORMAL, 3, normals.ToArray(), vertIndices, ref partInfo, true)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry normals."); return false; } if (uvs != null && uvs.Count > 0) { Vector3[] uvs3 = new Vector3[uvs.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < uvs.Count; ++i) { uvs3[i][0] = uvs[i][0]; uvs3[i][1] = uvs[i][1]; uvs3[i][2] = 0; } //if(!SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_UV, 3, uvs3, ref partInfo, false)) if (!HEU_InputMeshUtility.SetMeshVertexAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_UV, 3, uvs3, vertIndices, ref partInfo, false)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry UVs."); return false; } } if (colors != null && colors.Count > 0) { Vector3[] rgb = new Vector3[colors.Count]; float[] alpha = new float[colors.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < colors.Count; ++i) { rgb[i][0] = colors[i].r; rgb[i][1] = colors[i].g; rgb[i][2] = colors[i].b; alpha[i] = colors[i].a; } //if(!SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_COLOR, 3, rgb, ref partInfo, false)) if (!HEU_InputMeshUtility.SetMeshVertexAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_COLOR, 3, rgb, vertIndices, ref partInfo, false)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry colors."); return false; } //if(!SetMeshPointAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_ALPHA, 1, alpha, ref partInfo, false)) if (!HEU_InputMeshUtility.SetMeshVertexFloatAttribute(session, displayNodeID, 0, HEU_Defines.HAPI_ATTRIB_ALPHA, 1, alpha, vertIndices, ref partInfo)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry color alpha."); return false; } } // Set material names for round-trip perservation of material assignment // Each HEU_UploadMeshData might have a list of submeshes and materials // These are all combined into a single mesh, with group names if (numMaterials > 0) { bool bFoundAtleastOneValidMaterial = false; string[] materialIDs = new string[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int g = 0; g < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes.Count; ++g) { if (inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._numSubMeshes != inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._materials.Length) { // Number of submeshes should equal number of materials since materials determine submeshes continue; } for (int i = 0; i < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._materials.Length; ++i) { string materialName = HEU_AssetDatabase.GetAssetPathWithSubAssetSupport(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._materials[i]); if (materialName == null) { materialName = ""; } else if (materialName.StartsWith(HEU_Defines.DEFAULT_UNITY_BUILTIN_RESOURCES)) { materialName = HEU_AssetDatabase.GetUniqueAssetPathForUnityAsset(inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._materials[i]); } bFoundAtleastOneValidMaterial |= !string.IsNullOrEmpty(materialName); int faceStart = (int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexStart[i] / 3; int faceEnd = faceStart + ((int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexCount[i] / 3); for (int m = faceStart; m < faceEnd; ++m) { materialIDs[m] = materialName; } } } if (bFoundAtleastOneValidMaterial) { HAPI_AttributeInfo materialIDAttrInfo = new HAPI_AttributeInfo(); materialIDAttrInfo.exists = true; materialIDAttrInfo.owner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_PRIM; = HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_STRING; materialIDAttrInfo.count = partInfo.faceCount; materialIDAttrInfo.tupleSize = 1; materialIDAttrInfo.originalOwner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_INVALID; if (!session.AddAttribute(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityMaterialAttribName, ref materialIDAttrInfo)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to add input geometry unity material name attribute."); return false; } if (!HEU_GeneralUtility.SetAttributeArray(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityMaterialAttribName, ref materialIDAttrInfo, materialIDs, session.SetAttributeStringData, partInfo.faceCount)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry unity material name."); return false; } } } // Set mesh name attribute HAPI_AttributeInfo attrInfo = new HAPI_AttributeInfo(); attrInfo.exists = true; attrInfo.owner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_PRIM; = HAPI_StorageType.HAPI_STORAGETYPE_STRING; attrInfo.count = partInfo.faceCount; attrInfo.tupleSize = 1; attrInfo.originalOwner = HAPI_AttributeOwner.HAPI_ATTROWNER_INVALID; if (session.AddAttribute(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityInputMeshAttr, ref attrInfo)) { string[] primitiveNameAttr = new string[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int g = 0; g < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes.Count; ++g) { for (int i = 0; i < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._numSubMeshes; ++i) { int faceStart = (int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexStart[i] / 3; int faceEnd = faceStart + ((int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexCount[i] / 3); for (int m = faceStart; m < faceEnd; ++m) { primitiveNameAttr[m] = inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._meshPath; } } } if (!HEU_GeneralUtility.SetAttributeArray(displayNodeID, 0, HEU_PluginSettings.UnityInputMeshAttr, ref attrInfo, primitiveNameAttr, session.SetAttributeStringData, partInfo.faceCount)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry unity mesh name."); return false; } } else { return false; } // Set LOD group membership if (inputDataMeshes._hasLOD) { int[] membership = new int[partInfo.faceCount]; for (int g = 0; g < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes.Count; ++g) { if (g > 0) { // Clear array for (int m = 0; m < partInfo.faceCount; ++m) { membership[m] = 0; } } // Set 1 for faces belonging to this group for (int s = 0; s < inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._numSubMeshes; ++s) { int faceStart = (int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexStart[s] / 3; int faceEnd = faceStart + ((int)inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._indexCount[s] / 3); for (int m = faceStart; m < faceEnd; ++m) { membership[m] = 1; } } if (!session.AddGroup(displayNodeID, 0, HAPI_GroupType.HAPI_GROUPTYPE_PRIM, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._meshName)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to add input geometry LOD group name."); return false; } if (!session.SetGroupMembership(displayNodeID, 0, HAPI_GroupType.HAPI_GROUPTYPE_PRIM, inputDataMeshes._inputMeshes[g]._meshName, membership, 0, partInfo.faceCount)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to set input geometry LOD group name."); return false; } } } return session.CommitGeo(displayNodeID); }
public static void DeleteAssetMaterial(Material material) { HEU_AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(material); }