예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new hotkeyset with input from the user and a random ID
        /// Imports a config file to go with the hotkeyset
        /// </summary>
        private void AddHotkeySetAndConfig()
            if (IsTibiaRunning()) // If tibia is running
                // Shows an error message
                MessageBox.Show("You cannot add new hotkeysets while tibia is running.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                if (hksManager.IsListFull()) // If the list is full
                    // Shows an error message
                    MessageBox.Show(String.Format("The maximum number of sets ({0}) have been reached.", hksManager.HotkeySetsLimit), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                else // If the list is not full
                    hksForm = new HotkeySetForm(hksManager.NewIDGenerator()); // New instance of the hotkeysetform with a new id in the constructor param
                    hksForm.Text = "Add new config"; // Change the title of the instance

                    if (hksForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) // Shows form and if the dialogresult is OK (the user ends the form by pressing "Add")
                        xmlHandler.XMLAddSet(hksForm.HotkeySetData); // Gets the newly made set from the form and creates an xml element from it
                        // Gets the newly made set's filepath and id and runs the method to import the file to the hotkeysets folder
                        cfgHandler.ImportConfig(hksForm.HotkeySetFile, hksForm.HotkeySetData.ID);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes the values (info & character class) of a hotkeyset
        /// Imports a new config to replace the old if selected
        /// The ID never changes with this method
        /// </summary>
        private void ChangeHotkeySetValuesAndConfig()
            if (IsTibiaRunning()) // If tibia is running
                // Shows an error message
                MessageBox.Show("You cannot add edit hotkeysets while tibia is running.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            else // If tibia is not running
                if (dgwHotkeySetList.Rows.Count == 0) // If the datagridview is empty
                    MessageBox.Show("The list is empty.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                else // If the datagridview has content and thereby have a selected row
                    int selectedID = (int)dgwHotkeySetList.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value; // Gets the id of the selected row and parses it as an int

                    HotkeySet loadSet; // Creates a HotkeySet object from what's selected in the list
                    xmlHandler.XMLReadSet(selectedID, out loadSet);

                    hksForm = new HotkeySetForm(selectedID); // New instance of the hotkeysetform
                    hksForm.HotkeySetData = loadSet; // Sets the data of the form the ones we loaded
                    hksForm.LoadChangeMode(); // Actually outputs those in the form

                    if (hksForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) // If the form was exited by pressing the change button
                        // Runs the hotkeyset manager's changeset method with a new HotkeySet as param
                        // The new HotkeySet is made by the old ID, and the new vocation and info
                        // Imports the specified config to overwrite the old one
                        // If the old and new filepath is the same, does nothing
                        cfgHandler.ImportConfig(hksForm.HotkeySetFile, hksForm.HotkeySetData.ID);