예제 #1
        public void AddHotelEdge()
            HotelNodeSet = HotelNodeSet.OrderBy(n => n.RoomData.Position.Y).ThenBy(n => n.RoomData.Position.X).ToList(); // Orders the list so edges can be added easily.

            for (int index = 0; index < HotelNodeSet.Count; index++)                                                     // For each HotelNode add edges.
                HotelNode hotelNode = HotelNodeSet[index];
                if (index < HotelNodeSet.Count - HotelNodeSet[index].RoomData.Dimension.X)       // Checks if HotelNodeSet is not out of range.
                    HotelNode neighbourHotelNode = HotelNodeSet[index + 1];                      // Finds the next node in the orded HotelNodeSet list.

                    if (neighbourHotelNode.RoomData.Position.Y == hotelNode.RoomData.Position.Y) // Adds all horizontal neighbours for the rooms.
                        hotelNode.RoomNeighbour.Add(new HotelEdge(hotelNode, neighbourHotelNode));
                        neighbourHotelNode.RoomNeighbour.Add(new HotelEdge(neighbourHotelNode, hotelNode));
                    if (hotelNode.RoomData.AreaType.Equals("Stairwell") || hotelNode.RoomData.AreaType.Equals("Elevator"))                                                                                                                   // Adds all upper and lower neighbours for the starwell/elevator.
                        HotelNode ElevatorNeighbours = HotelNodeSet.FirstOrDefault(n => n.RoomData.Position.Y.Equals(HotelNodeSet[index].RoomData.Position.Y + 1) && n.RoomData.Position.X.Equals(HotelNodeSet[index].RoomData.Position.X)); // Finds the next Elevator/Stair neightbour in the orded HotelNodeSet list.
                        if (ElevatorNeighbours != null)
                            hotelNode.RoomNeighbour.Add(new HotelEdge(hotelNode, ElevatorNeighbours));
                            ElevatorNeighbours.RoomNeighbour.Add(new HotelEdge(ElevatorNeighbours, hotelNode));
예제 #2
 public Fitness(HotelNode hotelNode)
     Sprite         = Image.FromFile(@"..\..\Resources\Images\Fitness.png");
     this.hotelNode = hotelNode;
     Occupied       = false;
     HumanList      = new List <IHuman>();
예제 #3
 public Room(HotelNode hotelNode)
     Sprite         = Image.FromFile(@"..\..\Resources\Images\Room.png");
     spriteOccupied = Image.FromFile(@"..\..\Resources\Images\Room occupied.png");
     this.hotelNode = hotelNode;
     Occupied       = false;
     HumanList      = new List <IHuman>();
예제 #4
 public void RoomEventFinder(HotelNode GoToNode, HotelEvent evt)
     if (evt.EventType.Equals(HotelEventType.CHECK_OUT) || evt.EventType.Equals(HotelEventType.EVACUATE))                                // Checks if this events has to leave the hotel and make the rooms not full.
         hotelRoom.Occupied = false;
         leaveHotel         = true;
         MyRoom.hotelNode.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(@"..\..\Resources\Images\Room.png");
     hotelRoomDestination   = (IHotelRoom)GoToNode.HotelObject;
     specificRoomDirections = RoomPathFinder.PathToRoom(hotelNode, GoToNode, hotelNodes);                                                // Uses Dijkstra to find the shortest path to a room. (Location of Human, location of destination, hotel graph)
예제 #5
        public static List <HotelNode> PathToRoom(HotelNode source, HotelNode destination, List <HotelNode> graph)
            List <HotelNode>                  fastestRout    = new List <HotelNode>();
            Dictionary <HotelNode, int>       distanceToNode = new Dictionary <HotelNode, int>();
            Dictionary <HotelNode, HotelNode> lastNode       = new Dictionary <HotelNode, HotelNode>();
            List <HotelNode>                  queue          = new List <HotelNode>();

            graph.ForEach(node => queue.Add(node));

            foreach (HotelNode node in queue)
                distanceToNode.Add(node, int.MaxValue); // The distance to the other vertices is unknown so they get the temporary value of null.
            distanceToNode[source] = 0;                 // The distance from the source node to the source node is always 0.

            while (queue.Count != 0)
                // Find vertex with smallest distance and remove it from queue.
                HotelNode smallNode = queue.OrderBy(node => distanceToNode[node]).FirstOrDefault();

                // For each edge adjacent to smallnode add edge cost to get to neighboring vertex.
                foreach (HotelEdge edge in smallNode.RoomNeighbour)
                    int distance = distanceToNode[smallNode] + 1;

                    // If edge cost to neighbor is bigger than current distance, overwrite value for the edge.destination, set key to edge.destination and value to smallNode.
                    if (distance < distanceToNode[edge.RoomDestination])
                        distanceToNode[edge.RoomDestination] = distance;
                        lastNode[edge.RoomDestination]       = smallNode;
                // If smallNode has reached the destination break.
                if (smallNode == destination)

            while (lastNode.ContainsKey(destination))
                destination = lastNode[destination];
            // Reverses rout because fastestRout finds the fastest rout backwards.

예제 #6
        public void LoadObjects()
            lobbyNode = hotelGraph.HotelNodeSet.FirstOrDefault(n => n.RoomData.AreaType.Equals("Lobby"));    // Keeps the hotelNode where the lobby is on.
            HotelRoomFactory hotelRoomFactory = new HotelRoomFactory();

            foreach (HotelNode hotelNode in hotelGraph.HotelNodeSet)
                hotelNode.HotelObject = hotelRoomFactory.HotelRooms(hotelNode);
            eventManager = new HotelEventManager();
            listener     = new HotelEventObserver(this);
            eventManager.StartEvents();                                                                      // Starts the hotel events.
            eventManager.RegisterListener(listener);                                                         // Registers the listener to the event manager.
예제 #7
        public Cleaner(HotelNode hotelNode, Dictionary <string, string> Data, List <HotelNode> hotelNodes)
            if (hotelNode != null && hotelNodes != null)
                Sprite               = Image.FromFile(@"..\..\Resources\Images\Cleaner.png");
                this.hotelNode       = hotelNode;
                this.hotelNodes      = hotelNodes;
                this.hotelNode.Image = Sprite;

                leaveHotel           = false;
                hotelNodeDestination = FindSpecificOpenRoom(Data, hotelNodes);
                MyRoom = (Room)hotelNodeDestination.HotelObject;
                specificRoomDirections = RoomPathFinder.PathToRoom(hotelNode, hotelNodeDestination, hotelNodes);             // Uses Dijkstra to find the shortest path to a room. (Location of guest, location of destination, hotel graph)

                hotelRoom = (IHotelRoom)hotelNode.HotelObject;                                                               // Casts this hotelNodes object as a IHotelRoom.
                hotelRoom.AddHuman(this);                                                                                    // Add this instance of a cleaner to a concrete room type.
예제 #8
        public void Move()
            if (leaveHotel == true && hotelRoom == hotelRoomDestination)
                if (hotelRoom.HumanList.Count == 0)
                    hotelNode.Image = null;
            if (specificRoomDirections.Count > 0)
                HotelNode NextHotelNode = specificRoomDirections.FirstOrDefault(n => hotelNode.RoomNeighbour.Any(e => e.RoomDestination == n)); // Finds the neighbouring hotelnode that equals the first HotelNode in the specificRoomDirections List.

                if (hotelRoom.HumanList.Any(h => h is Guest))
                    hotelNode.Image = Image.FromFile(@"..\..\Resources\Images\Guest.png");
                    hotelNode.Image = Image.FromFile(@"..\..\Resources\Images\Cleaner.png");
                if (hotelRoom.HumanList.Count == 0)                                                                                             // Checks if this hotelRooms HumanList has any humans in it.
                    hotelNode.Image = null;                                                                                                     // Sets this hotelNodes image to null.
                hotelRoom = (IHotelRoom)NextHotelNode.HotelObject;                                                                              // Casts the NextHotelNodes object to this humans hotelRoom.
                NextHotelNode.Image = Sprite;
                if (hotelRoom.HumanList.Any(h => h is Guest) && hotelRoom.HumanList.Any(h => h is Cleaner))
                    NextHotelNode.Image = Image.FromFile(@"..\..\Resources\Images\CombinedCleanerGuest.png");

                specificRoomDirections.Remove(NextHotelNode);                                                                                   // Removes the NextHotelNode from the specificRoomDirections list so next move instructions will be of the next HotelNode in the list.
                hotelNode = NextHotelNode;
                hotelNode.Image = null;                                                                                                         // When Cleaner reached Destination image disapears as if going into their room.
        public IObject HotelRooms(HotelNode hotelNode)
            IObject hotelNodeObject = null;

            if (hotelNode.RoomData.AreaType.Equals("Room"))
                hotelNodeObject = new Room(hotelNode);
            else if (hotelNode.RoomData.AreaType.Equals("Lobby"))
                hotelNodeObject = new Lobby(hotelNode);
            else if (hotelNode.RoomData.AreaType.Equals("Restaurant"))
                hotelNodeObject = new Restaurant(hotelNode);
            else if (hotelNode.RoomData.AreaType.Equals("Elevator"))
                hotelNodeObject = new Elevator(hotelNode);
            else if (hotelNode.RoomData.AreaType.Equals("Stairwell"))
                hotelNodeObject = new Stairwell(hotelNode);
            else if (hotelNode.RoomData.AreaType.Equals("Cinema"))
                hotelNodeObject = new Cinema(hotelNode);
            else if (hotelNode.RoomData.AreaType.Equals("Fitness"))
                hotelNodeObject = new Fitness(hotelNode);