private async void ResolveBets() { // get unresolved bets DataTable bets; int homeScore, awayScore; bets = tblBetsTableAdapter.GetDataByUnresolved(); foreach (DataRow r in bets.Rows) { p = await hapi.GetGameResult(r["gameID"].ToString()); homeScore = p.teams.home.teamStats.teamSkaterStats.goals; awayScore = p.teams.away.teamStats.teamSkaterStats.goals; // first check if there is any score, if not, the game has not been played yet if (homeScore == 0 && awayScore == 0) { continue; } DBUtilities.ResolveBet((int)r["ID"], homeScore, awayScore); } this.tblUsersTableAdapter.Fill(this.hockeyPoolDataSet.tblUsers); }
/// <summary> /// Enter a bet by assigning a random score to the current user. /// </summary> /// <param name="amount"></param> /// <returns></returns> private int EnterBet(int amount) { if (dataGridSchedule.CurrentRow == null) { return(1); } HockeyPoolGame g = (HockeyPoolGame)dataGridSchedule.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem; BettingSquares squares; squares = DBUtilities.GetGameBets(g.GameID); if (squares.SquaresFull()) { MessageBox.Show("No more bets available for this game."); return(1); } int home, away; do { RandomScore(out home, out away); } while (!squares.IsSquareAvailable(home, away)); // we have a score and a bet, now record the bet int betResult = DBUtilities.EnterBet(currentUser.ID, 1, g.GameID, home, away); return(betResult); }
public HockeyPoolMenu(string user) { InitializeComponent(); ResolveBets(); todayGames = new List <HockeyPoolGame>(); currentUser = DBUtilities.GetUser(user); dataGridBets.ColumnCount = 10; for (int r = 0; r < 10; r++) { DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow(); for (int c = 0; c < 10; c++) { row.Cells.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxCell() { Value = "" }); dataGridBets.Columns[c].HeaderText = c.ToString(); } dataGridBets.Rows.Add(row); dataGridBets.Rows[r].HeaderCell.Value = r.ToString(); } dataGridBets.AutoResizeColumns(DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells); }
private void LoadBets() { List <BettingSquares> squares = new List <BettingSquares>(); foreach (HockeyPoolGame g in todayGames) { BettingSquares bs = DBUtilities.GetGameBets(g.GameID); squares.Add(bs); } BindingSource binder = new BindingSource(squares, ""); navBets.BindingSource = binder; navBets.BindingSource.PositionChanged += navBetsBindingSource_PositionChanged; }