예제 #1
파일: EffeFile.cs 프로젝트: urgabel/HoMMol
 /// <summary>Load an Effe file from a text filestream
 /// <remarks>Use first the constructor</remarks>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="amount">Amount of Effects</param>
 /// <param name="fs">FileStream to read from</param>
 /// <returns>Amount of models read</returns>
 public UInt32 LoadTxt(UInt32 amount, FileStream fs)
     UInt32 effectsRead = 0;      // Only for debug
     Int32 lineCount = 0;        // Only for debug
     String commentLines = null;
     String line = null;
     List<String> comments = new List<String>();
     List<String> currentEffect = new List<String>();
     // Simplified Chinese encoding
     using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs, Common.enc, false)) lock (Data)
             while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                 // Check if comments or empty line
                 if ((commentsState = IniCommon.ParseLineComments(line, commentsState)) >= 0)
                     // Add to comments if not inside an effect (or skip)
                     if (currentEffect.Count == 0)
                 // Check if starting to read a new effect
                 else if (line.StartsWith("["))
                     // If we already have an effect read
                     if (currentEffect.Count != 0)
                         // Join with "\r\n" all comment lines until
                         //   last not empty, as last empty was just a
                         //   separator between effects
                         // TODO: improve this method
                         commentLines = Common.ConcatenateAllUntilLastNotEmpty(comments);
                         // current effect + comments -> add to collection
                         Effect e = new Effect(currentEffect.ToArray());
                         Data.Add(e.AniTitle, e);
                         // reset comments
                     // new effect
                     // add line to effect
                     // Add data to the current effect
             // EOF: Check if pending to save current effect
             if (currentEffect.Count != 0)
                 Effect e = new Effect(currentEffect.ToArray());
                 Data.Add(e.AniTitle, e);
     return effectsRead;
예제 #2
파일: EffeFile.cs 프로젝트: urgabel/HoMMol
 /// <summary>Load an Effe file from a binary filestream
 /// <remarks>Use first the constructor.</remarks>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="amount">Amount of Effects</param>
 /// <param name="fs">FileStream to read from</param>
 /// <returns>Amount of bytes read</returns>
 public UInt32 LoadBin(UInt32 amount, FileStream fs)
     UInt32 bytesRead = 0;
     fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
     using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs)) lock (Data)
         UInt16 frameAmount;
         Byte[] b = new Byte[34];
         // Skip Magic Header and amount as it must be already known
         br.Read(b, 0, 8);
         bytesRead += 8;
         // Read every Effect
         for (int i = 0; i < Amount; i++)
             // Read AniTitle and Effect Parts amount
             br.Read(b, 0, 34);
             bytesRead += 34;
             frameAmount = BitConverter.ToUInt16(b, 32);
             Byte[] fullEffect = new Byte[16 * frameAmount + 34];
             Buffer.BlockCopy(b, 0, fullEffect, 0, 34);
             // Read all frames in this Effect
             br.Read(fullEffect, 34, fullEffect.Length);
             bytesRead += (uint)16 * frameAmount;
             // Add the effect to the collection
             Effect e = new Effect(fullEffect);
             Data.Add(e.AniTitle, e);
     return bytesRead;
예제 #3
파일: Effect.cs 프로젝트: urgabel/HoMMol
 /// <summary>Check if provided instance has the same values, 
 /// except comments</summary>
 /// <returns>Return true if same values</returns>
 public Boolean Equals(Effect E)
     if (E.AniTitle != this.AniTitle) return false;
     for (int i = 0; i < Amount; i++)
         if (!E.Part[i].Equals(this.Part[i])) return false;
     if (E.Part != this.Part) return false;
     if (E.Delay != this.Delay) return false;
     if (E.LoopTime != this.LoopTime) return false;
     if (E.FrameInterval != this.FrameInterval) return false;
     if (E.LoopInterval != this.LoopInterval) return false;
     if (E.OffsetX != this.OffsetX) return false;
     if (E.OffsetY != this.OffsetY) return false;
     if (E.OffsetZ != this.OffsetZ) return false;
     if (E.Billboard != this.Billboard) return false;
     if (E.ColorEnable != this.ColorEnable) return false;
     if (E.Level != this.Level) return false;
     if (E.Unknown != this.Unknown) return false;
     return true;