public bool AddPartnership(HiringCompany hc, OutsourcingCompany oc) { using (var access = new AccessDB()) { Partnership pr = access.PrartnershipAction.FirstOrDefault(f => f.HiringCompany.CompanyIdThr.Equals(hc.CompanyIdThr) && f.OutsourcingCompany.Id.Equals(oc.Id)); if (pr == null) { Partnership partnership = new Partnership(); partnership.HiringCompany = hc; partnership.OutsourcingCompany = oc; access.HcActions.Attach(partnership.HiringCompany); access.OcActions.Attach(partnership.OutsourcingCompany); access.PrartnershipAction.Add(partnership); int i = access.SaveChanges(); if (i > 0) { Log.Info("Successfully added partnership."); return(true); } Log.Warn("Failed to add partnership"); return(false); } else { Log.Warn("Partnership already exists."); return(false); } } }
public bool AddCompany(HiringCompany company) { Log.Debug("Enter AddCompany method."); using (var access = new AccessDB()) { HiringCompany cm = access.HcActions.FirstOrDefault(f => f.CompanyIdThr.Equals(company.CompanyIdThr)); if (cm == null) { access.HcActions.Add(company); int i = access.SaveChanges(); if (i > 0) { Log.Info("Successfully updated DB."); return(true); } Log.Warn("Failed to update DB."); return(false); } else { Log.Warn("Company already exists in DB"); return(false); } } }
public bool AddUserStory(UserStory us) { using (var access = new AccessDB()) { Log.Info("Enter AddUserStory"); UserStory uStory = access.UsAction.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name.Equals(us.Name)); if (uStory == null) { access.PrActions.Attach(us.Project); access.UsAction.Add(us); int i = access.SaveChanges(); if (i > 0) { Log.Info("Successfullye added user story to DB."); return(true); } Log.Warn("Failed to add user story do DB."); return(false); } else { Log.Warn("User story allready exists in DB."); return(false); } } }
public bool ChangeUserStoryState(int id, UserStoryState state) { using (var access = new AccessDB()) { Log.Info("Enter Change user story state"); UserStory us = access.UsAction.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == id); if (us != null) { us.UserStoryState = state; int i = access.SaveChanges(); if (i > 0) { Log.Info("Successfully changed user story state."); return(true); } else { Log.Warn("Failed to changed user story state."); return(false); } } else { Log.Warn("User story doesn't exists in DB."); return(false); } } }
/// <summary> /// DB insert action /// </summary> /// <param name="action"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool AddEmployee(Employee action) { Log.Debug("Enter AddEmployee method."); using (AccessDB access = new AccessDB()) { Employee em = access.Actions.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Username.Equals(action.Username)); if (em == null) { ///In order to avoid the duplication you must attach the related entity to the context access.HcActions.Attach(action.HiringCompanyId); access.Actions.Add(action); int i = access.SaveChanges(); if (i > 0) { Log.Info("SaveChanges to DB success."); return(true); } Log.Warn("SaveChanges return 0"); return(false); } else { Log.Warn("User with username you are trying to add to the database, already exists!"); return(false); } } }
public bool UpdateUserStory(UserStory us) { using (var access = new AccessDB()) { UserStory u = access.UsAction.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name.Equals(us.Name)); if (u != null) { u.IdFromOcDB = us.Id; u.Description = us.Description; u.Name = us.Name; u.Progress = us.Progress; u.UserStoryState = us.UserStoryState; u.WeightOfUserStory = us.WeightOfUserStory; int i = access.SaveChanges(); if (i > 0) { Log.Info("Successfully update user story."); return(true); } else { Log.Warn("Failed to update user story."); return(false); } } else { Log.Warn("User story for specified name doesn't exist."); return(false); } } }
public bool ChangeEmployeePosition(string username, string position) { Log.Debug("Enter ChangeEmployeePosition method."); using (var access = new AccessDB()) { Employee em = access.Actions.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Username.Equals(username)); if (em != null) { //access.Actions.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Username == username).Position = position.ToString(); em.Position = position.ToString(); access.Entry(em).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; int i = access.SaveChanges(); if (i > 0) { Log.Info("Successfully updated DB"); return(true); } Log.Warn("Failed to update DB"); return(false); } else { Log.Warn("Employee with that username does not exist. Failed chainging position."); return(false); } } }
public bool EmployeeLogOut(string username) { Log.Debug("Enter EmployeeLogOut method."); using (var access = new AccessDB()) { Employee emp = access.Actions.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Username.Equals(username)); if (emp != null) { //access.Actions.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Username.Equals(username)).Login = false; emp.Login = false; access.Entry(emp).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; int i = access.SaveChanges(); if (i > 0) { Log.Info("Successfully updated DB"); return(true); } Log.Warn("Failed to update DB"); return(false); } else { Log.Warn("Employee with that username does not exist. Failed to logout."); return(false); } } }
public bool ChangeEmployeePassword(string username, string oldPassword, string newPassword) { Log.Debug("Enter ChangeEmployeePassword method."); using (var access = new AccessDB()) { //access.Actions.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Username.Equals(username) && f.Password.Equals(oldPassword)).Password = newPassword; Employee em = access.Actions.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Username.Equals(username) && f.Password.Equals(oldPassword)); if (em != null) { em.Password = newPassword; em.PasswordUpadateDate = DateTime.Now; access.Entry(em).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; int i = access.SaveChanges(); if (i > 0) { Log.Info("Successfully updated DB"); return(true); } Log.Warn("Failed to update DB"); return(false); } else { Log.Warn("Employee with that username does not exist. Failed chainging password."); return(false); } } }
public bool AddProject(Project project) { Log.Debug("Enter AddProject method."); using (var access = new AccessDB()) { Project proj = access.PrActions.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name.Equals(project.Name)); if (proj == null) { if (project.Company != null) { access.OcActions.Attach(project.Company); } access.HcActions.Attach(project.HiringCompany); access.Actions.Attach(project.ProductOwner); access.PrActions.Add(project); int i = access.SaveChanges(); if (i > 0) { Log.Info("Successfully updated DB."); return(true); } Log.Warn("Failed to update DB."); return(false); } else { Log.Warn("Project with specified name already exists in DB"); return(false); } } }
public bool UpdateProject(Project p) { using (var access = new AccessDB()) { Project pr = access.PrActions.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name.Equals(p.Name)); if (pr != null) { pr.Approved = p.Approved; pr.Description = p.Description; pr.EndDate = p.EndDate; pr.Ended = p.Ended; pr.Name = p.Name; pr.Progress = p.Progress; pr.EndDate = p.EndDate; int i = access.SaveChanges(); if (i > 0) { Log.Info("Project successfully updated."); return(true); } return(false); } else { Log.Warn("Project doesn't exists in DB"); return(false); } } }
public bool MarkProjectEnded(Project p) { using (var access = new AccessDB()) { Project project = access.PrActions.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == p.Id); if (project != null) { project.Ended = true; int i = access.SaveChanges(); if (i > 0) { Log.Info("Successfully marked project as ended."); return(true); } Log.Warn("Failed to mark project as ended."); return(false); } else { Log.Warn("Project with specified id doesn't exists. "); return(false); } } }
public bool AddOutsourcingCompany(HiringCompanyData.OutsourcingCompany oCompany) { using (var access = new AccessDB()) { HiringCompanyData.OutsourcingCompany oc = access.OcActions.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name.Equals(oCompany.Name)); if (oc == null) { access.OcActions.Add(oCompany); int i = access.SaveChanges(); if (i > 0) { Log.Info("Successfully added outsourcing company into DB"); return(true); } return(false); } else { Log.Warn("Outsourcing company already exists in DB"); return(false); } } }
public bool UpdateEmployee(Employee employee) { Log.Debug("Enter UpdateEmployee method."); using (var access = new AccessDB()) { //access.Actions.Attach(employee); Employee em = access.Actions.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Email.Equals(employee.Email)); if (em != null) { Log.Debug("Employee exists"); em.Email = employee.Email; em.EndTime = employee.EndTime; em.HiringCompanyId = employee.HiringCompanyId; em.Login = employee.Login; em.Name = employee.Name; em.Password = employee.Password; em.PasswordUpadateDate = employee.PasswordUpadateDate; em.Position = employee.Position; em.StartTime = employee.StartTime; em.Surname = employee.Surname; em.Username = employee.Username; //access.Entry(employee).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; int i = access.SaveChanges(); if (i > 0) { Log.Info("Successfully updated DB"); return(true); } Log.Warn("Failed to update DB"); return(false); } else { Log.Warn("Employee with that username does not exist. Failed updating employee."); return(false); } } }
public bool SetOcToProject(string projectName, int outsourcingCompanyId) { using (var access = new AccessDB()) { Project p = access.PrActions.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name.Equals(projectName)); if (p != null) { OutsourcingCompany oc = access.OcActions.FirstOrDefault(f => f.IdFromOutSourcingDB == outsourcingCompanyId); if (oc != null) { p.Company = oc; access.OcActions.Attach(p.Company); } else { Log.Warn("Outsourcing company doesn't exists."); } int i = access.SaveChanges(); if (i > 0) { Log.Info("Successfully assigned project to Outsourcing company."); return(true); } else { return(false); } } else { Log.Warn("Project doesn't exists."); return(false); } } }