public void DeserializeJobs() { try { using (Stream stream = File.Open("Jobsdata.bin", FileMode.Open)) { PostedJobsLog log = PostedJobsLog.Create; BinaryFormatter bin = new BinaryFormatter(); var profiles = (List <PostedJobs>)bin.Deserialize(stream); foreach (var x in profiles) { if (log.Contains(x.Name) == false) { if (x.Name.Length > 3) { log.JobsList.Add(x); } } } } } catch (IOException) { } }
private string MatchTR(string p, DateTime date1, DateTime date2, bool radiocheck) { string pattern = "<td (?<data>.*?)</td>"; Regex r = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.Singleline); PostedJobsLog log = PostedJobsLog.Create; string EncryptedJID = MatchEncryptedJID(p); string text = null; int jobcount = 0; foreach (Match i in r.Matches(p)) { jobcount++; PostedJobs job = new PostedJobs(); string JobNameTemp = MatchName(i.Groups["data"].Value).Replace("/", "-").Trim(); job.Date = MatchJobDate(p); if (radiocheck == true && String.IsNullOrEmpty(job.Date) == false) { DateTime AppliedDate = new DateTime(); AppliedDate = IsAppliedEarlier(job.Date); if (DateTime.Compare(AppliedDate, date1) < 0) { continue; } if (DateTime.Compare(AppliedDate, date2) > 0) { continue; } } if (JobNameTemp.Length > 3) { job.Name = JobNameTemp.Replace("‎", "").Trim(); if (log.Contains(job.Name.Trim()) == false) { OnInformationDownload(new EventArguments() { Name = "Counting Jobs" + jobcount + " ", Details = job.Name, Date = DateTime.Now }); job.Link = "" + MatchLink(i.Groups["data"].Value); job.TotalApplicants = MatchParticipants(p); job.Status = MatchActivation(p); job.EncryptedJobID = EncryptedJID + "=&"; log.JobsList.Add(job); text = null; } } } return(text); }
public void CreateDirectories() { PostedJobsLog log = PostedJobsLog.Create; foreach (var x in log.JobsList) { string Name = x.Name.Replace("&Irm", ""); bool isExists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(System.IO.Path.Combine(InitialPath + @"\CV\" + x.Name + @"\")); if (!isExists) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(InitialPath + @"\CV\" + x.Name + @"\")); } } }
public void SerializeJobs() { try { using (Stream stream = File.Open("Jobsdata.bin", FileMode.Create)) { PostedJobsLog log = PostedJobsLog.Create; BinaryFormatter bin = new BinaryFormatter(); bin.Serialize(stream, log.JobsList); } } catch (IOException) { } }
public void OpenAllLinks(DateTime date1, DateTime date2, bool radiocheck) { PostedJobsLog log = PostedJobsLog.Create; foreach (PostedJobs i in log.JobsList) { StringBuilder ApplicantsString = null; OnInformationDownload(new EventArguments() { Name = i.Name, Details = "Starting Fetching Information .... ", Date = DateTime.Now }); try { ApplicantsString = new StringBuilder(client.DownloadString(i.Link)); } catch (Exception) { } int totalApplicants = 0; if (i.TotalApplicants.Equals("") || String.IsNullOrEmpty(i.TotalApplicants)) { i.TotalApplicants = ReadtotalApplicantsAgain(ApplicantsString.ToString()); int.TryParse(i.TotalApplicants, out totalApplicants); } else { int.TryParse(i.TotalApplicants, out totalApplicants); } /* * Foreach page of this job * */ StringBuilder ReservedLink = new StringBuilder(); ReservedLink.Append("" + i.EncryptedJobID + "ordBy=byDate&srtDir=desc&offset="); int totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)totalApplicants / 16); int pageCount = 0; while (pageCount != totalPages) { ////////////*******************/////////////////// string pattern = @"<!--Single\sapplicant\sBox\sStart\s-->(?<data>.*?)<!--Single\sapplicant\sBox\sEnd\s-->"; Regex r = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.Singleline); string Tempname = i.Name; ApplicantLog alog = ApplicantLog.Create; foreach (Match j in r.Matches(ApplicantsString.ToString())) { try { //SensitiVE Checking Applicant applicant = new Applicant(); if (radiocheck == true && String.IsNullOrEmpty(applicant.ApplyDate)) { DateTime AppliedDate = IsAppliedEarlier(applicant.ApplyDate); if (DateTime.Compare(AppliedDate, date1) < 0) { continue; } if (DateTime.Compare(AppliedDate, date2) > 0) { continue; } } applicant.CVNumber = FindCVNumber(j.Groups["data"].Value); // applicant.CVLink = ""+FindCVLink( j.Groups["data"].Value); --Old Style applicant.CVLink = FindCVLink(j.Groups["data"].Value); OnInformationDownload(new EventArguments() { Name = applicant.FolderName, Details = " Fetching information of" + i.Name + " at page" + (pageCount + 1) + "/" + (totalPages + 1), Date = DateTime.Now }); applicant.ApplyDate = FindApplyDate(j.Groups["data"].Value); if (alog.Contains(applicant.CVNumber) == true) { continue; } applicant.FolderName = i.Name; applicant.Name = FindName(j.Groups["data"].Value); // applicant.tags = FindAlltags(j.Groups["data"].Value); --NOT WORKING // applicant.PictureLink = FindPictureLink(j.Groups["data"].Value); --NOT WORKING // applicant.ProfessionalSummary= --NotImplemented // applicant.Nationality = FindNationality(j.Groups["data"].Value); --NOT WORKING applicant.MaritalStatus = FindMaritalStatus(j.Groups["data"].Value); applicant.Experience = FindExperience(j.Groups["data"].Value); applicant.CarrierLevel = FindCarrierLevel(j.Groups["data"].Value); applicant.ExpectedSalary = FindExpectedSalary(j.Groups["data"].Value); applicant.CurrentSalary = FindCurrentSalary(j.Groups["data"].Value); applicant.DegreeLevel = FindDegreeLevel(j.Groups["data"].Value); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(FindEducation(j.Groups["data"].Value)).Replace("<b>", ""); builder = builder.Replace("<\b>", ""); builder = builder.Replace("@Irm;", ""); builder.Clear(); applicant.Education = builder.ToString(); applicant.Industry = FindIndustry(j.Groups["data"].Value); applicant.FunctionalArea = FindFunctionalArea(j.Groups["data"].Value); alog.applicantsList.Add(applicant); } catch (Exception) { } } pageCount++; ApplicantsString.Clear(); StringBuilder newLink = new StringBuilder(""); newLink.Append(ReservedLink.ToString() + pageCount); try { ApplicantsString.Append(client.DownloadString(newLink.ToString())); } catch (WebException) { } } } }
private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { try { if (radioButtonSpecificDate.Checked == true) { Date1 = dateTimePicker1.Value.Date; Date2 = dateTimePicker2.Value.Date; if (DateTime.Compare(Date1, Date2) >= 0) { MessageBox.Show("Ambigious Dates Error\nDetails:\n\nEither selected Date is same or ambigious difference"); e.Cancel = true; return; } } } catch (Exception) { e.Cancel = true; return; } RelativePath = textBoxFolderAdress.Text; ProfileLog profilelog = ProfileLog.Create; CSVhandler handler = new CSVhandler(); PostedJobsLog jobs = PostedJobsLog.Create; backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(0); if (backgroundWorker1.CancellationPending == true) { e.Cancel = true; return; } string x = null; try { string password = null; string loginEmail = null; if (comboBoxEmails.InvokeRequired) { comboBoxEmails.Invoke(new Action(() => loginEmail = comboBoxEmails.Text)); // comboBoxEmails.Invoke(new ControlStringConsumer(SetText), new object[] {comboBoxEmails, "" }); } else { loginEmail = comboBoxEmails.Text; } password = profilelog.FindPasswordofThisEmail(loginEmail); x = w.Login(loginEmail, password); } catch (System.Net.WebException) { notifyIcon1.BalloonTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.Error; notifyIcon1.BalloonTipTitle = "Connection Error"; notifyIcon1.BalloonTipText = "Please connect to internet in order to download CV's\n "; notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(1000); e.Cancel = true; return; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(x) == false) { MessageBox.Show(x); e.Cancel = true; return; } if (backgroundWorker1.CancellationPending == true) { e.Cancel = true; return; } backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(1); w.DownloadAllPostedJobs(Date1, Date2, radioButtonSpecificDate.Checked); if (backgroundWorker1.CancellationPending == true) { e.Cancel = true; return; } backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(2); w.CreateDirectories(); if (backgroundWorker1.CancellationPending == true) { e.Cancel = true; return; } backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(3); if (backgroundWorker1.CancellationPending == true) { e.Cancel = true; return; } w.OpenAllLinks(Date1, Date2, radioButtonSpecificDate.Checked); backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(12); if (backgroundWorker1.CancellationPending == true) { e.Cancel = true; return; } try { handler.WriteTheApplicantLists(System.IO.Path.Combine(RelativePath)); } catch (Exception eX) { MessageBox.Show(eX.Message); } backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(18); if (backgroundWorker1.CancellationPending == true) { e.Cancel = true; return; } x = handler.WriteFolderApplicantLists(RelativePath); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(x) == false) { MessageBox.Show(x); } if (radioButtonRecent.Checked == false && radioButtonSpecificDate.Checked == true) { w.DownloadCVS(textBoxFolderAdress.Text); } else if (radioButtonRecent.Checked == true && radioButtonSpecificDate.Checked == false) { w.DownloadCVS(textBoxFolderAdress.Text); } if (backgroundWorker1.CancellationPending == true) { e.Cancel = true; return; } backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(100); }
public string WriteFolderApplicantLists(string InitialPath) { string ErrorText = null; /* InitialPath=System.IO.Path.Combine(InitialPath+ @"CV"); * if (Directory.Exists(InitialPath) == false) * { * Directory.CreateDirectory(InitialPath); * } * * InitialPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(InitialPath + @"/ApplicantsReport.csv"); * * try * { * if (File.Exists(InitialPath)) * { * File.Delete(InitialPath); * } * * } * catch (IOException) * { * return "Path is ambigious or Secured"; * } * var ThisFile = File.Create(InitialPath); * ThisFile.Close(); */ /* * * Writing CSV file * */ PostedJobsLog postedJoblogObj = PostedJobsLog.Create; foreach (PostedJobs x in postedJoblogObj.JobsList) { if (Directory.Exists(InitialPath + @"\CV\" + x.Name + @"\") == false) { Directory.CreateDirectory(InitialPath + @"\CV\" + x.Name + @"\"); } string headerLine = "Name,Nationality,Experience,Carrier Level,Expected Salary,Current Salary,Degree Level,Education,Industry,Functional Area,Professional Summary,imageLink,CV folder,CV number,Apply Date,marital Status,tags" + ",\r"; File.AppendAllText(InitialPath + @"\CV\" + x.Name + @"\" + x.Name + @".csv", headerLine); headerLine = null; ApplicantLog applog = ApplicantLog.Create; foreach (Applicant i in applog.applicantsList) { if (i.FolderName.Equals(x.Name) == true) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder Tagsbuilder = new StringBuilder(); sb.Clear(); Tagsbuilder.Clear(); /* foreach (string j in i.tags) * { * Tagsbuilder.Clear(); * j.Replace(",", ""); * sb.Append(j+"-"); * }*/ sb.AppendLine(i.Name + "," + i.Nationality + "," + i.Experience + "," + i.CarrierLevel + "," + i.ExpectedSalary + "," + i.CurrentSalary + "," + i.DegreeLevel + "," + i.Education + "," + i.Industry + "," + i.FunctionalArea + "," + i.ProfessionalSummary + "," + i.PictureLink + "," + i.FolderName + "," + i.CVNumber + "," + i.ApplyDate + "," + i.MaritalStatus + "," + Tagsbuilder + ","); File.AppendAllText(InitialPath + @"\CV\" + x.Name + @"\" + x.Name + ".csv", sb.ToString()); } } } return(ErrorText); }