예제 #1
        ///An interface for obtaining an IObject given a moniker string.
        ///A moniker can be used to obtain a particular object using a human-readable string to describe it,
        ///rather than having to know the object's UUID. Human-readable strings are, unfortunately, not
        ///guaranteed to be universally unique, so you might (theoretically) not get the object you want.
        ///It is an object that implements the IMoniker interface. A moniker acts as a name that uniquely
        ///identifies a COM object. In the same way that a path identifies a file in the file system,
        ///a moniker identifies a COM object in the directory namespace.
        ///A COM object that is used to create instances of other objects. Monikers save programmers time
        ///when coding various types of COM-based functions such as linking one document to another (OLE). See COM and OLE.
        /// <summary>
        /// Start capturing
        /// </summary>
        private bool Initialize()
            if (this._selectDevice == null)

            if (this._selectDevice.CaptureDevice == null)

            IMoniker moniker = this._selectDevice.CaptureDevice.Moniker;

            if (moniker == null)
                UIMessage.Info("Please select a capturing device", TITLE);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txt_saveCapturedPath.Text))
                UIMessage.Info("Please select a path to save captured video", TITLE);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txt_keyLive.Text))
                UIMessage.Info("Key lenght must be atleast 4 characters and atmost 256 characters", TITLE);

            this._liveProcessor = new CaptureStegoProcess(moniker);
            this._liveProcessor.Setup(this.txt_saveCapturedPath.Text, this.vidOwner);

예제 #2
        private void btn_start_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._srcFile))
                UIMessage.Info("Please select source AVI file for decompression.", TITLE);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._dcFile))
                UIMessage.Info("Please specify save path for decompressed AVI file.", TITLE);

            if (this.worker.IsBusy)

예제 #3
파일: HideIt.cs 프로젝트: cornerback/hideit
        /// <summary>
        /// Extract the message from stego object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void btn_extract_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.progress.Value = 0;

            if (this._processor == null)
                UIMessage.Info("No stego object selected to extract data from", "Extract Message");

            ///Check whether user has entered the key
            if (this.txt_stegoKey.Text.Length == 0)
                UIMessage.Info("Please provide the key used to hide the message", "Extract Message");

            ///Run the extraction process in background worker thread
            this.backgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync(new BackgroundWorkerArgs()
                Action = ActionType.Extract,
                Key    = this.txt_stegoKey.Text
예제 #4
파일: HideIt.cs 프로젝트: cornerback/hideit
        /// <summary>
        /// Hide the message in cover object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void btn_hide_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.progress.Value = 0;

            ///If no cover object selected yet
            if (this._processor == null)
                UIMessage.Info("Please select a cover object to hide message in", "Hide Message");

            ///Check the legth of key
            if (this.txt_key.Text.Length < 4 || this.txt_key.Text.Length > Stego.Message.MAX_KEY_LEN)
                UIMessage.Info("Key lenght must be atleast 4 characters and atmost 256 characters",
                               "Hide Message");

            ///Check if there is enough room in cover object to store secret message and key in it
            if (this._hidingCapacity < (this.rtxt_message.Text.Length + this.txt_key.Text.Length + 8))
                UIMessage.Error("Message is bigger then hiding capacity", "Hide Message");

            ///Initialize the porgress bar
            this.progress.Minimum = 0;
            this.progress.Maximum = (int)this._processor.HostObject.Length;

            ///See if user hasn't entered the save path for stego object
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txt_saveStego.Text))
                UIMessage.Info("Please select a path to save stego object", "Hide Message");

            ///Run the hiding process in background worker thread
            this.backgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync(new BackgroundWorkerArgs()
                Action   = ActionType.Hide,
                Message  = new HideIt.Stego.Message(this.txt_key.Text, this.rtxt_message.Text),
                SinkPath = this.txt_saveStego.Text

            using (new Status(this, this.lbl_status, "Logging information in database..."))
                ///data insertion to maintain log table
                string        _stego_file_name = txt_saveStego.Text;
                string        _key             = txt_key.Text;
                string        _time            = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();
                string        _date            = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
                SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(DB.DbConnectionStr.conect());
                ///SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr);
                SqlCommand query = new SqlCommand("insert into Log_Table values('" + _stego_file_name + "','" + _key + "', '" + _date + "', '" + _time + "')", con);
                    MessageBox.Show("Record entered successfully.");
                catch (SqlException ex)
                    UIMessage.Error(ex.Message, TITLE);
예제 #5
파일: HideIt.cs 프로젝트: cornerback/hideit
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when new task is registered with background worker
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        void backgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            BackgroundWorkerArgs args = e.Argument as BackgroundWorkerArgs;

            ///Set the result to args that will be used when operations completes
            e.Result = args;

            if (args != null)
                switch (args.Action)
                case ActionType.Hide:
                    //User has entered a save path for stego object, start hiding
                    using (Status status = new Status(this, this.lbl_status, "Hidding..."))
                        RC4 encrypt = new RC4(args.Message.Key, args.Message.SecertMessage);

                        HideIt.Stego.Message message = new HideIt.Stego.Message(
                            args.Message.Key, encrypt.ApplyRC4());

                        using (LockUI lockUi = new LockUI(this))
                            this._processor.Hide(message, args.SinkPath);
                            //"hide" tab selected

                case ActionType.Extract:

                    using (Status status = new Status(this, this.lbl_status, "Extracting..."))
                        using (LockUI lockUi = new LockUI(this))
                            args.Message = this._processor.Extract(args.Key);
                            //"extract" tab selected

                    if (args.Message == null)
                        UIMessage.Info("Cannot extract message from stego object because of one of the following reasons:\r\n" +
                                       "-Stego object do no contain any message\r\n" +
                                       "-Key provided do not match with the key used to hide message",
                                       "Extract Message");

                    RC4 decrypt = new RC4(args.Key, args.Message.SecertMessage);

                    if (this.rtxt_hiddenMsg.InvokeRequired)
                        this.rtxt_hiddenMsg.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => { this.rtxt_hiddenMsg.Text = decrypt.ApplyRC4(); }));
                        this.rtxt_hiddenMsg.Text = decrypt.ApplyRC4();