/// <summary> /// 获取商品编码并更新数据库最新单据值 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public string GoodsCode(SqlTransaction Tran) { List <Hi.Model.SYS_SysCode> l = new Hi.BLL.SYS_SysCode().GetList("top 1 *", "isnull(dr,0)=0 and compId=" + this.CompID + " and codeName='P" + this.CompID + "'", " codevalue desc", Tran); if (l.Count > 0) { l[0].CodeValue = (l[0].CodeValue.ToInt(0) + 1).ToString(); l[0].ts = DateTime.Now; l[0].modifyuser = this.UserID; new Hi.BLL.SYS_SysCode().Update(l[0], Tran); return(l[0].CodeName + l[0].CodeValue.PadLeft(6, '0')); } else { Hi.Model.SYS_SysCode model5 = new Hi.Model.SYS_SysCode(); model5.CompID = this.CompID; model5.CodeName = "P" + this.CompID; model5.CodeValue = "1"; model5.ts = DateTime.Now; model5.dr = 0; model5.modifyuser = this.UserID; new Hi.BLL.SYS_SysCode().Add(model5, Tran); return("P" + this.CompID + "1".PadLeft(6, '0')); } }
/// <summary> /// 获得最新Code /// </summary> /// <param name="Name"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetNewCode(string strName) { string returnstr = ""; try { List <Hi.Model.SYS_SysName> NameModel = new Hi.BLL.SYS_SysName().GetList("", "CompID=0 and Name='" + strName + "'", ""); if (NameModel != null) { //string OrgCode = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OrgCode"] == null ? "" : ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OrgCode"].ToString().Trim() + "-"; //string value = NameModel[0].Value; string yyyy = DateTime.Today.Year.ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); string mm = DateTime.Today.Month.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); string dd = DateTime.Today.Day.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); string codeName = string.Empty; codeName = yyyy + mm + dd; List <Hi.Model.SYS_SysCode> CodeModel = new Hi.BLL.SYS_SysCode().GetList("", "CompID=0 and CodeName='" + codeName + "'", ""); if (CodeModel.Count > 0) { int codeValue = Convert.ToInt32(CodeModel[0].CodeValue); int newCode = codeValue + 1; string newCodeStr = ""; newCodeStr = codeName + "-" + newCode.ToString().PadLeft(6, '0'); //returnstr = OrgCode + value + "-" + newCodeStr; returnstr = "MD-" + newCodeStr; //修改最新值 SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(SqlHelper.LocalSqlServer, "update SYS_SysCode set CodeValue=" + newCode + " where CodeName='" + codeName + "'"); } else { string newCodeStr = ""; newCodeStr = codeName + "-000001"; //returnstr = OrgCode + value + "-" + newCodeStr; returnstr = "MD-" + newCodeStr; //插入数据 SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(SqlHelper.LocalSqlServer, "insert into SYS_SysCode(CompID,CodeName,CodeValue,ts,modifyuser) values(0,'" + codeName + "',1,'" + DateTime.Now + "',0)"); } } } catch { } return(returnstr); }