예제 #1
        private static int ComputeAttributeStride(IEnumerable <VertexAttribute> attributes)
            var stride = 0;

            foreach (var attr in attributes)
                stride += VertexAttribute.GetSizeInBytes(attr.Type, attr.Size);

예제 #2
        internal static VertexAttribute[] GenerateAttributes(Type type)
            // Get all fields w/ attribute defs
            var fields = type.GetFields()
                         .Where(x => x.GetCustomAttribute <VertexAttributeAttribute>() != null)

            // Must have at least one attribute defined
            if (fields.Length == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Must have at least one field with a vertex attribute defined.");

            // Console.WriteLine($"Attribute Layout: {type}");

            // Create attribute list (one attributed per field)
            var attributes = new List <VertexAttribute>();

            // For each field
            for (var f = 0; f < fields.Length; f++)
                var attribute = fields[f].GetCustomAttribute <VertexAttributeAttribute>();
                var field     = fields[f];

                // Number of attributes needed to describe this data, most attributes will be one.
                var attributeCount = GetAttributeCount(field.FieldType);

                // Get offset and usable size
                var nextOffset = f != (fields.Length - 1) ? OffsetOf(fields[f + 1]) : Marshal.SizeOf(type);
                var currOffset = OffsetOf(field);
                var size       = nextOffset - currOffset;

                // Gather respective field type
                var attr  = GetAttributeType(field.FieldType);
                var step  = GetSizeInBytes(attr, 1) * attributeCount;
                var count = size / step;
                var waste = size % step;
                if (waste != 0)
                    throw new Exception($"Vertex attribute defined in struct has unattributed space after '{attr}'.");

                // Store extracted attribute data
                for (var o = 0u; o < attributeCount; o++)
                    var _attribute = new VertexAttribute(attribute.Attribute, count, attr, attribute.Normalize, o);
                    // Console.WriteLine($"  {attribute.Attribute} ({_attribute.Index}): {count} x {attr}");
