private static void TestGetUpdatedRecords(string token) { try { HVDataAccess.HVDataAccessClient client = new HVDataAccess.HVDataAccessClient(); HVDataAccess.GetUpdatedRecordsRequest request = new HVDataAccess.GetUpdatedRecordsRequest(); request.Token = token; request.SinceDate = DateTime.Parse("4/1/2012"); HVDataAccess.GetUpdatedRecordsResponse response = client.GetUpdatedRecords(request); if (response.Success) { Console.WriteLine("\nGetUpdatedRecords Response:\n"); foreach (HVDataAccess.RecordUpdateInfo rui in response.UpdatedRecords) { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\n", rui.LastUpdateDate.ToShortDateString(), rui.PersonId.ToString(), rui.RecordId.ToString()); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Error = {0}\n", response.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Exception : GetUpdatedRecords : {0}", ex.Message); return; } }
private static void TestPutThing(string token, string personId, string recordId) { try { HVDataAccess.HVDataAccessClient client = new HVDataAccess.HVDataAccessClient(); HVDataAccess.PutThingRequest request = new HVDataAccess.PutThingRequest(); request.Token = token; request.PersonId = new Guid(personId); request.RecordId = new Guid(recordId); request.TypeName = "care-plan"; request.TypeId = new Guid("415c95e0-0533-4d9c-ac73-91dc5031186c"); request.XmlItem = myCarePlan; HVDataAccess.PutThingResponse response = client.PutThing(request); if (response.Success == false) { Console.WriteLine("Error = {0}\n", response.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Exception : TestPutThing : {0}\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); return; } }
private static void TestPutThings(string token, string personId, string recordId) { try { HVDataAccess.HVDataAccessClient client = new HVDataAccess.HVDataAccessClient(); HVDataAccess.PutThingsRequest request = new HVDataAccess.PutThingsRequest(); request.Token = token; request.PersonId = new Guid(personId); request.RecordId = new Guid(recordId); List <string> items = new List <string>(); // Add a weight item entry just for testing. // See the Health types schema browser at for more types. // items.Add(@"<thing> <type-id>3d34d87e-7fc1-4153-800f-f56592cb0d17</type-id> <data-xml> <weight> <when> <date> <y>2012</y> <m>4</m> <d>14</d> </date> <time> <h>1</h> <m>0</m> <s>0</s> <f>0</f> </time> </when> <value> <kg>60</kg> <display units='lb'>132</display> </value> </weight> </data-xml> </thing>"); request.XmlInputs = items.ToArray <string>(); HVDataAccess.PutThingsResponse response = client.PutThings(request); if (response.Success) { Console.WriteLine("PutThings : Received={0}\tSucceeded={1}", response.CountReceived, response.CountSucceeded); } else { Console.WriteLine("PutThings : Recevied={0}\tSucceeded={1}\tIndexOnError={2}\t\nError = {0}\n", response.CountReceived, response.CountSucceeded, response.IndexOnError, response.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Exception : TestPutThings : {0}\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); return; } }
private static void TestGetThings(string token, string personId, string recordId, ref Guid[] typeIds) { try { HVDataAccess.HVDataAccessClient client = new HVDataAccess.HVDataAccessClient(); HVDataAccess.GetThingsRequest request = new HVDataAccess.GetThingsRequest(); request.Token = token; request.PersonId = new Guid(personId); request.RecordId = new Guid(recordId); request.TypeIds = typeIds; request.SinceDate = DateTime.Parse("1/1/2008"); HVDataAccess.GetThingsResponse response = client.GetThings(request); if (response.Success) { Console.WriteLine("\nGetThings Response:\n"); foreach (string item in response.Things) { // Example : use LINQ to parse the xml record XElement thing = XElement.Parse(item); Console.WriteLine(thing); // Example : use SimpleThings classes to parse the xml into specific object types, Weight in this example. Guid typeId = new Guid(thing.Element("type-id").Value); if (typeId.Equals(typeIds[0])) // Weight type-id is expected at myTypeIds[0] in this test-app { SimpleWeight sw = new SimpleWeight(); sw.Initialize(item); Console.WriteLine("SimpleWeight : {0}", sw.Display); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Error = {0}\n", response.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Exception : TestGetThings : {0}", ex.Message); return; } }