예제 #1
 public static RegistryPackageType CreateRegistryPackage(string id, string name, string[] eiScheme,
                                                         string[] eiValue, string[] eiName, SlotType[] slots, ClassificationType[] classifications, string status)
     RegistryPackageType rp = new RegistryPackageType(id, name, eiScheme, eiValue, null, null,
                                                      eiName, slots, classifications, status);
     return rp;
예제 #2
        public RegistryPackageType(string id, string name, string[] eiScheme, string[] eiValue, string[] eiId,
                                   string[] eiRegistryObject, string[] eiName, SlotType[] slots, ClassificationType[] classifications,
                                   string status)
            this.Id = id;

            this.Name = new InternationalStringType();
            this.Name.LocalizedString = new LocalizedStringType[1];
            this.Name.LocalizedString[0] = new LocalizedStringType();
            this.Name.LocalizedString[0].Value = name;

            this.Status = status;

            ExternalIdentifierType ei = null;
            this.ExternalIdentifier = new ExternalIdentifierType[eiScheme.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < eiScheme.Length; i++)
                ei = new ExternalIdentifierType(eiScheme[i], eiValue[i], eiId[i], eiRegistryObject[i], eiName[i]);
                this.ExternalIdentifier[i] = ei;

            if (slots != null)
                this.Slot = slots;

            if (classifications != null)
                this.Classification = classifications;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// creates a submission set containing a document.
        /// The metadata consists of
        ///   (O) Description
        ///   Slots
        ///     (R2)authorInstitution
        ///     (O) authorPerson
        ///     (R2)authorRole
        ///     (R2)authorSpecialty
        ///     (R) submissionTime
        ///   ExternalIdentifiers
        ///     (R) patientId
        ///     (R) sourceId
        ///     (R) uniqueId
        ///   Classifications
        ///     (R) contentTypeCode
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sor">SubmitObjectsRequest corresponding to the new document submission</param>
        public static void AddSubmissionSet(SubmitObjectsRequest sor, DocumentPackage package, string submissionSetId)
            string[] eiScheme = new string[3];
            string[] eiValue = new string[3];
            string[] eiName = new string[3];
            string[] eiId = new string[3];
            string[] eiRegistryObject = new string[3];
            eiScheme[0] = GlobalValues.XDSSubmissionSet_patientIdUUID;
            eiScheme[1] = GlobalValues.XDSSubmissionSet_sourceIdUUID;
            eiScheme[2] = GlobalValues.XDSSubmissionSet_uniqueIdUUID;
            eiValue[0] = package.PatientId.ToCx();  //patID  //TODO change these OIDS
            eiValue[1] = package.SourceId; // "";
            eiValue[2] = package.UniqueId; // ""

            eiName[0] = "XDSSubmissionSet.patientId";
            eiName[1] = "XDSSubmissionSet.sourceId";
            eiName[2] = "XDSSubmissionSet.uniqueId";

            eiId[0] = "eiId101";
            eiId[1] = "eiId102";
            eiId[2] = "eiId103";

            eiRegistryObject[0] = submissionSetId;
            eiRegistryObject[1] = submissionSetId;
            eiRegistryObject[2] = submissionSetId;

            SlotType[] slots = new SlotType[2];
            string[] values = new string[1];
            values[0] = Extensions.ToHL7Date(DateTime.Now);
            //HL7Time(XmlConvert.ToString(DateTime.Now, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.Utc));
            slots[0] = new SlotType(SlotNameType.submissionTime, values);

            values = new string[package.IntendedRecipients.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < package.IntendedRecipients.Count; i++)
                values[i] = package.IntendedRecipients[i].ToXONXCNXTN();
            slots[0] = new SlotType(SlotNameType.intendedRecipient, values);

            // Create Classification for authorPerson and authorInstitution:
            // <rim:Classification id="cl08" classificationScheme="urn:uuid:a7058bb9-b4e4-4307-ba5b-e3f0ab85e12d" classifiedObject="SubmissionSet01">
            //    <rim:Slot name="authorPerson">
            //        <rim:ValueList>
            //            <rim:Value>Sherry Dopplemeyer</rim:Value>
            //        </rim:ValueList>
            //    </rim:Slot>
            //    <rim:Slot name="authorInstitution">
            //        <rim:ValueList>
            //            <rim:Value>Cleveland Clinic</rim:Value>
            //            <rim:Value>Berea Community</rim:Value>
            //        </rim:ValueList>
            //    </rim:Slot>
            // </rim:Classification>

            ClassificationType[] classifications = new ClassificationType[2];
            SlotType[] cSlots = new SlotType[3];
            values = new string[package.Author.Institutions.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < package.Author.Institutions.Count; i++)
                values[i] = package.Author.Institutions[i].ToXON();
            cSlots[0] = new SlotType(SlotNameType.authorInstitution, values);

            values = new string[1];
            values[0] = package.Author.Person.ToXCN();
            cSlots[1] = new SlotType(SlotNameType.authorPerson, values);

            values = new string[1];
            values[0] = package.Author.TelecomAddress.ToXTN();
            cSlots[2] = new SlotType(SlotNameType.authorTelecom, values);

            classifications[0] = new ClassificationType(GlobalValues.XDSSubmissionSet_authorDescriptionUUID,
                submissionSetId, null, null, "cl01", null, cSlots);

            cSlots = new SlotType[1];
            values = new string[1];
            values[0] = package.ContentTypeCode.Scheme;
            cSlots[0] = new SlotType(SlotNameType.codingScheme, values);
            classifications[1] = new ClassificationType(GlobalValues.XDSSubmissionSet_contentTypeCodeUUID,
                submissionSetId, null, package.ContentTypeCode.Code, "cl02",
                package.ContentTypeCode.Label, cSlots);

                new RegistryPackageType(submissionSetId, "Submission Set",
                eiScheme, eiValue, eiId, eiRegistryObject, eiName, slots, classifications, RegistryEntryStatus.Submitted));
예제 #4
        public static ExtrinsicObjectType CreateDocumentEntry(DocumentMetadata document, string documentId)
            ExtrinsicObjectType eo = new ExtrinsicObjectType();
            eo.Id = documentId;
            eo.ObjectType = GlobalValues.XDSDocumentEntryUUID; //ClassificationNode?
            eo.MimeType = document.MediaType;

            eo.Name = new InternationalStringType();
            eo.Name.LocalizedString = new LocalizedStringType[1];
            eo.Name.LocalizedString[0] = new LocalizedStringType();
            eo.Name.LocalizedString[0].Value = document.Title;

            SlotType[] slots = new SlotType[6];

            string[] values = new string[1];
            values[0] = Extensions.ToHL7Date(document.CreatedOn);
            slots[0] = new SlotType(SlotNameType.creationTime, values);

            values = new string[1];
            values[0] = document.LanguageCode;
            slots[1] = new SlotType(SlotNameType.languageCode, values);

            values = new string[1];
            values[0] = document.SourcePtId.ToCx();
            slots[2] = new SlotType(SlotNameType.sourcePatientId, values);

            //values = new string[5];
            //values[0] = "PID-3|" + _patID
            //values[1] = "PID-5|" + _patName;
            //values[2] = "PID-7|" + _patDOB;
            //values[3] = "PID-8|" + _patSex;
            //values[4] = "PID-11|" + _patAddress;
            values = (string[])document.Patient.ToSourcePatientInfoValues(document.SourcePtId);
            slots[3] = new SlotType(SlotNameType.sourcePatientInfo, values);

            values = new string[1];
            values[0] = document.Size.ToString();
            slots[4] = new SlotType(SlotNameType.size, values);

            values = new string[1];
            values[0] = document.Hash.ToString();
            slots[5] = new SlotType(SlotNameType.hash, values);

            eo.Slot = slots;

            string[] eiScheme = new string[2];
            string[] eiValue = new string[2];
            string[] eiName = new string[2];
            string[] eiId = new string[2];
            string[] registryObject = new string[2];
            eiScheme[0] = GlobalValues.XDSDocumentEntry_patientIdUUID;
            eiScheme[1] = GlobalValues.XDSDocumentEntry_uniqueIdUUID;
            eiValue[0] = document.PatientID.ToCx();
            eiValue[1] = document.UniqueId;
            eiName[0] = "XDSDocumentEntry.patientId";
            eiName[1] = "XDSDocumentEntry.uniqueId";
            eiId[0] = documentId + "ei01";
            eiId[1] = documentId + "ei02";
            registryObject[0] = eo.Id;
            registryObject[1] = eo.Id;

            eo.ExternalIdentifier = CreateEIDs(eiScheme, eiValue, eiName, eiId, registryObject);

            //Create Classifications for authorInstitution/authorPerson, class code, and type code
            eo.Classification = new ClassificationType[7];

            //Author Institution and Author Person
            //<rim:Classification id="cl01" classificationScheme="urn:uuid:93606bcf-9494-43ec-9b4e-a7748d1a838d" classifiedObject="Document01">
            //    <rim:Slot name="authorPerson">
            //        <rim:ValueList>
            //            <rim:Value>Gerald Smitty</rim:Value>
            //        </rim:ValueList>
            //    </rim:Slot>
            //    <rim:Slot name="authorInstitution">
            //        <rim:ValueList>
            //            <rim:Value>Cleveland Clinic</rim:Value>
            //            <rim:Value>Parma Community</rim:Value>
            //        </rim:ValueList>
            //    </rim:Slot>
            slots = new SlotType[3];
            values = new string[document.Author.Institutions.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < document.Author.Institutions.Count; i++)
                values[i] = document.Author.Institutions[i].ToXON();
            slots[0] = new SlotType(SlotNameType.authorInstitution, values);

            values = new string[1];
            values[0] = document.Author.Person.ToXCN();
            slots[1] = new SlotType(SlotNameType.authorPerson, values);

            values = new string[1];
            values[0] = document.Author.TelecomAddress.ToXTN();
            slots[2] = new SlotType(SlotNameType.authorTelecom, values);

            eo.Classification[0] = new ClassificationType(GlobalValues.XDSDocumentEntry_authorDescriptionUUID,
                eo.Id, null, null, documentId + "cl01", null, slots);

            //Class Code
            slots = new SlotType[1];
            values = new string[1];
            values[0] = document.Class.Scheme;
            slots[0] = new SlotType(SlotNameType.codingScheme, values);
            eo.Classification[1] = new ClassificationType(GlobalValues.XDSDocumentEntry_classCodeUUID,
                eo.Id, null, document.Class.Code, documentId + "cl02", document.Class.Label, slots);

            //Confidentiality Code
            slots = new SlotType[1];
            values = new string[1];
            values[0] = document.Confidentiality.Scheme;
            slots[0] = new SlotType(SlotNameType.codingScheme, values);
            eo.Classification[2] = new ClassificationType(GlobalValues.XDSDocumentEntry_confidentialityCodeUUID,
                eo.Id, null, document.Confidentiality.Code, documentId + "cl03", document.Confidentiality.Label, slots);

            //Format Code
            slots = new SlotType[1];
            values = new string[1];
            values[0] = document.FormatCode.Scheme;
            slots[0] = new SlotType(SlotNameType.codingScheme, values);
            eo.Classification[3] = new ClassificationType(GlobalValues.XDSDocumentEntry_formatCodeUUID,
                eo.Id, null, document.FormatCode.Code, documentId + "cl04",
                document.FormatCode.Label, slots);

            //HealthCare Facility type code
            slots = new SlotType[1];
            values = new string[1];
            values[0] = document.FacilityCode.Scheme;
            slots[0] = new SlotType(SlotNameType.codingScheme, values);
            eo.Classification[4] = new ClassificationType(GlobalValues.XDSDocumentEntry_healthCareFacilityTypeCodeUUID,
                eo.Id, null, document.FacilityCode.Code, documentId + "cl05",
                document.FacilityCode.Label, slots);

            //Practice Setting Code
            slots = new SlotType[1];
            values = new string[1];
            values[0] = document.PracticeSetting.Scheme;
            slots[0] = new SlotType(SlotNameType.codingScheme, values);
            eo.Classification[5] = new ClassificationType(GlobalValues.XDSDocumentEntry_practiceSettingCodeUUID,
                eo.Id, null, document.PracticeSetting.Code, documentId + "cl06",
                document.PracticeSetting.Label, slots);

            //Type Code
            slots = new SlotType[1];
            values = new string[1];
            values[0] = document.Type.Scheme;
            slots[0] = new SlotType(SlotNameType.codingScheme, values);
            eo.Classification[6] = new ClassificationType(GlobalValues.XDSDocumentEntry_typeCodeUUID,
                eo.Id, null, document.Type.Code, documentId + "cl07",
                document.Type.Label, slots);

            return eo;
		/// <summary>
		/// Builds the serializable Document Set Submission Request.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>Nothing</returns>
		public void BuildMetaData(string submissionSetId, DocumentPackage package)
            // Add the set of document to the list of documents in this set.
            _documents = new List<Document>(package.Documents.Count);
            foreach (DocumentMetadata doc in package.Documents)

                // Add each document to the list of documents in this set.
                _documents.Add(new Document(XD_PANDR_DEFAULT_DOCUMENTID + (package.Documents.IndexOf(doc) + 1), doc.DocumentBytes));

			_submitObjectsRequest = new SubmitObjectsRequest();
			//Add ExtrinsicObject for each document
            foreach (DocumentMetadata doc in package.Documents)
                _submitObjectsRequest.RegistryObjectList.ExtrinsicObjects.Add(StaticHelpers.CreateDocumentEntry(doc, XD_PANDR_DEFAULT_DOCUMENTID + (package.Documents.IndexOf(doc) + 1)));

			//Add SubmissionSet Registry Package
			StaticHelpers.AddSubmissionSet(_submitObjectsRequest, package, submissionSetId);
				new ClassificationType(null, XD_PANDR_DEFAULT_SUBMISSIONSETID,
				GlobalValues.XDSSubmissionSetUUID, null, "class01", null, null));

            SlotType[] slots = null;
            string[] slotVals = null;
			// Associate Documens and Submission Set
            foreach (Document doc in _documents)
                slots = new SlotType[1];
                slotVals = new string[1];
                slotVals[0] = "Original";
                slots[0] = new SlotType(SlotNameType.SubmissionSetStatus, slotVals);

                _submitObjectsRequest.RegistryObjectList.Associations.Add(new AssociationType(AssociationKind.HasMember,
                XD_PANDR_DEFAULT_SUBMISSIONSETID, doc.Id , "assoc" + doc.Id , slots));


				XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SubmitObjectsRequest));
				MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
				ser.Serialize(ms, _submitObjectsRequest);
				ms.Position = 0;
				StreamReader requestReader = new StreamReader(ms);
				string requestString = requestReader.ReadToEnd();

				// This removes <?xml version="1.0"?> from the top of the requestString
				if (requestString.StartsWith("<?")) requestString = requestString.Substring(requestString.IndexOf("?>") + 2).Trim();

			catch (Exception ex)
				Console.WriteLine("Exception caught while serializing XML: " + ex.Message);