public bool Connect(string IP,int port3,string key,int port2) { m_ip = IPAddress.Parse(IP); if (port2!=0) this.m_Port=port2; this.m_url="tcp://" + IP + ":" + this.m_Port + "/RemoteInterface"; this.m_Port2=port2; System.Security.Cryptography.MD5 cripto=System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.Create(); bool valor=false; try { m_lPhantChannel = new TcpClientChannel(props, provider); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(m_lPhantChannel, true); } catch { DisConnect(); if (m_lPhantChannel!=null) ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(m_lPhantChannel, true); else m_lPhantChannel = new TcpClientChannel(props, provider); } remoteInterface = (CInterfaceGateway) Activator.GetObject(typeof(CInterfaceGateway), this.m_url); if (remoteInterface == null) Debug.Write("Could not locate the server"); else { //c = new byte[key.Length]; //for (int i=0;i<key.Length;i++) c[i]=System.Convert.ToByte(key[i]); //cripto.ComputeHash(c); //try //{ valor = remoteInterface.CheckPw( key ); /*} catch { ChannelServices.UnregisterChannel(this.canalCeLephant); this.canalCeLephant = null; Debug.Write("\nNo se pudo encontrar el servidor\n"); }*/ } return valor; }
public bool Connect(string IP,string key,int port2) { m_ip = IPAddress.Parse(IP); if (port2!=0) this.m_Port=port2; this.m_url="tcp://" + IP + ":" + this.m_Port + "/RemoteInterface"; this.m_Port2=port2; System.Security.Cryptography.MD5 cripto=System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.Create(); bool valor=false; try { m_lPhantChannel = new TcpClientChannel(props, provider); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(m_lPhantChannel, true); } catch { DisConnect(); if (m_lPhantChannel!=null) ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(m_lPhantChannel, true); else m_lPhantChannel = new TcpClientChannel(props, provider); } remoteInterface = (CInterfaceGateway) Activator.GetObject(typeof(CInterfaceGateway), this.m_url); if (remoteInterface == null) Debug.Write("Could not locate the server"); else { try { valor = remoteInterface.CheckPw( key ); } catch { Debug.Write("\nCould not locate the server\n"); } } return valor; }