public bool CheckCollisionBottom(GameObject pRectangle)
            if (!_hitboxNew.Intersects(pRectangle.HitBox)) return false;

            if (CollisionSpecialBlock(pRectangle)) return true;

            if (_hitboxNew.Top < pRectangle.HitBox.Bottom)
                _position.Y = pRectangle.HitBox.Bottom;
                _hitboxNew.Y = (int)_position.Y;
                _speedVelocity.Y = 0;
                Direction &= ~HEnum._direction.Up;
                isJump = false;
                jumpPlatform = false;
                if (Typ == HEnum.GeometryTyp.Viereck)
                    _speedVelocity.Y = 0;
                    _typSettings.Rotation = 0;
                return true;
            return false;
        public bool CheckCollisionBottomRight(GameObject pRectangle)
            if (!_hitboxNew.Intersects(pRectangle.HitBox)) return false;

            if (_hitboxNew.Top < pRectangle.HitBox.Bottom
                && _hitboxNew.Right > pRectangle.HitBox.Left)
                int distanceX = _hitboxNew.Right - pRectangle.HitBox.Left;
                int distanceY = pRectangle.HitBox.Bottom - _hitboxNew.Top;
                if (distanceX < distanceY)

            return true;
        public bool CheckCollisionTop(GameObject pRectangle)
            if (!_hitboxNew.Intersects(pRectangle.HitBox))
                return false;

            if (CollisionSpecialBlock(pRectangle)) return true;

            if (_hitboxNew.Bottom > pRectangle.HitBox.Top)
                //Make the player being dragged along by moving platforms
                if(pRectangle.Move.MoveSpeed != null)
                    if (pRectangle.Move.MoveSpeed != Vector2.Zero)
                        //Calculate the needed speed per frame. 60 is the FPS and 48 the grid size in pixels
                        float platformSpeed = pRectangle.Move.MoveSpeed.X / 60 * 48;

                        //only adjust the X speed if the platform is moving horizontally
                        if (pRectangle.Move.MoveStart.X != pRectangle.Move.MoveEnd.X)
                            //as long as the player is not moving, make him move at the same speed as the platform
                            if(!HKeyboard.isMoveLeft && !HKeyboard.isMoveRight)
                                this._speedVelocity.X = platformSpeed;
                        else if (pRectangle.Move.MoveStart.Y < pRectangle.Move.MoveEnd.Y)
                            //if the platform is moving down adjust the players position, otherwise it messes with the ability to jump
                            this._position.Y -= platformSpeed;
                            //this._speedVelocity.Y = platformSpeed;
                _position.Y = pRectangle.HitBox.Top - _hitbox.Height;
                _hitboxNew.Y = (int)_position.Y;
                _speedVelocity.Y = 0;
                Direction &= ~HEnum._direction.Down;
                _hasContact = true;
                isJump = false;
                jumpPlatform = false;
                jumpPlatformRight = false;
                if (Typ == HEnum.GeometryTyp.Viereck)
                    _speedVelocity.Y = 0;
                return true;
            return false;
        public bool CheckCollisionRight(GameObject pRectangle)
            if (!_hitboxNew.Intersects(pRectangle.HitBox)) return false;

            if (CollisionSpecialBlock(pRectangle)) return true;

            if (_hitboxNew.Left < pRectangle.HitBox.Right)
                _position.X = pRectangle.HitBox.Right;
                _hitboxNew.X = (int)_position.X;
                _speedVelocity.X = 0;
                    Direction &= ~HEnum._direction.Left;
                _typSettings.Rotation = 0;
                return true;
            jumpPlatformRight = false;
            return false;
        public bool CollisionSpecialBlock(GameObject pObject)
            if (pObject.CanKill && (pObject.GetType() == typeof(HBlock) || pObject.GetType() == typeof(HSpike)))
                isDeath = true;
                return true;

            if (pObject.GetType() == typeof(HEnemy))
                if (Typ == HEnum.GeometryTyp.Viereck)
                    HEnemy e = (HEnemy)pObject;
                    e.IsDead = true;
                    isDeath = true;
                return true;

            if (pObject.GetType() == typeof(HBlock))
                HBlock b = (HBlock)pObject;
                if (b.IsDestructible && !b.IsSwitchable)
                    b.ActiveDestruct = true;

            if (pObject.GetType() == typeof(HUpgrade))
                HUpgrade u = (HUpgrade)pObject;
                _actUpgradeStage = u.UpgradeId;
                u.Collected = true;
                HKeyboard.GamePadVibration(0.5f, 0.5f, 500);
                return true;

            if (pObject.GetType() == typeof(HCollectable))
                HCollectable c = (HCollectable)pObject;
                c.Collected = true;
                HKeyboard.GamePadVibration(0.5f, 0.5f, 500);
                return true;

            if (pObject.GetType() == typeof(HSwitch))
                HSwitch s = (HSwitch)pObject;
                s.StartAction = true;
                return true;

            if (pObject.GetType() == typeof(HJump))
                HJump j = (HJump)pObject;
                if (j.Degrees == 0)
                    jumpPlatform = true;
                    JumpTimeY = 0;
                else if (j.Degrees == 90)
                    jumpPlatformRight = true;
                    jumpPlatformLeft = false;
                    JumpTimeX = 0;
                else if (j.Degrees == 270)
                    jumpPlatformLeft = true;
                    jumpPlatformRight = false;
                    JumpTimeX = 0;

                return true;

            return false;
        public bool CheckIdleCollision(GameObject pObject)
            if (!_hitboxNew.Intersects(pObject.HitBox)) return false;

            float left =  Math.Abs(pObject.HitBox.Width / 2 - (_hitboxNew.Right - pObject.HitBox.X + pObject.HitBox.Width / 2));
            float right = Math.Abs(pObject.HitBox.Width / 2 - (_hitboxNew.Left - pObject.HitBox.X + pObject.HitBox.Width / 2));

            if (left < right)

            return true;
        public bool CheckCollision(GameObject pEntity)
            bool isCollision = false;

            if (Direction.HasFlag(HEnum._direction.Up ^ HEnum._direction.Right))
                isCollision = CheckCollisionBottomRight(pEntity);
            if (Direction.HasFlag(HEnum._direction.Up ^ HEnum._direction.Left))
                isCollision = CheckCollisionBottomLeft(pEntity);
            if (Direction.HasFlag(HEnum._direction.Down ^ HEnum._direction.Right))
                isCollision = CheckCollisionTopRight(pEntity);
            if (Direction.HasFlag(HEnum._direction.Down ^ HEnum._direction.Left))
                isCollision = CheckCollisionTopLeft(pEntity);

            if (Direction.HasFlag(HEnum._direction.Down))
                isCollision = CheckCollisionTop(pEntity);
            if (Direction.HasFlag(HEnum._direction.Up))
                isCollision = CheckCollisionBottom(pEntity);
            if (Direction.HasFlag(HEnum._direction.Right))
                isCollision = CheckCollisionLeft(pEntity);
            if (Direction.HasFlag(HEnum._direction.Left))
                isCollision = CheckCollisionRight(pEntity);

            //if (Direction == HEnum._direction.None)
            //    isCollision = CheckIdleCollision(pEntity);

            return isCollision;
        public bool CheckCollisionTopLeft(GameObject pRectangle)
            if (!_hitboxNew.Intersects(pRectangle.HitBox)) return false;

            if (_hitboxNew.Bottom > pRectangle.HitBox.Top
                && _hitboxNew.Left < pRectangle.HitBox.Right)
                int distanceX = pRectangle.HitBox.Right - _hitboxNew.Left ;
                // -3 ist für den Y abstand der fehlerhaft berechnet wird;
                int distanceY = _hitboxNew.Bottom - pRectangle.HitBox.Top; // (int)_gravity - 1;
                if (distanceX < distanceY)
                else if (distanceX > distanceY)
                //_hasContact = true;
            return true;
        public bool CheckCollisionTopRight(GameObject pRectangle)
            if (!_hitboxNew.Intersects(pRectangle.HitBox)) return false;

            if (_hitboxNew.Bottom > pRectangle.HitBox.Top
                && _hitboxNew.Right > pRectangle.HitBox.Left)
                int distanceX = _hitboxNew.Right- pRectangle.HitBox.Left ;
                int distanceY = _hitboxNew.Bottom - pRectangle.HitBox.Top; //(int)_gravity - 1;
                if (distanceX < distanceY)
                else if (distanceX > distanceY)

            return true;