static async Task Main(string[] args) { CommandLineOptions commandLineOptions = null; Parser.Default.ParseArguments <CommandLineOptions>(args) .WithParsed(opt => commandLineOptions = opt) .WithNotParsed(errors => {}); if (commandLineOptions == null) { return; } //Determines the working environment as IHostingEnvironment is unavailable in a console app var devEnvironmentVariable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NETCORE_ENVIRONMENT"); var isDevelopment = devEnvironmentVariable != null && devEnvironmentVariable.ToLower() == "development"; var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true); // Build now because we need configuration from appsettings.json to build the configuration for key vault. Configuration = builder.Build(); var loggingSection = Configuration.GetSection("Logging"); var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection() .AddLogging(cfg => { cfg.AddConsole(); if (isDevelopment) { cfg.AddDebug(); } }) .AddLogging(cfg => cfg.AddFile(loggingSection)) .Configure <LoggerFilterOptions>(cfg => cfg.MinLevel = LogLevel.Trace) .BuildServiceProvider(); Logger = serviceProvider.GetService <ILogger <Program> >(); HarvesterSettings = new HarvesterSettings(); Configuration.Bind("HarvesterSettings", HarvesterSettings); if (commandLineOptions.IgnoreSecretSettings) { Logger.LogInformation("Ignoring user secrets and key vault settings - forcing usage of appsettings.json"); } else { // Only add secrets in development - otherwise use key vault. if (isDevelopment) { Logger.LogInformation("Using local configuration settings"); builder.AddUserSecrets <Program>(); Configuration = builder.Build(); } else { Logger.LogInformation("Using key vault's configuration settings"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(HarvesterSettings.KeyVaultUri)) { Logger.LogError("Cannot launch harvester - 'KeyVaultUri' is missing from appsettings.json."); return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(commandLineOptions.KeyVaultClientId)) { Logger.LogError("Cannot launch harvester - command line parameter 'keyvaultclientid' must be specified."); return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(commandLineOptions.KeyVaultClientSecret)) { Logger.LogError("Cannot launch harvester - command line parameter 'keyvaultclientsecret' must be specified."); return; } // Use Azure Key Vault from a console app: builder.AddAzureKeyVault(HarvesterSettings.KeyVaultUri, clientId: commandLineOptions.KeyVaultClientId, clientSecret: commandLineOptions.KeyVaultClientSecret); Configuration = builder.Build(); } } // Bind again because values from user secrets or key vault have been added. // Important: recreate the settings or array-types will be duplicated. HarvesterSettings = new HarvesterSettings(); Configuration.Bind("HarvesterSettings", HarvesterSettings); Console.WriteLine("Dashboard Harvester"); Console.WriteLine(); await RunHarvester(commandLineOptions); }
public static async Task ProcessSource(SourceConfig sourceConfig, CosmosClient dbClient, HarvesterSettings harvesterSettings, IConfiguration configuration, ILogger logger) { logger.LogInformation($"Config entry to be processed: {sourceConfig}"); var sourceTypeName = ("source" + sourceConfig.Id).ToLowerInvariant(); var sourceType = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes().FirstOrDefault(t => t.IsClass && t.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == sourceTypeName); if (sourceType == null) { logger.LogCritical($"Failed to find type for source ID '{sourceConfig.Id}'. Used '{sourceTypeName}' to scan for it."); return; } var source = (SourceBase)Activator.CreateInstance(sourceType, harvesterSettings, logger); if (source == null) { logger.LogCritical($"Failed to create instance of source for type '{sourceType}'"); return; } SourceData sourceData = null; try { sourceData = await source.GetData(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogCritical($"Error getting source data: {ex}"); } // Update source configuration. sourceConfig.LastUpdateUtc = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; var sourceConfigCronExpression = CronExpression.Parse(sourceConfig.CronExecutionTime); var lastUpdateUtc = sourceConfig.LastUpdateUtc != null ? sourceConfig.LastUpdateUtc.Value.UtcDateTime : DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.UtcDateTime; DateTime?nextExecutionUtc = sourceConfigCronExpression.GetNextOccurrence(lastUpdateUtc); sourceConfig.NextExecutionDueUtc = sourceConfigCronExpression.GetNextOccurrence(sourceConfig.LastUpdateUtc.Value.UtcDateTime); SaveSourceConfig(sourceConfig, logger); if (sourceData == null) { return; } // Save to database. if (dbClient != null) { var container = dbClient.GetContainer("dashboard", "sourcedata"); await container.UpsertItemAsync(sourceData); } else { logger.LogWarning("CosmosClient is NULL - not saving source data!"); } }