예제 #1
        // This method calls the UpdateBusiness() method from DbConn class updating values to the table //
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int index = Int32.Parse(dGVBusinessRecords.SelectedCells[0].Value.ToString());
            // businessContact object instance of the class BusinessContact to populate the class fields //
            BusinessContact businessContact = new BusinessContact();

            businessContact.ContactID       = index;
            businessContact.ContactFname    = tbFname.Text;
            businessContact.ContactLname    = tbLname.Text;
            businessContact.ContactEmail    = tbEmail.Text;
            businessContact.ContactAddr1    = tbAddress1.Text;
            businessContact.ContactAddr2    = tbAddress2.Text;
            businessContact.ContactCity     = tbCity.Text;
            businessContact.ContactPostCode = tbPostCode.Text;
            businessContact.BusinessTel     = tbTelNumber.Text;
            // UpdateBuiness method called from DbConn class with the parameter businessContact and its populated fields //
            // Repopulate datagridview by calling the GetAllBusiness() method from DbConn class
            dGVBusinessRecords.DataSource = dbConn.GetAllBusiness();
            tbFname.Enabled     = false;
            tbLname.Enabled     = false;
            tbEmail.Enabled     = false;
            tbAddress1.Enabled  = false;
            tbAddress2.Enabled  = false;
            tbCity.Enabled      = false;
            tbPostCode.Enabled  = false;
            tbTelNumber.Enabled = false;
            btnUpdate.Enabled   = true;
            btnDelete.Enabled   = true;
            btnAddNew.Enabled   = true;
            btnSave.Enabled     = false;
예제 #2
        // This method calls the InsertBusiness() method from DbConn class adding new values to the table //
        private void btnSaveNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // businessContact object instance of the class BusinessContact to populate the class fields //
            BusinessContact businessContact = new BusinessContact();

            businessContact.ContactFname    = tbFname.Text;
            businessContact.ContactLname    = tbLname.Text;
            businessContact.ContactEmail    = tbEmail.Text;
            businessContact.ContactAddr1    = tbAddress1.Text;
            businessContact.ContactAddr2    = tbAddress2.Text;
            businessContact.ContactCity     = tbCity.Text;
            businessContact.ContactPostCode = tbPostCode.Text;
            businessContact.BusinessTel     = tbTelNumber.Text;
            // InsertBusiness() method called with the populated fields from BusinessContact clas
            // datagridview repopulated with the new data from SQL table //
            dGVBusinessRecords.DataSource = dbConn.GetAllBusiness();
            tbFname.Enabled     = false;
            tbLname.Enabled     = false;
            tbEmail.Enabled     = false;
            tbAddress1.Enabled  = false;
            tbAddress2.Enabled  = false;
            tbCity.Enabled      = false;
            tbPostCode.Enabled  = false;
            tbTelNumber.Enabled = false;
            // text boxes emptied
            tbFname.Text       = String.Empty;
            tbLname.Text       = String.Empty;
            tbEmail.Text       = String.Empty;
            tbAddress1.Text    = String.Empty;
            tbAddress2.Text    = String.Empty;
            tbCity.Text        = String.Empty;
            tbPostCode.Text    = String.Empty;
            tbTelNumber.Text   = String.Empty;
            btnSave.Enabled    = false;
            btnAddNew.Enabled  = true;
            btnSaveNew.Enabled = false;
            btnUpdate.Enabled  = true;
            btnDelete.Enabled  = true;
예제 #3
        // This method calls the insertBusiness() store procedure using the businessContact object
        // as parameter for the method and its values from each field
        public async void InsertBusiness(BusinessContact businessContact)
            using (var conn = new MySqlConnection(connString))
                await conn.OpenAsync();

                using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand())
                    cmd.Connection  = conn;
                    cmd.CommandText = "CALL insertBusiness(@p1,@p2,@p3,@p4,@p5,@p6,@p7,@p8);";
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("p1", businessContact.ContactFname);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("p2", businessContact.ContactLname);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("p3", businessContact.ContactEmail);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("p4", businessContact.ContactAddr1);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("p5", businessContact.ContactAddr2);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("p6", businessContact.ContactCity);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("p7", businessContact.ContactPostCode);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("p8", businessContact.BusinessTel);
                    await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();