/*Precondition: Needs an order to be loaded Postcondition: Creates a .docx file containing the a small mailing label and opens it */ private void btnSmallMailingLabel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool haveStorageLocation = checkForStorageLocation(); if (haveStorageLocation) { if (currOrder != null) { bool bigLabel = false; MailingLabelCreator labelCreator = new MailingLabelCreator(this, currCustomer, bigLabel); string documentName = currOrder.orderID.ToString() + ".docx"; string filePath = fileManager.getStorageFilePath() + @"\Mailing Labels\" + documentName; bool successfulFileCreation = labelCreator.createMailingLabel(filePath); if(successfulFileCreation) System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(filePath); } } }
/*Precondition: Postcondition: Creates a .docx file with a small mailing label and opens it automatically */ private void btnSmallMailingLabel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool haveStorageLocation = checkForStorageLocation(); //Check that storage location is set if (haveStorageLocation) { //Check that the customer is set because it's required for the mailing label if (currentCustomer != null) { //Get the current order Order currOrder = createOrder(); //Correct the current orders ID currOrder.orderID = dbManager.getNextOrderID(); //Setup and create the .docx file that contains the mailing label bool bigLabel = false; MailingLabelCreator labelCreator = new MailingLabelCreator(null, currentCustomer, bigLabel); string documentName = currOrder.orderID.ToString() + ".docx"; string filePath = fileManager.getStorageFilePath() + @"\Mailing Labels\" + documentName; bool successfulFileCreation = labelCreator.createMailingLabel(filePath); //Open the file containing the mailing label if (successfulFileCreation) System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(filePath); } } }