public void Play() { char key; bool done = false; GameReset(); UserIO.ShowText("Starting the guess!"); do { // Show current score. UserIO.ShowCharString(_scoreboard); UserIO.ShowCharString(_missed); // Read one key and check if tried already. do { key = UserIO.ReadChar(_triesleft); if (key != 'Q') // Quit character. { // OO: Hint, create one more method that describes what you're checking here (that method may call Evaluate.GetCharPos) //if (Evaluate.GetCharPos(_missed, key) >= 0 || Evaluate.GetCharPos(_scoreboard, key) >= 0) if (Evaluate.KeyExists(key, _missed, _scoreboard)) { UserIO.ShowText(" Tried already.", ConsoleColor.Yellow); key = ' '; } } } while (key == ' '); // Check if key is a hit. if (key != 'Q') { //if (Evaluate.CheckSolution(key, _wordtoguess, _scoreboard)) // OO: quite good name, but you might give it an even better name if (Evaluate.HitOrMiss(key, _wordtoguess, _scoreboard)) { UserIO.ShowText(" Hit!", ConsoleColor.Green); } else { UserIO.ShowText(" Miss.", ConsoleColor.Red); Evaluate.AddCharValue(key, _missed); _triesleft--; } } // Winner or bust? Or Quit... //if (!Evaluate.GetCharPos(_scoreboard,'-') == -1) // OO: here you can have a method like "Evaluate.PlayerHasWon(_scoreboard)" or "Evaluate.NoOccurrance('-', _scoreboard)" or "!Evaluate.Contains('-', _scoreboard)" if (!Evaluate.KeyExists('-', _scoreboard)) { UserIO.ShowCharString(_scoreboard); UserIO.ShowText("Winner!", ConsoleColor.Green); done = true; } else if (_triesleft == 0) { UserIO.ShowText($"Sorry, you spent all {Program.maxTries} tries. The solution was:", ConsoleColor.Red); UserIO.ShowCharString(_wordtoguess); done = true; } else if (key == 'Q') { UserIO.ShowText(""); UserIO.ShowText($"Game aborted. The solution was:", ConsoleColor.Red); UserIO.ShowCharString(_wordtoguess); done = true; } } while (!done); }