public void Start() { var gameLoop = new GameLoop(); var myGame = new NewGame(); myGame.InitializeGame(); gameLoop.Start(myGame); }
public void Start() { const int testgame = 1; const int realgame = 2; int choice; while (true) { Console.WriteLine("How do you want to play the game? \n{0} = Test \n{1} = Fun", testgame, realgame); string input = Console.ReadLine(); bool isInteger = int.TryParse(input, out choice); if (isInteger) { if (choice == testgame || choice == realgame) { break; } } Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Not a valid input"); } var gameLoop = new GameLoop(); var db = new DataBase("words.txt"); var myGame = new NewGame(db); if (choice == testgame) { Console.WriteLine("What is your test word?"); myGame.TheWord = Console.ReadLine(); } Console.Clear(); gameLoop.Start(myGame); }
public void Start(NewGame game) { //Display GameGUI = new Display(); //Display.updateDisplay(); //bool done = false; //while(!done) //{ //Menu titlescreen = new Menu() //Menu.Start() string tempinput = ""; string lettersUsed = ""; string message = ""; int guessesLeft = 5; bool done = false; string _theword = game.myWord.theWord; StringBuilder sbBlanks = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < _theword.Length; i++) { sbBlanks.Append("_"); } Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Hangman! The word is {0} letters long. Make your best guess!", _theword.Length); while (!done) { Console.WriteLine(message); Console.WriteLine("word: {0}", _theword); Console.WriteLine(" {0}", sbBlanks.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Previous Guesses: {0}", lettersUsed); Console.WriteLine("Guesses Left: {0}", guessesLeft + 1); Console.WriteLine("Guess: "); tempinput = Console.ReadLine(); if (tempinput.Length < 1) { Console.Clear(); continue; } tempinput = tempinput[0].ToString(); if (lettersUsed.Contains(tempinput)) { message = "Already guessed that!"; } else if (_theword.Contains(tempinput)) { message = "YAY"; lettersUsed += tempinput; int letterindex = 0; //var indeces = new List<int>; for (int i = 0; i < _theword.Length; i++) { letterindex = _theword.IndexOf(tempinput, i); if (letterindex >= 0) { i = letterindex; sbBlanks[i] = tempinput[0]; } } if (!sbBlanks.ToString().Contains("_")) { // Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You win!!!"); done = true; break; } } else { message = "BOO"; lettersUsed += tempinput; Console.WriteLine("Guesses Left: {0}", guessesLeft); if (guessesLeft == 0) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You lose!!"); done = true; break; } guessesLeft--; } Console.Clear(); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public void Start(NewGame game) { var gameState = new GameState(game.TheWord); var guessValidator = new GuessValidator(); var display = new Display(); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Hangman! \nThe word is {0} letters long. \nMake your best guess!", gameState.TheWord.Length); //Console.WriteLine(" 0 \n -|- \n / \\ "); SoundPlayer player = new SoundPlayer(@"C:\Users\david.platillero\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\HangJohn\HangMan_Console\POL-cactus-land-short.wav"); player.PlayLooping(); bool done = false; while (!done) { Console.Write("Guess: "); var currentGuess = Console.ReadLine(); if (!guessValidator.Valid(currentGuess)) { Console.WriteLine("Not a valid input"); continue; } currentGuess = guessValidator.getValidatedString(currentGuess); var whatHappened = gameState.ProcessGuess(currentGuess); Console.Clear(); switch (whatHappened) { case WhatHappened.Correct: Console.WriteLine("Correct!"); break; case WhatHappened.Duplicate: Console.WriteLine("You already guessed that!"); break; case WhatHappened.Incorrect: Console.WriteLine("Bummer... that's not in the word!"); break; case WhatHappened.Lose: Console.WriteLine("You Lose :( \nThe word was {0} \n{1}", gameState.TheWord, display.FullMan); done = true; break; case WhatHappened.Win: Console.WriteLine("You Win! :) \nThe word was {0}", gameState.TheWord); done = true; break; } if (!done) { display.Update(gameState); } } Console.ReadLine(); }