/// <summary> /// Loads the data. /// </summary> /// <param name="destination">The destination.</param> public void LoadData(string destination) { this.IsDataLoading = true; var observable = this._houstonTranstarService.GetTravelTime(destination); observable .ObserveOnDispatcher() .Subscribe(tt => { if (tt != null) { this.TravelTime = tt; } }, ex => { this._dataRetrievalErrorInteractionRequest.Raise(new InteractionReq.Notification() { Title = "Error", Content = "Unable to retrieve traffic data." }); this.IsDataLoading = false; }, () => { this.IsDataLoading = false; }); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the travel time. /// </summary> /// <param name="destination">The destination.</param> /// <returns></returns> public IObservable<TravelTime> GetTravelTime(string destination) { return new AnonymousObservable<TravelTime>(observer => { IObservable<string> observable = ObservableHelper.TextFromUri(new Uri(HoustonTranstarUri.BaseUri + destination)); observable.Subscribe(result => { if (result != null) { int tableStart = result.IndexOf("<span id=\"RoadwayList\""); int tableEnd = result.IndexOf("</span>", tableStart); XElement xmlDoc = XElement.Parse(result.Substring(tableStart, (tableEnd + 7) - tableStart)); int i = 0; TravelTime travelTime = new TravelTime(); foreach (var node in xmlDoc.Nodes()) { switch (i) { case 4: travelTime.Roadway = node.ToString(); break; case 6: travelTime.Route = node.ToString(); break; case 8: travelTime.Distance = node.ToString(); break; case 10: travelTime.Time = node.ToString().Replace("Travel Time (mm:ss) - ", ""); break; case 12: travelTime.Speed = node.ToString(); break; } i++; } observer.OnNext(travelTime); } observer.OnCompleted(); }, ex => { observer.OnError(new Exception("Unable to retrieve traffic data.", ex)); }); return Disposable.Empty; }); }