public void InjectDds(Bitmap bitmap, int imageIndex, Stream ddsStream)
            // Deserialize the old definition
            var resourceContext = new ResourceSerializationContext(bitmap.Resources[imageIndex].Resource);
            var definition      = TagDeserializer.Deserialize <BitmapTextureResourceDefinition>(resourceContext);

            if (definition.Texture == null || definition.Texture.Definition == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid bitmap definition");
            var texture = definition.Texture.Definition;

            // Read the DDS header and modify the definition to match
            var dds      = DdsHeader.Read(ddsStream);
            var dataSize = (int)(ddsStream.Length - ddsStream.Position);

            texture.Data            = new ResourceDataReference(dataSize, new ResourceAddress(ResourceAddressType.Resource, 0));
            texture.Width           = (short)dds.Width;
            texture.Height          = (short)dds.Height;
            texture.Depth           = (sbyte)Math.Max(1, dds.Depth);
            texture.Levels          = (sbyte)Math.Max(1, dds.MipMapCount);
            texture.Type            = BitmapDdsFormatDetection.DetectType(dds);
            texture.D3DFormatUnused = (int)((dds.D3D10Format != DxgiFormat.Bc5UNorm) ? dds.FourCc : DdsFourCc.FromString("ATI2"));
            texture.Format          = BitmapDdsFormatDetection.DetectFormat(dds);

            // Set flags based on the format
            switch (definition.Texture.Definition.Format)
            case BitmapFormat.Dxt1:
            case BitmapFormat.Dxt3:
            case BitmapFormat.Dxt5:
            case BitmapFormat.Dxn:
                definition.Texture.Definition.Flags = BitmapFlags.Compressed;

                definition.Texture.Definition.Flags = BitmapFlags.None;

            // Inject the resource data
            _resourceManager.Replace(bitmap.Resources[imageIndex].Resource, ddsStream);

            // Serialize the new resource definition
            TagSerializer.Serialize(resourceContext, definition);

            // Modify the image data in the bitmap tag to match the definition
            var imageData = bitmap.Images[imageIndex];

            imageData.Width       = texture.Width;
            imageData.Height      = texture.Height;
            imageData.Depth       = texture.Depth;
            imageData.Type        = texture.Type;
            imageData.Format      = texture.Format;
            imageData.Flags       = texture.Flags;
            imageData.MipmapCount = (sbyte)(texture.Levels - 1);
            imageData.DataOffset  = texture.Data.Address.Offset;
            imageData.DataSize    = texture.Data.Size;
예제 #2
        public void InjectDds(TagSerializer serializer, TagDeserializer deserializer, Bitmap bitmap, int imageIndex, Stream ddsStream)
            var resource    = bitmap.Resources[imageIndex].Resource;
            var newResource = (resource == null);
            ResourceSerializationContext    resourceContext;
            BitmapTextureResourceDefinition definition;

            if (newResource)
                // Create a new resource reference
                resource = new ResourceReference
                    DefinitionFixups = new List <ResourceDefinitionFixup>(),
                    D3DObjectFixups  = new List <D3DObjectFixup>(),
                    Type             = 1, // TODO: Map out this type enum instead of using numbers
                    Unknown68        = 1
                bitmap.Resources[imageIndex].Resource = resource;
                resourceContext = new ResourceSerializationContext(resource);
                definition      = new BitmapTextureResourceDefinition
                    Texture = new D3DPointer <BitmapTextureResourceDefinition.BitmapDefinition>
                        Definition = new BitmapTextureResourceDefinition.BitmapDefinition()
                // Deserialize the old definition
                resourceContext = new ResourceSerializationContext(resource);
                definition      = deserializer.Deserialize <BitmapTextureResourceDefinition>(resourceContext);
            if (definition.Texture == null || definition.Texture.Definition == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid bitmap definition");
            var texture   = definition.Texture.Definition;
            var imageData = bitmap.Images[imageIndex];

            // Read the DDS header and modify the definition to match
            var dds      = DdsHeader.Read(ddsStream);
            var dataSize = (int)(ddsStream.Length - ddsStream.Position);

            texture.Data            = new ResourceDataReference(dataSize, new ResourceAddress(ResourceAddressType.Resource, 0));
            texture.Width           = (short)dds.Width;
            texture.Height          = (short)dds.Height;
            texture.Depth           = (sbyte)Math.Max(1, dds.Depth);
            texture.Levels          = (sbyte)Math.Max(1, dds.MipMapCount);
            texture.Type            = BitmapDdsFormatDetection.DetectType(dds);
            texture.D3DFormatUnused = (int)((dds.D3D10Format != DxgiFormat.Bc5UNorm) ? dds.FourCc : DdsFourCc.FromString("ATI2"));
            texture.Format          = BitmapDdsFormatDetection.DetectFormat(dds);

            // Set flags based on the format
            switch (texture.Format)
            case BitmapFormat.Dxt1:
            case BitmapFormat.Dxt3:
            case BitmapFormat.Dxt5:
            case BitmapFormat.Dxn:
                texture.Flags = BitmapFlags.Compressed;

                texture.Flags = BitmapFlags.None;
            if ((texture.Width & (texture.Width - 1)) == 0 && (texture.Height & (texture.Height - 1)) == 0)
                texture.Flags |= BitmapFlags.PowerOfTwoDimensions;

            // If creating a new image, then add a new resource, otherwise replace the existing one
            if (newResource)
                _resourceManager.Add(resource, ResourceLocation.Textures, ddsStream);
                _resourceManager.Replace(resource, ddsStream);

            // Serialize the new resource definition
            serializer.Serialize(resourceContext, definition);

            // Modify the image data in the bitmap tag to match the definition
            imageData.Width       = texture.Width;
            imageData.Height      = texture.Height;
            imageData.Depth       = texture.Depth;
            imageData.Type        = texture.Type;
            imageData.Format      = texture.Format;
            imageData.Flags       = texture.Flags;
            imageData.MipmapCount = (sbyte)(texture.Levels - 1);
            imageData.DataOffset  = texture.Data.Address.Offset;
            imageData.DataSize    = texture.Data.Size;
            imageData.Unknown15   = texture.Unknown35;