예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the modules to see if any of the specified hifs are installed already,
        /// if they are it prompts the user to see if we should continue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hifs">The list of hifs</param>
        /// <param name="modules">The list of modules</param>
        /// <returns>True if the user cancels the operation, false if they do not</returns>
        protected bool CheckForHifConflicts(HakInfo[] hifs, string[] modules)
            // Get the list of conflicts if there aren't any then just return false.
            HifConflictCollection conflicts = HakInstaller.CheckInstalledHifs(hifs, modules);
            if (null == conflicts) return false;

            // There are conflicts, prompt the user for what to do.
            HifConflictsForm form = new HifConflictsForm(conflicts);
            return DialogResult.Cancel == form.ShowDialog(this);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to resolve tlk file conflicts between the module tlk and any
        /// tlk's defined in the hifs.  It does this by attempting to build a
        /// new tlk file containing all of the tlk entries from all tlks.  If there
        /// are no overlapping entries in the tlks's then this will succeed and
        /// the name of the new tlk will be returned, if there are overlaps then
        /// this will fail and string.Empty will be returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hakInfos">The HIFs being added to the module</param>
        /// <param name="module">The module for which we are resolving conflicts</param>
        /// <param name="moduleInfo">The module info for the module</param>
        /// <param name="conflicts">The list of files in conflict</param>
        /// <returns>The name of the merge hak file, or string.Empty if a merge tlk
        /// could not be generated.</returns>
        public string ResolveConflicts(HakInfo[] hakInfos, Erf module, ModuleInfo moduleInfo,
			OverwriteWarningCollection conflicts)
                // Reset the message shown flag so we show the message once.
                conflictHakMessageShown = false;

                // Generate the name of the conflict resolution hak and the directory
                // in which to place the files that will be added to the hak.
                conflictHak = GetFileName(module, "hak");
                conflictHakDir = NWN.NWNInfo.GetFullFilePath(conflictHak) + ".temp";

                OverwriteWarningCollection copy = conflicts.Clone();
                foreach (OverwriteWarning conflict in copy)
                    // Check to see if we can attempt to resolve the conflict, if
                    // we can then attempt to resolve it, and if the resolution is
                    // successful then remove the conflict from the collection.
                    switch (Path.GetExtension(conflict.File).ToLower())
                        case ".2da":
                            if (Resolve2daConflict(hakInfos, module, moduleInfo, conflict))

                // Get all of the files in the conflict hak directory, if there are none
                // then there is no conflict hak.
                if (!Directory.Exists(conflictHakDir)) return string.Empty;
                string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(conflictHakDir);
                if (0 == files.Length) return string.Empty;

                // We have some resolved conflicts make the merge hak.
                Erf hak = Erf.New(Erf.ErfType.HAK, "Auto-generated merge hak");
                foreach (string file in files)
                    hak.AddFile(file, true);
                return conflictHak;
                if (Directory.Exists(conflictHakDir)) Directory.Delete(conflictHakDir, true);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler for the install button click event.  It installs the selected
        /// haks in the selected modules.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        public void PerformInstall(HakInfo[] hifs, string[] modules)
                // Before starting check for hif conflicts and ask the user if they really want to
                // continue.
                if (CheckForHifConflicts(hifs, modules)) return;

                // Create a progress control,
                InstallProgressForm progress = new InstallProgressForm();
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(DoHakInstall),
                    new InstallInfo(hifs, modules, progress));
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the application in console mode, silently adding the haks to
        /// the modules given on the command line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>0 if successful, otherwise -1</returns>
        private static int ConsoleMode()
            // Validate the files, if we fail validation then exit now.
            if (!ValidateFiles(hifStrings) || !ValidateFiles(moduleStrings))
                return -1;

            // Convert the string collections to arrays and install the haks
            // in the modules.
            HakInfo[] hifs = new HakInfo[hifStrings.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < hifStrings.Count; i++)
                hifs[i] = new HakInfo(hifStrings[i]);
            string[] modules = new string[moduleStrings.Count];
            moduleStrings.CopyTo(modules, 0);

                HakInstaller.InstallHaks(hifs, modules, null);
            catch (Exception e)
            return 0;
예제 #5
            /// <summary>
            /// Class constructor
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="hifs">The list of haks to add</param>
            /// <param name="modules">The list of modules to add haks to</param>
            /// <param name="progress">The object used to show progress</param>
            public InstallInfo(HakInfo[] hifs, string[]modules, 
				InstallProgressForm progress)
                this.hifs = hifs;
                this.modules = modules;
                this.progress = progress;
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads all of the hack info files into the hak check list box.
        /// </summary>
        protected void LoadHakInfoList(CheckedListBox checkedHaks)
            // Get all of the modules in the module directory and add them to
            // the list box.
            string[] haks = Directory.GetFiles(NWNInfo.GetPathForFile("foo.hif"), "*.hif");
            foreach (string hak in haks)
                // Load the HIF now and perform validation before adding it to the
                // list of HIFs.
                HakInfo hif = new HakInfo(hak);
                string error;
                if (hif.Validate(out error))
                    MessageBox.Show(error, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            if (0 == checkedHaks.Items.Count)
                MessageBox.Show(StringResources.GetString("NoHIFS"), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Installs the listed haks (defined by hif files) on the module.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hakInfos">The array of loaded hif files to install.</param>
        /// <param name="decompressedErfs">The string collection of decompressed
        /// erf files from the hifs.  The values in here should be the
        /// temp directories in which the erfs have been decompressed to.  If this
        /// collection is empty then the erfs will be decompressed to temp directories
        /// and the directories returned in this collection.  It will be the caller's
        /// responsibility to delete them.</param>
        /// <param name="moduleFile">The module to add the haks to</param>
        /// <param name="progress">An interface used to an object used to display
        /// progress information, or null if no progress information is desired</param>
        private void DoInstall(HakInfo[] hakInfos, StringCollection decompressedErfs,
			string moduleFile, IHakInstallProgress progress)
            mergeHak = string.Empty;
            mergeTlk = string.Empty;

            StringCollection tempDirs = new StringCollection();
                // Load the module file.
                Progress(progress, true, "Loading {0}", moduleFile);
                if (progress.IsCancelled) return;
                Erf module = Erf.Load(NWNInfo.GetFullFilePath(moduleFile));

                // Decompress the module to a temp directory.
                Progress(progress, true, "Decompressing {0}", moduleFile);
                currentTempDir = Decompress(module, tempDirs);

                // Load the moduleInfo for the module.
                ModuleInfo moduleInfo = new ModuleInfo(currentTempDir);

                // Check for any tlk file conflicts and abort the install if they
                // cannot be resolved.
                CheckForTlkConflicts(hakInfos, module, moduleInfo, progress);

                // Check for any file conflicts and make sure it is OK with the user.
                Progress(progress, false, "Checking for overwrites");
                CheckForHakConflicts(hakInfos, decompressedErfs, module, moduleInfo,

                // Add any erf files to the module.
                foreach (string erfDir in decompressedErfs)
                    // Add each of the erf files to the module.
                    string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(erfDir);
                    foreach (string file in files)
                        // Add the file to the module.
                        Progress(progress, true, "Adding {1} to\n{0}", moduleFile, Path.GetFileName(file));
                        module.AddFile(Path.Combine(erfDir, file), true);

                        // If the file is an area file then add it to the module's area list.
                        if (0 == string.Compare(".are", Path.GetExtension(file), true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                            moduleInfo.AddAreas(new string[] { Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) });

                // If we are overwriting files in the module then warn the user that
                // they are doing so and give them a chance to abort.
                if (module.ReplacedFiles.Count > 0)
                    // Create a conflict collection and ask the user what to do.  If
                    // they cancel then trow a cancel exception to abort adding the
                    // hak(s).
                    FileConflictCollection conflicts = CreateConflictCollection(module);
                    if (!progress.ShouldReplaceFiles(conflicts))
                        throw new InstallCancelledException();

                    // The user may have chosen to keep some of the original module
                    // files, un-add any file that they chose not to replace.
                    foreach (FileConflict conflict in conflicts)
                        if (!conflict.ReplaceFile)

                // Now loop through all of the haks and make any module changes
                // required.
                foreach (HakInfo hakInfo in hakInfos)
                    // Set all of the module properties.
                    Progress(progress, true, "Setting module properties for {0}", moduleFile);
                    PropertyHandlerDictionary handlers = objects["Module"];
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in hakInfo.ModuleProperties)
                        if (progress.IsCancelled) throw new InstallCancelledException();

                        // Resolve the DictionaryEntry to native data.
                        string property = (string) entry.Key;
                        StringCollection values = (StringCollection) entry.Value;
                        if (0 == values.Count) continue;

                        // Look up the handler for the property, throwing an exception
                        // if we don't find one, then invoke it.
                        PropertyHandler handler = handlers[property];
                        if (null == handler)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown module property " + property);
                        handler(module, moduleInfo, property, values);

                // If we have a merge hak then add it now so it goes to the top of
                // the hak list.
                if (string.Empty != mergeHak)
                    StringCollection mergeHakCollection = new StringCollection();
                    Module_Hak(module, moduleInfo, "hak", mergeHakCollection);

                // Build string arrays of the hif names and versions of all of the HakInfo
                // objects we added to the module, then update the module's installed
                // HakInfo property.  This is a custom property used by this tool to
                // keep track of what is installed on a module.
                string[] hifs = new string[hakInfos.Length];
                float[] versions = new float[hakInfos.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < hakInfos.Length; i++)
                    hifs[i] = hakInfos[i].Name;
                    versions[i] = hakInfos[i].Version;
                moduleInfo.AddInstalledHakInfos(hifs, versions);

                // Save the changes to the module info file.

                // Backup the old module file before saving.
                string backupName = Path.Combine(NWNInfo.GetPathForFile(moduleFile),
                    Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(moduleFile) + ".BackupMod");
                File.Copy(NWNInfo.GetFullFilePath(moduleFile), backupName, true);

                // Recreate the module file with our changed files.
                Progress(progress, true, "Saving {0}", moduleFile);

                // If we created merge files then display a message to the user
                // telling them what we did.
                if (string.Empty != mergeHak || string.Empty != mergeTlk)
                    string files = "\r\n\r\n\t";
                    if (string.Empty != mergeHak) files += NWN.NWNInfo.GetPartialFilePath(mergeHak);
                    if (string.Empty != mergeTlk)
                        if (string.Empty != files) files += "\r\n\t";
                        files += NWN.NWNInfo.GetPartialFilePath(mergeTlk);

                        "There were conflicts between the custom content you are trying to add and " +
                        "the files already used by the module '{0}'.  Merge files were created to resolve " +
                        "these conflicts, you should delete these files when you are finished " +
                        "with your module." + files, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(module.FileName)));
            catch (Exception e)
                // Delete any merge files we created, the install is failing.s
                if (string.Empty != mergeTlk) File.Delete(NWN.NWNInfo.GetFullFilePath(mergeTlk));
                if (string.Empty != mergeHak) File.Delete(NWN.NWNInfo.GetFullFilePath(mergeHak));

                // If the exception isn't an InstallCancelledException then throw it.
                // InstallCancelledExceptions are thrown to abort the install, we want to eat those.
                if (!(e is InstallCancelledException)) throw;
                // Always clean up temp dirs no matter what.
                foreach (string dir in tempDirs)
                        if (Directory.Exists(dir)) Directory.Delete(dir, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the single HIF and throws an EntryPointNotFoundException
        /// to exit the application if it does not validate.
        /// </summary>
        private void ValidateHIF()
            hif = new HakInfo(NWNInfo.GetFullFilePath(MainForm.Hif));

            // Validate the PRC pack HIF, if validation fails then display
            // the error message and exit the app.
            string error;
            if (!hif.Validate(out error))
                MessageBox.Show(error, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                throw new EntryPointNotFoundException();
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to resolve conflicts for a 2da file.  It does this be attempting to
        /// merge all duplicate copies of the 2da file into one merge 2da file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hakInfos">The HIFs being added to the module</param>
        /// <param name="module">The module</param>
        /// <param name="moduleInfo">The module info for the module</param>
        /// <param name="conflict">The 2da file in conflict</param>
        private bool Resolve2daConflict(HakInfo[] hakInfos, Erf module, ModuleInfo moduleInfo,
			OverwriteWarning conflict)
                // Create an array list and get the 2da from the module,
                // adding it to the list if we get it.
                ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
                _2DA twoDA = Get2da(moduleInfo, conflict.File);
                if (null != twoDA) list.Add(twoDA);

                // Now get all of the copies of the 2da from the various HIFs and
                // add them as well.
                foreach (HakInfo hakInfo in hakInfos)
                    twoDA = Get2da(hakInfo, conflict.File);
                    if (null != twoDA) list.Add(twoDA);

                // Load the BioWare version of the the 2da to use as a baseline, if the
                // file isn't in the bioware directory then we will have to make due w/o
                // it just make a blank 2da with the correct schema.
                _2DA bioware = LoadBioWare2da(conflict.File);

                // At this point we have all relevent copies of the conflicting 2da loaded into
                // memory, we now need to generate a merge 2da if possible.
                _2DA merge = Merge2das(bioware, list);
                if (null == merge) return false;

                // We have successfully merged all of the 2das, save the merge 2da and
                // return true.
                if (!Directory.Exists(conflictHakDir)) Directory.CreateDirectory(conflictHakDir);
                merge.SaveAs(Path.Combine(conflictHakDir, conflict.File));
                return true;
            catch (Exception)
                return false;
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// This function checks for tlk conflicts, checking to see if the module
        /// and hifs have tlk files.  If there are multiple tlk files it will attempt
        /// to generate a merge tlk file, if this cannot be done it will display an
        /// error message and throw an InstallCancelledException to cancel the install.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hakInfos">The hak infos being added to the module</param>
        /// <param name="module">The module</param>
        /// <param name="moduleInfo">The module info</param>
        /// <param name="progress">The object implemening the progress interface</param>
        private void CheckForTlkConflicts(HakInfo[] hakInfos,
			Erf module, ModuleInfo moduleInfo,
			IHakInstallProgress progress)
            // Create a tlk string collection and add the module's tlk if it has one.
            StringCollection tlks = new StringCollection();
            if (string.Empty != moduleInfo.CustomTlk)
                tlks.Add(moduleInfo.CustomTlk.ToLower() + ".tlk");

            // Add all of the tlk's from all of the HIFs.
            foreach (HakInfo hif in hakInfos)
                StringCollection hifTlks = hif.ModuleProperties["customtlk"];
                if (null != hifTlks && hifTlks.Count > 0)
                    // Loop through the tlk's individually to exclude duplicates.
                    foreach (string hifTlk in hifTlks)
                        string lower = hifTlk.ToLower();
                        if (!tlks.Contains(lower)) tlks.Add(lower);

            // If we have less than 2 tlks there is no conflict to resolve.
            if (tlks.Count < 2) return;

            // We have 2 or more tlk files, create a conflict resolver to
            // build a merge tlk file.
            ConflictResolver resolver = new ConflictResolver(progress);
            string[] tlkStrings = new string[tlks.Count];
            tlks.CopyTo(tlkStrings, 0);
            mergeTlk = resolver.ResolveTlkConflict(module, tlkStrings);

            // If we don't get a merge tlk back from the conflict resolver then we couldn't
            // resolve the conflict.  This is a fatal error so display an error message and
            // cancel the install.
            if (string.Empty == mergeTlk)
                progress.DisplayErrorMessage("The module and custom content contain tlk files " +
                    "that cannot be merged.  The module update will be aborted.");
                throw new InstallCancelledException();

            // Save the merge tlk as the module's custom tlk.
            moduleInfo.CustomTlk = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(mergeTlk.ToLower());
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// This function checks for hak conflicts, checking to see if any files
        /// in the hifs will overwrite files in the module or vica versa.  If 
        /// overwrites will happen, it prompts the user to see if we should continue,
        /// throwing an InstallCancelledException() if the user chooses to cancel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hakInfos">The hak infos being added to the module</param>
        /// <param name="decompressedErfs">The decompressed erfs</param>
        /// <param name="module">The module</param>
        /// <param name="moduleInfo">The module info</param>
        /// <param name="progress">The object implemening the progress interface</param>
        private void CheckForHakConflicts(HakInfo[] hakInfos, 
			StringCollection decompressedErfs, Erf module, ModuleInfo moduleInfo,
			IHakInstallProgress progress)
            // Create a hashtable for fast lookup and add all of the files in all
            // of the decompressed erf's to it.
            Hashtable hifErfHash = new Hashtable(10000);
            foreach(string directory in decompressedErfs)
                // Strip the ".temp" off the end of the name.
                string erf = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(directory);
                string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(directory);
                foreach (string file in files)
                    // Only add the ERF file if it's not already there.  We assume that
                    // the ERF's in the HIF play well together so we ignore duplicates.
                    string key = Path.GetFileName(file).ToLower();
                    if ("exportinfo.gff" != key && !hifErfHash.Contains(key)) hifErfHash.Add(key, erf.ToLower());

            // Build a list of all of the added haks.
            StringCollection hakInfoHaks = new StringCollection();
            foreach (HakInfo hakInfo in hakInfos)
                StringCollection temp = hakInfo.ModuleProperties["hak"] as StringCollection;
                if (null != temp)
                    foreach (string tempString in temp)

            // Add all of the files in all of the haks to the hash table.
            Hashtable hifHakHash = new Hashtable(10000);
            foreach (string hakName in hakInfoHaks)
                Erf hak = Erf.Load(NWNInfo.GetFullFilePath(hakName));
                StringCollection files = hak.Files;
                foreach (string file in files)
                        string key = file.ToLower();
                        string hakNameLower = hakName.ToLower();
                        hifHakHash.Add(key, hakNameLower);
                    catch (ArgumentException)

            // At this point we have built a lookup hash table that contains every
            // file going into the module (either directly in an erf or indirectly
            // in a hak).  Now we need to loop through all of the files in the
            // module (and all of it's haks) and check to see if any of them are
            // going to get overwritten.  At this point we have several cases.
            // 1. Module content is going to get replaced by erf content.  We
            //    do not handle that case now, we wait until the end and allow
            //    the user to selectivly overwrite whatever they wish.
            // 2. Module content is going to get replaced by hak content.  We must
            //    warn the user that module files will not be used and the module
            //    may not work.
            // 3. Module hak content is going to get replaced by hak content.  Same
            //    as above.
            // 4. Module hak content is going to overwrite erf content from the hif.
            //    In this case the hif's content is the content that is going to be
            //    ignored, again the user has to be warned.
            OverwriteWarningCollection hakWarnings = new OverwriteWarningCollection();
            OverwriteWarningCollection erfWarnings = new OverwriteWarningCollection();

            string moduleFileName = Path.GetFileName(module.FileName);

            // Loop through all of the files in the module checking to see if files in
            // added haks will overwrite them.
            StringCollection moduleFiles = module.Files;
            foreach (string file in moduleFiles)
                string source = hifHakHash[file.ToLower()] as string;
                if (null != source)
                    hakWarnings.Add(new OverwriteWarning(file.ToLower(), moduleFileName, source));

            // Loop through all of the files in the module's haks checking to see if
            // files in the added haks will overwrite them or if they will overwrite
            // files in added erf's.
            StringCollection moduleHaks = moduleInfo.Haks;
            foreach (string moduleHak in moduleHaks)
                // Check to see if the hak in the module is one of the haks being added (this is
                // a no-op condition which will result in 100% duplicates, no need to check it).
                string hak = moduleHak + ".hak";
                if (hakInfoHaks.Contains(hak.ToLower())) continue;

                Erf erf = Erf.Load(NWNInfo.GetFullFilePath(hak));
                StringCollection hakFiles = erf.Files;
                foreach (string file in hakFiles)
                    // If the file is in the hak hash then it is going to be
                    // overwritten by the hif's haks.
                    string key = file.ToLower();
                    string source = hifHakHash[key] as string;
                    if (null != source)
                        hakWarnings.Add(new OverwriteWarning(key,
                            Path.GetFileName(erf.FileName.ToLower()), source));

                    // If the file is in the erf hash then it will overwrite the
                    // hif's erf.
                    source = hifErfHash[key] as string;
                    if (null != source)
                        erfWarnings.Add(new OverwriteWarning(key, source,

            // We have built the list of conflicts, before asking the user try to resolve the
            // conflicts as we may be able to generate a merge hak to resolve some of them.
            if (hakWarnings.Count > 0)
                ConflictResolver resolver = new ConflictResolver(progress);
                mergeHak = resolver.ResolveConflicts(hakInfos, module, moduleInfo, hakWarnings);

            // We have finished checking for files that are going to get overwritten.
            // If we have any warnings to issue to the user then do so now.
            if (hakWarnings.Count > 0 &&
                !progress.ShouldOverwrite(hakWarnings, false, OverwriteWarningType.HifsOverwritesModule))
                throw new InstallCancelledException();

            if (erfWarnings.Count > 0 &&
                !progress.ShouldOverwrite(erfWarnings, false, OverwriteWarningType.ModuleOverwritesHifs))
                throw new InstallCancelledException();
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Installs the listed haks (defined by hif files) on the module.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hifs">The list of haks to add</param>
        /// <param name="moduleFile">The module to add the haks to</param>
        /// <param name="progress">An interface used to an object used to display
        /// progress information, or null if no progress information is desired</param>
        public static void InstallHaks(HakInfo[] hifs, string moduleFile,
			IHakInstallProgress progress)
            // Force the thread to use the invariant culture to make the install
            // code work on foreign language versions of windows.
            CultureInfo currentCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
                // If no progress was given then use a dummy one which does nothing.
                if (null == progress) progress = new DummyProgress();

                // Invoke the private method on the singleton to do all the real work.
                Singleton.DoInstall(hifs, new string[] { moduleFile }, progress);
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = currentCulture;
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// This method checks to see if any of the proposed hifs are installed on any of the
        /// given modules, returning a collection of conflicts that can be displayed to the user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="proposedHifs">The list of hifs that the user wants to add to the modules</param>
        /// <param name="modules">The list of modules</param>
        /// <returns>A collection containing the list of conflicts, or null if there are no
        /// conflicts</returns>
        public static HifConflictCollection CheckInstalledHifs(HakInfo[] proposedHifs, string[] modules)
            // Force the thread to use the invariant culture to make the install
            // code work on foreign language versions of windows.
            CultureInfo currentCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
                HifConflictCollection conflicts = null;
                foreach (string module in modules)
                    // Load the module info data and create an object for it.
                    MemoryStream stream = Erf.GetFile(NWNInfo.GetFullFilePath(module), ModuleInfo.FileName);
                    if (null == stream) NWN.FileTypes.Tools.NWNLogger.Log(10, "HakInstaller.CheckInstalledHifs, Erf.GetFile() returned null!!!");
                    ModuleInfo info = new ModuleInfo(stream);

                    // Load the installed hifs in module if any.
                    string[] installedHifs;
                    float[] installedVersions;
                    info.GetInstalledHakInfos(out installedHifs, out installedVersions);

                    // Create a StringCollection of the proposed hifs so we can use IndexOf(),
                    // then check to see if there are any hif conflicts, if there are then
                    // add them to the conflict list.
                    StringCollection proposedHifsColl = new StringCollection();
                    foreach (HakInfo hif in proposedHifs)
                    for (int i = 0; i < installedHifs.Length; i++)
                        if (proposedHifsColl.Contains(installedHifs[i].ToLower()))
                            HifConflict conflict = new HifConflict(module,
                                installedHifs[i], installedVersions[i], 0);
                            if (null == conflicts) conflicts = new HifConflictCollection();

                return conflicts;
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = currentCulture;
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a collection of hifs into memory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hifs">The hifs to load</param>
        /// <param name="progress">An interface used to an object used to display
        /// progress information, or null if no progress information is desired</param>
        /// <returns>An array of HakInfo objects representing the hifs</returns>
        private HakInfo[] LoadHifs(string[] hifs, IHakInstallProgress progress)
            // Loop through the array of hif files loading them into HakInfo objects.
            HakInfo[] hakInfos = new HakInfo[hifs.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < hifs.Length; i++)
                // Load the hif file, stepping the progress bar.
                Progress(progress, true, "Reading {0}", hifs[i]);
                if (progress.IsCancelled) throw new InstallCancelledException();
                hakInfos[i] = new HakInfo(Path.Combine(NWNInfo.HakInfoPath, hifs[i]));

            return hakInfos;
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the number of progress steps required given a source list of
        /// hifs and modules.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hifs">The list of hifs</param>
        /// <param name="modules">The list of modules</param>
        /// <returns>The number of progress steps required.</returns>
        private int GetProgressCount(HakInfo[] hifs, string[] modules)
            // Count the number of erfs and files in the erfs.
            int fileCount, erfCount;
            CountAddedFiles(hifs, out fileCount, out erfCount);

            // Start with 3 steps per module, to load, decompress, and save.
            int count = modules.Length * 3;

            // Add one step per hif to load them.
            count += hifs.Length;

            // Add 2 steps per erf, one to load one to decompress.
            count += erfCount * 2;

            // Add a number of steps to add each file to each module.
            count += modules.Length * fileCount;

            // Add 1 steps for each (module, hif) pair to wire up events.
            count += modules.Length * hifs.Length;

            return count;
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Installs the listed haks (defined by hif files) on the listed
        /// modules.  
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hifs">The list of haks to add</param>
        /// <param name="modules">The list of modules to add the haks to</param>
        /// <param name="progress">An interface used to an object used to display
        /// progress information, or null if no progress information is desired</param>
        private void DoInstall(HakInfo[] hifs, string[] modules,
			IHakInstallProgress progress)
            StringCollection tempDirs = null;
                // Calcualte the number of steps needed for the progress bar.  The
                // hard coded numbers are based on the number of step calls in
                // DoInstall().
                progress.ProgressSteps = GetProgressCount(hifs, modules);

                // Load the hif files and decompress them to temp directories.
                tempDirs = DecompressHifErfs(hifs, progress);

                // Now apply the hifs to each module in turn.
                foreach (string module in modules)
                    DoInstall(hifs, tempDirs, module, progress);
                // Always clean up temp dirs no matter what.
                if (null != tempDirs)
                    foreach (string dir in tempDirs)
                            if (Directory.Exists(dir)) Directory.Delete(dir, true);
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the 2da file from the HIF by looking at all of the haks in the
        /// HIF and checking each hak for the file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hakInfo">The HIF</param>
        /// <param name="fileName">The name of the 2da to get</param>
        /// <returns>A 2da object for the 2da or null if the 2da is not in any
        /// of the HIF's haks</returns>
        private _2DA Get2da(HakInfo hakInfo, string fileName)
            // Get the list of haks in the HIF and loop through all of them
            // trying to load the 2da, as soon as we get it return it.
            StringCollection haks = hakInfo.ModuleProperties["hak"];
            if (null == haks) return null;
            foreach (string hak in haks)
                _2DA twoDA = Extract2da(hak, fileName);
                if (null != twoDA) return twoDA;

            return null;
예제 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Counts the number of files in the hifs that will be added to a
        /// module, to allow for progress bar movement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hifs">The list of hifs</param>
        /// <param name="fileCount">Returns the number of files in the erfs.</param>
        /// <param name="erfCount">Returns the number of erf files.</param>
        private void CountAddedFiles(HakInfo[] hifs, out int fileCount, out int erfCount)
            fileCount = 0;
            erfCount = 0;

            // Now loop through all of the haks and add them to the module.
            foreach (HakInfo hif in hifs)
                erfCount += hif.Erfs.Count;
                foreach (string erf in hif.Erfs)
                    fileCount += Erf.GetFileCount(Path.Combine(NWNInfo.GetPathForFile(erf), erf));
예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Decompresses all of the ERF files in the hak info objects, returning
        /// a collection of the temp directories they are in.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hakInfos">The array of hak infos for which to decompress
        /// the erfs</param>
        /// <param name="progress">An interface used to an object used to display
        /// progress information, or null if no progress information is desired</param>
        /// <returns>A string collection of all of the directories in which the
        /// ERF's have been decompressed.</returns>
        private StringCollection DecompressHifErfs(HakInfo[] hakInfos, 
			IHakInstallProgress progress)
            StringCollection tempDirs = new StringCollection();
            foreach (HakInfo hakInfo in hakInfos)
                // Add any erf files to the module.
                foreach (string erf in hakInfo.Erfs)
                    // Load the erf.
                    Progress(progress, true, "Loading {0}", erf);
                    if (progress.IsCancelled) throw new InstallCancelledException();
                    Erf hakErf = Erf.Load(Path.Combine(NWNInfo.GetPathForFile(erf), erf));

                    // Decompress the erf into it's own temporary directory, saving the
                    // directory for later cleanup.
                    Progress(progress, true, "Decompressing {0}", erf);
                    Decompress(hakErf, tempDirs);

            return tempDirs;
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler for the install button click event.  It installs the selected
        /// haks in the selected modules.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void buttonInstall_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // Build an array of the checked hif files.
            HakInfo[] hifs = new HakInfo[checkedHaks.CheckedItems.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < checkedHaks.CheckedIndices.Count; i++)
                hifs[i] = (HakInfo) checkedHaks.CheckedItems[i];

            // Count the total number of .mod/.nwm files selected.
            int numModules = 0;
            foreach (Module module in checkedModules.CheckedItems)
                numModules += module.Modules.Length;

            // Create the modules list and fill it in.
            string[] modules = new string[numModules];
            numModules = 0;
            foreach (Module module in checkedModules.CheckedItems)
                module.Modules.CopyTo(modules, numModules);
                numModules += module.Modules.Length;

            PerformInstall(hifs, modules);

            // Clear the checked state of all modules.
            CheckedListBox.CheckedIndexCollection checkedIndeces =
            foreach (int index in checkedIndeces)
                checkedModules.SetItemChecked(index, false);