IsEditable() 공개 메소드

Returns whether the BOProperty is Editable or not. The BOProp may not be editable based on a number of factors. 1) If its ReadWrite Rules are set to ReadOnly etc. 2) The user may not have permissions to edit this property Value.
public IsEditable ( string &message ) : bool
message string
리턴 bool
        public void Test_ReadOnly_IsEditable_False()
            //---------------Set up test pack-------------------
            PropDef propDef = new PropDef("Name", "NN", "String", PropReadWriteRule.ReadOnly, "DD", "", false, false);
            BOProp prop1 = new BOProp(propDef);

            //---------------Assert Precondition----------------
            Assert.AreEqual(PropReadWriteRule.ReadOnly, prop1.PropDef.ReadWriteRule);

            //---------------Execute Test ----------------------
            string message;
            bool isEditable = prop1.IsEditable(out message);

            //---------------Test Result -----------------------
            StringAssert.Contains("The property ", message);
            StringAssert.Contains("Name' is not editable since it is set up as ReadOnly", message);
        public void Test_WriteNew_NewObject_IsEditable_True()
            //---------------Set up test pack-------------------
            PropDef propDef = new PropDef("Name", "NN", "String", PropReadWriteRule.WriteNew, "DD", "", false, false);
            BOProp prop1 = new BOProp(propDef);
            prop1.IsObjectNew = true;

            //---------------Assert Precondition----------------
            Assert.AreEqual(PropReadWriteRule.WriteNew, prop1.PropDef.ReadWriteRule);

            //---------------Execute Test ----------------------
            string message;
            bool isEditable = prop1.IsEditable(out message);

            //---------------Test Result -----------------------
            Assert.AreEqual("", message);
        public void Test_WriteOnce_PersistedValueSet_IsEditable_False()
            //---------------Set up test pack-------------------
            PropDef propDef = new PropDef("Name", typeof (string), PropReadWriteRule.WriteOnce, "DD", "", false, false);
            BOProp prop1 = new BOProp(propDef) {Value = "new Value", IsObjectNew = false};

            //---------------Assert Precondition----------------
            Assert.AreEqual(PropReadWriteRule.WriteOnce, prop1.PropDef.ReadWriteRule);

            //---------------Execute Test ----------------------
            string message;
            bool isEditable = prop1.IsEditable(out message);

            //---------------Test Result -----------------------
            StringAssert.Contains("The property ", message);
                ("Name' is not editable since it is set up as WriteOnce and the value has already been set", message);
        public void Test_WriteOnce_NewObject_IsEditable_True()
            //---------------Set up test pack-------------------
            PropDef propDef = new PropDef("Name", typeof (string), PropReadWriteRule.WriteOnce, "DD", "", false, false);
            BOProp prop1 = new BOProp(propDef) {Value = "new Value"};
            prop1.IsObjectNew = true;
            //---------------Assert Precondition----------------
            Assert.AreEqual(PropReadWriteRule.WriteOnce, prop1.PropDef.ReadWriteRule);

            //---------------Execute Test ----------------------
            string message;
            bool isEditable = prop1.IsEditable(out message);

            //---------------Test Result -----------------------
            Assert.AreEqual("", message);
        public void Test_WriteNotNew_NewObject_IsEditable_False()
            //---------------Set up test pack-------------------
            PropDef propDef = new PropDef("Name", "NN", "String", PropReadWriteRule.WriteNotNew, "DD", "", false, false);
            BOProp prop1 = new BOProp(propDef);
            prop1.IsObjectNew = true;

            //---------------Assert Precondition----------------
            Assert.AreEqual(PropReadWriteRule.WriteNotNew, prop1.PropDef.ReadWriteRule);

            //---------------Execute Test ----------------------
            string message;
            bool isEditable = prop1.IsEditable(out message);

            //---------------Test Result -----------------------
            StringAssert.Contains("The property ", message);
                ("Name' is not editable since it is set up as WriteNotNew and the object is new", message);