예제 #1
        private void OnDataReceived(IAsyncResult asyn)
                if (_isClosed)
                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(SocketLogType.Warning, this, "Data received, but the socket is closed.");

                int bytesRead = _socket.EndReceive(asyn);

                ////------------Handle Multi-byte Charactor-------------
                ////Buffer all the bytes received and then decode this bytes at one time.
                ////in order to support multi byte charactor set (for example: utf-8)
                ////However, ASCII or GB or BIG5 or Unicode are easy,
                ////we can decode even bytes at each time.
                //List<BufferWrapper> bufferList = new List<BufferWrapper>();

                    bytesRead = _socket.Receive(_buffer);
                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, _strSocketID + "Receive succeeded. " + bytesRead.ToString() + " bytes.");


                    ////------------Handle Multi-byte Charactor-------------
                    //bufferList.Add(BufferWrapper.Create(_buffer, bytesRead));
                    ////foreach (BufferWrapper w in bufferList) SocketLogMgt.SetLog(">>>>>>>>>>>> " + w.Buffer.Length.ToString());

                    if (bytesRead > 0)
                        ////No matter how to cut the buffer, ASCII charactor can always be decoded properly,
                        ////therefore we can use this segment to detect whether an ASCII charactor ending sign (for example "</XMLRequestMessage>") is received.
                        ////See class XmlTest.FormCoding for unit test.

                        string str = _server.Encoder.GetString(_buffer, 0, bytesRead);

                        if (SocketLogMgt.DumpData)
                            SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, _strSocketID + ": Data received.");
                            SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, "------------------------");
                            SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, str);
                            SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, "------------------------");

                        string receiveData = str;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(receiveData))
                            string sendData = null;

                            ////------------Handle Multi-byte Charactor-------------
                            //receiveData = BufferWrapper.GetString(_server.Encoder, bufferList);

                            receiveData = SocketHelper.TrimMessageBlock(receiveData);
                            _server.NotifyRequest(receiveData, ref sendData);

                            //// if allow multiple session per connection, then continue receiving till connection is closed by the client.
                            //if (_server.Config.AllowMultipleSessionPerConnection)
                            //    continue;
                            //    break;

                }while (bytesRead > 0);

                // if(bytesRead==0) which means the connection is closed by the client, we will close the worker socket.
                SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, "Stop receiving data because the connection is closed by the client.");
            catch (SocketException err)
                //needToContinue = false;
                // if client does not send data in some period of time and the connection will be expired
                // (controled by the lower levels, and this exception occurs when the client send message again after the connection expired)
                // or other network exception when receiving data, then close the server socket.
            catch (Exception e)
                // if communication is ok, but process message failed, do not need to close connection.
예제 #2
        private SocketResult Send(SocketClientConfig config, string content)
            SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, "=============================================");
            SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, ": Send Data Begin.");

                Socket socket = Connect(config);
                if (socket == null)
                    return(SocketResult.Disconnect);                    // failed to connect to remote server
                //string strSend = SocketHelper.PackMessageBlock(content);
                string strSend = content;

                if (SocketLogMgt.DumpData)
                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, ": Data to be sent.");
                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, "------------------------");
                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, strSend);
                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, "------------------------");

                Byte[] bytesSent             = null;
                System.Text.Encoding encoder = GetEncoder();
                if (encoder != null)
                    bytesSent = encoder.GetBytes(strSend);

                if (bytesSent == null)
                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(SocketLogType.Error, this, _socketID + "Encode data failed.");
                    return(SocketResult.SendFailed);     // failed to encoding outgoing message

                SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, _socketID + "Send data.");
                socket.BeginSend(bytesSent, 0, bytesSent.Length, 0, new AsyncCallback(OnDataSent), null);

                bool          rec           = true;
                string        strReceived   = null;
                StringBuilder sb            = new StringBuilder();
                Byte[]        bytesReceived = new Byte[config.ReceiveResponseBufferSizeKB * 1024];

                while (rec)
                    if (!socket.Connected)
                        SocketLogMgt.SetLog(SocketLogType.Warning, this, _socketID + "Connection closed.");

                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, _socketID + "Receive data.");
                    int bytes = socket.Receive(bytesReceived, bytesReceived.Length, 0);
                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, _socketID + "Receive succeeded. " + bytes.ToString() + " bytes.");
                    string str = encoder.GetString(bytesReceived, 0, bytes);

                    strReceived = sb.ToString();
                    //rec = !SocketHelper.FindBlockEnding(strReceived);
                    rec = false;

                    // This socket client assume that there is a completed HL7 message (without MLLP signs) in one Receive();

                _allDone.WaitOne(); // need not to set timeout here, we can depend on socket timeout of the Receive() method.

                if (SocketLogMgt.DumpData)
                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, ": Data received.");
                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, "------------------------");
                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, strReceived);
                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, "------------------------");

                //strReceived = SocketHelper.UnpackMessageBlock(strReceived);
                strReceived = SocketHelper.TrimMessageBlock(strReceived);
                return(new SocketResult(SocketResultType.Success, strReceived));     // send and receive success
            catch (SocketException se)
                SocketLogMgt.SetLastError(this, se);
                SocketResult ret = new SocketResult(se);
                ret.Type = SocketResultType.Unknown;

                // meet exception during sending or receiving
                // (for example, it may be caused by the connection has expired [controled by the lower levels]
                // after some period of time without sending or receving),
                // and we need to recreate a new connection and try again,
                // please see SendData() for details.
            catch (Exception err)
                SocketLogMgt.SetLastError(this, err);
                return(new SocketResult(err));
                SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, ": Send Data End");
                SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, "=============================================\r\n");
예제 #3
        public SocketResult SendData(SocketClientConfig config, string content)
            SocketResult result = SocketResult.Empty;

                SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, "=============================================");
                SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, ": Send Data Begin.");
                SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, config);

                //string strSend = SocketHelper.PackMessageBlock(content);
                string strSend = content;

                if (SocketLogMgt.DumpData)
                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, ": Data to be sent.");
                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, "------------------------");
                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, strSend);
                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, "------------------------");

                Byte[] bytesSent             = null;
                System.Text.Encoding encoder = SocketHelper.GetEncoder(config);
                if (encoder != null)
                    bytesSent = encoder.GetBytes(strSend);

                if (bytesSent == null)
                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(SocketLogType.Error, this, "Encode data failed.");

                Byte[] bytesReceived = new Byte[config.ReceiveResponseBufferSizeKB * 1024];

                SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, ": Socket prepared.");
                SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, "------------------------");

                string        strReceived = null;
                StringBuilder sb          = new StringBuilder();
                IPEndPoint    ipe         = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(config.IPAddress), config.Port);
                using (Socket socket = new Socket(ipe.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp))
                    int    id    = SocketHelper.GetNewSocketID();
                    string strID = "(" + id.ToString() + ") ";

                    //socket.NoDelay = true;
                    socket.SendTimeout    = config.SendTimeout;
                    socket.ReceiveTimeout = config.ReceiveTimeout;

                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, strID + "Socket created.");

                    if (socket.Connected)
                        SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, strID + "Socket connected.");
                        SocketLogMgt.SetLog(SocketLogType.Warning, this, strID + "Connection failed.");

                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, strID + "Send data.");
                    socket.BeginSend(bytesSent, 0, bytesSent.Length, 0,
                                     new AsyncCallback(OnDataSent), new SocketWrapper(strID, socket));

                    bool rec = true;
                    while (rec)
                        if (!socket.Connected)
                            SocketLogMgt.SetLog(SocketLogType.Warning, this, strID + "Connection closed.");

                        SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, strID + "Receive data.");
                        int bytes = socket.Receive(bytesReceived, bytesReceived.Length, 0);
                        SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, strID + "Receive succeeded. " + bytes.ToString() + " bytes.");
                        string str = encoder.GetString(bytesReceived, 0, bytes);

                        strReceived = sb.ToString();
                        //rec = !SocketHelper.FindBlockEnding(strReceived);
                        rec = false;

                        // This socket client assume that there is a completed HL7 message (without MLLP signs) in one Receive();

                    _allDone.WaitOne(); // need not to set timeout here, we can depend on socket timeout of the Receive() method.


                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, strID + "Socket disconnected.");

                SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, "------------------------");

                if (SocketLogMgt.DumpData)
                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, ": Data received.");
                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, "------------------------");
                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, strReceived);
                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, "------------------------");

                //strReceived = SocketHelper.UnpackMessageBlock(strReceived);
                strReceived = SocketHelper.TrimMessageBlock(strReceived);
                result      = new SocketResult(SocketResultType.Success, strReceived);
            catch (Exception err)
                SocketLogMgt.SetLastError(this, err);
                result = new SocketResult(err);

            SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, ": Send Data End");
            SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, "=============================================\r\n");
예제 #4
        private void OnDataReceived(IAsyncResult asyn)
                int bytesRead = _socket.EndReceive(asyn);

                ////------------Handle Multi-byte Charactor-------------
                ////Buffer all the bytes received and then decode this bytes at one time.
                ////in order to support multi byte charactor set (for example: utf-8)
                ////However, ASCII or GB or BIG5 or Unicode are easy,
                ////we can decode even bytes at each time.
                //List<BufferWrapper> bufferList = new List<BufferWrapper>();

                    // This socket worker assume that there is a completed HL7 message (without MLLP signs) in one Receive();

                    bytesRead = _socket.Receive(_buffer);
                    SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, _strSocketID + "Receive succeeded. " + bytesRead.ToString() + " bytes.");


                    ////------------Handle Multi-byte Charactor-------------
                    //bufferList.Add(BufferWrapper.Create(_buffer, bytesRead));
                    ////foreach (BufferWrapper w in bufferList) SocketLogMgt.SetLog(">>>>>>>>>>>> " + w.Buffer.Length.ToString());

                    if (bytesRead > 0)
                        ////No matter how to cut the buffer, ASCII charactor can always be decoded properly,
                        ////therefore we can use this segment to detect whether an ASCII charactor ending sign (for example "</XMLRequestMessage>") is received.
                        ////See class XmlTest.FormCoding for unit test.

                        string str = _server.Encoder.GetString(_buffer, 0, bytesRead);

                        if (SocketLogMgt.DumpData)
                            SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, _strSocketID + ": Data received.");
                            SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, "------------------------");
                            SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, str);
                            SocketLogMgt.SetLog(this, "------------------------");

                        string receiveData = str;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(receiveData))
                            string sendData = null;

                            ////------------Handle Multi-byte Charactor-------------
                            //receiveData = BufferWrapper.GetString(_server.Encoder, bufferList);

                            receiveData = SocketHelper.TrimMessageBlock(receiveData);
                            _server.NotifyRequest(receiveData, ref sendData);

                }while (bytesRead > 0);
            catch (Exception e)
                // if communication is ok, but process message failed, do not need to close connection.