public static void tryDraw(PictureBox viewer, Image image, int tryTimes) {// try to set PictureBox . Image , if tryTimes < 0 , try until access if (viewer == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; (i < tryTimes) || (tryTimes < 0); i++) { try { if ((viewer.Image == null) || (image == null)) { viewer.Image = image; } else { if (!Object.Equals(viewer.BackgroundImage, image)) { Graphics graphic = Graphics.FromImage(viewer.Image); graphic.Clear(Color.Transparent); graphic.DrawImage(image, MyDeal.boundB(image)); } viewer.Invalidate(); } } catch (InvalidOperationException) { Thread.Sleep(7); continue; } break; } }
public Bitmap transToBitmap() { Bitmap newBitmap = new Bitmap(size, size); BitmapData newData = newBitmap.LockBits(MyDeal.boundB(newBitmap), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); unsafe { byte *newPtr = (byte *)newData.Scan0; int skipByte = newData.Stride - 3 * newData.Width; for (int j = 0; j < newData.Height; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < newData.Width; i++) { byte[] pixel = boundPixel(_data[i, j]); newPtr[0] = pixel[0]; newPtr[1] = pixel[1]; newPtr[2] = pixel[2]; newPtr += 3; } newPtr += skipByte; } } newBitmap.UnlockBits(newData); return(newBitmap); }
private static MyTiff decodeBB(MyCompressTiff myct, MyDeal.ProgressMonitor monitor) { MyTiff decodeTiff = new MyTiff(); Bitmap dst = null; for (int i = 0; i < myct.baseImg.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { decodeTiff.views.Add(dst = new Bitmap(myct.baseImg.ElementAt(i))); } else { Bitmap left = (Bitmap)decodeTiff.views.Last(); dst = (Bitmap)myct.baseImg.ElementAt(i).Clone(); BitmapData leftData = left.LockBits(MyDeal.boundB(left), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); BitmapData dstData = dst.LockBits(MyDeal.boundB(dst), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); unsafe { byte *leftPtr = (byte *)leftData.Scan0; byte *dstPtr = (byte *)dstData.Scan0; int skipByte = dstData.Stride - 3 * dstData.Width; for (int y = 0; y < dstData.Height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < dstData.Width; x++) { if ((dstPtr[0] != dstPtr[1]) || (dstPtr[1] != dstPtr[2])) { dstPtr[0] = leftPtr[0]; dstPtr[1] = leftPtr[1]; dstPtr[2] = leftPtr[2]; } dstPtr += 3; leftPtr += 3; } dstPtr += skipByte; leftPtr += skipByte; } } left.UnlockBits(leftData); dst.UnlockBits(dstData); decodeTiff.views.Add(dst); } if (monitor != null) { monitor.OnValueChanged(new MyDeal.ValueEventArgs() { value = (double)i / myct.baseImg.Count }); } } return(decodeTiff); }
public static Bitmap decode(Bitmap baseImg, MyMotionTiff motion) { MyFilter filter = new MyFilter(MyCompresser.compressKernelSize); filter.setData(1); Bitmap newImg = new Bitmap(baseImg.Width, baseImg.Height); BitmapData baseData = baseImg.LockBits(MyDeal.boundB(baseImg), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); BitmapData newData = newImg.LockBits(MyDeal.boundB(newImg), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); MyFilterData srcFilterData = new MyFilterData(); for (int y = 0 + MyCompresser.compressKernelSize / 2; y < motion.Height; y += MyCompresser.compressKernelSize) { for (int x = 0 + MyCompresser.compressKernelSize / 2; x < motion.Width; x += MyCompresser.compressKernelSize) { srcFilterData.fill(baseData, motion[x, y][0], motion[x, y][1], MyFilter.BorderMethod.ZERO, filter); Debug.Print("the " + x + " , " + y + " from " + motion[x, y][0] + " , " + motion[x, y][1]); unsafe { byte *dstPtr = (byte *)newData.Scan0; int skipByte = newData.Stride - 3 * MyCompresser.compressKernelSize; dstPtr += (y - MyCompresser.compressKernelSize / 2) * newData.Stride + (x - MyCompresser.compressKernelSize / 2) * 3; for (int j = 0; j < MyCompresser.compressKernelSize; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < MyCompresser.compressKernelSize; i++) { byte[] result = MyFilterData.boundPixel(srcFilterData[i, j]); //Debug.Print("Data get " + result[0] + " , " + result[1] + " , " + result[2]); dstPtr[0] = result[0]; dstPtr[1] = result[1]; dstPtr[2] = result[2]; dstPtr += 3; } dstPtr += skipByte; } } } } baseImg.UnlockBits(baseData); newImg.UnlockBits(newData); return(newImg); }
protected void motionMethod() { compressFile.type = MyCompressTiffDefine.TYPE.MOTION; if (RefPlayer != null) { MyFilterData CurKernelGet = new MyFilterData(); // the data copy from cur frame of kernel size for (int i = 0; i < RefPlayer.Tiff.Size; i++) { //run frames //Debug.Print("in frame " + i); trackBar.Invoke(new threadHandler2(progressTrack), i); // reflash progress view RefPlayer.OnPlay(new MyPlayer.PlayEventArgs(i - 1, MyPlayer.PlayState.KEEP)); //flash ref frame view CurPlayer.OnPlay(RefPlayer.NextView, new MyPlayer.PlayEventArgs(0)); //flash current frame view //clear motion view Bitmap motionBlock = null; Bitmap motionVector = null; for (int t = 0; t < 5; t++) { try { motionBlock = new Bitmap(RefPlayer.NextView.Width, RefPlayer.NextView.Height); motionVector = new Bitmap(RefPlayer.NextView.Width, RefPlayer.NextView.Height); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { Thread.Sleep(29); continue; } break; } MyDeal.tryDraw(MotionViewer, motionVector); MyDeal.tryDrawBack(MotionViewer, motionBlock); Graphics graphicMotionBlock = Graphics.FromImage(motionBlock); Graphics graphicMotionVector = Graphics.FromImage(motionVector); int colorLowBound = 64;// for random color value lower bound int colorHighBound = 256 - colorLowBound; Color penColor = Color.Black; if (i == 0) { //uncompress frame number compressFile.baseImg.Add((Image)RefPlayer.Tiff[i].Clone()); // add ref imge compressFile.motionTiff.Add(null); continue; } Bitmap refBitmapCp; // the copy Bitmap for ref frame Bitmap curBitmapCp; // the copy Bitmap for cur frame while (true) { try { refBitmapCp = new Bitmap((Image)RefPlayer.PredictView.Clone());// the copy Bitmap for ref frame } catch (InvalidOperationException) { Thread.Sleep(33); continue; } break; } while (true) { try { curBitmapCp = new Bitmap((Image)RefPlayer.NextView.Clone());// the copy Bitmap for cur frame } catch (InvalidOperationException) { Thread.Sleep(33); continue; } break; } BitmapData refData = refBitmapCp.LockBits(MyDeal.boundB(refBitmapCp), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); BitmapData curData = curBitmapCp.LockBits(MyDeal.boundB(curBitmapCp), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); MyMotionTiff theMotion = new MyMotionTiff(curBitmapCp.Width, curBitmapCp.Height); compressFile.baseImg.Add(null); compressFile.motionTiff.Add(theMotion); for (int y = 0 + compressKernelSize / 2; y < curBitmapCp.Height; y += compressKernelSize) { for (int x = 0 + compressKernelSize / 2; x < curBitmapCp.Width; x += compressKernelSize) { if (activeFrom != null) { if (activeFrom.IsDisposed)//form be dispose { return; } } //draw target if (!CurrentPlayer.flashIgnore) { CurPlayer.OnPlay(RefPlayer.NextView, new MyPlayer.PlayEventArgs(0, MyPlayer.PlayState.KEEP, x, y, compressKernelSize, compressKernelSize)); } CurKernelGet.fill(curData, x, y, MyFilter.BorderMethod.ZERO, CompressKernel); penColor = Color.FromArgb(colorLowBound + random.Next() % colorHighBound, colorLowBound + random.Next() % colorHighBound, colorLowBound + random.Next() % colorHighBound); if (!this.CurrentPlayer.flashIgnore) { MyDeal.tryDraw(featureViewer, CurKernelGet.transToBitmap()); //draw motion graphicMotionBlock.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(penColor), x - MyCompresser.compressKernelSize / 4, y - MyCompresser.compressKernelSize / 4, MyCompresser.compressKernelSize / 2, MyCompresser.compressKernelSize / 2); MotionViewer.Invalidate(); } //find match int targetX = x; int targetY = y; findMatch(CurKernelGet, refData, RefPlayer, ref targetX, ref targetY); theMotion[x, y] = new int[] { targetX, targetY }; if (!this.CurrentPlayer.flashIgnore) { //draw match vector graphicMotionVector.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.FromArgb(128, penColor), 2.0f), x, y, targetX, targetY); } //Debug.Print("in frame " + i + " in " + x + " , "+ y + "find target " + targetX + " , " + targetY); } } refBitmapCp.UnlockBits(refData); curBitmapCp.UnlockBits(curData); } if (activeFrom != null) { activeFrom.Invoke(new threadHandler(saveFile));// save the result } } }
protected void blockBaseMethod() { compressFile.type = MyCompressTiffDefine.TYPE.BLOCKBASE; if (RefPlayer != null) { Rectangle cutRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, compressKernelSize, compressKernelSize); MyFilterData CurKernelGet = new MyFilterData();// the data copy from cur frame of kernel MyFilterData RefKernelGet = new MyFilterData(); for (int i = 0; i < RefPlayer.Tiff.Size; i++) { //run frames //Debug.Print("in frame " + i); trackBar.Invoke(new threadHandler2(progressTrack), i); // reflash progress view RefPlayer.OnPlay(new MyPlayer.PlayEventArgs(i - 1, MyPlayer.PlayState.KEEP)); //flash ref frame view CurPlayer.OnPlay(RefPlayer.NextView, new MyPlayer.PlayEventArgs(0)); //flash current frame view //clear motion view Bitmap motionBlock = null; while (true) { try { motionBlock = new Bitmap(RefPlayer.NextView.Width, RefPlayer.NextView.Height); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { Thread.Sleep(29); continue; } break; } MyDeal.tryDrawBack(MotionViewer, motionBlock); Graphics graphicMotionBlock = Graphics.FromImage(motionBlock); Brush redPen = new SolidBrush(Color.Red); if (i == 0) { //uncompress frame number compressFile.baseImg.Add((Image)RefPlayer.Tiff[i].Clone()); // add ref imge compressFile.motionTiff.Add(null); continue; } Bitmap refBitmapCp; // the copy Bitmap for ref frame Bitmap curBitmapCp; // the copy Bitmap for cur frame while (true) { try { refBitmapCp = new Bitmap((Image)RefPlayer.PredictView.Clone());// the copy Bitmap for ref frame } catch (InvalidOperationException) { Thread.Sleep(33); continue; } break; } while (true) { try { curBitmapCp = new Bitmap((Image)RefPlayer.NextView.Clone());// the copy Bitmap for cur frame } catch (InvalidOperationException) { Thread.Sleep(33); continue; } break; } BitmapData refData = refBitmapCp.LockBits(MyDeal.boundB(refBitmapCp), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); BitmapData curData = curBitmapCp.LockBits(MyDeal.boundB(curBitmapCp), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); for (int y = 0 + compressKernelSizeHalf; y < curBitmapCp.Height; y += compressKernelSize) { for (int x = 0 + compressKernelSizeHalf; x < curBitmapCp.Width; x += compressKernelSize) { if (activeFrom != null) { if (activeFrom.IsDisposed)//form be dispose { return; } } //draw target if (!CurrentPlayer.flashIgnore) { CurPlayer.OnPlay(RefPlayer.NextView, new MyPlayer.PlayEventArgs(0, MyPlayer.PlayState.KEEP, x, y, compressKernelSize, compressKernelSize)); } if (!RefPlayer.flashIgnore) { RefPlayer.OnPlay(new MyPlayer.PlayEventArgs(-1, MyPlayer.PlayState.KEEP, x, y, compressKernelSize, compressKernelSize)); } CurKernelGet.fill(curData, x, y, MyFilter.BorderMethod.ZERO, CompressKernel); RefKernelGet.fill(refData, x, y, MyFilter.BorderMethod.ZERO, CompressKernel); switch (criteria) { case MyFilterData.CRITERIA_METHOD.ABSOLUTE: if (_BBthreshold <, RefKernelGet, criteria)) { graphicMotionBlock.DrawImage(CurKernelGet.transToBitmap(), x - compressKernelSizeHalf, y - compressKernelSizeHalf); //graphicMotionBlock.DrawImage(curBitmapCp, cutRect, x - compressKernelSizeHalf, y - compressKernelSizeHalf, compressKernelSize, compressKernelSize, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } else { graphicMotionBlock.FillRectangle(redPen, x - compressKernelSizeHalf, y - compressKernelSizeHalf, MyCompresser.compressKernelSize, MyCompresser.compressKernelSize); } break; case MyFilterData.CRITERIA_METHOD.SQUARE: if (_BBthresholdSQ <, RefKernelGet, criteria)) { graphicMotionBlock.DrawImage(CurKernelGet.transToBitmap(), x - compressKernelSizeHalf, y - compressKernelSizeHalf); //graphicMotionBlock.DrawImage(curBitmapCp, cutRect, x - compressKernelSizeHalf, y - compressKernelSizeHalf, compressKernelSize, compressKernelSize, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } else { graphicMotionBlock.FillRectangle(redPen, x - compressKernelSizeHalf, y - compressKernelSizeHalf, MyCompresser.compressKernelSize, MyCompresser.compressKernelSize); } break; } if (!this.RefPlayer.flashIgnore) { MyDeal.tryDraw(MatchViewer, RefKernelGet.transToBitmap()); } if (!this.CurrentPlayer.flashIgnore) { MyDeal.tryDraw(featureViewer, CurKernelGet.transToBitmap()); //draw motion MotionViewer.Invalidate(); } Thread.Sleep(sleepTime); //Debug.Print("in frame " + i + " in " + x + " , "+ y + "find target " + targetX + " , " + targetY); } } compressFile.baseImg.Add(motionBlock);// add ref imge compressFile.motionTiff.Add(null); refBitmapCp.UnlockBits(refData); curBitmapCp.UnlockBits(curData); } if (activeFrom != null) { activeFrom.Invoke(new threadHandler(saveFile));// save the result } } }
protected void intraSubsample() { compressFile.type = MyCompressTiffDefine.TYPE.SUBSAMPLE; if (RefPlayer != null) { RefPlayer.OnPlay(new MyPlayer.PlayEventArgs(0, MyPlayer.PlayState.KEEP)); CurPlayer.Tiff = RefPlayer.Tiff.clone(); MyFilterData CurKernelGet = new MyFilterData();// the data copy from cur frame of kernel size int intraSubSize = 2; int subSizeHalf = intraSubSize / 2; double subWeight = 1.0 / (intraSubSize * intraSubSize); MyFilter intraSubFilter = new MyFilter(intraSubSize); intraSubFilter.setData(1.0); for (int i = 0; i < RefPlayer.Tiff.Size; i++) { //run frames //Debug.Print("in frame " + i); trackBar.Invoke(new threadHandler2(progressTrack), i); // reflash progress view CurPlayer.OnPlay(new MyPlayer.PlayEventArgs(i)); //flash current frame view Bitmap curBitmapCp; // the copy Bitmap for cur frame Bitmap dstBitmap; // viewer in counting out view while (true) { try { curBitmapCp = new Bitmap((Image)CurPlayer.PredictView.Clone());// the copy Bitmap for cur frame } catch (InvalidOperationException) { Thread.Sleep(33); continue; } break; } dstBitmap = new Bitmap(curBitmapCp.Width, curBitmapCp.Height); while (true) { try { MotionViewer.Image = dstBitmap; } catch (InvalidOperationException) { Thread.Sleep(33); continue; } break; } BitmapData curData = curBitmapCp.LockBits(MyDeal.boundB(curBitmapCp), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); //Bitmap afterSubView = new Bitmap(intraSubSize, intraSubSize);// view in match blok //while (true) //{ // try // { // MatchViewer.Image = afterSubView; // } // catch (InvalidOperationException) // { // Thread.Sleep(33); // continue; // } // break; //} //Graphics afterSubViewG = Graphics.FromImage(afterSubView); Graphics dstBitmapG = Graphics.FromImage(dstBitmap); int freq = 0; for (int y = 0 + subSizeHalf; y < curBitmapCp.Height; y += intraSubSize) { for (int x = 0 + subSizeHalf; x < curBitmapCp.Width; x += intraSubSize) { if (activeFrom != null) { if (activeFrom.IsDisposed)//form be dispose { return; } } //draw target if (!this.CurrentPlayer.flashIgnore) { if (freq % 2 == 0) { // reduce flash freq freq = 0; CurPlayer.OnPlay(new MyPlayer.PlayEventArgs(-1, MyPlayer.PlayState.KEEP, x, y, intraSubSize, intraSubSize)); } else { freq++; } } CurKernelGet.fill(curData, x, y, MyFilter.BorderMethod.ZERO, intraSubFilter); //MyDeal.tryDraw(featureViewer, CurKernelGet.transToBitmap()); byte[] subSample = CurKernelGet.count(subWeight); //Debug.Print("in " + x + " , " + y + " : " + subSample[2] + " " + subSample[1] + " " + subSample[0]); Color sampleColor = Color.FromArgb(subSample[2], subSample[1], subSample[0]); Brush sample = new SolidBrush(sampleColor); dstBitmapG.FillRectangle(sample, x - subSizeHalf, y - subSizeHalf, intraSubSize, intraSubSize); if (!this.CurrentPlayer.flashIgnore) { MotionViewer.Invalidate(); } //MatchViewer.Invalidate(); Thread.Sleep(sleepTime); //Debug.Print("in frame " + i + " in " + x + " , "+ y + "find target " + targetX + " , " + targetY); } } curBitmapCp.UnlockBits(curData); compressFile.baseImg.Add(dstBitmap);// add dst imge compressFile.motionTiff.Add(null); } if (activeFrom != null) { activeFrom.Invoke(new threadHandler(saveFile));// save the result } } }