public static HessMatrix operator-(HessMatrix left, HessMatrix right) { HessMatrix mat = left.CloneHess(); mat.UpdateAdd(right, -1, null, 0); return(mat); }
public static HessRTB GetHessRTB(HessMatrix hess, Vector[] coords, double[] masses, IList <int[]> blocks, string opt) { return(BuilderHessRTB.GetHessRTB(hess, coords, masses, blocks, opt)); }
public static Vector[] ToOrthonormal(Vector[] coords, double[] masses, int[] block, Vector[] PBlk) { if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached) #region check if elements in non-block are zeros. { int leng = coords.Length; foreach (int i in HEnum.HEnumCount(leng).HEnumExcept(block.HToHashSet())) { for (int r = 0; r < PBlk.Length; r++) { int c0 = i * 3; HDebug.Assert(PBlk[r][c0 + 0] == 0); HDebug.Assert(PBlk[r][c0 + 1] == 0); HDebug.Assert(PBlk[r][c0 + 2] == 0); } } } #endregion Matrix Pmat = new double[block.Length * 3, PBlk.Length]; for (int r = 0; r < PBlk.Length; r++) { for (int i = 0; i < block.Length; i++) { int i0 = i * 3; int c0 = block[i] * 3; Pmat[i0 + 0, r] = PBlk[r][c0 + 0]; Pmat[i0 + 1, r] = PBlk[r][c0 + 1]; Pmat[i0 + 2, r] = PBlk[r][c0 + 2]; } } using (new Matlab.NamedLock("")) { Matlab.PutValue("n", PBlk.Length); Matlab.PutMatrix("P", Pmat); Matlab.Execute("[U,S,V] = svd(P);"); Matlab.Execute("U = U(:,1:n);"); if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached) { Matlab.Execute("SV = S(1:n,1:n)*V';"); double err = Matlab.GetValue("max(max(abs(P - U*SV)))"); HDebug.Assert(Math.Abs(err) < 0.00000001); } Pmat = Matlab.GetMatrix("U"); } Vector[] PBlkOrth = new Vector[PBlk.Length]; for (int r = 0; r < PBlk.Length; r++) { Vector PBlkOrth_r = new double[PBlk[r].Size]; for (int i = 0; i < block.Length; i++) { int i0 = i * 3; int c0 = block[i] * 3; PBlkOrth_r[c0 + 0] = Pmat[i0 + 0, r]; PBlkOrth_r[c0 + 1] = Pmat[i0 + 1, r]; PBlkOrth_r[c0 + 2] = Pmat[i0 + 2, r]; } PBlkOrth[r] = PBlkOrth_r; } if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached) #region checi the orthonormal condition, and rot/trans condition (using ANM) { { // check if all trans/rot modes are orthonormal for (int i = 0; i < PBlkOrth.Length; i++) { HDebug.Exception(Math.Abs(PBlkOrth[i].Dist - 1) < 0.00000001); for (int j = i + 1; j < PBlkOrth.Length; j++) { double dot = LinAlg.VtV(PBlkOrth[i], PBlkOrth[j]); HDebug.Exception(Math.Abs(dot) < 0.00000001); } } } { // check if this is true rot/trans modes using ANM Vector[] anmcoords = coords.HClone(); int leng = coords.Length; foreach (int i in HEnum.HEnumCount(leng).HEnumExcept(block.HToHashSet())) { anmcoords[i] = null; } HessMatrix H = GetHessAnm(anmcoords, 100); Matrix PHP; using (new Matlab.NamedLock("")) { Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("H", H.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3); Matlab.PutMatrix("P", PBlkOrth.ToMatrix(true)); PHP = Matlab.GetMatrix("P'*H*P"); } double maxerr = PHP.HAbsMax(); HDebug.Exception(Math.Abs(maxerr) < 0.00000001); } } #endregion return(PBlkOrth); }
public static HessMatrix GetHessAnm(IList <Vector> coords, IEnumerable <Tuple <int, int, double> > enumKij) { if (GetHessAnm_selftest) { GetHessAnm_selftest = false; Vector[] tcoords = new Vector[] { new Vector(0, 0, 0), new Vector(1, 0, 0), new Vector(0, 2, 0), new Vector(0, 0, 3), new Vector(4, 5, 0), new Vector(0, 6, 7), new Vector(8, 0, 9), new Vector(-1, -1, -1), }; Matrix tKij = Matrix.Ones(8, 8); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { tKij[i, i] = 0; } HessMatrix hess0 = GetHessAnm_debug(tcoords, tKij); HessMatrix hess1 = GetHessAnm(tcoords, tKij.HEnumNonZeros()); HDebug.Assert((hess0 - hess1).HAbsMax() == 0); } //Debug.Assert(AnmHessianSelfTest()); int n = coords.Count; HessMatrix hess = null; if (n < 100) { hess = HessMatrixDense.ZerosDense(n * 3, n * 3); } else { hess = HessMatrixSparse.ZerosSparse(n * 3, n * 3); } int numset = 0; foreach (var kij in enumKij) { int i = kij.Item1; int j = kij.Item2; double k_ij = kij.Item3; { if (i == j) { HDebug.Assert(k_ij == 0); continue; } if (coords[j] == null) { continue; } Vector vec_ij = coords[j] - coords[i]; Vector unit_ij = vec_ij.UnitVector(); HDebug.Assert(double.IsNaN(k_ij) == false); if (k_ij == 0) { continue; } MatrixByArr hessij = new double[3, 3]; hessij[0, 0] = -k_ij * unit_ij[0] * unit_ij[0]; hessij[0, 1] = -k_ij * unit_ij[0] * unit_ij[1]; hessij[0, 2] = -k_ij * unit_ij[0] * unit_ij[2]; hessij[1, 0] = -k_ij * unit_ij[1] * unit_ij[0]; hessij[1, 1] = -k_ij * unit_ij[1] * unit_ij[1]; hessij[1, 2] = -k_ij * unit_ij[1] * unit_ij[2]; hessij[2, 0] = -k_ij * unit_ij[2] * unit_ij[0]; hessij[2, 1] = -k_ij * unit_ij[2] * unit_ij[1]; hessij[2, 2] = -k_ij * unit_ij[2] * unit_ij[2]; hess.SetBlock(i, j, hessij); MatrixByArr hessii = hess.GetBlock(i, i) - hessij; hess.SetBlock(i, i, hessii); numset++; } } return(hess); }
public static HessInfoCoarseResiIter GetHessCoarseResiIter (Hess.HessInfo hessinfo , Vector[] coords , FuncGetIdxKeepListRemv GetIdxKeepListRemv , ILinAlg ila , double thres_zeroblk = 0.001 , IterOption iteropt = IterOption.Matlab_experimental , string[] options = null ) { bool rediag = true; HessMatrix H = null; List <int>[] lstNewIdxRemv = null; int numca = 0; double[] reMass = null; object[] reAtoms = null; Vector[] reCoords = null; Tuple <int[], int[][]> idxKeepRemv = null; //System.Console.WriteLine("begin re-indexing hess"); { object[] atoms = hessinfo.atoms; idxKeepRemv = GetIdxKeepListRemv(atoms, coords); int[] idxKeep = idxKeepRemv.Item1; int[][] idxsRemv = idxKeepRemv.Item2; { List <int> check = new List <int>(); check.AddRange(idxKeep); foreach (int[] idxRemv in idxsRemv) { check.AddRange(idxRemv); } check = check.HToHashSet().ToList(); if (check.Count != coords.Length) { throw new Exception("the re-index contains the duplicated atoms or the missing atoms"); } } List <int> idxs = new List <int>(); idxs.AddRange(idxKeep); foreach (int[] idxRemv in idxsRemv) { idxs.AddRange(idxRemv); } HDebug.Assert(idxs.Count == idxs.HToHashSet().Count); H = hessinfo.hess.ReshapeByAtom(idxs); numca = idxKeep.Length; reMass = hessinfo.mass.ToArray().HSelectByIndex(idxs); reAtoms = hessinfo.atoms.ToArray().HSelectByIndex(idxs); reCoords = coords.HSelectByIndex(idxs); int nidx = idxKeep.Length; lstNewIdxRemv = new List <int> [idxsRemv.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < idxsRemv.Length; i++) { lstNewIdxRemv[i] = new List <int>(); foreach (var idx in idxsRemv[i]) { lstNewIdxRemv[i].Add(nidx); nidx++; } } HDebug.Assert(nidx == lstNewIdxRemv.Last().Last() + 1); HDebug.Assert(nidx == idxs.Count); } GC.Collect(0); HDebug.Assert(numca == H.ColBlockSize - lstNewIdxRemv.HListCount().Sum()); //if(bool.Parse("false")) { if (bool.Parse("false")) #region { int[] idxKeep = idxKeepRemv.Item1; int[][] idxsRemv = idxKeepRemv.Item2; Pdb.Atom[] pdbatoms = hessinfo.atomsAsUniverseAtom.ListPdbAtoms(); Pdb.ToFile(@"C:\temp\coarse-keeps.pdb", pdbatoms.HSelectByIndex(idxKeep), false); if (HFile.Exists(@"C:\temp\coarse-graining.pdb")) { HFile.Delete(@"C:\temp\coarse-graining.pdb"); } foreach (int[] idxremv in idxsRemv.Reverse()) { List <Pdb.Element> delatoms = new List <Pdb.Element>(); foreach (int idx in idxremv) { if (pdbatoms[idx] == null) { continue; } string line = pdbatoms[idx].GetUpdatedLine(coords[idx]); Pdb.Atom delatom = Pdb.Atom.FromString(line); delatoms.Add(delatom); } Pdb.ToFile(@"C:\temp\coarse-graining.pdb", delatoms.ToArray(), true); } } #endregion if (bool.Parse("false")) #region { // export matrix to matlab, so the matrix can be checked in there. int[] idxca = HEnum.HEnumCount(numca).ToArray(); int[] idxoth = HEnum.HEnumFromTo(numca, coords.Length - 1).ToArray(); Matlab.Register(@"C:\temp\"); Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("H", H.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3); Matlab.Execute("figure; spy(H)"); Matlab.Clear(); } #endregion if (bool.Parse("false")) #region { HDirectory.CreateDirectory(@"K:\temp\$coarse-graining\"); { // export original hessian matrix List <int> cs = new List <int>(); List <int> rs = new List <int>(); foreach (ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> bc_br_bval in hessinfo.hess.EnumBlocks()) { cs.Add(bc_br_bval.Item1); rs.Add(bc_br_bval.Item2); } Matlab.Clear(); Matlab.PutVector("cs", cs.ToArray()); Matlab.PutVector("rs", rs.ToArray()); Matlab.Execute("hess = sparse(cs+1, rs+1, ones(size(cs)));"); Matlab.Execute("hess = float(hess);"); Matlab.Execute("figure; spy(hess)"); Matlab.Execute("cs = int32(cs+1);"); Matlab.Execute("rs = int32(rs+1);"); Matlab.Execute(@"save('K:\temp\$coarse-graining\hess-original.mat', 'cs', 'rs', '-v6');"); Matlab.Clear(); } { // export reshuffled hessian matrix List <int> cs = new List <int>(); List <int> rs = new List <int>(); foreach (ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> bc_br_bval in H.EnumBlocks()) { cs.Add(bc_br_bval.Item1); rs.Add(bc_br_bval.Item2); } Matlab.Clear(); Matlab.PutVector("cs", cs.ToArray()); Matlab.PutVector("rs", rs.ToArray()); Matlab.Execute("H = sparse(cs+1, rs+1, ones(size(cs)));"); Matlab.Execute("H = float(H);"); Matlab.Execute("figure; spy(H)"); Matlab.Execute("cs = int32(cs+1);"); Matlab.Execute("rs = int32(rs+1);"); Matlab.Execute(@"save('K:\temp\$coarse-graining\hess-reshuffled.mat', 'cs', 'rs', '-v6');"); Matlab.Clear(); } } #endregion if (bool.Parse("false")) #region { int[] idxca = HEnum.HEnumCount(numca).ToArray(); int[] idxoth = HEnum.HEnumFromTo(numca, coords.Length - 1).ToArray(); HessMatrix A = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxca, idxca); HessMatrix B = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxca, idxoth); HessMatrix C = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxoth, idxca); HessMatrix D = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxoth, idxoth); Matlab.Clear(); Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("A", A.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3); Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("B", B.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3); Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("C", C.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3); Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("D", D.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3); Matlab.Clear(); } #endregion } List <HessCoarseResiIterInfo> iterinfos = null; { object[] atoms = reAtoms; // reAtoms.HToType(null as Universe.Atom[]); CGetHessCoarseResiIterImpl info = null; switch (iteropt) { case IterOption.ILinAlg_20150329: info = GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_ILinAlg_20150329(H, lstNewIdxRemv, thres_zeroblk, ila, false); break; case IterOption.ILinAlg: info = GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_ILinAlg(H, lstNewIdxRemv, thres_zeroblk, ila, false); break; case IterOption.Matlab: info = GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_Matlab(atoms, H, lstNewIdxRemv, thres_zeroblk, ila, false, options); break; case IterOption.Matlab_experimental: info = GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_Matlab_experimental(atoms, H, lstNewIdxRemv, thres_zeroblk, ila, false, options); break; case IterOption.Matlab_IterLowerTri: info = GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_Matlab_IterLowerTri(atoms, H, lstNewIdxRemv, thres_zeroblk, ila, false, options); break; case IterOption.LinAlg_IterLowerTri: info = GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_LinAlg_IterLowerTri.Do(atoms, H, lstNewIdxRemv, thres_zeroblk, ila, false, options); break; } ; H = info.H; iterinfos = info.iterinfos; } //{ // var info = GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_Matlab(H, lstNewIdxRemv, thres_zeroblk); // H = info.H; //} GC.Collect(0); if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached) { int nidx = 0; int[] ikeep = idxKeepRemv.Item1; foreach (int idx in ikeep) { bool equal = object.ReferenceEquals(hessinfo.atoms[idx], reAtoms[nidx]); if (equal == false) { HDebug.Assert(false); } HDebug.Assert(equal); nidx++; } } if (rediag) { H = H.CorrectHessDiag(); } //System.Console.WriteLine("finish fixing diag"); return(new HessInfoCoarseResiIter { hess = H, mass = reMass.HSelectCount(numca), atoms = reAtoms.HSelectCount(numca), coords = reCoords.HSelectCount(numca), numZeroEigval = 6, iterinfos = iterinfos, }); }
public static HessMatrix GetHessElec(IList <Vector> coords, IEnumerable <Universe.Nonbonded14> nonbonded14s, HessMatrix hessian) { double ee = 80; return(GetHessElec(coords, nonbonded14s, hessian, ee)); }
public Mode[] GetModesMassReduced(bool delhess, int?numModeReturn, Dictionary <string, object> secs) { HessMatrix mwhess_ = GetHessMassWeighted(delhess); IMatrix <double> mwhess = mwhess_; bool bsparse = (mwhess_ is HessMatrixSparse); Mode[] modes; using (new Matlab.NamedLock("")) { string msg = ""; { if (bsparse) { Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("V", mwhess_.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3); } else { Matlab.PutMatrix("V", ref mwhess, true, true); } } msg += Matlab.Execute("tic;"); msg += Matlab.Execute("V = (V+V')/2; "); // make symmetric { // eigen-decomposition if (bsparse) { if (numModeReturn != null) { int numeig = numModeReturn.Value; string cmd = "eigs(V," + numeig + ",'sm')"; msg += Matlab.Execute("[V,D] = " + cmd + "; "); } else { msg += Matlab.Execute("[V,D] = eig(full(V)); "); } } else { msg += Matlab.Execute("[V,D] = eig(V); "); } } msg += Matlab.Execute("tm=toc; "); if (secs != null) { int numcore = Matlab.Environment.NumCores; double tm = Matlab.GetValue("tm"); secs.Clear(); secs.Add("num cores", numcore); secs.Add("secs multi-threaded", tm); secs.Add("secs estimated single-threaded", tm * Math.Sqrt(numcore)); /// x=[]; for i=1:20; tic; H=rand(100*i); [V,D]=eig(H+H'); xx=toc; x=[x;i,xx]; fprintf('%d, %f\n',i,xx); end; x /// /// /// run matlab in single-thread: matlab -nodesktop -singleCompThread /// multi-thread: matlab -nodesktop /// /// my computer, single thread: cst1={0.0038,0.0106,0.0277,0.0606,0.1062,0.1600,0.2448,0.3483,0.4963,0.6740,0.9399,1.1530,1.4568,1.7902,2.1794,2.6387,3.0510,3.6241,4.2203,4.8914}; /// 2 cores: cst2={0.0045,0.0098,0.0252,0.0435,0.0784,0.1203,0.1734,0.2382,0.3316,0.4381,0.5544,0.6969,1.0170,1.1677,1.4386,1.7165,2.0246,2.4121,2.8124,3.2775}; /// scale: (cst1.cst2)/(cst1.cst1) = 0.663824 /// approx: (cst1.cst2)/(cst1.cst1)*Sqrt[2.2222] = 0.989566 /// my computer, single thread: cst1={0.0073,0.0158,0.0287,0.0573,0.0998,0.1580,0.2377,0.3439,0.4811,0.6612,0.8738,1.0974,1.4033,1.7649,2.1764,2.6505,3.1142,3.5791,4.1910,4.8849}; /// 2 cores: cst2={0.0085,0.0114,0.0250,0.0475,0.0719,0.1191,0.1702,0.2395,0.3179,0.4319,0.5638,0.7582,0.9454,1.1526,1.4428,1.7518,2.0291,2.4517,2.8200,3.3090}; /// scale: (cst1.cst2)/(cst1.cst1) = 0.671237 /// approx: (cst1.cst2)/(cst1.cst1)*Sqrt[2.2222] = 1.00062 /// ts4-stat , singhe thread: cst1={0.0048,0.0213,0.0641,0.1111,0.1560,0.2013,0.3307,0.3860,0.4213,0.8433,1.0184,1.3060,1.9358,2.2699,2.1718,3.0149,3.1081,4.3594,5.0356,5.5260}; /// 12 cores: cst2={0.2368,0.0614,0.0235,0.1321,0.0574,0.0829,0.1078,0.1558,0.1949,0.3229,0.4507,0.3883,0.4685,0.6249,0.6835,0.8998,0.9674,1.1851,1.3415,1.6266}; /// scale: (cst1.cst2)/(cst1.cst1) = 0.286778 /// (cst1.cst2)/(cst1.cst1)*Sqrt[12*1.1111] = 1.04716 /// ts4-stat , singhe thread: cst1={0.0138,0.0215,0.0522,0.0930,0.1783,0.2240,0.2583,0.4054,0.4603,0.9036,0.9239,1.5220,1.9443,2.1042,2.3583,3.0208,3.5507,3.8810,3.6943,6.2085}; /// 12 cores: cst2={0.1648,0.1429,0.1647,0.0358,0.0561,0.0837,0.1101,0.1525,0.2084,0.2680,0.3359,0.4525,0.4775,0.7065,0.6691,0.9564,1.0898,1.2259,1.2926,1.5879}; /// scale: (cst1.cst2)/(cst1.cst1) = 0.294706 /// (cst1.cst2)/(cst1.cst1)*Sqrt[12] = 1.02089 /// ts4-stat , singhe thread: cst1={0.0126,0.0183,0.0476,0.0890,0.1353,0.1821,0.2265,0.3079,0.4551,0.5703,1.0009,1.2175,1.5922,1.8805,2.1991,2.3096,3.7680,3.7538,3.9216,5.2899,5.6737,7.0783,8.8045,9.0091,9.9658,11.6888,12.8311,14.4933,17.2462,17.5660}; /// 12 cores: cst2={0.0690,0.0117,0.0275,0.0523,0.0819,0.1071,0.1684,0.1984,0.1974,0.2659,0.3305,0.4080,0.4951,0.7089,0.9068,0.7936,1.2632,1.0708,1.3187,1.6106,1.7216,2.1114,2.8249,2.7840,2.8259,3.3394,4.3092,4.2708,5.3358,5.7479}; /// scale: (cst1.cst2)/(cst1.cst1) = 0.311008 /// (cst1.cst2)/(cst1.cst1)*Sqrt[12] = 1.07736 /// Therefore, the speedup using multi-core could be sqrt(#core) } msg += Matlab.Execute("D = diag(D); "); if (msg.Trim() != "") { System.Console.WriteLine(); bool domanual = HConsole.ReadValue <bool>("possibly failed. Will you do ((('V = (V+V')/2;[V,D] = eig(V);D = diag(D);))) manually ?", false, null, false, true); if (domanual) { Matlab.Clear(); Matlab.PutMatrix("V", ref mwhess, true, true); System.Console.WriteLine("cleaning working-space and copying V in matlab are done."); System.Console.WriteLine("do V = (V+V')/2; [V,D]=eig(V); D=diag(D);"); while (HConsole.ReadValue <bool>("V and D are ready to use in matlab?", false, null, false, true) == false) { ; } //string path_V = HConsole.ReadValue<string>("path V.mat", @"C:\temp\V.mat", null, false, true); //Matlab.Execute("clear;"); //Matlab.PutMatrix("V", ref mwhess, true, true); //Matlab.Execute(string.Format("save('{0}', '-V7.3');", path_V)); //while(HConsole.ReadValue<bool>("ready for VD.mat containing V and D?", false, null, false, true) == false) ; //string path_VD = HConsole.ReadValue<string>("path VD.mat", @"C:\temp\VD.mat", null, false, true); //Matlab.Execute(string.Format("load '{0}';", path_V)); } } if (numModeReturn != null) { Matlab.PutValue("nmode", numModeReturn.Value); Matlab.Execute("V = V(:,1:nmode);"); Matlab.Execute("D = D(1:nmode);"); } MatrixByRowCol V = Matlab.GetMatrix("V", MatrixByRowCol.Zeros, true, true); Vector D = Matlab.GetVector("D"); HDebug.Assert(V.RowSize == D.Size); modes = new Mode[D.Size]; for (int i = 0; i < D.Size; i++) { Vector eigvec = V.GetColVector(i); double eigval = D[i]; modes[i] = new Mode { th = i, eigval = eigval, eigvec = eigvec, }; } V = null; } System.GC.Collect(); modes.UpdateMassReduced(mass.ToArray()); return(modes); }
public static HessMatrix GetHessByKijFij(IList <Vector> coords, double[,] K, double[,] F, HessMatrix hess = null) { int size = coords.Count; if (hess == null) { hess = HessMatrixDense.ZerosDense(size * 3, size * 3); } if (K == null) { K = new double[size, size]; } if (F == null) { F = new double[size, size]; } /// Parallel.For(0, size, delegate(int i) for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { for (int j = i; j < size; j++) { if (i == j) { continue; } if (K[i, j] == 0 && F[i, j] == 0) { continue; } MatrixByArr hessij = GetHessByKijFij(coords[i], coords[j], K[i, j], F[i, j]); HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, K[i, j] - K[j, i]); HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, F[i, j] - F[j, i]); if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached) { HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, hessij - GetHessByKijFij(coords[j], coords[i], K[j, i], F[j, i])); } int n0 = i * 3; int n1 = j * 3; for (int di = 0; di < 3; di++) { for (int dj = 0; dj < 3; dj++) { hess[n0 + di, n0 + dj] -= hessij[di, dj]; hess[n0 + di, n1 + dj] += hessij[di, dj]; hess[n1 + di, n0 + dj] += hessij[di, dj]; hess[n1 + di, n1 + dj] -= hessij[di, dj]; } } } } /// ); return(hess); }
public static HessMatrix GetHessAngle (IList <Vector> coords, IEnumerable <Universe.Angle> angles, bool useUreybrad, double?K_theta, double?K_ub, HessMatrix hessian , Action <Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, double, double> collector ) { Matrix pwspr = null; return(GetHessAngle(coords, angles, useUreybrad, K_theta, K_ub, hessian, pwspr, collector)); }
public static CGetHessCoarseResiIterImpl GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_Matlab_experimental (object[] atoms , HessMatrix H , List <int>[] lstNewIdxRemv , double thres_zeroblk , ILinAlg ila , bool cloneH , string[] options ) { ila = null; if (cloneH) { H = H.CloneHess(); } bool process_disp_console = true; if (options != null && options.Contains("print process")) { process_disp_console = true; } bool parallel = true; GC.Collect(0); DateTime[] process_time = new DateTime[6]; //System.Console.WriteLine("begin coarse-graining"); List <HessCoarseResiIterInfo> iterinfos = new List <HessCoarseResiIterInfo>(); for (int iter = lstNewIdxRemv.Length - 1; iter >= 0; iter--) { if (process_disp_console) { process_time[0] = DateTime.UtcNow; System.Console.Write(" - {0:000} : ", iter); } //int[] ikeep = lstNewIdxRemv[iter].Item1; int[] iremv = lstNewIdxRemv[iter].ToArray(); HDebug.Assert(H.ColBlockSize == H.RowBlockSize); int blksize = H.ColBlockSize; //HDebug.Assert(ikeep.Max() < blksize); //HDebug.Assert(iremv.Max() < blksize); //HDebug.Assert(iremv.Max()+1 == blksize); //HDebug.Assert(iremv.Max() - iremv.Min() + 1 == iremv.Length); int[] idxkeep = HEnum.HEnumFromTo(0, iremv.Min() - 1).ToArray(); int[] idxremv = HEnum.HEnumFromTo(iremv.Min(), iremv.Max()).ToArray(); //HDebug.Assert(idxkeep.HUnionWith(idxremv).Length == blksize); HessCoarseResiIterInfo iterinfo = new HessCoarseResiIterInfo(); iterinfo.sizeHessBlkMat = idxremv.Max() + 1; // H.ColBlockSize; iterinfo.numAtomsRemoved = idxremv.Length; iterinfo.time0 = DateTime.UtcNow; double C_density0 = double.NaN; double C_density1 = double.NaN; { //HessMatrix A = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxkeep, idxkeep); HessMatrix A = H; //HessMatrix B = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxkeep, idxremv); HessMatrix C, D; /// HessMatrix C = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxremv, idxkeep, parallel:parallel); /// HessMatrix D = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxremv, idxremv, parallel:parallel); { C = H.Zeros(idxremv.Length * 3, idxkeep.Length * 3); D = H.Zeros(idxremv.Length * 3, idxremv.Length * 3); int iremv_min = iremv.Min(); int iremv_max = iremv.Max(); foreach (var bc_br_bval in H.EnumBlocksInCols(idxremv)) { int bc = bc_br_bval.Item1; int br = bc_br_bval.Item2; var bval = bc_br_bval.Item3; if (bc > iremv_max) { continue; } if (br > iremv_max) { continue; } if (br < iremv_min) { int nc = bc - iremv_min; int nr = br; C.SetBlock(nc, nr, bval.CloneT()); } else { int nc = bc - iremv_min; int nr = br - iremv_min; D.SetBlock(nc, nr, bval.CloneT()); } } } if (process_disp_console) { process_time[1] = process_time[2] = DateTime.UtcNow; System.Console.Write("CD({0:00.00} min), ", (process_time[2] - process_time[0]).TotalMinutes); } // make B,C sparse //int B_cntzero = B.MakeNearZeroBlockAsZero(thres_zeroblk); C_density0 = C.RatioUsedBlocks; /// iterinfo.numSetZeroBlock = C.MakeNearZeroBlockAsZero(thres_zeroblk); { double thres_absmax = thres_zeroblk; List <Tuple <int, int> > lstIdxToMakeZero = new List <Tuple <int, int> >(); foreach (var bc_br_bval in C.EnumBlocks()) { int bc = bc_br_bval.Item1; int br = bc_br_bval.Item2; var bval = bc_br_bval.Item3; double absmax_bval = bval.HAbsMax(); if (absmax_bval < thres_absmax) { lstIdxToMakeZero.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(bc, br)); } } foreach (var bc_br in lstIdxToMakeZero) { int cc = bc_br.Item1; int cr = bc_br.Item2; var Cval = C.GetBlock(cc, cr); C.SetBlock(cc, cr, null); var Dval = D.GetBlock(cc, cc); // nCval = Cval -Cval D.SetBlock(cc, cc, Dval + Cval); // nDval = Dval - (-Cval) = Dval + Cval int bc = cr; int br = cc; var Bval = Cval.Tr(); var Aval = A.GetBlock(bc, bc); // nBval = Bval -Bval A.SetBlock(bc, bc, Aval + Bval); // nAval = Aval - (-Bval) = Aval + Bval } iterinfo.numSetZeroBlock = lstIdxToMakeZero.Count; } //int B_nzeros = B.NumUsedBlocks; double B_nzeros_ = Math.Sqrt(B_nzeros); iterinfo.numNonZeroBlock = C.NumUsedBlocks; C_density1 = C.RatioUsedBlocks; HessMatrix B_invD_C = Get_BInvDC(A, C, D, process_disp_console , options , parallel: parallel ); if (process_disp_console) { process_time[4] = DateTime.UtcNow; System.Console.Write("B.invD.C({0:00.00} min), ", (process_time[4] - process_time[3]).TotalMinutes); } /// iterinfo.numAddIgnrBlock = A.UpdateAdd(B_invD_C, -1, null, thres_zeroblk/lstNewIdxRemv.Length, parallel:parallel); { HessMatrix _this = A; HessMatrix other = B_invD_C; double thres_NearZeroBlock = thres_zeroblk / lstNewIdxRemv.Length; int count = 0; int count_ignored = 0; foreach (var bc_br_bval in other.EnumBlocks()) { count++; int bc = bc_br_bval.Item1; int br = bc_br_bval.Item2; MatrixByArr other_bmat = bc_br_bval.Item3; if (other_bmat.HAbsMax() <= thres_NearZeroBlock) { // other_bmat = other_bmat -other_bmat; // other_diag = other_diag - (-other_bmat) = other_diag + other_bmat; // this_diag = this_diat - B_invD_C // = this_diat - other_diag // = this_diat - (other_diag + other_bmat) // = this_diat - other_diag - other_bmat // = (this_diat - other_bmat) - other_diag // = (this_diat - other_bmat) - (processed later) // = (this_diat - other_bmat) MatrixByArr this_diag = _this.GetBlock(bc, bc); MatrixByArr new_diag = this_diag - other_bmat; _this.SetBlock(bc, bc, new_diag); other_bmat = null; count_ignored++; } if (other_bmat != null) { MatrixByArr this_bmat = _this.GetBlock(bc, br); MatrixByArr new_bmat = this_bmat - other_bmat; _this.SetBlock(bc, br, new_bmat); } } iterinfo.numAddIgnrBlock = count_ignored; } //HessMatrix nH = A - B_invD_C; //nH = ((nH + nH.Tr())/2).ToHessMatrix(); H = A; } iterinfo.usedMemoryByte = GC.GetTotalMemory(false); iterinfo.time1 = DateTime.UtcNow; iterinfos.Add(iterinfo); if (process_disp_console) { System.Console.WriteLine("summary(makezero {0,5}, nonzero {1,5}, numIgnMul {2,7}, numRemvAtoms {3,3}, {4,5:0.00} sec, {5} mb, {6}x{6}, nzeroBlk/Atom {7:0.00})" , iterinfo.numSetZeroBlock , iterinfo.numNonZeroBlock , iterinfo.numAddIgnrBlock , iterinfo.numAtomsRemoved , iterinfo.compSec , iterinfo.usedMemoryByte / (1024 * 1024) , (idxkeep.Length * 3) , ((double)iterinfo.numNonZeroBlock / idxremv.Length) ); } GC.Collect(0); } int numca = H.ColBlockSize - lstNewIdxRemv.HListCount().Sum(); //System.Console.WriteLine("finish coarse-graining"); { int[] idxkeep = HEnum.HEnumCount(numca).ToArray(); H = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxkeep, idxkeep, false); } { H.MakeNearZeroBlockAsZero(thres_zeroblk); } GC.Collect(0); //System.Console.WriteLine("finish resizing"); return(new CGetHessCoarseResiIterImpl { iterinfos = iterinfos, H = H, }); }
public static HessInfo GetHessSbNMA (Universe univ , IList <Vector> coords , double nbondMaxDist // =12 , double?maxAbsSpring , bool b_bonds , bool b_angles , bool b_impropers , bool b_dihedrals , bool b_nonbondeds , bool b_nonbonded14s , double?sca_bonds , double?sca_angles , double?sca_impropers , double?sca_dihedrals , double?sca_nonbondeds , double?sca_nonbonded14s , Action <Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, double> collectorBond , Action <Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, double, double> collectorAngle , Action <Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, double, double> collectorImproper , Action <Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, double, double> collectorDihedral , Action <Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, double> collectorNonbonded , Action <Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, double> collectorNonbonded14 , Func <HessSpr.CustomKijInfo, double> GetCustomKij = null , params string[] options ) { IEnumerable <Universe.Nonbonded> nonbondeds = null; IEnumerable <Universe.Nonbonded14> nonbonded14s = univ.nonbonded14s.GetEnumerable(); if (options.Contains("TIP3P: tetrahedral hydrogen bonds")) { nonbondeds = EnumNonbondeds(univ.atoms, coords, univ.size, nbondMaxDist, ListTip3pTetraHBond, options); } else if (options.Contains("TIP3P: near waters")) { nonbondeds = EnumNonbondeds(univ.atoms, coords, univ.size, nbondMaxDist, ListTip3pNears, options); } else { nonbondeds = EnumNonbondeds(univ.atoms, coords, univ.size, nbondMaxDist); } bool vdW = true; // use vdW bool elec = false; // ignore electrostatic double D = double.PositiveInfinity; // dielectric constant for Tinker is "1" bool ignNegSpr = true; // ignore negative spring (do not add the spring into hessian matrix) double?K_r = null; // null for sbNMA, and 340.00 for ssNMA double?K_theta = null; // null for sbNMA, and 45.00 for ssNMA double?K_ub = null; // null for sbNMA, and 10.00 for ssNMA double?K_psi = null; // null for sbNMA, and 70.00 for ssNMA double?K_chi = null; // null for sbNMA, and 1.00 for ssNMA double?n = null; // null for sbNMA, and 1 for ssNMA string K_nbnd = null; // null for sbNMA, and "Unif" for ssNMA if (options.Contains("TIP3P: (vdW+elec) for OH,OO,HH")) { K_nbnd = "TIP3P: (vdW+elec) for OH,OO,HH"; } if (options.Contains("TIP3P: (vdW+elec) for OH")) { K_nbnd = "TIP3P: (vdW+elec) for OH"; } if (options.Contains("vdW:L79")) { K_nbnd = "L79"; } if (options.Contains("vdW:UnifSgn")) { K_nbnd = "UnifSgn"; } if (options.Contains("K_chi:1")) { K_chi = 1; } HessMatrix hess = null; if (b_bonds) { hess = STeM.GetHessBond(coords, univ.bonds, K_r: K_r, hessian: hess, collector: collectorBond); } if (b_angles) { hess = STeM.GetHessAngle(coords, univ.angles, true, K_theta: K_theta, K_ub: K_ub, hessian: hess, collector: collectorAngle); } if (b_impropers) { hess = STeM.GetHessImproper(coords, univ.impropers, K_psi: K_psi, hessian: hess, useArnaud96: true, collector: collectorImproper); } if (b_dihedrals) { hess = STeM.GetHessDihedral(coords, univ.dihedrals, K_chi: K_chi, n: n, hessian: hess, useAbsSpr: true, useArnaud96: true, collector: collectorDihedral); } if (b_nonbondeds) { hess = HessSpr.GetHessNonbond(coords, nonbondeds, D, K_nbnd: K_nbnd, hessian: hess, vdW: vdW, elec: elec, ignNegSpr: ignNegSpr, maxAbsSpring: maxAbsSpring, collector: collectorNonbonded, GetCustomKij: GetCustomKij); } if (b_nonbonded14s) { hess = HessSpr.GetHessNonbond(coords, nonbonded14s, D, K_nbnd: K_nbnd, hessian: hess, vdW: vdW, elec: elec, ignNegSpr: ignNegSpr, maxAbsSpring: maxAbsSpring, collector: collectorNonbonded14, GetCustomKij: GetCustomKij); } if (sca_bonds != null) { if (sca_bonds.Value != 1) { hess += (sca_bonds.Value - 1) * STeM.GetHessBond(coords, univ.bonds, K_r: K_r, hessian: null); } } if (sca_angles != null) { if (sca_angles.Value != 1) { hess += (sca_angles.Value - 1) * STeM.GetHessAngle(coords, univ.angles, true, K_theta: K_theta, K_ub: K_ub, hessian: null); } } if (sca_impropers != null) { if (sca_impropers.Value != 1) { hess += (sca_impropers.Value - 1) * STeM.GetHessImproper(coords, univ.impropers, K_psi: K_psi, hessian: null, useArnaud96: true); } } if (sca_dihedrals != null) { if (sca_dihedrals.Value != 1) { hess += (sca_dihedrals.Value - 1) * STeM.GetHessDihedral(coords, univ.dihedrals, K_chi: K_chi, n: n, hessian: null, useAbsSpr: true, useArnaud96: true); } } if (sca_nonbondeds != null) { if (sca_nonbondeds.Value != 1) { hess += (sca_nonbondeds.Value - 1) * HessSpr.GetHessNonbond(coords, nonbondeds, D, K_nbnd: K_nbnd, hessian: null, vdW: vdW, elec: elec, ignNegSpr: ignNegSpr, maxAbsSpring: maxAbsSpring); } } if (sca_nonbonded14s != null) { if (sca_nonbonded14s.Value != 1) { hess += (sca_nonbonded14s.Value - 1) * HessSpr.GetHessNonbond(coords, nonbonded14s, D, K_nbnd: K_nbnd, hessian: null, vdW: vdW, elec: elec, ignNegSpr: ignNegSpr, maxAbsSpring: maxAbsSpring); } } //Hess.UpdateHessNaN(hess, coords); { foreach (var bc_br_bval in hess.EnumBlocks()) { int bc = bc_br_bval.Item1; int br = bc_br_bval.Item2; var bval = bc_br_bval.Item3; if (coords[bc] == null) { throw new HException("have hess block for null-coord"); } if (coords[br] == null) { throw new HException("have hess block for null-coord"); } if (bval == null) { throw new HException(); } for (int c = 0; c < bval.ColSize; c++) { for (int r = 0; r < bval.RowSize; r++) { double val = bval[c, r]; if (double.IsNaN(val)) { throw new HException("hess has nan element"); } if (double.IsPositiveInfinity(val)) { throw new HException("hess has pos-inf element"); } if (double.IsNegativeInfinity(val)) { throw new HException("hess has neg-inf element"); } } } } } return(new HessInfo { hess = hess, mass = univ.GetMasses(), atoms = univ.atoms.ToArray(), coords = coords.HCloneVectors().ToArray(), numZeroEigval = 6, }); }
public static HessForcInfo GetCoarseHessForcSubSimple (object[] atoms , HessMatrix hess , Vector[] forc , List <int>[] lstNewIdxRemv , double thres_zeroblk , ILinAlg ila , bool cloneH , string[] options // { "pinv(D)" } ) { HessMatrix H = hess; Vector F = forc.ToVector(); if (cloneH) { H = H.CloneHess(); } bool process_disp_console = false; bool parallel = true; for (int iter = lstNewIdxRemv.Length - 1; iter >= 0; iter--) { //int[] ikeep = lstNewIdxRemv[iter].Item1; int[] iremv = lstNewIdxRemv[iter].ToArray(); int iremv_min = iremv.Min(); int iremv_max = iremv.Max(); HDebug.Assert(H.ColBlockSize == H.RowBlockSize); int blksize = H.ColBlockSize; //HDebug.Assert(ikeep.Max() < blksize); //HDebug.Assert(iremv.Max() < blksize); //HDebug.Assert(iremv.Max()+1 == blksize); //HDebug.Assert(iremv.Max() - iremv.Min() + 1 == iremv.Length); int[] idxkeep = HEnum.HEnumFromTo(0, iremv_min - 1).ToArray(); int[] idxremv = HEnum.HEnumFromTo(iremv_min, iremv_max).ToArray(); //HDebug.Assert(idxkeep.HUnionWith(idxremv).Length == blksize); IterInfo iterinfo = new IterInfo(); iterinfo.sizeHessBlkMat = idxremv.Max() + 1; // H.ColBlockSize; iterinfo.numAtomsRemoved = idxremv.Length; iterinfo.time0 = DateTime.UtcNow; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // make C sparse double C_density0; double C_density1; { double thres_absmax = thres_zeroblk; C_density0 = 0; List <Tuple <int, int> > lstIdxToMakeZero = new List <Tuple <int, int> >(); foreach (var bc_br_bval in H.EnumBlocksInCols(idxremv)) { int bc = bc_br_bval.Item1; int br = bc_br_bval.Item2; var bval = bc_br_bval.Item3; if (br >= iremv_min) { // bc_br is in D, not in C continue; } C_density0++; double absmax_bval = bval.HAbsMax(); if (absmax_bval < thres_absmax) { lstIdxToMakeZero.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(bc, br)); } } C_density1 = C_density0 - lstIdxToMakeZero.Count; foreach (var bc_br in lstIdxToMakeZero) { int bc = bc_br.Item1; int br = bc_br.Item2; HDebug.Assert(bc > br); var Cval = H.GetBlock(bc, br); var Dval = H.GetBlock(bc, bc); var Aval = H.GetBlock(br, br); var Bval = Cval.Tr(); H.SetBlock(bc, br, null); // nCval = Cval -Cval H.SetBlock(bc, bc, Dval + Cval); // nDval = Dval - (-Cval) = Dval + Cval // nBval = Bval -Bval H.SetBlock(br, br, Aval + Bval); // nAval = Aval - (-Bval) = Aval + Bval } iterinfo.numSetZeroBlock = lstIdxToMakeZero.Count; iterinfo.numNonZeroBlock = (int)C_density1; C_density0 /= (idxkeep.Length * idxremv.Length); C_density1 /= (idxkeep.Length * idxremv.Length); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // get A, B, C, D HessMatrix A = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxkeep, idxkeep); HessMatrix B = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxkeep, idxremv); HessMatrix C = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxremv, idxkeep); HessMatrix D = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxremv, idxremv); Vector nF; Vector nG; { nF = new double[idxkeep.Length * 3]; nG = new double[idxremv.Length * 3]; for (int i = 0; i < idxkeep.Length * 3; i++) { nF[i] = F[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < idxremv.Length * 3; i++) { nG[i] = F[i + nF.Size]; } } Matlab.PutMatrix("A", A, true); Matlab.PutMatrix("B", B, true); Matlab.PutMatrix("C", C, true); Matlab.PutMatrix("D", D, true); Matlab.PutVector("F", nF); Matlab.PutVector("G", nG); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get B.inv(D).C // // var BInvDC_BInvDG = Get_BInvDC_BInvDG_WithSqueeze(C, D, nG, process_disp_console // , options // , thld_BinvDC: thres_zeroblk/lstNewIdxRemv.Length // , parallel: parallel // ); // HessMatrix B_invD_C = BInvDC_BInvDG.Item1; // Vector B_invD_G = BInvDC_BInvDG.Item2; // GC.Collect(0); Matlab.Execute("BinvD = B * inv(D);"); Matlab.Execute("clear B, D;"); Matlab.Execute("BinvDC = BinvD * C;"); Matlab.Execute("BinvDG = BinvD * G;"); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get A - B.inv(D).C // F - B.inv(D).G Matlab.Execute("HH = A - BinvDC;"); Matlab.Execute("FF = F - BinvDG;"); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Replace A -> H H = Matlab.GetMatrix("HH", H.Zeros, true); F = Matlab.GetVector("FF"); Matlab.Execute("clear;"); { ValueTuple <HessMatrix, Vector> BBInvDDCC_BBInvDDGG = Get_BInvDC_BInvDG_Simple (C , D , nG , process_disp_console: process_disp_console , thld_BinvDC: thres_zeroblk / lstNewIdxRemv.Length , parallel: parallel ); HessMatrix HH = A - BBInvDDCC_BBInvDDGG.Item1; Vector FF = nF - BBInvDDCC_BBInvDDGG.Item2; double dbg_HH = (HH - H).HAbsMax(); double dbg_FF = (FF - F).ToArray().MaxAbs(); HDebug.Assert(Math.Abs(dbg_HH) < 0.00000001); HDebug.Assert(Math.Abs(dbg_FF) < 0.00000001); } { ValueTuple <HessMatrix, Vector> BBInvDDCC_BBInvDDGG = Get_BInvDC_BInvDG (C , D , nG , process_disp_console: process_disp_console , options: new string[0] , thld_BinvDC: thres_zeroblk / lstNewIdxRemv.Length , parallel: parallel ); HessMatrix HH = A - BBInvDDCC_BBInvDDGG.Item1; Vector FF = nF - BBInvDDCC_BBInvDDGG.Item2; double dbg_HH = (HH - H).HAbsMax(); double dbg_FF = (FF - F).ToArray().MaxAbs(); HDebug.Assert(Math.Abs(dbg_HH) < 0.00000001); HDebug.Assert(Math.Abs(dbg_FF) < 0.00000001); } { ValueTuple <HessMatrix, Vector> BBInvDDCC_BBInvDDGG = Get_BInvDC_BInvDG_WithSqueeze (C , D , nG , process_disp_console: process_disp_console , options: new string[0] , thld_BinvDC: thres_zeroblk / lstNewIdxRemv.Length , parallel: parallel ); HessMatrix HH = A - BBInvDDCC_BBInvDDGG.Item1; Vector FF = nF - BBInvDDCC_BBInvDDGG.Item2; double dbg_HH = (HH - H).HAbsMax(); double dbg_FF = (FF - F).ToArray().MaxAbs(); HDebug.Assert(Math.Abs(dbg_HH) < 0.00000001); HDebug.Assert(Math.Abs(dbg_FF) < 0.00000001); } GC.Collect(); } HDebug.Assert(H.ColSize == H.RowSize); HDebug.Assert(H.ColSize == F.Size); return(new HessForcInfo { hess = H, forc = F.ToVectors(3), }); }
public static Mode[] GetModeByTorsional(HessMatrix hessian, Vector masses, Matrix J , HPack <Matrix> optoutJMJ = null // J' M J , HPack <Matrix> optoutJM = null // J' M , Func <Matrix, Tuple <Matrix, Vector> > fnEigSymm = null , Func <Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix> fnMul = null ) { string opt; opt = "eig(JMJ^-1/2 * JHJ * JMJ^-1/2)"; //opt = "mwhess->tor->eig(H)->cart->mrmode"; if ((fnEigSymm != null) && (fnMul != null)) { opt = "fn-" + opt; } switch (opt) { case "mwhess->tor->eig(H)->cart->mrmode": /// /// /// does not work properly. HDebug.Assert(false); using (new Matlab.NamedLock("GetModeByTor")) { int n = J.ColSize; int m = J.RowSize; //Matrix M = massmat; // univ.GetMassMatrix(3); Vector[] toreigvecs = new Vector[m]; Vector[] tormodes = new Vector[m]; double[] toreigvals = new double[m]; Mode[] modes = new Mode[m]; { Matlab.Clear("GetModeByTor"); Matlab.PutMatrix("GetModeByTor.H", hessian); Matlab.PutMatrix("GetModeByTor.J", J); //Matlab.PutMatrix("GetModeByTor.M", M); Matlab.PutVector("GetModeByTor.m", masses); // ex: m = [1,2,...,n] Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.m3 = kron(GetModeByTor.m,[1;1;1]);"); // ex: m3 = [1,1,1,2,2,2,...,n,n,n] Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.M = diag(GetModeByTor.m3);"); Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.m = diag(1 ./ sqrt(diag(GetModeByTor.M)));"); Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.mHm = GetModeByTor.m * GetModeByTor.H * GetModeByTor.m;"); Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.JmHmJ = GetModeByTor.J' * GetModeByTor.mHm * GetModeByTor.J;"); Matlab.Execute("[GetModeByTor.V, GetModeByTor.D] = eig(GetModeByTor.JmHmJ);"); Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.JV = GetModeByTor.m * GetModeByTor.J * GetModeByTor.V;"); Matrix V = Matlab.GetMatrix("GetModeByTor.V"); Vector D = Matlab.GetVector("diag(GetModeByTor.D)"); Matrix JV = Matlab.GetMatrix("GetModeByTor.JV"); Matlab.Clear("GetModeByTor"); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { toreigvecs[i] = V.GetColVector(i); toreigvals[i] = D[i]; tormodes[i] = JV.GetColVector(i); modes[i] = new Mode(); modes[i].eigval = toreigvals[i]; modes[i].eigvec = tormodes[i]; modes[i].th = i; } } return(modes); } case "eig(JMJ^-1/2 * JHJ * JMJ^-1/2)": /// Solve the problem of using eng(H,M). /// /// eig(H,M) => H.v = M.v.l /// H.(M^-1/2 . M^1/2).v = (M^1/2 . M^1/2).v.l /// M^-1/2 . H.(M^-1/2 . M^1/2).v = M^1/2 .v.l /// (M^-1/2 . H . M^-1/2) . (M^1/2.v) = (M^1/2.v).l /// (M^-1/2 . H . M^-1/2) . w = w.l /// where (M^1/2.v) = w /// v = M^-1/2 . w /// where M = V . D . V' /// M^-1/2 = V . (1/sqrt(D)) . V' /// M^-1/2 . M^-1/2 . M = (V . (1/sqrt(D)) . V') . (V . (1/sqrt(D)) . V') . (V . D . V') /// = V . (1/sqrt(D)) . (1/sqrt(D)) . D . V' /// = V . I . V' /// = I using (new Matlab.NamedLock("GetModeByTor")) { int n = J.ColSize; int m = J.RowSize; //Matrix M = massmat; // univ.GetMassMatrix(3); Vector[] toreigvecs = new Vector[m]; Vector[] tormodes = new Vector[m]; double[] toreigvals = new double[m]; Mode[] modes = new Mode[m]; { Matlab.Clear("GetModeByTor"); Matlab.PutMatrix("GetModeByTor.J", J.ToArray(), true); //Matlab.PutMatrix("GetModeByTor.M", M , true); //Matlab.PutMatrix("GetModeByTor.H", hessian, true); Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("GetModeByTor.H", hessian.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3); if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached && hessian.ColSize < 10000) { Matlab.PutMatrix("GetModeByTor.Htest", hessian.ToArray(), true); double dHessErr = Matlab.GetValue("max(max(abs(GetModeByTor.H - GetModeByTor.Htest)))"); Matlab.Execute("clear GetModeByTor.Htest"); HDebug.Assert(dHessErr == 0); } Matlab.PutVector("GetModeByTor.m", masses); // ex: m = [1,2,...,n] Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.m3 = kron(GetModeByTor.m,[1;1;1]);"); // ex: m3 = [1,1,1,2,2,2,...,n,n,n] Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.M = diag(GetModeByTor.m3);"); Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.JMJ = GetModeByTor.J' * GetModeByTor.M * GetModeByTor.J;"); Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.JHJ = GetModeByTor.J' * GetModeByTor.H * GetModeByTor.J;"); Matlab.Execute("[GetModeByTor.V, GetModeByTor.D] = eig(GetModeByTor.JMJ);"); Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.jmj = GetModeByTor.V * diag(1 ./ sqrt(diag(GetModeByTor.D))) * GetModeByTor.V';"); // jmj = sqrt(JMJ) //Matlab.Execute("max(max(abs(JMJ*jmj*jmj - eye(size(JMJ)))));"); // for checking //Matlab.Execute("max(max(abs(jmj*JMJ*jmj - eye(size(JMJ)))));"); // for checking //Matlab.Execute("max(max(abs(jmj*jmj*JMJ - eye(size(JMJ)))));"); // for checking Matlab.Execute("[GetModeByTor.V, GetModeByTor.D] = eig(GetModeByTor.jmj * GetModeByTor.JHJ * GetModeByTor.jmj);"); Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.D = diag(GetModeByTor.D);"); Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.V = GetModeByTor.jmj * GetModeByTor.V;"); Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.JV = GetModeByTor.J * GetModeByTor.V;"); Matrix V = Matlab.GetMatrix("GetModeByTor.V", true); Vector D = Matlab.GetVector("GetModeByTor.D"); Matrix JV = Matlab.GetMatrix("GetModeByTor.JV", true); if (optoutJMJ != null) { optoutJMJ.value = Matlab.GetMatrix("GetModeByTor.JMJ", true); } if (optoutJM != null) { optoutJM.value = Matlab.GetMatrix("GetModeByTor.J' * GetModeByTor.M", true); } Matlab.Clear("GetModeByTor"); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { toreigvecs[i] = V.GetColVector(i); toreigvals[i] = D[i]; tormodes[i] = JV.GetColVector(i); modes[i] = new Mode(); modes[i].eigval = toreigvals[i]; modes[i].eigvec = tormodes[i]; modes[i].th = i; } } return(modes); } case "fn-eig(JMJ^-1/2 * JHJ * JMJ^-1/2)": /// Solve the problem of using eng(H,M). /// /// eig(H,M) => H.v = M.v.l /// H.(M^-1/2 . M^1/2).v = (M^1/2 . M^1/2).v.l /// M^-1/2 . H.(M^-1/2 . M^1/2).v = M^1/2 .v.l /// (M^-1/2 . H . M^-1/2) . (M^1/2.v) = (M^1/2.v).l /// (M^-1/2 . H . M^-1/2) . w = w.l /// where (M^1/2.v) = w /// v = M^-1/2 . w /// where M = V . D . V' /// M^-1/2 = V . (1/sqrt(D)) . V' /// M^-1/2 . M^-1/2 . M = (V . (1/sqrt(D)) . V') . (V . (1/sqrt(D)) . V') . (V . D . V') /// = V . (1/sqrt(D)) . (1/sqrt(D)) . D . V' /// = V . I . V' /// = I { int n = J.ColSize; int m = J.RowSize; //Matrix M = massmat; // univ.GetMassMatrix(3); Vector[] toreigvecs = new Vector[m]; Vector[] tormodes = new Vector[m]; double[] toreigvals = new double[m]; Mode[] modes = new Mode[m]; { Matrix H = hessian; HDebug.Assert(hessian.ColSize == hessian.RowSize); Matrix M = Matrix.Zeros(hessian.ColSize, hessian.RowSize); HDebug.Assert(3 * masses.Size == M.ColSize, M.ColSize == M.RowSize); for (int i = 0; i < M.ColSize; i++) { M[i, i] = masses[i / 3]; } Matrix Jt = J.Tr(); Matrix JMJ = fnMul(Jt, M, J); // JMJ = J' * M * J Matrix JHJ = fnMul(Jt, H, J); // JHJ = J' * H * J Matrix V; Vector D; { // [V, D] = eig(JMJ) var VD = fnEigSymm(JMJ); V = VD.Item1; D = VD.Item2; } Matrix jmj; { // jmj = sqrt(JMJ) Vector isD = new double[D.Size]; for (int i = 0; i < isD.Size; i++) { isD[i] = 1 / Math.Sqrt(D[i]); } jmj = fnMul(V, LinAlg.Diag(isD), V.Tr()); } { // [V, D] = eig(jmj * JHJ * jmj) Matrix jmj_JHJ_jmj = fnMul(jmj, JHJ, jmj); var VD = fnEigSymm(jmj_JHJ_jmj); V = VD.Item1; D = VD.Item2; } V = fnMul(jmj, V, null); // V = jmj * V Matrix JV = fnMul(J, V, null); // JV = J * V if (optoutJMJ != null) { optoutJMJ.value = JMJ; } if (optoutJM != null) { optoutJM.value = fnMul(Jt, M, null); // J' * M } for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { toreigvecs[i] = V.GetColVector(i); toreigvals[i] = D[i]; tormodes[i] = JV.GetColVector(i); modes[i] = new Mode(); modes[i].eigval = toreigvals[i]; modes[i].eigvec = tormodes[i]; modes[i].th = i; } } //if(Debug.IsDebuggerAttached) //{ // Mode[] tmodes = GetModeByTorsional(hessian, masses, J); // Debug.Assert(modes.Length == tmodes.Length); // for(int i=0; i<modes.Length; i++) // { // Debug.AssertTolerance(0.00001, modes[i].eigval - tmodes[i].eigval); // Debug.AssertTolerance(0.00001, modes[i].eigvec - tmodes[i].eigvec); // } //} return(modes); } case "eig(JHJ,JMJ)": /// Generalized eigendecomposition does not guarantee that the eigenvalue be normalized. /// This becomes a problem when a B-factor (determined using eig(H,M)) is compared with another B-factor (determined using eig(M^-1/2 H M^-1/2)). /// This problem is being solved using case "eig(JMJ^-1/2 * JHJ * JMJ^-1/2)" using (new Matlab.NamedLock("GetModeByTor")) { int n = J.ColSize; int m = J.RowSize; //Matrix M = massmat; // univ.GetMassMatrix(3); Matrix JMJ; { Matlab.PutMatrix("GetModeByTor.J", J); //Matlab.PutMatrix("GetModeByTor.M", M); Matlab.PutVector("GetModeByTor.m", masses); // ex: m = [1,2,...,n] Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.m3 = kron(GetModeByTor.m,[1;1;1]);"); // ex: m3 = [1,1,1,2,2,2,...,n,n,n] Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.M = diag(GetModeByTor.m3);"); Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.JMJ = GetModeByTor.J' * GetModeByTor.M * GetModeByTor.J;"); JMJ = Matlab.GetMatrix("GetModeByTor.JMJ"); Matlab.Clear("GetModeByTor"); } Matrix JHJ; { Matlab.PutMatrix("GetModeByTor.J", J); Matlab.PutMatrix("GetModeByTor.H", hessian); Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.JHJ = GetModeByTor.J' * GetModeByTor.H * GetModeByTor.J;"); JHJ = Matlab.GetMatrix("GetModeByTor.JHJ"); Matlab.Clear("GetModeByTor"); } Vector[] toreigvecs = new Vector[m]; Vector[] tormodes = new Vector[m]; double[] toreigvals = new double[m]; Mode[] modes = new Mode[m]; { Matlab.PutMatrix("GetModeByTor.JHJ", JHJ); Matlab.PutMatrix("GetModeByTor.JMJ", JMJ); Matlab.PutMatrix("GetModeByTor.J", J); Matlab.Execute("[GetModeByTor.V, GetModeByTor.D] = eig(GetModeByTor.JHJ, GetModeByTor.JMJ);"); Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.D = diag(GetModeByTor.D);"); Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.JV = GetModeByTor.J * GetModeByTor.V;"); Matrix V = Matlab.GetMatrix("GetModeByTor.V"); Vector D = Matlab.GetVector("GetModeByTor.D"); Matrix JV = Matlab.GetMatrix("GetModeByTor.JV"); Matlab.Clear("GetModeByTor"); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { toreigvecs[i] = V.GetColVector(i); toreigvals[i] = D[i]; tormodes[i] = JV.GetColVector(i); modes[i] = new Mode(); modes[i].eigval = toreigvals[i]; modes[i].eigvec = tormodes[i]; modes[i].th = i; } } return(modes); } } return(null); }
public static TorEigen[] GetEigenTorsional(HessMatrix hessian, Vector masses, Matrix J) { int n = J.ColSize; int m = J.RowSize; //Matrix M = massmat; // univ.GetMassMatrix(3); Matrix JMJ; using (new Matlab.NamedLock("GetModeByTor")) { Matlab.PutMatrix("GetModeByTor.J", J); //Matlab.PutMatrix("GetModeByTor.M", M); Matlab.PutVector("GetModeByTor.m", masses); // ex: m = [1,2,...,n] Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.m3 = kron(GetModeByTor.m,[1;1;1]);"); // ex: m3 = [1,1,1,2,2,2,...,n,n,n] Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.M = diag(GetModeByTor.m3);"); Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.JMJ = GetModeByTor.J' * GetModeByTor.M * GetModeByTor.J;"); JMJ = Matlab.GetMatrix("GetModeByTor.JMJ"); Matlab.Clear("GetModeByTor"); } Matrix JHJ; using (new Matlab.NamedLock("GetModeByTor")) { Matlab.PutMatrix("GetModeByTor.J", J); Matlab.PutMatrix("GetModeByTor.H", hessian); Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.JHJ = GetModeByTor.J' * GetModeByTor.H * GetModeByTor.J;"); JHJ = Matlab.GetMatrix("GetModeByTor.JHJ"); Matlab.Clear("GetModeByTor"); } TorEigen[] toreigens = new TorEigen[m]; using (new Matlab.NamedLock("GetModeByTor")) { Matlab.PutMatrix("GetModeByTor.JHJ", JHJ); Matlab.PutMatrix("GetModeByTor.JMJ", JMJ); Matlab.PutMatrix("GetModeByTor.J", J); Matlab.Execute("[GetModeByTor.V, GetModeByTor.D] = eig(GetModeByTor.JHJ, GetModeByTor.JMJ);"); Matlab.Execute("GetModeByTor.D = diag(GetModeByTor.D);"); Matrix V = Matlab.GetMatrix("GetModeByTor.V"); Vector D = Matlab.GetVector("GetModeByTor.D"); Matlab.Clear("GetModeByTor"); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { toreigens[i] = new TorEigen(); toreigens[i].th = i; toreigens[i].eigval = D[i]; toreigens[i].eigvec = V.GetColVector(i); } } if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached) { Mode[] modes0 = GetModeByTorsional(hessian, masses, J); Mode[] modes1 = GetModeByTorsional(toreigens, J); HDebug.Assert(modes0.Length == modes1.Length); for (int i = 0; i < modes1.Length; i++) { HDebug.Assert(modes0[i].th == modes1[i].th); HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.000000001, modes0[i].eigval - modes1[i].eigval); HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.000000001, modes0[i].eigvec - modes1[i].eigvec); } } return(toreigens); }
public static HessMatrix GetHessBond (IList <Vector> coords, IEnumerable <Universe.Bond> bonds, double?K_r, HessMatrix hessian, Matrix pwspr , Action <Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, double> collector ) { int size = coords.Count; if (hessian == null) { hessian = HessMatrixSparse.ZerosSparse(size * 3, size * 3); } foreach (Universe.Bond bond in bonds) { int idx0 = bond.atoms[0].ID; if (coords[idx0] == null) { continue; } int idx1 = bond.atoms[1].ID; if (coords[idx1] == null) { continue; } double lK_r = (K_r != null)? K_r.Value : bond.Kb; HDebug.Assert(lK_r >= 0); FirstTerm(coords, lK_r, hessian, idx0, idx1); if (pwspr != null) { pwspr[idx0, idx1] += lK_r; pwspr[idx1, idx0] += lK_r; } if (collector != null) { collector (bond.atoms[0], coords[idx0] , bond.atoms[1], coords[idx1] , lK_r); } } return(hessian); }
public static HessMatrix GetHessAngle (IList <Vector> coords, IEnumerable <Universe.Angle> angles, bool useUreybrad, double?K_theta, double?K_ub, HessMatrix hessian , Matrix pwspr , Action <Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, double, double> collector ) { int size = coords.Count; if (hessian == null) { hessian = HessMatrixSparse.ZerosSparse(size * 3, size * 3); } foreach (Universe.Angle angle in angles) { int idx0 = angle.atoms[0].ID; if (coords[idx0] == null) { continue; } int idx1 = angle.atoms[1].ID; if (coords[idx1] == null) { continue; } int idx2 = angle.atoms[2].ID; if (coords[idx2] == null) { continue; } double lK_theta = (K_theta != null)? K_theta.Value : angle.Ktheta; HDebug.Assert(lK_theta >= 0); SecondTerm(coords, lK_theta, hessian, idx0, idx1, idx2); double lK_ub = 0; if (useUreybrad) { HDebug.Assert(angle.Kub >= 0); lK_ub = (K_ub != null)? K_ub.Value : angle.Kub; FirstTerm(coords, lK_ub, hessian, idx0, idx2); if (pwspr != null) { pwspr[idx0, idx1] += lK_ub; pwspr[idx1, idx0] += lK_ub; } } if (collector != null) { collector (angle.atoms[0], coords[idx0] , angle.atoms[1], coords[idx1] , angle.atoms[2], coords[idx2] , lK_theta, lK_ub); } } return(hessian); }
public static HessMatrix GetHessVdw(IList <Vector> coords, IEnumerable <Universe.Nonbonded14> nonbonded14s, double?Epsilon, string opt, HessMatrix hessian) { int size = coords.Count; if (hessian == null) { hessian = HessMatrixSparse.ZerosSparse(size * 3, size * 3); } foreach (Universe.Nonbonded14 nonbonded14 in nonbonded14s) { Universe.Atom atom0 = nonbonded14.atoms[0]; Universe.Atom atom1 = nonbonded14.atoms[1]; int idx0 = atom0.ID; if (coords[idx0] == null) { continue; } int idx1 = atom1.ID; if (coords[idx1] == null) { continue; } double lEpsilon; if (Epsilon != null) { lEpsilon = Epsilon.Value; } else { switch (opt) { case "gromacs": { var nbndpar0 = atom0.ConvertGromacsToCharmm; var nbndpar1 = atom1.ConvertGromacsToCharmm; double eps0_14 = nbndpar0.eps_14; eps0_14 = (double.IsNaN(eps0_14) == false) ? eps0_14 : nbndpar0.eps; double eps1_14 = nbndpar1.eps_14; eps1_14 = (double.IsNaN(eps1_14) == false) ? eps1_14 : nbndpar1.eps; lEpsilon = Math.Sqrt(eps0_14 * eps1_14); } break; default: { double eps0_14 = atom0.eps_14; eps0_14 = (double.IsNaN(eps0_14) == false) ? eps0_14 : atom0.epsilon; double eps1_14 = atom1.eps_14; eps1_14 = (double.IsNaN(eps1_14) == false) ? eps1_14 : atom1.epsilon; lEpsilon = Math.Sqrt(eps0_14 * eps1_14); } break; } } FourthTerm(coords, lEpsilon, hessian, idx0, idx1); FourthTerm(coords, lEpsilon, hessian, idx1, idx0); } return(hessian); }
//public static void GetHessAngle(IList<Vector> coords, IEnumerable<Universe.Angle> angles, bool useUreybrad, double? K_theta, double? K_ub, MatrixSparse<MatrixByArr> hessian) //{ // Matrix pwspr = null; // GetHessAngle(coords, angles, useUreybrad, K_theta, K_ub, hessian, pwspr); //} //public static void GetHessAngle(IList<Vector> coords, IEnumerable<Universe.Angle> angles, bool useUreybrad, double? K_theta, double? K_ub, MatrixSparse<MatrixByArr> hessian // , Matrix pwspr) //{ // int size = coords.Count; // HDebug.AssertAllEquals(size, hessian.ColSize, hessian.RowSize); // // foreach(Universe.Angle angle in angles) // { // int idx0 = angle.atoms[0].ID; if(coords[idx0] == null) continue; // int idx1 = angle.atoms[1].ID; if(coords[idx1] == null) continue; // int idx2 = angle.atoms[2].ID; if(coords[idx2] == null) continue; // double lK_theta = (K_theta != null)? K_theta.Value : angle.Ktheta; // HDebug.Assert(lK_theta >= 0); // SecondTerm(coords, lK_theta, hessian, idx0, idx1, idx2); // if(useUreybrad) // { // HDebug.Assert(angle.Kub >= 0); // double lK_ub = (K_ub != null)? K_ub.Value : angle.Kub; // FirstTerm(coords, lK_ub, hessian, idx0, idx2); // // if(pwspr != null) // { // pwspr[idx0, idx1] += lK_ub; // pwspr[idx1, idx0] += lK_ub; // } // } // } //} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// IMPROPER : Kpsi(psi - psi0)**2 /// Kpsi: kcal/mole/rad**2 /// psi0: degrees /// note that the second column of numbers (0) is ignored /// /// STeM : V3 = ktheta1 ( 1 - cos(theta - theta0)) /// = ktheta1/2 * (theta - theta0)^2 + O(theta^3) /// => ktheta1/2 * (theta - theta0)^2 /// charmm22 : V(improper) = Kpsi (psi - psi0 )^2 /// (= 2*Kpsi * (psi - psi0 )^2 - O( psi^3) /// (= 2*Kpsi ( 1 - cos(theta - theta0)) /// charmm22 => STeM : ktheta = 2*Kpsi /// n = 1 /// theta = from coords /// theta0 = not use public static HessMatrix GetHessImproper(IList <Vector> coords, IEnumerable <Universe.Improper> impropers, double?K_psi, HessMatrix hessian , bool useArnaud96 = false) { Action <Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, double, double> collector = null; return(GetHessImproper(coords, impropers, K_psi, hessian, collector: collector, useArnaud96: useArnaud96)); }
public static HessMatrix GetHessElec(IList <Vector> coords, IEnumerable <Universe.Nonbonded14> nonbonded14s, HessMatrix hessian, double ee) { int size = coords.Count; if (hessian == null) { hessian = HessMatrixSparse.ZerosSparse(size * 3, size * 3); } foreach (Universe.Nonbonded14 nonbonded14 in nonbonded14s) { Universe.Atom atom0 = nonbonded14.atoms[0]; Universe.Atom atom1 = nonbonded14.atoms[1]; int idx0 = atom0.ID; if (coords[idx0] == null) { continue; } int idx1 = atom1.ID; if (coords[idx1] == null) { continue; } double pch0 = atom0.Charge; double pch1 = atom1.Charge; TermElec(coords, pch0, pch1, ee, hessian, idx0, idx1); TermElec(coords, pch0, pch1, ee, hessian, idx1, idx0); } return(hessian); }
public static HessMatrix GetHessImproper (IList <Vector> coords, IEnumerable <Universe.Improper> impropers, double?K_psi, HessMatrix hessian , Action <Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, double, double> collector , bool useArnaud96 = false ) { int size = coords.Count; if (hessian == null) { hessian = HessMatrixSparse.ZerosSparse(size * 3, size * 3); } double sqrt2 = Math.Sqrt(2); foreach (Universe.Improper improper in impropers) { int idx0 = improper.atoms[0].ID; if (coords[idx0] == null) { continue; } int idx1 = improper.atoms[1].ID; if (coords[idx1] == null) { continue; } int idx2 = improper.atoms[2].ID; if (coords[idx2] == null) { continue; } int idx3 = improper.atoms[3].ID; if (coords[idx3] == null) { continue; } double lK_psi = (K_psi != null)? K_psi.Value : improper.Kpsi; double n = sqrt2; // make (K_chi * n^2 / 2 == K_chi) when calling ThirdTermN(IList<Vector> caArray, double K_phi, double n) lK_psi = lK_psi * 2; n = 1; HDebug.Assert(lK_psi >= 0); ThirdTermN(coords, lK_psi, n, hessian, idx0, idx1, idx2, idx3, useArnaud96: useArnaud96); if (collector != null) { collector (improper.atoms[0], coords[idx0] , improper.atoms[1], coords[idx1] , improper.atoms[2], coords[idx2] , improper.atoms[3], coords[idx3] , lK_psi, n); } } return(hessian); }
public static HessMatrix GetHessAnm(IList <Vector> coords, IList <double> cutoffs, string options = "") { if (coords.Count > 10000) { HDebug.ToDo("System size is too big. Use EnumHessAnmSpr() and other GetHessAnm()"); } //Debug.Assert(AnmHessianSelfTest()); HDebug.Assert(coords.Count == cutoffs.Count); double[] cutoffs2 = new double[cutoffs.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < cutoffs.Count; i++) { cutoffs2[i] = cutoffs[i] * cutoffs[i]; } double Epsilon = 0;// double.Epsilon; int n = coords.Count; HessMatrix hess = null; if (n < 100) { hess = HessMatrixDense.ZerosDense(n * 3, n * 3); } else { hess = HessMatrixSparse.ZerosSparse(n * 3, n * 3); } Action <int> comp_hess_i = delegate(int i) { if (coords[i] == null) { return; } //continue; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { if (i == j) { continue; } if (coords[j] == null) { continue; } Vector vec_ij = coords[j] - coords[i]; double dist2 = vec_ij.Dist2; double cutoff2 = Math.Max(cutoffs2[i], cutoffs2[j]); if (dist2 > cutoff2) { if (Epsilon == 0) { continue; } HDebug.Assert(hess[i * 3 + 0, j * 3 + 0] == 0); hess[i * 3 + 0, j *3 + 0] = Epsilon; HDebug.Assert(hess[i * 3 + 0, j * 3 + 1] == 0); hess[i * 3 + 0, j *3 + 1] = Epsilon; HDebug.Assert(hess[i * 3 + 0, j * 3 + 2] == 0); hess[i * 3 + 0, j *3 + 2] = Epsilon; HDebug.Assert(hess[i * 3 + 1, j * 3 + 0] == 0); hess[i * 3 + 1, j *3 + 0] = Epsilon; HDebug.Assert(hess[i * 3 + 1, j * 3 + 1] == 0); hess[i * 3 + 1, j *3 + 1] = Epsilon; HDebug.Assert(hess[i * 3 + 1, j * 3 + 2] == 0); hess[i * 3 + 1, j *3 + 2] = Epsilon; HDebug.Assert(hess[i * 3 + 2, j * 3 + 0] == 0); hess[i * 3 + 2, j *3 + 0] = Epsilon; HDebug.Assert(hess[i * 3 + 2, j * 3 + 1] == 0); hess[i * 3 + 2, j *3 + 1] = Epsilon; HDebug.Assert(hess[i * 3 + 2, j * 3 + 2] == 0); hess[i * 3 + 2, j *3 + 2] = Epsilon; continue; } Vector unit_ij = vec_ij.UnitVector(); double k_ij = 1; double val; val = k_ij * unit_ij[0] * unit_ij[0]; hess[i * 3 + 0, j *3 + 0] = Epsilon - val; hess[i * 3 + 0, i *3 + 0] += val; // hess[i*3+0, j*3+0] = Epsilon - k_ij * unit_ij[0]*unit_ij[0]; hess[i*3+0, i*3+0] += k_ij * unit_ij[0]*unit_ij[0]; val = k_ij * unit_ij[0] * unit_ij[1]; hess[i * 3 + 0, j *3 + 1] = Epsilon - val; hess[i * 3 + 0, i *3 + 1] += val; // hess[i*3+0, j*3+1] = Epsilon - k_ij * unit_ij[0]*unit_ij[1]; hess[i*3+0, i*3+1] += k_ij * unit_ij[0]*unit_ij[1]; val = k_ij * unit_ij[0] * unit_ij[2]; hess[i * 3 + 0, j *3 + 2] = Epsilon - val; hess[i * 3 + 0, i *3 + 2] += val; // hess[i*3+0, j*3+2] = Epsilon - k_ij * unit_ij[0]*unit_ij[2]; hess[i*3+0, i*3+2] += k_ij * unit_ij[0]*unit_ij[2]; val = k_ij * unit_ij[1] * unit_ij[0]; hess[i * 3 + 1, j *3 + 0] = Epsilon - val; hess[i * 3 + 1, i *3 + 0] += val; // hess[i*3+1, j*3+0] = Epsilon - k_ij * unit_ij[1]*unit_ij[0]; hess[i*3+1, i*3+0] += k_ij * unit_ij[1]*unit_ij[0]; val = k_ij * unit_ij[1] * unit_ij[1]; hess[i * 3 + 1, j *3 + 1] = Epsilon - val; hess[i * 3 + 1, i *3 + 1] += val; // hess[i*3+1, j*3+1] = Epsilon - k_ij * unit_ij[1]*unit_ij[1]; hess[i*3+1, i*3+1] += k_ij * unit_ij[1]*unit_ij[1]; val = k_ij * unit_ij[1] * unit_ij[2]; hess[i * 3 + 1, j *3 + 2] = Epsilon - val; hess[i * 3 + 1, i *3 + 2] += val; // hess[i*3+1, j*3+2] = Epsilon - k_ij * unit_ij[1]*unit_ij[2]; hess[i*3+1, i*3+2] += k_ij * unit_ij[1]*unit_ij[2]; val = k_ij * unit_ij[2] * unit_ij[0]; hess[i * 3 + 2, j *3 + 0] = Epsilon - val; hess[i * 3 + 2, i *3 + 0] += val; // hess[i*3+2, j*3+0] = Epsilon - k_ij * unit_ij[2]*unit_ij[0]; hess[i*3+2, i*3+0] += k_ij * unit_ij[2]*unit_ij[0]; val = k_ij * unit_ij[2] * unit_ij[1]; hess[i * 3 + 2, j *3 + 1] = Epsilon - val; hess[i * 3 + 2, i *3 + 1] += val; // hess[i*3+2, j*3+1] = Epsilon - k_ij * unit_ij[2]*unit_ij[1]; hess[i*3+2, i*3+1] += k_ij * unit_ij[2]*unit_ij[1]; val = k_ij * unit_ij[2] * unit_ij[2]; hess[i * 3 + 2, j *3 + 2] = Epsilon - val; hess[i * 3 + 2, i *3 + 2] += val; // hess[i*3+2, j*3+2] = Epsilon - k_ij * unit_ij[2]*unit_ij[2]; hess[i*3+2, i*3+2] += k_ij * unit_ij[2]*unit_ij[2]; } }; if (options.Split(';').Contains("parallel")) { System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, n, comp_hess_i); } else { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { comp_hess_i(i); } } return(hess); }
//public static void GetHessImproper(IList<Vector> coords, IEnumerable<Universe.Improper> impropers, double? K_psi, MatrixSparse<MatrixByArr> hessian // , bool useArnaud96=true // ) //{ // int size = coords.Count; // HDebug.AssertAllEquals(size, hessian.ColSize, hessian.RowSize); // // double sqrt2 = Math.Sqrt(2); // // foreach(Universe.Improper improper in impropers) // { // int idx0 = improper.atoms[0].ID; if(coords[idx0] == null) continue; // int idx1 = improper.atoms[1].ID; if(coords[idx1] == null) continue; // int idx2 = improper.atoms[2].ID; if(coords[idx2] == null) continue; // int idx3 = improper.atoms[3].ID; if(coords[idx3] == null) continue; // double lK_psi = (K_psi != null)? K_psi.Value : improper.Kpsi; // double n = sqrt2; // make (K_chi * n^2 / 2 == K_chi) when calling ThirdTermN(IList<Vector> caArray, double K_phi, double n) // // lK_psi = lK_psi*2; // n = 1; // HDebug.Assert(lK_psi >= 0); // ThirdTermN(coords, lK_psi, n, hessian, idx0, idx1, idx2, idx3, useArnaud96: useArnaud96); // } //} public static HessMatrix GetHessDihedral(IList <Vector> coords, IEnumerable <Universe.Dihedral> dihedrals, double?K_chi, double?n, HessMatrix hessian, bool useAbsSpr = false , bool useArnaud96 = false) { Action <Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, double, double> collector = null; return(GetHessDihedral(coords, dihedrals, K_chi, n, hessian, collector, useAbsSpr: useAbsSpr, useArnaud96: useArnaud96)); }
public static CGetHessCoarseResiIterImpl GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_Matlab(HessMatrix H, List <int>[] lstNewIdxRemv, double thres_zeroblk) { HessMatrix CGH = null; List <HessCoarseResiIterInfo> iterinfos = new List <HessCoarseResiIterInfo>(); using (new Matlab.NamedLock("CGHessIter")) { Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("CG.H", H.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3); Matlab.PutValue("", thres_zeroblk); Matlab.PutValue("CG.iter", lstNewIdxRemv.Length); for (int iter = lstNewIdxRemv.Length - 1; iter >= 0; iter--) { int[] iremv = lstNewIdxRemv[iter].ToArray(); int[] idxkeep = HEnum.HEnumFromTo(0, iremv.Min() - 1).ToArray(); int[] idxremv = HEnum.HEnumFromTo(iremv.Min(), iremv.Max()).ToArray(); Matlab.PutVector("CG.idxkeep", idxkeep); Matlab.PutVector("CG.idxremv", idxremv); Matlab.Execute("CG.idxkeep = sort([CG.idxkeep*3+1; CG.idxkeep*3+2; CG.idxkeep*3+3]);"); Matlab.Execute("CG.idxremv = sort([CG.idxremv*3+1; CG.idxremv*3+2; CG.idxremv*3+3]);"); HessCoarseResiIterInfo iterinfo = new HessCoarseResiIterInfo(); iterinfo.sizeHessBlkMat = idxremv.Max() + 1; // H.ColBlockSize; iterinfo.numAtomsRemoved = idxremv.Length; iterinfo.idxkeep = idxkeep.HClone(); iterinfo.idxremv = idxremv.HClone(); iterinfo.time0 = DateTime.UtcNow; if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached) { int maxkeep = Matlab.GetValueInt("max(CG.idxkeep)"); int minremv = Matlab.GetValueInt("min(CG.idxremv)"); HDebug.Assert(maxkeep + 1 == minremv); int maxremv = Matlab.GetValueInt("max(CG.idxremv)"); int Hsize = Matlab.GetValueInt("max(size(CG.H))"); HDebug.Assert(Hsize == maxremv); int idxsize = Matlab.GetValueInt("length(union(CG.idxkeep,CG.idxremv))"); HDebug.Assert(Hsize == idxsize); } Matlab.Execute("CG.A = CG.H(CG.idxkeep, CG.idxkeep);"); Matlab.Execute("CG.B = CG.H(CG.idxkeep, CG.idxremv);"); //Matlab.Execute("CG.C = CG.H(CG.idxremv, CG.idxkeep);"); Matlab.Execute("CG.D = CG.H(CG.idxremv, CG.idxremv);"); HDebug.Assert(false); Matlab.Execute("CG.B(abs(CG.B) < = 0;"); /// matlab cannot handle this call. Matlab try to use 20G memory. Matlab.Execute("CG.BDC = CG.B * inv(full(CG.D)) * CG.B';"); Matlab.Execute("CG.BDC = sparse(CG.BDC);"); Matlab.Execute("CG.BDC(abs(CG.BDC) < ( / CG.iter)) = 0;"); Matlab.Execute("CG.H = CG.A - sparse(CG.BDC);"); iterinfo.numSetZeroBlock = -1; iterinfo.numNonZeroBlock = -1; iterinfo.numAddIgnrBlock = -1; iterinfo.usedMemoryByte = -1; iterinfo.time1 = DateTime.UtcNow; iterinfos.Add(iterinfo); System.Console.WriteLine(" - {0:000} : makezero {1,5}, nonzero {2,5}, numIgnMul {3,7}, numRemvAtoms {4,3}, {5,5:0.00} sec, {6} mb, {7}x{7}" , iter , iterinfo.numSetZeroBlock , iterinfo.numNonZeroBlock , iterinfo.numAddIgnrBlock , iterinfo.numAtomsRemoved , iterinfo.compSec , iterinfo.usedMemoryByte / (1024 * 1024) , (idxkeep.Length * 3) ); } Matrix CG_H = Matlab.GetMatrix("CG.H"); CGH = new HessMatrixDense { hess = CG_H }; } return(new CGetHessCoarseResiIterImpl { iterinfos = iterinfos, H = CGH, }); }
public static HessMatrix GetHessDihedral (IList <Vector> coords, IEnumerable <Universe.Dihedral> dihedrals, double?K_chi, double?n, HessMatrix hessian , Action <Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, double, double> collector , bool useAbsSpr = false , bool useArnaud96 = false ) { int size = coords.Count; if (hessian == null) { hessian = HessMatrixSparse.ZerosSparse(size * 3, size * 3); } foreach (Universe.Dihedral dihedral in dihedrals) { int idx0 = dihedral.atoms[0].ID; if (coords[idx0] == null) { continue; } int idx1 = dihedral.atoms[1].ID; if (coords[idx1] == null) { continue; } int idx2 = dihedral.atoms[2].ID; if (coords[idx2] == null) { continue; } int idx3 = dihedral.atoms[3].ID; if (coords[idx3] == null) { continue; } double lK_chi = (K_chi != null)? K_chi.Value : dihedral.Kchi; double ln = (n != null)? n.Value : dihedral.n; if (useAbsSpr) { /// /// ========================================================================== /// Dear all, Recently I found a parameter file for some carbohydrates, like /// NAG and FUC, which described the dihedral angle as following: /// /// OC CC CTS CTS -1.2007 1 0.0 /// OC CC CTS CTS -0.3145 2 0.0 /// OC CC CTS CTS -0.0618 3 0.0 /// CA OSL SL O2L 0.0000 3 0.0 /// CA CA OSL SL 0.0000 3 0.0 /// /// In some entries the values of the Kchi for the dihedral angle are 0 or /// negatives. But this value usually is a positive. I understand that the /// kchi value reflect the flexibility of the dihedral, so what do the /// negatives here mean? Thanks a million. /// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// May I ask where you found these parameters? /// /// Although the negative values violate the convention, they are not /// incorrect. Switching the sign of the amplitude is mathematically /// equivalent to reversing the phase. (See the class I potential energy /// function, as discussed in any paper or textbook on the subject.) In other /// words, -1.2 1 0 is equivalent to 1.2 1 180. CHARMM handles this correctly. /// ========================================================================== /// htna: /// Still "taking absolute value" is not a good choice, but because there is /// no option that I can taek, maybe this is OK in this situation, in order /// to avoid negative springs. lK_chi = Math.Abs(lK_chi); } HDebug.Assert(lK_chi >= 0); ThirdTermN(coords, lK_chi, ln, hessian, idx0, idx1, idx2, idx3, useArnaud96: useArnaud96); if (collector != null) { collector (dihedral.atoms[0], coords[idx0] , dihedral.atoms[1], coords[idx1] , dihedral.atoms[2], coords[idx2] , dihedral.atoms[3], coords[idx3] , lK_chi, ln); } } return(hessian); }
private static HessMatrix Get_BInvDC (HessMatrix A , HessMatrix C , HessMatrix D , bool process_disp_console , string[] options , bool parallel = false ) { HessMatrix B_invD_C; Dictionary <int, int> Cbr_CCbr = new Dictionary <int, int>(); List <int> CCbr_Cbr = new List <int>(); foreach (ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> bc_br_bval in C.EnumBlocks()) { int Cbr = bc_br_bval.Item2; if (Cbr_CCbr.ContainsKey(Cbr) == false) { HDebug.Assert(Cbr_CCbr.Count == CCbr_Cbr.Count); int CCbr = Cbr_CCbr.Count; Cbr_CCbr.Add(Cbr, CCbr); CCbr_Cbr.Add(Cbr); HDebug.Assert(CCbr_Cbr[CCbr] == Cbr); } } HessMatrix CC = HessMatrixSparse.ZerosSparse(C.ColSize, Cbr_CCbr.Count * 3); { Action <ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> > func = delegate(ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> bc_br_bval) { int Cbc = bc_br_bval.Item1; int CCbc = Cbc; int Cbr = bc_br_bval.Item2; int CCbr = Cbr_CCbr[Cbr]; var bval = bc_br_bval.Item3; lock (CC) CC.SetBlock(CCbc, CCbr, bval); }; if (parallel) { Parallel.ForEach(C.EnumBlocks(), func); } else { foreach (var bc_br_bval in C.EnumBlocks()) { func(bc_br_bval); } } } if (process_disp_console) { System.Console.Write("squeezeC({0,6}->{1,6} blk), ", C.RowBlockSize, CC.RowBlockSize); } { /// If a diagonal element of D is null, that row and column should be empty. /// This assume that the atom is removed. In this case, the removed diagonal block /// is replace as the 3x3 identity matrix. /// /// [B1 0] [ A 0 ]^-1 [C1 C2 C3] = [B1 0] [ A^-1 0 ] [C1 C2 C3] /// [B2 0] [ 0 I ] [ 0 0 0] [B2 0] [ 0 I^-1 ] [ 0 0 0] /// [B3 0] [B3 0] /// = [B1.invA 0] [C1 C2 C3] /// [B2.invA 0] [ 0 0 0] /// [B3.invA 0] /// = [B1.invA.C1 B1.invA.C2 B1.invA.C3] /// [B2.invA.C1 B2.invA.C2 B2.invA.C3] /// [B3.invA.C1 B3.invA.C2 B3.invA.C3] /// { //HDebug.Exception(D.ColBlockSize == D.RowBlockSize); for (int bi = 0; bi < D.ColBlockSize; bi++) { if (D.HasBlock(bi, bi) == true) { continue; } //for(int bc=0; bc< D.ColBlockSize; bc++) HDebug.Exception( D.HasBlock(bc, bi) == false); //for(int br=0; br< D.RowBlockSize; br++) HDebug.Exception( D.HasBlock(bi, br) == false); //for(int br=0; br<CC.RowBlockSize; br++) HDebug.Exception(CC.HasBlock(bi, br) == false); D.SetBlock(bi, bi, new double[3, 3] { { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 } }); } } HessMatrixSparse BB_invDD_CC; using (new Matlab.NamedLock("")) { Matlab.Execute("clear;"); if (process_disp_console) { System.Console.Write("matlab("); } Matlab.PutMatrix("C", CC); if (process_disp_console) { System.Console.Write("C"); //Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("C", CC.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3); } Matlab.PutMatrix("D", D); if (process_disp_console) { System.Console.Write("D"); } { // Matlab.Execute("BinvDC = (C' / D) * C;"); if (options != null && options.Contains("pinv(D)")) { string msg = Matlab.Execute("BinvDC = (C' / D) * C;", true); if (msg != "") { Matlab.Execute("BinvDC = C' * pinv(D) * C;"); } } else { Matlab.Execute("BinvDC = (C' / D) * C;"); } } if (process_disp_console) { System.Console.Write("X"); } /// » whos /// Name Size Bytes Class Attributes /// // before compressing C matrix /// C 1359x507 5512104 double // C 1359x1545 16797240 double /// CC 1359x507 198464 double sparse // CC 1359x1545 206768 double sparse /// D 1359x1359 14775048 double // D 1359x1359 14775048 double /// DD 1359x1359 979280 double sparse // DD 1359x1359 979280 double sparse /// ans 1x1 8 double /// /// » tic; for i=1:30; A=(C' / D) * C; end; toc dense * dense * dense => 8.839463 seconds. (win) /// Elapsed time is 8.839463 seconds. /// » tic; for i=1:30; AA=(CC' / DD) * CC; end; toc sparse * sparse * sparse => 27.945534 seconds. /// Elapsed time is 27.945534 seconds. /// » tic; for i=1:30; AAA=(C' / DD) * C; end; toc sparse * dense * sparse => 29.136144 seconds. /// Elapsed time is 29.136144 seconds. /// » /// » tic; for i=1:30; A=(C' / D) * C; end; toc dense * dense * dense => 8.469071 seconds. (win) /// Elapsed time is 8.469071 seconds. /// » tic; for i=1:30; AA=(CC' / DD) * CC; end; toc sparse * sparse * sparse => 28.309953 seconds. /// Elapsed time is 28.309953 seconds. /// » tic; for i=1:30; AAA=(C' / DD) * C; end; toc sparse * dense * sparse => 28.586375 seconds. /// Elapsed time is 28.586375 seconds. Matrix BBinvDDCC = Matlab.GetMatrix("BinvDC", true); if (process_disp_console) { System.Console.Write("Y"); } //Matlab.Execute("[i,j,s] = find(sparse(BinvDC));"); //int[] listi = Matlab.GetVectorInt("i"); //int[] listj = Matlab.GetVectorInt("j"); //double[] lists = Matlab.GetVector("s"); //int colsize = Matlab.GetValueInt("size(BinvDC,1)"); //int rowsize = Matlab.GetValueInt("size(BinvDC,2)"); //Matrix BBinvDDCC = Matrix.Zeros(colsize, rowsize); //for(int i=0; i<listi.Length; i++) // BBinvDDCC[listi[i], listj[i]] = lists[i]; //GC.Collect(0); BB_invDD_CC = HessMatrixSparse.FromMatrix(BBinvDDCC, parallel); if (process_disp_console) { System.Console.Write("Z), "); } Matlab.Execute("clear;"); } //GC.Collect(0); B_invD_C = HessMatrixSparse.ZerosSparse(C.RowSize, C.RowSize); { // for(int bcc=0; bcc<CCbr_Cbr.Count; bcc++) // { // int bc = CCbr_Cbr[bcc]; // for(int brr=0; brr<CCbr_Cbr.Count; brr++) // { // int br = CCbr_Cbr[brr]; // HDebug.Assert(B_invD_C.HasBlock(bc, br) == false); // if(BB_invDD_CC.HasBlock(bcc, brr) == false) // continue; // var bval = BB_invDD_CC.GetBlock(bcc, brr); // B_invD_C.SetBlock(bc, br, bval); // HDebug.Exception(A.HasBlock(bc, bc)); // HDebug.Exception(A.HasBlock(br, br)); // } // } Action <ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> > func = delegate(ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> bcc_brr_bval) { int bcc = bcc_brr_bval.Item1; int brr = bcc_brr_bval.Item2; var bval = bcc_brr_bval.Item3; int bc = CCbr_Cbr[bcc]; int br = CCbr_Cbr[brr]; lock (B_invD_C) B_invD_C.SetBlock(bc, br, bval); }; if (parallel) { Parallel.ForEach(BB_invDD_CC.EnumBlocks(), func); } else { foreach (var bcc_brr_bval in BB_invDD_CC.EnumBlocks()) { func(bcc_brr_bval); } } } } GC.Collect(0); return(B_invD_C); }
public static HessMatrix GetHessBond (IList <Vector> coords, IEnumerable <Universe.Bond> bonds, double?K_r, HessMatrix hessian , Action <Universe.Atom, Vector, Universe.Atom, Vector, double> collector ) { Matrix pwspr = null; return(GetHessBond(coords, bonds, K_r, hessian, pwspr, collector)); }
public static HessRTB GetHessRTB(HessMatrix hess, Vector[] coords, double[] masses, IList <int[]> blocks, string opt) { #region check pre-condition { HDebug.Assert(coords.Length == hess.ColBlockSize); // check hess matrix HDebug.Assert(coords.Length == hess.RowBlockSize); // check hess matrix HDebug.Assert(coords.Length == blocks.HMerge().HToHashSet().Count); // check hess contains all blocks HDebug.Assert(coords.Length == blocks.HMerge().Count); // no duplicated index in blocks } #endregion List <Vector> Ps = new List <Vector>(); foreach (int[] block in blocks) { List <Vector> PBlk = new List <Vector>(); switch (opt) { case "v1": // GetRotate is incorrect PBlk.AddRange(GetTrans(coords, masses, block)); PBlk.AddRange(GetRotate(coords, masses, block)); break; case "v2": PBlk.AddRange(GetRotTran(coords, masses, block)); break; case null: goto case "v2"; } { // PBlk = ToOrthonormal (coords, masses, block, PBlk.ToArray()).ToList(); /// /// Effect of making orthonormal is not significant as below table, but consumes time by calling SVD /// Therefore, skip making orthonormal /// ========================================================================================================================================================= /// model | making orthonormal?| | MSF corr , check sparsity , overlap weighted by eigval : overlap of mode 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, ... /// ========================================================================================================================================================= /// NMA | orthonormal by SVD | RTB | corr 0.9234, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.5911 : 0.82,0.79,0.74,0.69,0.66,0.63,0.60,0.59,0.56,0.54) /// | orthogonal | RTB | corr 0.9230, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.5973 : 0.83,0.80,0.75,0.70,0.67,0.64,0.60,0.59,0.58,0.55) /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// scrnNMA | orthonormal by SVD | RTB | corr 0.9245, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.5794 : 0.83,0.78,0.73,0.68,0.65,0.62,0.60,0.58,0.55,0.55) /// | orthogonal | RTB | corr 0.9243, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.5844 : 0.83,0.78,0.73,0.68,0.66,0.62,0.60,0.58,0.55,0.55) /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// sbNMA | orthonormal by SVD | RTB | corr 0.9777, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.6065 : 0.93,0.89,0.86,0.81,0.75,0.71,0.69,0.66,0.63,0.62) /// | orthogonal | RTB | corr 0.9776, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.6175 : 0.94,0.90,0.87,0.82,0.76,0.73,0.71,0.69,0.66,0.63) /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// ssNMA | orthonormal by SVD | RTB | corr 0.9677, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.5993 : 0.92,0.87,0.83,0.77,0.72,0.69,0.66,0.63,0.60,0.59) /// | orthogonal | RTB | corr 0.9675, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.6076 : 0.92,0.88,0.84,0.78,0.73,0.70,0.67,0.64,0.62,0.60) /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// eANM | orthonormal by SVD | RTB | corr 0.9870, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.5906 : 0.95,0.91,0.87,0.83,0.77,0.73,0.71,0.68,0.66,0.61) /// | orthogonal | RTB | corr 0.9869, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.6014 : 0.95,0.92,0.88,0.84,0.78,0.74,0.73,0.70,0.67,0.65) /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// AA-ANM | orthonormal by SVD | RTB | corr 0.9593, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.4140 : 0.94,0.90,0.85,0.78,0.74,0.72,0.66,0.64,0.61,0.61) /// | orthogonal | RTB | corr 0.9589, spcty(all NaN, ca NaN), wovlp 0.4204 : 0.94,0.91,0.85,0.80,0.76,0.73,0.68,0.66,0.63,0.61) } Ps.AddRange(PBlk); } Matrix P = Matrix.FromColVectorList(Ps); Matrix PHP; Matrix PMP; using (new Matlab.NamedLock("")) { if (hess is HessMatrixSparse) { Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("H", hess.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3); } else if (hess is HessMatrixDense) { Matlab.PutMatrix("H", hess, true); } else { HDebug.Exception(); } Matlab.PutMatrix("P", P, true); Matlab.PutVector("M", masses); Matlab.Execute("M=diag(reshape([M,M,M]',length(M)*3,1));"); Matlab.Execute("PHP = P'*H*P; PHP = (PHP + PHP')/2;"); Matlab.Execute("PMP = P'*M*P; PMP = (PMP + PMP')/2;"); PHP = Matlab.GetMatrix("PHP", true); PMP = Matlab.GetMatrix("PMP", true); } return(new HessRTB { hess = hess, coords = coords, masses = masses, blocks = blocks, P = P, PHP = PHP, PMP = PMP, }); }
public static HessMatrix GetHessVdw(IList <Vector> coords, IEnumerable <Universe.AtomPack> pairs, double?Epsilon, string opt, HessMatrix hessian) { int size = coords.Count; if (hessian == null) { hessian = HessMatrixSparse.ZerosSparse(size * 3, size * 3); } foreach (Universe.AtomPack pair in pairs) { Universe.Atom atom0 = pair.atoms.First(); Universe.Atom atom1 = pair.atoms.Last(); int idx0 = atom0.ID; if (coords[idx0] == null) { continue; } int idx1 = atom1.ID; if (coords[idx1] == null) { continue; } double lEpsilon; if (Epsilon != null) { lEpsilon = Epsilon.Value; } else { switch (opt) { case "gromacs": { double eps0 = atom0.ConvertGromacsToCharmm.eps; double eps1 = atom1.ConvertGromacsToCharmm.eps; lEpsilon = Math.Sqrt(eps0 * eps1); } break; default: { double eps0 = atom0.epsilon; double eps1 = atom1.epsilon; lEpsilon = Math.Sqrt(eps0 * eps1); } break; } } FourthTerm(coords, lEpsilon, hessian, idx0, idx1); FourthTerm(coords, lEpsilon, hessian, idx1, idx0); } return(hessian); }
public static CGetHessCoarseResiIterImpl GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_ILinAlg(HessMatrix H, List <int>[] lstNewIdxRemv, double thres_zeroblk, ILinAlg ila, bool cloneH) { if (cloneH) { H = H.CloneHess(); } bool process_disp_console = true; DateTime[] process_time = new DateTime[7]; //System.Console.WriteLine("begin coarse-graining"); List <HessCoarseResiIterInfo> iterinfos = new List <HessCoarseResiIterInfo>(); for (int iter = lstNewIdxRemv.Length - 1; iter >= 0; iter--) { if (process_disp_console) { process_time[0] = DateTime.UtcNow; System.Console.Write(" - {0:000} : ", iter); } //int[] ikeep = lstNewIdxRemv[iter].Item1; int[] iremv = lstNewIdxRemv[iter].ToArray(); HDebug.Assert(H.ColBlockSize == H.RowBlockSize); int blksize = H.ColBlockSize; //HDebug.Assert(ikeep.Max() < blksize); //HDebug.Assert(iremv.Max() < blksize); //HDebug.Assert(iremv.Max()+1 == blksize); //HDebug.Assert(iremv.Max() - iremv.Min() + 1 == iremv.Length); int[] idxkeep = HEnum.HEnumFromTo(0, iremv.Min() - 1).ToArray(); int[] idxremv = HEnum.HEnumFromTo(iremv.Min(), iremv.Max()).ToArray(); //HDebug.Assert(idxkeep.HUnionWith(idxremv).Length == blksize); HessCoarseResiIterInfo iterinfo = new HessCoarseResiIterInfo(); iterinfo.sizeHessBlkMat = idxremv.Max() + 1; // H.ColBlockSize; iterinfo.numAtomsRemoved = idxremv.Length; iterinfo.time0 = DateTime.UtcNow; double C_density0 = double.NaN; double C_density1 = double.NaN; { //HessMatrix A = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxkeep, idxkeep); HessMatrix A = H; //HessMatrix B = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxkeep, idxremv); HessMatrix C = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxremv, idxkeep); if (process_disp_console) { process_time[1] = DateTime.UtcNow; System.Console.Write("C({0:00.00} min), ", (process_time[1] - process_time[0]).TotalMinutes); } HessMatrix D = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxremv, idxremv); if (process_disp_console) { process_time[2] = DateTime.UtcNow; System.Console.Write("D({0:00.00} min), ", (process_time[2] - process_time[1]).TotalMinutes); } HessMatrix invD = new HessMatrixDense { hess = ila.InvSymm(D) }; if (process_disp_console) { process_time[3] = DateTime.UtcNow; System.Console.Write("invD({0:00.00} min), ", (process_time[3] - process_time[2]).TotalMinutes); } // make B,C sparse //int B_cntzero = B.MakeNearZeroBlockAsZero(thres_zeroblk); C_density0 = C.RatioUsedBlocks; iterinfo.numSetZeroBlock = C.MakeNearZeroBlockAsZero(thres_zeroblk); if (process_disp_console) { process_time[4] = DateTime.UtcNow; System.Console.Write("sparseC({0:00.00} min), ", (process_time[4] - process_time[3]).TotalMinutes); } //int B_nzeros = B.NumUsedBlocks; double B_nzeros_ = Math.Sqrt(B_nzeros); iterinfo.numNonZeroBlock = C.NumUsedBlocks; C_density1 = C.RatioUsedBlocks; HessMatrix B = C.Tr(); HessMatrix B_invD_C = HessMatrix.GetMul(ila, B, invD, C); /* B * invD * C;*/ if (process_disp_console) { process_time[5] = DateTime.UtcNow; System.Console.Write("B.invD.C({0:00.00} min), ", (process_time[5] - process_time[4]).TotalMinutes); } iterinfo.numAddIgnrBlock = A.UpdateAdd(B_invD_C, -1, null, thres_zeroblk / lstNewIdxRemv.Length); if (process_disp_console) { process_time[6] = DateTime.UtcNow; System.Console.Write("A+BinvDC({0:00.00} min), ", (process_time[6] - process_time[5]).TotalMinutes); } //HessMatrix nH = A - B_invD_C; //nH = ((nH + nH.Tr())/2).ToHessMatrix(); H = A; } iterinfo.usedMemoryByte = GC.GetTotalMemory(false); iterinfo.time1 = DateTime.UtcNow; iterinfos.Add(iterinfo); if (process_disp_console) { System.Console.WriteLine("summary(makezero {0,5}, nonzero {1,5}, numIgnMul {2,7}, numRemvAtoms {3,3}, {4,5:0.00} sec, {5} mb, {6}x{6}, nzeroBlk/Atom {7:0.00})" , iterinfo.numSetZeroBlock , iterinfo.numNonZeroBlock , iterinfo.numAddIgnrBlock , iterinfo.numAtomsRemoved , iterinfo.compSec , iterinfo.usedMemoryByte / (1024 * 1024) , (idxkeep.Length * 3) , ((double)iterinfo.numNonZeroBlock / idxremv.Length) ); } GC.Collect(0); } int numca = H.ColBlockSize - lstNewIdxRemv.HListCount().Sum(); //System.Console.WriteLine("finish coarse-graining"); { int[] idxkeep = HEnum.HEnumCount(numca).ToArray(); H = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxkeep, idxkeep, false); } { H.MakeNearZeroBlockAsZero(thres_zeroblk); } GC.Collect(0); //System.Console.WriteLine("finish resizing"); return(new CGetHessCoarseResiIterImpl { iterinfos = iterinfos, H = H, }); }
public static HessMatrix operator/(HessMatrix left, double right) { HessMatrix mat = left.CloneHess(); mat.UpdateMul(1 / right); return(mat); }