/// <summary> /// 手工保存拣货计划 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnSaveDetail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LWareLocatorBB wareLocatorBB = new LWareLocatorBB(); LMaterialBB materialBB = new LMaterialBB(); UStockBB stockBB = new UStockBB(); SCommBB commBB = new SCommBB(); CStockUpDetailBB stockUpDetailBB = new CStockUpDetailBB(); LMaterialRelationBB materialRelationBB = new LMaterialRelationBB(); try { #region 验证数据是否填写完整 string strErrorInfo = "", strWareNo = "", strWareNm = "", strWareLocatorNm = "", strMaterialDesc = "", strWhere = ""; //strStockUpMaterialNo = "", strPalletIndex = "" DataTable dtWareLocator = new DataTable(); DataTable dtMaterial = new DataTable(); DataTable dtStock = new DataTable(); DataTable dtStockUpDetail = new DataTable(); DataRow[] myDataRowArray = null; bool isRightMaterial = false; int planNum = 0, factNum = 0; #region 校验填写库位 if (this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim() == "") { strErrorInfo = "请首先填写库位!"; this.txtWareLocarorNo.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } dtWareLocator = wareLocatorBB.GetVList("wareLocatorNo='" + this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim() + "'").Tables[0]; if (dtWareLocator.Rows.Count == 0) { strErrorInfo = "请首先填写正确库位!"; this.txtWareLocarorNo.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } strWareNo = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNo"].ToString();//库区编码 strWareNm = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareNm"].ToString();//库区名称 strWareLocatorNm = dtWareLocator.Rows[0]["wareLocatorNm"].ToString();//库位名称 if (strWareNo != "GLHJ01" && strWareNo != "GLHJ02" && this.txtPalletNo.Value.Trim() == "") { strErrorInfo = "请首先填写托盘号!"; this.txtPalletNo.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } #endregion 校验填写库位 #region 校验填写物料 if (this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() == "") { strErrorInfo = "请首先填写物料编号!"; this.txtMaterialNo.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } dtMaterial = materialBB.GetVList("materialNo='" + this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() + "'").Tables[0]; if (dtMaterial.Rows.Count == 0) { strErrorInfo = "请首先填写正确物料!"; this.txtMaterialNo.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } strMaterialDesc = dtMaterial.Rows[0]["materialNm_CH"].ToString();//物料描述 //strStockUpMaterialNo = this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim().ToUpper();//计划备货物料 #endregion 校验填写物料 #region 校验填写数量 if (this.tbNum.Text.Trim() == "") { strErrorInfo = "请首先填写数量!"; this.tbNum.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } if (!CommFunction.IsInt(this.tbNum.Text.Trim())) { strErrorInfo = "数量格式错误!"; this.tbNum.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } if (Convert.ToInt32(this.tbNum.Text.Trim()) <= 0) { strErrorInfo = "数量必须大于0!"; this.tbNum.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } //校验拣货数量是否超出计划备货数量 strWhere = "stockUpBillNo='" + this.stockUpBillNo.Text.Trim() + "' and palletIndex='" + this.PalletIndex + "' and materialNo='" + this.StockUpMaterialNo + "'"; if (this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() != "") { strWhere += " and financeBillNo='" + this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() + "'"; } if (this.SaleBillNo != "" && this.SaleBillNo != "0") { strWhere += " and saleBillNo='" + this.SaleBillNo + "'"; } if (this.LineNum != "" && this.LineNum != "0") { strWhere += " and lineNum='" + this.LineNum + "'"; } if (this.AbsEntry != "" && this.AbsEntry != "0") { strWhere += " and absEntry='" + this.AbsEntry + "'"; } dtStockUpDetail = stockUpDetailBB.GetList(strWhere).Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow row in dtStockUpDetail.Rows) { planNum += Convert.ToInt32(dtStockUpDetail.Rows[0]["num"]);//计算计划备货数量 } //计算实际备货数量 strWhere = "isDel=0 and stockUpBillNo='" + this.stockUpBillNo.Text.Trim() + "' and palletIndex='" + this.PalletIndex + "' and stockUpMaterialNo='" + this.StockUpMaterialNo + "'"; if (this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() != "") { strWhere += " and financeBillNo='" + this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() + "'"; } if (this.SaleBillNo != "" && this.SaleBillNo != "0") { strWhere += " and saleBillNo='" + this.SaleBillNo + "'"; } if (this.LineNum != "" && this.LineNum != "0") { strWhere += " and lineNum='" + this.LineNum + "'"; } if (this.AbsEntry != "" && this.AbsEntry != "0") { strWhere += " and absEntry='" + this.AbsEntry + "'"; } myDataRowArray = this.DtResult.Select(strWhere); foreach (DataRow row in myDataRowArray) { factNum += Convert.ToInt32(row["num"]); } if (factNum + Convert.ToInt32(this.tbNum.Text.Trim()) > planNum) { if (this.SaleBillNo != "" && this.SaleBillNo != "0") { strErrorInfo = "托盘【" + this.PalletIndex + "】的提货单【" + this.AbsEntry + "】销售订单【" + this.SaleBillNo + "】行号【" + this.LineNum + "】物料【" + this.StockUpMaterialNo + "】计划备货【" + planNum.ToString() + "】,已经备货【" + factNum + "】,填写数量超出还需要备货数量!"; } else { strErrorInfo = "托盘【" + this.PalletIndex + "】的物料【" + this.StockUpMaterialNo + "】计划备货【" + planNum.ToString() + "】,已经备货【" + factNum + "】,填写数量超出还需要备货数量!"; } this.tbNum.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } #endregion 校验填写数量 #region 判断是否重复拣货 strWhere = "isDel=0 and palletIndex='" + this.PalletIndex + "' and wareLocatorNo='" + this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim() + "' and materialNo='" + this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() + "'"; if (this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() != "") { strWhere += " and financeBillNo='" + this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() + "'"; } if (this.SaleBillNo != "" && this.SaleBillNo != "0") { strWhere += " and saleBillNo='" + this.SaleBillNo + "'"; } if (this.LineNum != "" && this.LineNum != "0") { strWhere += " and lineNum='" + this.LineNum + "'"; } if (this.AbsEntry != "" && this.AbsEntry != "0") { strWhere += " and absEntry='" + this.AbsEntry + "'"; } myDataRowArray = this.DtResult.Select(strWhere); if (myDataRowArray.Length > 0) { if (this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() == "") { if (this.SaleBillNo != "" && this.SaleBillNo != "0") { strErrorInfo = "托盘【" + this.PalletIndex + "】的提货单【" + this.AbsEntry + "】销售订单【" + this.SaleBillNo + "】行号【" + this.LineNum + "】已经从库位【" + this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim() + "】中拣出物料【" + this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() + "】,请首先删除原有记录,再添加新记录!"; } else { strErrorInfo = "托盘【" + this.PalletIndex + "】已经从库位【" + this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim() + "】中拣出物料【" + this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() + "】,请首先删除原有记录,再添加新记录!"; } } else { if (this.SaleBillNo != "" && this.SaleBillNo != "0") { strErrorInfo = "托盘【" + this.PalletIndex + "】的提货单【" + this.AbsEntry + "】销售订单【" + this.SaleBillNo + "】行号【" + this.LineNum + "】已经从库位【" + this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim() + "】中拣出采购合同【" + this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() + "】的物料【" + this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() + "】,请首先删除原有记录,再添加新记录!"; } else { strErrorInfo = "托盘【" + this.PalletIndex + "】已经从库位【" + this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim() + "】中拣出采购合同【" + this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() + "】的物料【" + this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() + "】,请首先删除原有记录,再添加新记录!"; } } this.txtMaterialNo.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } #endregion 判断是否重复拣货 #region 根据库位、物料、采购合同号,判断是否有货 strWhere = "wareLocatorNo='" + this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim() + "' and materialNo='" + this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() + "'"; if (this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() != "") { strWhere += " and financeBillNo='" + this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() + "'"; } dtStock = stockBB.GetVList(strWhere).Tables[0]; if (dtStock.Rows.Count == 0) { if (this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() == "") { strErrorInfo = "库位【" + this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim() + "】中不存在物料【" + this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() + "】!"; } else { strErrorInfo = "库位【" + this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim() + "】中不存在采购合同【" + this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() + "】的物料【" + this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() + "】!"; } this.txtMaterialNo.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } #endregion 根据库位、物料、采购合同号,判断是否有货 #region 校验物料是否是需要拣出的物料 if (this.StockUpMaterialNo == this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim()) { isRightMaterial = true; } else { DataTable dtConvertMaterial = new DataTable(); dtConvertMaterial = materialRelationBB.GetList("newMaterialNo='" + this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim() + "'").Tables[0]; if (dtConvertMaterial.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in dtConvertMaterial.Rows) { if (this.StockUpMaterialNo == row["oldMaterialNo"].ToString()) { isRightMaterial = true; break; } } } } if (isRightMaterial == false) { strErrorInfo = "当前物料不在备货计划内!"; this.txtMaterialNo.Focus(); this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "showFloatDetail();alert('" + strErrorInfo + "');", true); return; } #endregion 校验物料是否是需要拣出的物料 #endregion 验证数据是否填写完整 DataRow myDataRow = this.DtResult.NewRow(); myDataRow["rowId"] = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); myDataRow["id"] = 0; myDataRow["num"] = this.tbNum.Text.Trim(); myDataRow["stockUpBillNo"] = ""; myDataRow["palletIndex"] = this.PalletIndex;//托盘序号 myDataRow["wareNo"] = strWareNo; myDataRow["wareLocatorNo"] = this.txtWareLocarorNo.Value.Trim().ToUpper(); myDataRow["palletNo"] = this.txtPalletNo.Value.Trim(); myDataRow["stockUpMaterialNo"] = this.StockUpMaterialNo;//计划备货物料 myDataRow["materialNo"] = this.txtMaterialNo.Value.Trim();//实际拣货物料 myDataRow["wareNm"] = strWareNm; myDataRow["wareLocatorNm"] = strWareLocatorNm; myDataRow["materialDesc"] = strMaterialDesc; myDataRow["instantState"] = "01"; myDataRow["financeBillNo"] = this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim().ToUpper();//采购合同号 myDataRow["financeBillSort"] = this.txtFinanceBillNo.Value.Trim() == "" ? "备货" : "按单";//采购合同类型 myDataRow["saleBillNo"] = this.SaleBillNo;//销售订单号 myDataRow["docEntry"] = this.DocEntry;//销售订单ID myDataRow["lineNum"] = this.LineNum;//销售订单行号 myDataRow["absEntry"] = this.AbsEntry;//提货单号 myDataRow["isDel"] = false; this.DtResult.Rows.Add(myDataRow); this.BindGridPickOutPlan();//绑定拣货明细列表 } finally { wareLocatorBB.Dispose(); materialBB.Dispose(); stockBB.Dispose(); commBB.Dispose(); stockUpDetailBB.Dispose(); materialRelationBB.Dispose(); } }
public string GetStockUpNewPalletNo(string strStockUpBillNo, int palletIndex) { CStockUpDetailBB stockUpDetailBB = new CStockUpDetailBB(); try { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = stockUpDetailBB.GetList("stockUpBillNo='" + strStockUpBillNo + "' and palletIndex=" + palletIndex.ToString()).Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (row["palletNo"] != DBNull.Value) { return row["palletNo"].ToString(); } } return ""; } finally { stockUpDetailBB.Dispose(); } }