/// <summary> /// Render this control to the output parameter specified. /// </summary> /// <param name="output"> The HTML writer to write out to </param> protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter output) { PageErrors errors = PageErrors.getErrors(null, Page); if (errors != null) { if (name == null) { if (!errors.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); ResourceManager rm = DBUtils.getResourceManager(); CultureInfo ci = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture; if (showPrompt) { b.Append(rm.GetString("validate.prompt", ci)); } foreach (Error s in errors.globalErrors) { b.Append("\n" + s.getPrompt(errors.db, rm, ci)); } if (showFieldErrors) { foreach (string key in errors.errors.Keys) { Error er = errors.getError(key); b.Append("\n - " + er.getPrompt(errors.db, rm, ci)); } } writeError(output, b, Page, errors); if (isPopup) { output.Write("<script defer>alert(\""); output.Write(b.ToString().Replace("\n", "\\n")); output.Write("\");</script>"); } else { output.Write(HTMLUtils.toHTMLText(b.ToString())); } } } else { if (errors.hasError(name)) { ResourceManager rm = DBUtils.getResourceManager(); Error er = errors.getError(name); output.Write("<span style=\"color:#ff0000\">"); output.Write(er.getFieldPrompt(errors.db, rm)); output.Write("</span>"); } } } }
public override void toControl(Hashtable values) { object o = values[name]; if (o != null) { bool found = false; List <WFSelectValue> list = vl.getValues(Binding.DBConn, filter, null); foreach (WFSelectValue sv in list) { if (sv.key.Equals(o)) { o = sv.name; found = true; break; } } if (found || showInvalid) { c.Text = HTMLUtils.toHTMLText(o.ToString()); } else { c.Text = ""; } } else { c.Text = ""; } }
public override void toControl(Hashtable values) { object o = values[name]; if (o != null) { // if(field.vl!=null) // o=field.vl.load(o.ToString()); c.Value = HTMLUtils.toHTMLText(o.ToString()); } else { c.Value = ""; } }
public override void toControl(Hashtable values) { object o = values[name]; if (o != null) { string v; if (field.property.PropertyType == typeof(bool)) { bool b = o.Equals("True"); v = DBUtils.getResourceManager().GetString(b ? "value.true" : "value.false"); if (v == null) { v = b.ToString(); } } else { if (format != null) { if (field.property.PropertyType == typeof(Int32)) { if (o.Equals("")) { v = ""; } else { int t = Convert.ToInt32(o); v = t.ToString(format); } } else if (field.property.PropertyType == typeof(double)) { if (o.Equals("")) { v = ""; } else { double t = (double)field.convert(o); v = t.ToString(format); } } else { v = o.ToString(); } } else { v = o.ToString(); } } c.Text = HTMLUtils.toHTMLText(v); } else { c.Text = ""; } }
public string getValue(object v, string name) { object s = null; if (v is DataRowView) { DataRowView r = (DataRowView)v; s = r[name]; } else if (v is DataRow) { DataRow r = (DataRow)v; s = r[name]; } else if (v is DBObject) { System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propInfo = v.GetType().GetProperty(name); if (propInfo != null) { s = propInfo.GetValue(v, null); } } if (s == null || Convert.IsDBNull(s)) { return(""); } if (db != null) { DBField f = db.getField(name); if (f != null && f.transcoder != null) { s = f.transcoder.fromDB(s); } } Hashtable map = (Hashtable)values[name]; if (map != null && s != null) { object s1 = map[s.ToString()]; if (s1 == null) { try { s1 = map[Convert.ToInt32(s)]; } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } if (s1 != null) { s = s1; } } s = s.ToString().Trim(); return(HTMLUtils.toHTMLText(s.ToString())); }
public string getFValue(object v, string name, string format) { object s = null; if (v.GetType() == typeof(DataRowView)) { DataRowView r = (DataRowView)v; s = r[name]; } else if (v is DataRow) { DataRow r = (DataRow)v; s = r[name]; } else if (v is DBObject) { System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propInfo = v.GetType().GetProperty(name); if (propInfo != null) { s = propInfo.GetValue(v, null); } } if (s == null || Convert.IsDBNull(s)) { return(""); } if (db != null) { DBField f = db.getField(name); if (f != null && f.transcoder != null) { s = f.transcoder.fromDB(s); } } Hashtable map = (Hashtable)values[name]; if (map != null && s != null) { object s1 = map[s.ToString()]; if (s1 == null) { try { s1 = map[Convert.ToInt32(s)]; } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } if (s1 != null) { s = s1; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(format) && db != null) { DBField field = db.getField(name); if (field != null) { s = field.populateValue(s); } else { s = s.ToString().Trim(); } } else if (s is DateTime) { DateTime dt = (DateTime)s; if (dt.Ticks == 0) { return(""); } if (format != null) { return(((DateTime)s).ToString(format)); } } else if (s is decimal) { if (format != null) { s = ((decimal)s).ToString(format); } } else if (s is double) { if (Double.IsNaN((double)s)) { s = ""; } else if (format != null) { s = ((double)s).ToString(format); } } else if (s is float) { if (float.IsNaN((float)s)) { s = ""; } else if (format != null) { s = ((float)s).ToString(format); } } else if (s is int) { if (format != null) { s = ((int)s).ToString(format); } } else if (s is long) { if (format != null) { s = ((long)s).ToString(format); } } return(HTMLUtils.toHTMLText(s.ToString().Trim())); }