public void DelData() { string idlist = Parameters["pparm"]; OEQuestionBankBiz biz = new OEQuestionBankBiz(); ErrorEntity ErrInfo = new ErrorEntity(); biz.Delete(idlist, out ErrInfo); Response.Write(ErrInfo.ToJson()); }
public void GetGridData() { string _searchcontent = ""; string _sortname = ""; string _sortdirection = ""; string _pagenumber = ""; string _pagesize = ""; _searchcontent = Parameters["psearchcontent"]; _sortname = Parameters["psortname"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_sortname)) { sSortName = _sortname; } _sortdirection = Parameters["psortdirection"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_sortdirection)) { sSortDirection = _sortdirection; } _pagenumber = Parameters["ppagenumber"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_pagenumber)) { sPageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(_pagenumber); } _pagesize = Parameters["ppagesize"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_pagesize)) { sPageSize = Convert.ToInt32(_pagesize); } List<OEQuestionBank> lists = new List<OEQuestionBank>(); OEQuestionBankBiz biz = new OEQuestionBankBiz(); string _searchtext = _searchcontent; string wheresql = ""; string _searchclassid = Parameters["psearchclassid"]; OEContentClassBiz ccbiz = new OEContentClassBiz(); string _idlist = ""; ccbiz.GetChildrenIdList(_searchclassid, ref _idlist); wheresql = "( FContentClassId in (" + _idlist + ")) "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_searchtext)) { //difine wheresql //for example:wheresql = " (FDepartmentName like '%" + _searchtext + "%') or (FDepartmentCode like '%" + _searchtext + "%')"; wheresql += " and (FQBankName like '%" + _searchtext + "%')"; } else { wheresql += " and (1=1)"; } NameValueCollection where = new NameValueCollection(); where.Add("condition", wheresql); NameValueCollection orderby = new NameValueCollection(); orderby.Add(_sortname, _sortdirection); Int32 totalcount = 0; lists = biz.Select(where, orderby, Convert.ToInt32(sPageIndex), Convert.ToInt32(sPageSize), out totalcount); string datasource = Utils.GetRepeaterDatasource(lists, sPageIndex, sPageSize, totalcount); Response.Write(datasource); }
public void GetBankList() { string pcontentclassid = Parameters["pcontentclassid"]; OEContentClassBiz ccbiz = new OEContentClassBiz(); string ccidlist = ""; ccbiz.GetChildrenIdList(pcontentclassid, ref ccidlist); List<OEQuestionBank> lists = new List<OEQuestionBank>(); OEQuestionBankBiz biz = new OEQuestionBankBiz(); NameValueCollection where = new NameValueCollection(); where.Add("condition", "(FQBankStatus = '1') and (FContentClassId in (" + ccidlist + "))"); lists = biz.Select(where); Response.Write(Utils.ConvertToJson(lists)); }
public Boolean ChkHasQuestionBank(string idlist) { NameValueCollection where = new NameValueCollection(); where.Add("condition", "FContentClassId in (" + idlist + ")"); OEQuestionBankBiz biz = new OEQuestionBankBiz(); if (biz.Select(where).Count > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } }
public void GetQuestionBank() { string _classid = Parameters["pclassid"]; OEContentClassBiz biz = new OEContentClassBiz(); string _idlist = ""; biz.GetChildrenIdList(_classid, ref _idlist); OEQuestionBankBiz QBBiz = new OEQuestionBankBiz(); NameValueCollection where = new NameValueCollection(); where.Add("condition", "FContentClassId in (" + _idlist + ")"); NameValueCollection orderby = new NameValueCollection(); orderby.Add("FQBankCode", "asc"); List<OEQuestionBank> lists = new List<OEQuestionBank>(); lists = QBBiz.Select(where, orderby); Response.Write(Utils.ConvertToJson(lists)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { string _id = Parameters["qid"]; item = new HQOnlineExam.ML.OEQuestion(); OEQuestionBiz biz = new OEQuestionBiz(); item = biz.Select(_id); List<OEQuestionBank> lists = new List<OEQuestionBank>(); OEQuestionBankBiz QBbiz = new OEQuestionBankBiz(); NameValueCollection where = new NameValueCollection(); where.Add("FContentClassId",item.FContentClassId.ToString()); NameValueCollection orderby = new NameValueCollection(); orderby.Add("FQBankCode","asc"); lists = QBbiz.Select(where, orderby); AddDatasource("QBankList", lists); } }
public void UpdateStatus() { string _id = Parameters["pid"]; string _status = Parameters["pstatus"]; OEQuestionBankBiz biz = new OEQuestionBankBiz(); ErrorEntity ErrInfo = new ErrorEntity(); biz.UpdateStatus(_id, _status, out ErrInfo); Response.Write(ErrInfo.ToJson()); }
public void SaveItem() { string _FQBankId = Parameters["pFQBankId"]; // other paramters fill here string _FContentClassId = Parameters["pFContentClassId"]; string _FQBankCode = Parameters["FQBankCode"]; string _FQBankName = Parameters["pFQBankName"]; string _FQBankContent = Parameters["pFQBankContent"]; OEQuestionBank item = new OEQuestionBank(); item.FQBankId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(_FQBankId) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt64(_FQBankId); item.FContentClassId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(_FContentClassId) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt64(_FContentClassId); item.FQBankCode = _FQBankCode; item.FQBankName = _FQBankName; item.FQBankContent = _FQBankContent; OEQuestionBankBiz biz = new OEQuestionBankBiz(); ErrorEntity ErrInfo = new ErrorEntity(); if (item.FQBankId == 0) { biz.Insert(item, out ErrInfo); } else { biz.Update(item, out ErrInfo); } Response.Write(ErrInfo.ToJson()); }
public void GetItem() { string _id = Parameters["pid"]; OEQuestionBank item = new OEQuestionBank(); OEQuestionBankBiz biz = new OEQuestionBankBiz(); item = biz.Select(_id); if (item == null) { Response.Write(""); } else { Response.Write(item.ToJson()); } }