예제 #1
 public void ActionSaveNew(ModBaoCaoSuCoModel model)
     if (ValidSave(model))
         SaveNewRedirect(model.RecordID, entity.ID);
예제 #2
 public void ActionApply(ModBaoCaoSuCoModel model)
     if (ValidSave(model))
         ApplyRedirect(model.RecordID, entity.ID);
예제 #3
 public void ActionSave(ModBaoCaoSuCoModel model)
     if (ValidSave(model))
예제 #4
        public void ActionIndex(ModBaoCaoSuCoModel model)
            // sap xep tu dong
            string orderBy = AutoSort(model.Sort);

            DateTime?dFrom = null;
            DateTime?dTo   = null;
            DateTime?f     = HL.Core.Global.Convert.ToDateTime(model.From, DateTime.MinValue);
            DateTime?t     = HL.Core.Global.Convert.ToDateTime(model.To, DateTime.MaxValue);
            DateTime?from  = f != DateTime.MinValue ? f : dFrom != null ? dFrom : null;
            DateTime?to    = t != DateTime.MaxValue ? t : dTo != null ? dTo : null;

            model.From = from != null?HL.Core.Global.Convert.ToDateTime(from).ToShortDateString() : "";

            model.To = to != null?HL.Core.Global.Convert.ToDateTime(to).ToShortDateString() : "";

            // Search theo user
            var user = CPUserService.Instance.CreateQuery()
                       .Where(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.SearchText), o => o.LoginName.Contains(model.SearchText))
            string s = "";

            if (user != null)
                s = string.Join(",", user.Select(o => o.ID).ToArray());

            // Lay user chiu trach nhiem xu ly su co
            int userTrachNhiem = 0;

            if (CPLogin.CurrentUser.IsAdministrator == false)
                userTrachNhiem = CPLogin.CurrentUser.ID;

            // tao danh sach
            var dbQuery = ModBaoCaoSuCoService.Instance.CreateQuery()
                          .Where(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.SearchText) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(s), o => o.Title.Contains(model.SearchText))
                          .WhereIn(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s), o => o.UserID, s)
                          .Where(model.State > 0, o => (o.State & model.State) == model.State)
                          .Where(userTrachNhiem > 0, o => o.UserID2 == userTrachNhiem)
                          .Where(model.ThanhVienID > 0, o => o.UserID == model.ThanhVienID)
                          .Where(model.MenuID1 > 0, o => o.MenuID1 == model.MenuID1)
                          .Where(from != null, o => o.Published >= from)
                          .Where(to != null, o => o.Published <= to)
                          .WhereIn(o => o.MenuID, WebMenuService.Instance.GetChildIDForCP("BaoCaoSuCo", model.MenuID, model.LangID))
                          .Skip(model.PageIndex * model.PageSize);

            ViewBag.Data      = dbQuery.ToList();
            model.TotalRecord = dbQuery.TotalRecord;
            ViewBag.Model     = model;
예제 #5
        public void ActionAdd(ModBaoCaoSuCoModel model)
            // Lay user chiu trach nhiem xu ly su co
            int userTrachNhiem = 0;

            if (CPLogin.CurrentUser.IsAdministrator == false)
                userTrachNhiem = CPLogin.CurrentUser.ID;

            if (model.RecordID > 0)
                entity = ModBaoCaoSuCoService.Instance.GetByID(model.RecordID);

                if (userTrachNhiem > 0)
                    if (entity.UserID2 != userTrachNhiem)
                        CPViewPage.Message.MessageType = Message.MessageTypeEnum.Notice;
                        CPViewPage.SetMessage("Bản ghi không tồn tại.");
                        CPViewPage.Response.Redirect(CPViewPage.Request.RawUrl.Replace("Add.aspx", "Index.aspx"));

                // khoi tao gia tri mac dinh khi update
                entity.UserID1    = CPLogin.CurrentUser.ID;
                entity.Published1 = DateTime.Now;
                entity = new ModBaoCaoSuCoEntity();

                // khoi tao gia tri mac dinh khi insert
                entity.MenuID    = model.MenuID;
                entity.Published = DateTime.Now;
                entity.Activity  = CPViewPage.UserPermissions.Approve;
                entity.Order     = GetMaxOrder(model);

            ViewBag.Data  = entity;
            ViewBag.Model = model;
예제 #6
 private int GetMaxOrder(ModBaoCaoSuCoModel model)
            .Max(o => o.Order)
            .ToValue().ToInt(0) + 1);
예제 #7
        private bool ValidSave(ModBaoCaoSuCoModel model)

            //chong hack
            entity.ID = model.RecordID;

            ViewBag.Data  = entity;
            ViewBag.Model = model;

            CPViewPage.Message.MessageType = Message.MessageTypeEnum.Error;

            //kiem tra quyen han
            if ((model.RecordID < 1 && !CPViewPage.UserPermissions.Add) || (model.RecordID > 0 && !CPViewPage.UserPermissions.Edit))
                CPViewPage.Message.ListMessage.Add("Quyền hạn chế.");

            // kiem tra ten su co
            if (entity.Title.Trim() == string.Empty)
                CPViewPage.Message.ListMessage.Add("Nhập tên sự cố.");

            //kiem tra ten
            if (entity.Name.Trim() == string.Empty)
                CPViewPage.Message.ListMessage.Add("Nhập tên tổ chức.");

            //kiem tra chuyen muc
            if (entity.MenuID < 1)
                CPViewPage.Message.ListMessage.Add("Chọn chuyên mục.");

            if (CPViewPage.Message.ListMessage.Count == 0)
                //neu khong nhap code -> tu sinh
                if (entity.Code.Trim() == string.Empty)
                    entity.Code = Data.GetCode(entity.Name);

                //cap nhat state
                entity.State = GetState(model.ArrState);

                entity.Published2 = null;
                string trangThai = WebMenuService.Instance.GetByID(entity.MenuID).Code;
                if (trangThai == "KetThuc")
                    entity.Published2 = DateTime.Now;



예제 #8
        public void ActionExport(ModBaoCaoSuCoModel model)
            // sap xep tu dong
            string orderBy = AutoSort(model.Sort);

            DateTime?dFrom = null;
            DateTime?dTo   = null;
            DateTime?f     = HL.Core.Global.Convert.ToDateTime(model.From, DateTime.MinValue);
            DateTime?t     = HL.Core.Global.Convert.ToDateTime(model.To, DateTime.MaxValue);
            DateTime?from  = f != DateTime.MinValue ? f : dFrom != null ? dFrom : null;
            DateTime?to    = t != DateTime.MaxValue ? t : dTo != null ? dTo : null;

            model.From = from != null?HL.Core.Global.Convert.ToDateTime(from).ToShortDateString() : "";

            model.To = to != null?HL.Core.Global.Convert.ToDateTime(to).ToShortDateString() : "";

            // Search theo user
            var user = CPUserService.Instance.CreateQuery()
                       .Where(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.SearchText), o => o.LoginName.Contains(model.SearchText))
            string s = "";

            if (user != null)
                s = string.Join(",", user.Select(o => o.ID).ToArray());

            // Lay user chiu trach nhiem xu ly su co
            int userTrachNhiem = 0;

            if (CPLogin.CurrentUser.IsAdministrator == false)
                userTrachNhiem = CPLogin.CurrentUser.ID;

            // tao danh sach
            var dbQuery = ModBaoCaoSuCoService.Instance.CreateQuery()
                          .Where(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.SearchText) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(s), o => o.Title.Contains(model.SearchText))
                          .WhereIn(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s), o => o.UserID, s)
                          .Where(model.State > 0, o => (o.State & model.State) == model.State)
                          .Where(userTrachNhiem > 0, o => o.UserID2 == userTrachNhiem)
                          .Where(model.ThanhVienID > 0, o => o.UserID == model.ThanhVienID)
                          .Where(model.MenuID1 > 0, o => o.MenuID1 == model.MenuID1)
                          .Where(from != null, o => o.Published >= from)
                          .Where(to != null, o => o.Published <= to)
                          .WhereIn(o => o.MenuID, WebMenuService.Instance.GetChildIDForCP("BaoCaoSuCo", model.MenuID, model.LangID))
            var listEntity = dbQuery.ToList();

            if (listEntity == null)
                CPViewPage.SetMessage("Không có dữ liệu.");

            //khai báo tập hợp bản ghi excel
            List <List <object> > list = new List <List <object> >();
            //khai báo 1 dòng excel
            List <object> _list = null;

            for (int i = 0; listEntity != null && listEntity.Count > 0 && i < listEntity.Count; i++)
                var user1 = CPUserService.Instance.GetByID(listEntity[i].UserID);
                var user2 = CPUserService.Instance.GetByID(listEntity[i].UserID2);
                _list = new List <object>();

                // Loai su co
                WebMenuEntity menu1 = WebMenuService.Instance.GetByID(listEntity[i].MenuID1);

                // Trang thai
                WebMenuEntity menu = WebMenuService.Instance.GetByID(listEntity[i].MenuID);

                _list.Add(string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", listEntity[i].Published));

            //ghi exel
            string temp_file = CPViewPage.Server.MapPath("~/Data/upload/files/Excel/BaoCaoSuCo_" +
                                                         string.Format("{0:yyyy_MM_dd}", DateTime.Now) + ".xlsx");
            string filePath = CPViewPage.Server.MapPath("~/TTPortal/Templates/Export_BaoCaoSuCo.xlsx");

            Excel.Export(list, 1, filePath, temp_file);

            CPViewPage.Response.ContentType = "application/excel";
            CPViewPage.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(temp_file));
