public void ShowOrHideListModels(WheelTimerPickerViewModel viewModel)
            if (_oldViewModel == viewModel)
                // click twice on the same item will hide it
                viewModel.IsVisible = !viewModel.IsVisible;
                viewModel.InEdit    = !viewModel.InEdit;
                if (_oldViewModel != null)
                    // hide previous selected item
                    _oldViewModel.IsVisible = false;
                    _oldViewModel.InEdit    = false;
                // show selected item
                viewModel.IsVisible = true;
                viewModel.InEdit    = true;

            _oldViewModel = viewModel;
        private void UpdateViews(WheelTimerPickerViewModel view)
            var index = TimerPickersViewModel.IndexOf(view);

            TimerPickersViewModel.Insert(index, view);
        public IntervalsPageViewModel(Tts TextToSpeech, GeolocationService geolocationService)
            TimerPickersViewModel.Add(new WheelTimerPickerViewModel
                Name      = "Walking Duration",
                IsVisible = true,
                InEdit    = true,
                Time      = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0) //tobind with default val

            TimerPickersViewModel.Add(new WheelTimerPickerViewModel
                Name      = "Running Duration",
                IsVisible = false,
                InEdit    = false,
                Time      = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0) //to bind with default val

            _locationService = geolocationService;
            _locationService.SpeedErrorrAreaOFMonoticity = 3; // acceptble error area of 2 km/h
            _locationService.PartialSpeedGraphSize       = 15;
            Task.Run(async() => { await _locationService.GetPermissions(); });
            _oldViewModel             = TimerPickersViewModel[0];
            _textToSpeach             = TextToSpeech;
            RightButtonClickedCommand = new Command(() => OnRightButtonClicked());
            EditButtonClickedCommand  = new Command(() => OnEditButtonClicked());
            LeftButtonClickedCommand  = new Command(() => OnLeftButtonClicked());
            StartTimerCommand         = new Command(() => StartTimer());
            PauseTimerCommand         = new Command(() => PauseTimer());
            CancelTimerCommand        = new Command(() => CancelTimer());