public void AddAssetBundleToDic(AssetBundlePackage bundle) { if (!allAssetBundleDic.ContainsKey( { allAssetBundleDic.Add(, bundle); } }
private IEnumerator m_LoadAssetBundleFromFileAsync(string assetBundleName) { string[] list = Instance.GetAssetBundleDependencies(assetBundleName); if (list.Length != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++) { yield return(StartCoroutine(m_LoadAssetBundleFromFileAsync(list[i]))); } } if (!allAssetBundleDic.ContainsKey(assetBundleName)) { AssetBundleCreateRequest request = AssetBundle.LoadFromFileAsync(AutoGetResourcePath(assetBundleName, false)); //HFLog.L("异步加载AssetBundle " + assetBundleName); yield return(request); if (!allAssetBundleDic.ContainsKey(assetBundleName)) { AssetBundle bundle = request.assetBundle; AssetBundlePackage tmpAssetBundle = new AssetBundlePackage(bundle, assetBundleName); AddAssetBundleToDic(tmpAssetBundle); } } else { AssetBundlePackage ab = allAssetBundleDic[assetBundleName]; ab.Retain(); //HFLog.L("异步 通过缓存加载"); } }
/// <summary> /// 一般来说,尽可能使用AssetBundle.LoadFromFile。该API在速度,磁盘使用率和运行时内存使用方面是最有效的 /// </summary> public AssetBundlePackage LoadAssetBundleFromFile(string assetBundleName) { assetBundleName = assetBundleName.ToLower(); string[] list = Instance.GetAssetBundleDependencies(assetBundleName); if (list.Length != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++) { LoadAssetBundleFromFile(list[i]); } } if (!allAssetBundleDic.ContainsKey(assetBundleName)) { AssetBundle bundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(AutoGetResourcePath(assetBundleName, false)); AssetBundlePackage tmpAssetBundle = new AssetBundlePackage(bundle, assetBundleName); AddAssetBundleToDic(tmpAssetBundle); //HFLog.L("同步加载AssetBundle " + assetBundleName); return(tmpAssetBundle); } else { AssetBundlePackage ab = allAssetBundleDic[assetBundleName]; ab.Retain(); return(ab); } }
/// <summary> /// 使用这个方法 如果在编辑器首先需要在 EditorSetting 里把 SpritePacker 设置成Always Enabled 在运行之前build一下图集 才能显示 /// </summary> /// <param name="packageName">assetbundle名字</param> /// <param name="atlasName">图集名字</param> /// <param name="spriteName">图片名字</param> /// <returns></returns> public Sprite GetSpriteByAtlas(string packageName, string atlasName, string spriteName) { AssetBundlePackage ab = HFResourceManager.Instance.LoadAssetBundleFromFile(packageName); SpriteAtlas atlas = ab.LoadAssetWithCache <SpriteAtlas>(atlasName); return(atlas.GetSprite(spriteName)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取资源 在callback 之后自动卸载assetbundle 并且销毁对应的prefab /// </summary> /// <param name="packageName"></param> /// <param name="assetName"></param> /// <param name="autoKillPrefab"></param> /// <param name="callBack"></param> public void LoadPrefabWithAutoKill(string packageName, string assetName, Action <GameObject> callback) { AssetBundlePackage ab = HFResourceManager.Instance.LoadAssetBundleFromFile(packageName); GameObject prefab = ab.assetBundle.LoadAsset <GameObject>(assetName); callback(prefab); UnloadAssetBundle(ab, false); }
/// <summary> /// 获取资源 在callback 之后自动卸载assetbundle /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="packageName"></param> /// <param name="assetName"></param> /// <param name="callBack"></param> public void LoadAssetWithAutoKill <T>(string packageName, string assetName, Action <T> callback) where T : UnityEngine.Object { AssetBundlePackage ab = HFResourceManager.Instance.LoadAssetBundleFromFile(packageName); T ta = ab.assetBundle.LoadAsset <T>(assetName); callback(ta); UnloadAssetBundle(ab, false); }
public void UnloadAssetBundle(AssetBundlePackage bundle, bool b = true) { if (bundle != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( { //HFLog.L("卸载Assetbundle " +; allAssetBundleDic.Remove(; bundle.Unload(b); } }
/// <summary> /// 通用的以同步方式获取一个资源 封装了编辑器 和 ab 两种加载方法 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="packageName"></param> /// <param name="assetName"></param> /// <returns></returns> public T GetAsset <T>(string packageName, string assetName) where T : UnityEngine.Object { #if UNITY_EDITOR return(EditorLoadAsset <T>(packageName, assetName)); #else AssetBundlePackage ab = HFResourceManager.Instance.LoadAssetBundleFromFile(packageName); return(ab.LoadAssetWithCache <T>(assetName)); #endif }
/// <summary> /// 获取 Sprite 通过缓存 不会自动卸载 /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Sprite GetSprite(string packageName, string assetName) { #if UNITY_EDITOR return(EditorLoadAsset <Sprite>(packageName, assetName)); #else AssetBundlePackage ab = HFResourceManager.Instance.LoadAssetBundleFromFile(packageName); Sprite sp = ab.LoadAssetWithCache <Sprite>(assetName); return(sp); #endif }
/// <summary> /// 获取 GameObject 通过缓存 不会自动销毁 /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <returns></returns> public GameObject GetPrefab(string packageName, string assetName) { #if UNITY_EDITOR return(EditorLoadAsset <GameObject>(packageName, assetName)); #else AssetBundlePackage ab = HFResourceManager.Instance.LoadAssetBundleFromFile(packageName); GameObject g = ab.LoadAssetWithCache <GameObject>(assetName); return(g); #endif }
public void AnalysisConfig() { AssetBundlePackage pp = HFResourceManager.Instance.LoadAssetBundleFromFile("Common_Config"); TextAsset tt = pp.LoadAssetWithCache <TextAsset>("SpineExchangeConfig"); SpineEquipment ex = JsonMapper.ToObject <SpineEquipment>(tt.text); for (int i = 0; i < ex.Equipment.Count; i++) { EquipmentItem item = ex.Equipment[i]; equipmentInfoDic.Add(item.ID, item); } }
private IEnumerator m_LoadAssetBundleFromFileAsync(string assetBundleName, Action <AssetBundlePackage> finishCallback) { assetBundleName = assetBundleName.ToLower(); yield return(StartCoroutine(m_LoadAssetBundleFromFileAsync(assetBundleName))); if (finishCallback != null) { AssetBundlePackage ab = allAssetBundleDic[assetBundleName]; ab.Retain(); finishCallback(ab); } }
/// <summary> /// 卸载某一个 assetbundle 通过名字 /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <param name="b">是否卸载压出来的的东西</param> public void UnloadAssetBundle(string name, bool b = true) { name = name.ToLower(); AssetBundlePackage bundle = GetAssetBundle(name); if (bundle != null) { //HFLog.L("卸载Assetbundle " +; RecursionReleaseAssetBundle(; bundle.Unload(b); allAssetBundleDic.Remove(name); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取shader /// </summary> /// <param name="packageName"></param> /// <param name="abName"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Shader GetShader(string packageName, string assetName) { #if UNITY_EDITOR Shader shader = EditorLoadAsset <Shader>(packageName, assetName); Shader.WarmupAllShaders(); return(shader); #else AssetBundlePackage ab = HFResourceManager.Instance.LoadAssetBundleFromFile(packageName); Shader shader = ab.LoadAssetWithCache <Shader>(assetName); Shader.WarmupAllShaders(); return(shader); #endif }
/// <summary> /// 递归 Release AssetBundle /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> public void RecursionReleaseAssetBundle(string name) { AssetBundlePackage bundle = GetAssetBundle(name); if (bundle != null) { bundle.Release(); } string[] list = Instance.GetAssetBundleDependencies(name); for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++) { RecursionReleaseAssetBundle(list[i]); } }
void Awake() { Image image = GetComponent <Image>(); Image[] images = GetComponentsInChildren <Image>(); imageList = new List <Image>(images); if (image != null) { imageList.Add(image); } Button button = GetComponent <Button>(); Button[] buttons = GetComponentsInChildren <Button>(); buttonList = new List <Button>(buttons); if (button != null) { buttonList.Add(button); } Outline outline = GetComponent <Outline>(); Outline[] outlines = GetComponentsInChildren <Outline>(); outLineList = new List <Outline>(outlines); if (outline != null) { outLineList.Add(outline); } Text text = GetComponent <Text>(); Text[] texts = GetComponentsInChildren <Text>(); textList = new List <Text>(texts); if (text != null) { textList.Add(text); } foreach (var item in textList) { textColorList.Add(item.color); } AssetBundlePackage ab = HFResourceManager.Instance.LoadAssetBundleFromFile(assetBundleName); grayMaterial = ab.LoadAssetWithCache <Material>(assetName); }
public void LoadHotFixAssembly(string assetbundleName, string dllName, Action <byte[]> callback) { if (GameEnvironment.Instance.RuntimeEnvironment == GameEnvironmentType.Develop) { StartCoroutine(m_EditorLoadHotFixAssembly(assetbundleName, dllName, callback)); } else { AssetBundlePackage ab = HFResourceManager.Instance.LoadAssetBundleFromFile(assetbundleName); TextAsset text = ab.LoadAssetWithCache <TextAsset>(dllName + ".dll"); if (callback != null) { callback(text.bytes); } UnloadAssetBundle(ab, true); } }
public void ExchangeEquipmentAndMergeUI(SkeletonGraphic skeletonAnimation, List <EquipmentItem> infos) { for (int i = 0; i < infos.Count; i++) { EquipmentItem info = infos[i]; string regionName = info.equipmentImageName; string defaultSkinName = info.defaultSkinName; string spineEquipmentType = info.spineEquipmentTypeName; AssetBundlePackage assetbundle = HFResourceManager.Instance.LoadAssetBundleFromFile(info.equipmentAssetbundleName); AtlasAsset atlasAsset = assetbundle.LoadAssetWithCache <AtlasAsset>(info.equipmentAtlasAssetName); float scale = skeletonAnimation.skeletonDataAsset.scale; Atlas atlas = atlasAsset.GetAtlas(); AtlasRegion region = atlas.FindRegion(regionName); Slot slot = skeletonAnimation.Skeleton.FindSlot(info.slotName); Attachment originalAttachment = slot.Attachment; if (region == null) { HFLog.C("没有找到图集里的 : 图片 " + regionName); slot.Attachment = null; } else if (originalAttachment != null) { slot.Attachment = originalAttachment.GetRemappedClone(region, true, true, 1); } else { var newRegionAttachment = region.ToRegionAttachment(, scale); slot.Attachment = newRegionAttachment; } slot.Skeleton.Skin.SetAttachment(slot.Data.Index, info.slotPlaceholderName, slot.Attachment); } Skin repackedSkin = new Skin(RepackConst); repackedSkin.Append(skeletonAnimation.Skeleton.Data.DefaultSkin); // Include the "default" skin. (everything outside of skin placeholders) repackedSkin.Append(skeletonAnimation.Skeleton.Skin); // Include your new custom skin. Texture2D runtimeAtlas = null; Material runtimeMaterial = null; repackedSkin = repackedSkin.GetRepackedSkin(RepackConst, skeletonAnimation.SkeletonDataAsset.atlasAssets[0].materials[0], out runtimeMaterial, out runtimeAtlas); // Pack all the items in the skin. skeletonAnimation.Skeleton.SetSkin(repackedSkin); // Assign the repacked skin to your Skeleton. skeletonAnimation.Skeleton.SetSlotsToSetupPose(); // Use the pose from setup pose. skeletonAnimation.Update(0); // Use the pose in the currently active animation. skeletonAnimation.OverrideTexture = runtimeAtlas; }
/// <summary> /// 加载一系列 的assetbundle /// </summary> /// <param name="list"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <AssetBundlePackage> LoadAssetsBundlesFromFile(string[] list, Action <float> progressCallback) { List <AssetBundlePackage> bundles = new List <AssetBundlePackage>(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++) { AssetBundlePackage bundle = LoadAssetBundleFromFile(list[i]); if (bundle != null) { bundles.Add(bundle); } if (progressCallback != null) { progressCallback((bundles.Count + 0.0f) / list.Length); } } return(bundles); }
private IEnumerator m_LoadAssetsBundlesFromFileAsync(string[] list, Action <float> progressCallback) { List <AssetBundlePackage> bundles = new List <AssetBundlePackage>(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++) { AssetBundlePackage bundle = LoadAssetBundleFromFile(list[i]); if (bundle != null) { bundles.Add(bundle); } if (progressCallback != null) { progressCallback((bundles.Count + 0.0f) / list.Length); } yield return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// 替换spine部件 但是不合并材质球 /// </summary> /// <param name="skeletonAnimation"></param> /// <param name="item"></param> public void ExchangeEquipment(SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation, EquipmentItem item) { AssetBundlePackage pg = HFResourceManager.Instance.LoadAssetBundleFromFile(item.equipmentAssetbundleName); Texture2D equipmentTexture = pg.LoadAssetWithCache <Texture2D>(item.equipmentImageName); // 找到具体的一个 插槽 Slot slot = skeletonAnimation.skeleton.FindSlot(item.slotName); // 通过插槽和一张图片创建对应插槽下的附件 Attachment attachment = null; if (item.attachmentType == (int)AttachmentType.Region) { attachment = CreateRegionAttachmentByTexture(slot, equipmentTexture); } else if (item.attachmentType == (int)AttachmentType.Mesh) { attachment = CreateMeshAttachmentByTexture(slot, equipmentTexture); } // 设置新的附件到插槽 slot.Skeleton.Skin.SetAttachment(slot.Data.index, item.slotPlaceholderName, attachment); }