public void Emailgen(string name, string type) { DB_Connection dB_Connection = new DB_Connection(); string qry = "Select Company_Name from Usertb"; SqlDataReader dr = dB_Connection.getData(qry); dr.Read(); subject = dr["Company_Name"].ToString(); body = "Welcome to " + subject + " Hi " + name + "!" + " You are now " + type + " of " + subject + "Now you can mark your attendence using this QR code"; }
public reset_admin() { InitializeComponent(); string idqry = "SELECT * FROM Usertb WHERE Id = (SELECT MAX(Id) from Usertb ) "; DB_Connection dB_Connection = new DB_Connection(); SqlDataReader dr = dB_Connection.getData(idqry); if (dr.HasRows) { dr.Read(); string id = dr["Id"].ToString(); } }
private void fillpackagecombo() { string qry = "Select * from Packages"; DB_Connection dB_Connection = new DB_Connection(); SqlDataReader dr = dB_Connection.getData(qry); if (dr.HasRows) { while (dr.Read()) { string pack_name = dr["Package_Name"].ToString(); Package_cb.Items.Add(pack_name); } } }
private void dataGridView_Equipments_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { Equipment_View_dialoguebox eVD = new Equipment_View_dialoguebox(); dataGridView_Equipments.CurrentRow.Selected = true; string id = dataGridView_Equipments.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["Equip_ID"].Value.ToString(); eVD.lbl_eid.Text = dataGridView_Equipments.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["Equip_ID"].Value.ToString(); eVD.lbl_ename.Text = dataGridView_Equipments.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["Equip_Name"].Value.ToString(); eVD.lbl_etype.Text = dataGridView_Equipments.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["Equip_Type"].Value.ToString(); eVD.lbl_eprice.Text = dataGridView_Equipments.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["Equip_Amount"].Value.ToString(); string qry = "SELECT Equip_img1,Equip_img2,Equip_img3,Equip_img4 From Equipment Where Equip_ID = '" + id + "' "; Console.WriteLine(qry); DB_Connection dB_Connection = new DB_Connection(); SqlDataReader dr = dB_Connection.getData(qry); if (dr.HasRows) { dr.Read(); string Equip_img1 = dr["Equip_img1"].ToString(); string Equip_img2 = dr["Equip_img2"].ToString(); string Equip_img3 = dr["Equip_img3"].ToString(); string Equip_img4 = dr["Equip_img4"].ToString(); if (Equip_img1 != null) { eVD.equippicbox1.Image = new Bitmap(Equip_img1); } if (Equip_img2 != null) { eVD.equippicbox2.Image = new Bitmap(Equip_img2); } if (Equip_img3 != null) { eVD.equippicbox3.Image = new Bitmap(Equip_img3); } if (Equip_img4 != null) { eVD.equippicbox4.Image = new Bitmap(Equip_img4); } } eVD.ShowDialog(); }
private void dataGridView_StaffMembers_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { Staff_Member_View_dialogbox smv_d = new Staff_Member_View_dialogbox(); dataGridView_StaffMembers.CurrentRow.Selected = true; smv_d.lbl_smid_v.Text = dataGridView_StaffMembers.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["Id"].Value.ToString(); string id = dataGridView_StaffMembers.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["Id"].Value.ToString(); string qry = "Select Capture_path,QR_img_path from Staff_Member Where Id='" + id + "'"; DB_Connection dB_Connection = new DB_Connection(); SqlDataReader dr = dB_Connection.getData(qry); dr.Read(); string Capture_path = dr["Capture_path"].ToString(); string QR_img_path = dr["QR_img_path"].ToString(); if (Capture_path != null || Capture_path != "") { smv_d.Staff_member_dp_picturebox.Image = new Bitmap(Capture_path); } if (QR_img_path != null) { smv_d.Staff_member_qr_picturebox.Image = new Bitmap(QR_img_path); } smv_d.lbl_nod_v.Text = dataGridView_StaffMembers.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["NIC"].Value.ToString(); smv_d.lbl_smn_v.Text = dataGridView_StaffMembers.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["Name"].Value.ToString(); smv_d.lbl_jt_v.Text = dataGridView_StaffMembers.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["Job_Type"].Value.ToString(); smv_d.lbl_pq_v.Text = dataGridView_StaffMembers.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["Professional_qualifications"].Value.ToString(); smv_d.lbl_dob_v.Text = dataGridView_StaffMembers.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["DOB"].Value.ToString(); smv_d.lbl_jd_v.Text = dataGridView_StaffMembers.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["Joined_date"].Value.ToString(); smv_d.lbl_al_v.Text = dataGridView_StaffMembers.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["Address_living"].Value.ToString(); smv_d.lbl_mnpu_v.Text = dataGridView_StaffMembers.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["Mobile_no_public"].Value.ToString(); smv_d.lbl_mnpri_v.Text = dataGridView_StaffMembers.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["Mobile_no_private"].Value.ToString(); smv_d.lbl_ha_v.Text = dataGridView_StaffMembers.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["Home_address"].Value.ToString(); smv_d.lbl_ecnum_v.Text = dataGridView_StaffMembers.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["Emergency_Contact_Name"].Value.ToString(); smv_d.lbl_ecn_v.Text = dataGridView_StaffMembers.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["Emergency_Contact_Number"].Value.ToString(); smv_d.lbl_mail_v.Text = dataGridView_StaffMembers.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["Email"].Value.ToString(); smv_d.lbl_gender_v.Text = dataGridView_StaffMembers.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["Gender"].Value.ToString(); smv_d.ShowDialog(); }
private void textBox1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { if (memberid_tb.Text != "") { try { int id = int.Parse(memberid_tb.Text); DB_Connection dB_Connection = new DB_Connection(); SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(dB_Connection.connectionstring); con.Open(); string qry = "SELECT * FROM Members Where Id=@Id "; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(qry, con); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Id", id); SqlDataReader da = dB_Connection.getDatausing_a(cmd); if (da.HasRows) { while (da.Read()) { lbl_mname.Text = da.GetValue(2).ToString(); lbl_package_name.Text = da.GetValue(15).ToString(); string qrypack = "Select * From Packages where Package_Name='" + lbl_package_name.Text + "'"; DB_Connection dB_Connection1 = new DB_Connection(); SqlDataReader da2 = dB_Connection1.getData(qrypack); da2.Read(); lbl_fee.Text = da2["Fee"].ToString(); } con.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("There is no Staff Member by member id:" + id + "\nTry again with another Id"); } } catch (SqlException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } } }
public Addstaff() { InitializeComponent(); string idqry = "SELECT * FROM Staff_Member WHERE Id = (SELECT MAX(Id) from Staff_Member ) "; DB_Connection dB_Connection = new DB_Connection(); SqlDataReader dr = dB_Connection.getData(idqry); if (dr.HasRows) { dr.Read(); string num = dr["Id"].ToString(); int num_1 = int.Parse(num); labelSMID.Text = "Member id : " + (num_1 + 1).ToString(); staffmem_id = num_1 + 1; } else { labelSMID.Text = 1.ToString(); } }
public AddEquipments() { InitializeComponent(); string idqry = "SELECT * FROM Equipment WHERE Equip_ID = (SELECT MAX(Equip_ID) from Equipment ) "; DB_Connection dB_Connection = new DB_Connection(); SqlDataReader dr = dB_Connection.getData(idqry); if (dr.HasRows) { dr.Read(); string num = dr["Equip_ID"].ToString(); int num_1 = int.Parse(num); labelEID.Text = (num_1 + 1).ToString(); equip_id = num_1 + 1; } else { labelEID.Text = "1"; } }
public AddMembers() { InitializeComponent(); fillpackagecombo(); Gender_cb.Items.AddRange(new object[] { "Male", "Female" }); string idqry = "SELECT * FROM Members WHERE Id = (SELECT MAX(Id) from Members ) "; DB_Connection dB_Connection = new DB_Connection(); SqlDataReader dr = dB_Connection.getData(idqry); if (dr.HasRows) { dr.Read(); string num = dr["Id"].ToString(); int num_1 = int.Parse(num); labelMID.Text = "Member id : " + (num_1 + 1).ToString(); mem_id = num_1 + 1; } else { labelMID.Text = 1.ToString(); } }
private void btn_show_pwhint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DB_Connection dB_Connection = new DB_Connection(); string qry = "Select Password_Hint From Usertb"; SqlDataReader dr = dB_Connection.getData(qry); if (dr.HasRows) { dr.Read(); pw_hint_lbl.Text = "Password Hint is : " + dr["Password_Hint"].ToString(); pw_hint_lbl.Show(); } } catch (SqlException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string type = "Member"; string NIC = textBoxNIC.Text; string name = textboxName.Text; string DOB = this.dateTimePicker1.Text; string Gender = Gender_cb.Text; string Body_Type = textboxBodyType.Text; string Address = richTextBoxAddress.Text; string Mobile_Number = textboxMobileNumber.Text; string Health_Condition = richTextBoxHealthCondition.Text; string Emergency_Contact_Name = textboxEmergencyContactName.Text; string Emergency_Contact_Number = (textboxEmergencyContactPhoneNumber.Text); string joineddate = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); string Email = memEmail_tb.Text; string qrimgpath = Application.StartupPath.Substring(0, Application.StartupPath.Length - 10) + "\\Images\\Member QR\\" + mem_id + "memQR.jpg"; Console.WriteLine(qrimgpath); string packageName = Package_cb.Text; string qrsubject = (mem_id + NIC + name).ToString(); if (packageName != "") { //Insert Data to members table DB_Connection dB_Connection = new DB_Connection(); string insertqry = "INSERT INTO Members(NICorDL,MemberName,DOB,Gender,Body_Type,Address,Mobile_Number,Health_Condition,Emergency_Contact_Name,Emergency_Contact_Number,Member_dp,Email,QR_img_path,Joined_Date,Package_name) VALUES('" + NIC + "','" + name + "','" + DOB + "','" + Gender + "','" + Body_Type + "','" + Address + "'," + Mobile_Number + ",'" + Health_Condition + "','" + Emergency_Contact_Name + "','" + Emergency_Contact_Number + "','" + mem_imgpath + "','" + Email + "','" + qrimgpath + "','" + joineddate + "','" + packageName + "')"; dB_Connection.InsertData(insertqry); //get data from package table DB_Connection dB_Connection1 = new DB_Connection(); string qrypack = "Select * From Packages where Package_Name='" + packageName + "'"; SqlDataReader da2 = dB_Connection1.getData(qrypack); da2.Read(); //calculation string amount = da2["Fee"].ToString(); DateTime date = DateTime.Now.Date; string days = da2["Duration"].ToString(); Console.WriteLine(date.AddDays(int.Parse(days))); string due_date = date.AddDays(int.Parse(days)).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); //Insert Data to Payments table DB_Connection dB_Connection2 = new DB_Connection(); string qryinsertpay = "INSERT INTO Payment(mem_id,Name,package,due_date,amount,paid) VALUES('" + mem_id + "','" + name + "','" + packageName + "','" + due_date + "','" + amount + "','0')"; Console.WriteLine(qryinsertpay); dB_Connection2.InsertData(qryinsertpay); QRmailSender qRmailSender = new QRmailSender(); qRmailSender.qrgen(qrsubject, qrimgpath); if (Email != null) { DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show("This member has not provided an Email Address! So, You can print the QR code. Do you want to print it ?", "Print QR Code", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialog == DialogResult.Yes) { string filename = qrimgpath; var p = new Process(); p.StartInfo.FileName = filename; p.StartInfo.Verb = "print"; p.Start(); } } else { qRmailSender.Emailgen(name, type); qRmailSender.Emailsend(Email, qrimgpath); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Select package or check if you have added packages to the system!", "Warning!"); } }