public void updateAllRowWeatherAndValues() { for (int i = 0; i < allRowLines.Count; ++i) { swapColor(_lightPlayerColors[i], ConsoleColor.White); Player p = _context.players[i]; int playerCardAllignLeft = Utils.fieldStartHorizontal + i * Utils.fieldPerPlayerHorizontal; List <int> rowLines = allRowLines[i]; for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { RowEffect re = _context._rowEffectOn(j, p); clearLine(i, rowLines[j] - 1, rowLines[j]); Console.SetCursorPosition(playerCardAllignLeft, rowLines[j] + Utils.fieldStartVerticalOffset); Console.Write(String.Format("{2}{0}{1}", Utils.allRows[j], (re != null ? (" " + re.ToString()) : ""), (_context._scoreAtPlayersRow(p, j) + "").PadRight(4))); } Console.SetCursorPosition(playerCardAllignLeft, Utils.fieldStartVerticalOffset); Console.Write(String.Format("{1}{0}", p.ToString(), String.Format("{0} {2} {1}", _context._scoreOf(p), (p.passed ? "PASSED" : ""), ("".PadLeft(p.roundsWin, '*'))).PadRight(Utils.fieldPerPlayerHorizontal / 2 - 3)), Utils.fieldPerPlayerHorizontal); popColor(); } }
public void _removeRowEffect(Player player, int row, params CardPredicat[] filters) { RowEffect conflict = null; foreach (RowEffect r in rowEffects) { if (r.row == row && r.PlayerUnderEffect == player) { bool accepted = true; foreach (CardPredicat f in filters) { if (!f(r.Source)) { accepted = false; } } if (accepted) { conflict = r; } } } if (conflict != null) { rowEffects.Remove(conflict); } }
static Special Boon(string name, string description, TriggerTurnRowEffect trigger) { Special spec = new Special(); spec.setAttributes(Clan.neutral, Rarity.bronze, name); spec.setSpecialAttributes(Tag.boon); spec.setOnDeploy((s, f) => { RowEffect boon = new RowEffect(s,,; boon.SetBehaviour(trigger); }, description); return(spec); }
static Special Hazard(string name, string description, TriggerTurnRowEffect trigger, Rarity rarity = Rarity.bronze) { Special spec = new Special(); spec.setAttributes(Clan.neutral, rarity, name); spec.setSpecialAttributes(Tag.hazard); spec.setOnDeploy((s, f) => { Player enemy =, HazardQuestionPlayer(; int row =, HazardQuestionRow(; RowEffect hazz = new RowEffect(s, enemy, row); hazz.SetBehaviour(trigger); }, description); return(spec); }
public void _addRowEffect(RowEffect rowEffect) { RowEffect conflict = null; foreach (RowEffect r in rowEffects) { if (r.isConflictWith(rowEffect)) { conflict = r; } } if (conflict != null) { rowEffects.Remove(conflict); } rowEffects.Add(rowEffect); }
public static void applyHazzardOnDeployWithoutCard(Card s, Special analogCard, TriggerTurnRowEffect hazzardEffect) { Player enemy =, s.QestionString()); int row =, s.QestionString()); // there is a little trick // instead of creating unique birna roweffect, // we create a DOOMed version of skelligian storm // and apply (DO NOT PLAY) it to choosen row // after it it will dissappear in banish Special st = SpawnSpecial.addSpecialToGame(analogCard, s); st.move(Place.banish); RowEffect hazz = new RowEffect(st, enemy, row); hazz.SetBehaviour(hazzardEffect); }
public bool isConflictWith(RowEffect another) { return(row == another.row && _onPlayer == another._onPlayer); }