private void CreateColorControl(string name, int y)
            const int colorSize = 12;

            GroupBox colorGroup = new GroupBox(this);

            colorGroup.SetPosition(10, y);
            colorGroup.SetSize(160, 35);
            colorGroup.Name = name + "groupbox";

            ColorDisplay disp = new ColorDisplay(colorGroup);

            disp.Name = name;
            disp.SetBounds(0, 10, colorSize, colorSize);

            TextBoxNumeric numeric = new TextBoxNumeric(colorGroup);

            numeric.Name = name + "Box";
            numeric.SetPosition(105, 7);
            numeric.SetSize(26, 16);
            numeric.SelectAllOnFocus = true;
            numeric.TextChanged     += NumericTyped;

            HorizontalSlider slider = new HorizontalSlider(colorGroup);

            slider.SetPosition(colorSize + 5, 10);
            slider.SetRange(0, 255);
            slider.SetSize(80, colorSize);
            slider.Name          = name + "Slider";
            slider.ValueChanged += SlidersMoved;
        private void UpdateControls(Color color)
            // [???] TODO: Make this code safer.
            // [halfofastaple] This code SHOULD (in theory) never crash/not work as intended, but referencing children by their name is unsafe.
            //		Instead, a direct reference to their objects should be maintained. Worst case scenario, we grab the wrong "RedBox".

            TextBoxNumeric redBox = FindChildByName("RedBox", false) as TextBoxNumeric;

            if (redBox != null)
                redBox.SetText(color.R.ToString(), false);

            TextBoxNumeric greenBox = FindChildByName("GreenBox", false) as TextBoxNumeric;

            if (greenBox != null)
                greenBox.SetText(color.G.ToString(), false);

            TextBoxNumeric blueBox = FindChildByName("BlueBox", false) as TextBoxNumeric;

            if (blueBox != null)
                blueBox.SetText(color.B.ToString(), false);

            m_After.Color = color;

            if (ColorChanged != null)
                ColorChanged.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
        private void UpdateColorControls(string name, Color col, int sliderVal)
            ColorDisplay disp = FindChildByName(name, true) as ColorDisplay;

            disp.Color = col;

            HorizontalSlider slider = FindChildByName(name + "Slider", true) as HorizontalSlider;

            slider.Value = sliderVal;

            TextBoxNumeric box = FindChildByName(name + "Box", true) as TextBoxNumeric;

            box.Value = sliderVal;
        private void NumericTyped(ControlBase control, EventArgs args)
            TextBoxNumeric box = control as TextBoxNumeric;

            if (null == box)

            if (box.Text == string.Empty)

            int textValue = (int)box.Value;

            if (textValue < 0)
                textValue = 0;
            if (textValue > 255)
                textValue = 255;

            if (box.Name.Contains("Red"))
                R = textValue;

            if (box.Name.Contains("Green"))
                G = textValue;

            if (box.Name.Contains("Blue"))
                B = textValue;

            if (box.Name.Contains("Alpha"))
                A = textValue;

        private void NumericTyped(ControlBase control, EventArgs args)
            TextBoxNumeric box = control as TextBoxNumeric;

            if (null == box)

            if (box.Text == String.Empty)

            int textValue = (int)box.Value;

            if (textValue < 0)
                textValue = 0;
            if (textValue > 255)
                textValue = 255;

            Color newColor = SelectedColor;

            if (box.Name.Contains("Red"))
                newColor = Color.FromArgb(SelectedColor.A, textValue, SelectedColor.G, SelectedColor.B);
            else if (box.Name.Contains("Green"))
                newColor = Color.FromArgb(SelectedColor.A, SelectedColor.R, textValue, SelectedColor.B);
            else if (box.Name.Contains("Blue"))
                newColor = Color.FromArgb(SelectedColor.A, SelectedColor.R, SelectedColor.G, textValue);
            else if (box.Name.Contains("Alpha"))
                newColor = Color.FromArgb(textValue, SelectedColor.R, SelectedColor.G, SelectedColor.B);

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="HSVColorPicker"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">Parent control.</param>
        public HSVColorPicker(ControlBase parent)
            : base(parent)
            MouseInputEnabled = true;
            SetSize(256, 128);
            //ShouldCacheToTexture = true;

            m_LerpBox = new ColorLerpBox(this);
            m_LerpBox.ColorChanged += ColorBoxChanged;
            m_LerpBox.Dock          = Pos.Left;

            m_ColorSlider = new ColorSlider(this);
            m_ColorSlider.SetPosition(m_LerpBox.Width + 15, 5);
            m_ColorSlider.ColorChanged += ColorSliderChanged;
            m_ColorSlider.Dock          = Pos.Left;

            m_After = new ColorDisplay(this);
            m_After.SetSize(48, 24);
            m_After.SetPosition(m_ColorSlider.X + m_ColorSlider.Width + 15, 5);

            m_Before = new ColorDisplay(this);
            m_Before.SetSize(48, 24);
            m_Before.SetPosition(m_After.X, 28);

            int x = m_Before.X;
            int y = m_Before.Y + 30;

                Label label = new Label(this);
                label.SetPosition(x, y);

                TextBoxNumeric numeric = new TextBoxNumeric(this);
                numeric.Name = "RedBox";
                numeric.SetPosition(x + 15, y - 1);
                numeric.SetSize(26, 16);
                numeric.SelectAllOnFocus = true;
                numeric.TextChanged     += NumericTyped;

            y += 20;

                Label label = new Label(this);
                label.SetPosition(x, y);

                TextBoxNumeric numeric = new TextBoxNumeric(this);
                numeric.Name = "GreenBox";
                numeric.SetPosition(x + 15, y - 1);
                numeric.SetSize(26, 16);
                numeric.SelectAllOnFocus = true;
                numeric.TextChanged     += NumericTyped;

            y += 20;

                Label label = new Label(this);
                label.SetPosition(x, y);

                TextBoxNumeric numeric = new TextBoxNumeric(this);
                numeric.Name = "BlueBox";
                numeric.SetPosition(x + 15, y - 1);
                numeric.SetSize(26, 16);
                numeric.SelectAllOnFocus = true;
                numeric.TextChanged     += NumericTyped;
