public static void UseGFX(GFXConfig config) { string path = EnviromentManager.TMP_GFXConfig; ToXml(path, config); int timeout = 0; while (IsGFXLocked() && timeout < 10) { timeout++; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (timeout > 9) { throw new System.Exception("GFX file is locked. Make sure that all game instances are launched correctly."); } if (!File.Exists(path)) { MessageBox.Show("GFX Setting could not be created! Please check GFX settings!"); } if (File.Exists(path)) { if (File.Exists(EnviromentManager.GwClientXmlPath)) { File.Delete(EnviromentManager.TMP_BackupGFXConfig); File.Move(EnviromentManager.GwClientXmlPath, EnviromentManager.TMP_BackupGFXConfig); } File.Move(path, EnviromentManager.GwClientXmlPath); } }
public static string[] ToXml(string dest, GFXConfig GFXConfig) { //ToDo: Add Resolution Option and Gamma Slider List <string> XmlFormat = new List <string>(); XmlFormat.AddRange(GetHeader()); foreach (GFXOption option in GFXConfig.Config) { XmlFormat.AddRange(option.ToXml()); } XmlFormat.AddRange(GetFoot()); System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(dest, XmlFormat); return(XmlFormat.ToArray()); }
public static void SaveFile(GFXConfig Config) { SaveFileDialog savediag = new System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog(); savediag.DefaultExt = ".xml"; savediag.Filter = "XML Files(*.xml)|*.xml"; savediag.Title = "Saving GFX Settings"; savediag.AddExtension = true; savediag.FileName = "GW2 Custom GFX"; savediag.InitialDirectory = EnviromentManager.GwClientPath; savediag.ShowDialog(); if (savediag.FileName != "") { ToXml(savediag.FileName, Config); } }
public static void UseGFX(GFXConfig config) { string path = EnviromentManager.TMP_GFXConfig; ToXml(path, config); if (!File.Exists(path)) { MessageBox.Show("GFX Setting could not be created! Please check GFX settings!"); } if (File.Exists(path)) { if (File.Exists(EnviromentManager.GwClientXmlPath)) { File.Delete(EnviromentManager.TMP_BackupGFXConfig); File.Move(EnviromentManager.GwClientXmlPath, EnviromentManager.TMP_BackupGFXConfig); } File.Move(path, EnviromentManager.GwClientXmlPath); } }
static public GFXConfig ReadFile(string path) { GFXConfig tmp_conf = new GFXConfig(); var xmlfile = new XmlDocument(); xmlfile.Load(path); foreach (XmlNode node in xmlfile.SelectNodes("//OPTION")) { GFXOption gfxoption = new GFXOption(); gfxoption.Name = node.Attributes["Name"].Value; if (SkippedOptions.Contains <string>(gfxoption.Name)) { continue; } gfxoption.type = node.Attributes["Type"].Value; gfxoption.Registered = node.Attributes["Registered"].Value == "True"; gfxoption.Value = node.Attributes["Value"].Value; gfxoption.OldValue = gfxoption.Value; if (node.ChildNodes.Count == 0 && gfxoption.type == "Bool") { gfxoption.Options.Add("true"); gfxoption.Options.Add("false"); } foreach (XmlNode childnode in node.ChildNodes) { switch (childnode.Name) { default: break; case "ENUM": gfxoption.Options.Add(childnode.Attributes["EnumValue"].Value); break; } } tmp_conf.Config.Add(gfxoption); } return(tmp_conf); }
public static void OverwriteGFX(GFXConfig config) { ToXml(EnviromentManager.GwClientXmlPath, config); }