public static void Launch() { //Checking for existing Gw2 instances. Do not continue until closed. //if (Process.GetProcesses().ToList().Where(a => !nomutexpros.Contains(a.Id) && a.ProcessName == Regex.Replace(exename, @"\.exe(?=[^.]*$)", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).Any()) LoadingWindow.Start("Launching Game"); if (!ClientManager.ClientReg.CheckRegClients()) { MessageBox.Show("At least one instance of Guild Wars is running that was not opened by LaunchBuddy. That instance needs to be closed."); return; //HandleManager.ClearMutex(exename, "AN-Mutex-Window-Guild Wars 2", ref nomutexpros); } if (Gw2_Launchbuddy.Properties.Settings.Default.useinstancegui) { if (Globals.Appmanager != null && Globals.Appmanager.Visibility == Visibility.Visible) { Globals.Appmanager.Topmost = true; Globals.Appmanager.Focus(); Globals.Appmanager.WindowState = WindowState.Normal; } else { Globals.Appmanager.Show(); } } //Launching the application with arguments if (AccountManager.SelectedAccountCollection.Count > 0) { foreach (var Account in AccountManager.SelectedAccountCollection) { LaunchGW2(Account); } } else { LaunchGW2(AccountManager.DefaultAccount); } GFXManager.RestoreDefault(); //Launching AddOns try { AddOnManager.LaunchAll(); } catch (Exception err) { MessageBox.Show("One or more AddOns could not be launched.\n" + err.Message); } LoadingWindow.Stop(); }
public static async Task launch_click() { //Checking for existing Gw2 instances. Do not continue until closed. //if (Process.GetProcesses().ToList().Where(a => !nomutexpros.Contains(a.Id) && a.ProcessName == Regex.Replace(exename, @"\.exe(?=[^.]*$)", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).Any()) if (!checkRegClients()) { MessageBox.Show("At least one instance of Guild Wars is running that was not opened by LaunchBuddy. That instance will need to be closed."); return; //HandleManager.ClearMutex(exename, "AN-Mutex-Window-Guild Wars 2", ref nomutexpros); } if (Gw2_Launchbuddy.Properties.Settings.Default.useinstancegui) { if (Globals.Appmanager != null && Globals.Appmanager.Visibility == Visibility.Visible) { Globals.Appmanager.Topmost = true; Globals.Appmanager.Focus(); Globals.Appmanager.WindowState = WindowState.Normal; } else { Globals.Appmanager.Show(); } } //Launching the application with arguments if (Globals.selected_accs.Count > 0) { var delayValue = Properties.Settings.Default.delaybetweeninstaces ? Properties.Settings.Default.secondsbetweeninstances * 1000 : 0; for (int i = 0; i <= Globals.selected_accs.Count - 1; i++) { await launchgw2(i, i *delayValue); } } else { await launchgw2(); } GFXManager.RestoreDefault(); //Launching AddOns try { AddOnManager.LaunchAll(); } catch (Exception e) // logged { Log.Error("Unable to launch add ons", e); MessageBox.Show($"Add-Ons are causing problems. We were unable to launch at least one of them. See log for more info.\nMore Technical information:\n{e}"); } }
public static void launch_click() { //Checking for existing Gw2 instances. Do not continue until closed. //if (Process.GetProcesses().ToList().Where(a => !nomutexpros.Contains(a.Id) && a.ProcessName == Regex.Replace(exename, @"\.exe(?=[^.]*$)", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).Any()) if (!checkRegClients()) { MessageBox.Show("At least one instance of Guild Wars is running that was not opened by LaunchBuddy. That instance will need to be closed to make Launchbuddy work properly!"); //return; //HandleManager.ClearMutex(exename, "AN-Mutex-Window-Guild Wars 2", ref nomutexpros); } if (Gw2_Launchbuddy.Properties.Settings.Default.useinstancegui) { if (Globals.Appmanager != null && Globals.Appmanager.Visibility == Visibility.Visible) { Globals.Appmanager.Topmost = true; Globals.Appmanager.Focus(); Globals.Appmanager.WindowState = WindowState.Normal; } else { Globals.Appmanager.Show(); } } //Launching the application with arguments if (Globals.selected_accs.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i <= Globals.selected_accs.Count - 1; i++) { launchgw2(i); } } else { launchgw2(); } GFXManager.RestoreDefault(); //Launching AddOns try { AddOnManager.LaunchAll(); } catch (Exception err) { MessageBox.Show("One or more AddOns could not be launched.\n" + err.Message); } }