예제 #1
        protected override void OnCalculateTicks(TickList a_Ticks, Range a_Range, AxisDrawingArgs a_Options)
            if (a_Range.Start <= 0 && a_Range.End >= 0)
                //Get the fractional position
                double pos = (0 - a_Range.Start) / a_Range.Size;

                //add 1 as a tick
                a_Ticks.MajorTicks.Add(new TickList.Tick(m_Flipped ? "On" : "Off", pos));
            //Only add 2 ticks - off and on.
            if (a_Range.Start <= 1 && a_Range.End >= 1)
                //Get the fractional position
                double pos = (1 - a_Range.Start) / a_Range.Size;

                //add 1 as a tick
                a_Ticks.MajorTicks.Add(new TickList.Tick(m_Flipped ? "Off" : "On", pos));
예제 #2
 protected abstract void OnCalculateTicks(TickList a_Ticks, Range a_Range, AxisDrawingArgs a_Options);
예제 #3
        protected override void OnCalculateTicks(TickList a_Tick, Range a_Range, AxisDrawingArgs a_Options)
            double smallestInterval = 0.00001;

            //double valueInterval = CalculateInterval(a_Range.Size);
            double valueInterval = Math.Pow(10, Math.Floor(Math.Log10(a_Range.Size/10))) * 5.0;
            double positionInterval = (valueInterval / a_Range.Size);

            if (valueInterval < smallestInterval)

            //Snap to the smallest interval allowed if under it.
            //if (positionInterval < smallestInterval)
            //    double percentage = positionInterval / smallestInterval;

            //    valueInterval = valueInterval / percentage;
            //    positionInterval = smallestInterval;

            //Round start down starting tick to nearest interval.
            double tickStart = a_Range.Start - (a_Range.Start % valueInterval) - valueInterval;

            //Create ticks until beyond the range
            double tickValue = tickStart;
            while (tickValue < a_Range.End)
                double tickPosition = (tickValue - a_Range.Start) / a_Range.Size;

                //Round tickvalue to 10 decimal places
                //Fix for Issue # PW-573
                tickValue = Math.Round(tickValue, 10);

                a_Tick.MajorTicks.Add(new TickList.Tick(tickValue, tickPosition));

                tickValue += valueInterval;

            //MINOR TICKS
            if (a_Options.MinorTickCount > 0)
                //Calculate the tick interval
                double minorTickPositionInterval = positionInterval / (a_Options.MinorTickCount + 1);
                double minorTickValueInterval = valueInterval / (a_Options.MinorTickCount + 1);

                //Create minor ticks
                foreach (TickList.Tick currentMajorTick in a_Tick.MajorTicks)
                    double tickPosition = currentMajorTick.AxisPosition + minorTickPositionInterval;
                    tickValue = (double)currentMajorTick.Value + minorTickValueInterval;

                    //Only add the required number of ticks
                    for (int i = 1; i <= a_Options.MinorTickCount; i++)
                        a_Tick.MinorTicks.Add(new TickList.Tick(tickValue.ToString(), tickPosition));

                        tickPosition += minorTickPositionInterval;
                        tickValue += minorTickValueInterval;
예제 #4
        public void CalculateTicks(Range a_Range, AxisDrawingArgs args)
            TickList ticks = new TickList();

            //Prevent divide-by-zero exceptions.
            if (a_Range.Size > 0)
                //Transform the range
                OnCalculateTicks(ticks, TransformRange(a_Range), args);

            Ticks = ticks;
예제 #5
        //internal override void CalculateTicks(TickList a_Ticks, Range a_Range, AxisDrawOptions args)
        //    //Find the start value (left or bottom ) of the axis by
        //    //adding the range start to the zerovalue.
        //    DateTime rangeStartDate = m_ZeroValue.AddDays(a_Range.Start);
        //    //Get the rounding interval in order to normalise the start value
        //    double intervalSize = 0.0;
        //    TimeUnit tickInterval = this.GetInterval(a_Range.Size, out intervalSize);
        //    //Round the datetime
        //    DateTime roundedStartDate = rangeStartDate.Round(tickInterval, false);
        //    //Adjust range start value so that it reflects the rounded value
        //    double roundedStartValue = roundedStartDate.Subtract(m_ZeroValue).TotalDays;
        //    double cumulativeValue = roundedStartValue;
        //    //Build the ticks
        //    while (true)
        //    {
        //        //Determine the tick's position
        //        double tickPos = (cumulativeValue - a_Range.Start) / a_Range.Size;
        //        //Break loop if current tick is placed > 1
        //        if (tickPos > 1)
        //            break;
        //        //Assemble the tick's label value
        //        DateTime tickDate = m_ZeroValue.AddDays(cumulativeValue);
        //        string tickValue = string.Empty;
        //        switch (m_DisplayType)
        //        {
        //            case DateDisplay.TimeOnly:
        //                tickValue = tickDate.ToShortTimeString();
        //                break;
        //            case DateDisplay.DateOnly:
        //                tickValue = tickDate.ToShortDateString();
        //                break;
        //            case DateDisplay.Both:
        //                tickValue = tickDate.ToShortDateString() + " " + tickDate.ToShortTimeString();
        //                break;
        //        }
        //        //Add the tick
        //        a_Ticks.MajorTicks.Add(new TickList.Tick(tickValue, tickPos));
        //        //Increment the cumulative value by the interval amount
        //        cumulativeValue += intervalSize;
        //    }
        protected override void OnCalculateTicks(TickList a_Ticks, Range a_Range, AxisDrawingArgs args)
                int minorTickCount = args.MinorTickCount;

                //Find the start value (left or bottom ) of the axis by
                //adding the range start to the zerovalue.
                string autoFormat = "";
                //Get the rounding interval in order to normalise the start value
                TimeSpan intervalDuration = GetInterval(a_Range.Size, out autoFormat);
                double intervalSize = Math.Abs(intervalDuration.TotalDays);

                //Break if zoom is too small
                if (intervalSize == 0)

                //Round down to snap to interval using datetime ticks (using raw double value did not work correctly due to rounding)
                DateTime rangeStartTime = this.DoubleToDateTime(a_Range.Start);
                DateTime roundedStartTime = new DateTime(rangeStartTime.Ticks - (rangeStartTime.Ticks % intervalDuration.Ticks) - intervalDuration.Ticks);
                //double startValue = a_Range.Start - (Math.Abs(a_Range.Start) % intervalSize);
                double startValue = this.DateTimeToDouble(roundedStartTime);

                if (double.IsNaN(startValue))
                    startValue = 0.0;

                double cumulativeValue = startValue;

                double majorTickPosInterval = intervalSize / a_Range.Size;

                bool firstTick = true;

                //Build the ticks
                while (true)
                    //Determine the tick's position
                    double tickPos = (cumulativeValue - a_Range.Start) / a_Range.Size;

                    //Break loop if current tick is placed >= 1
                    if (tickPos >= 1)

                    //Assemble the tick's label value
                    DateTime tickDate = m_ZeroValue.AddDays(cumulativeValue);
                    string tickValue = GetString(tickDate, autoFormat);

                    //Add the tick
                    a_Ticks.MajorTicks.Add(new TickList.Tick(tickValue, tickPos));

                    //Increment the cumulative value by the interval amount
                    cumulativeValue += intervalSize;

                    if (args.MinorTickCount > 0)
                        double minorPosInterval = majorTickPosInterval / (minorTickCount + 1);

                        //Add minor ticks after this major tick
                        for (int i = 0; i < minorTickCount; i++)
                            a_Ticks.MinorTicks.Add(new TickList.Tick(null, tickPos + (minorPosInterval * (i + 1))));

                        if (firstTick)
                            //Add minor ticks after this major tick
                            for (int i = 0; i < minorTickCount; i++)
                                a_Ticks.MinorTicks.Add(new TickList.Tick(null, (tickPos - majorTickPosInterval) + (minorPosInterval * (i + 1))));

                    firstTick = false;
            catch// (DivideByZeroException ex)
                //zoom too small.
            //catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex)
            //    //zoom too large.