/// <summary> /// Get as name. /// </summary> /// <param name="joinList"></param> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <returns></returns> /// <remarks> /// As name is used if: /// 1. Data from different classes is saved to same table. /// 2. Several classes are using same class. /// 3. User is defined it using Alias attribute. /// </remarks> internal static string GetAsName(List <GXJoin> joinList, Type type, bool selectUsingAs) { //Data from different classes is saved to same table. if (selectUsingAs || GXDbHelpers.IsSharedTable(type)) { string name = GXDbHelpers.OriginalTableName(type); int cnt = 0; GXJoin target = null; foreach (GXJoin it in joinList) { if (type == it.Table1Type) { target = it; } else if (it.Alias2 == name || it.Table2 == name) { ++cnt; //If we have more than one class that are sharing same table. if (cnt != 1) { break; } } } if (cnt > 1) { name = GXDbHelpers.GetTableName(type, false, '\0', null, false); if (target != null) { target.Alias2 = name; } return(name); } if (selectUsingAs) { return(name); } } if (GXDbHelpers.IsAliasName(type)) { return(GXDbHelpers.OriginalTableName(type)); } return(null); }
internal static void UpdateJoins(GXDBSettings settings, GXJoinCollection list, List <GXJoin> joins) { char separtor = settings.ColumnQuotation; bool allowNull; MemberExpression me; foreach (KeyValuePair <JoinType, BinaryExpression> it in list.List) { GXJoin join = new GXJoin(); join.Type = it.Key; me = GetMemberExpression(it.Value.Left, out allowNull); MemberInfo m = me.Member; Expression e = me.Expression; join.Column1 = GXDbHelpers.GetColumnName(m, separtor); join.AllowNull1 = allowNull; m = GetMemberExpression(it.Value.Right, out allowNull).Member; join.Column2 = GXDbHelpers.GetColumnName(m, separtor); join.AllowNull2 = allowNull; join.UpdateTables(e.Type, m.DeclaringType); joins.Add(join); } }
private void GetRelations(Type type, List <GXJoin> joinList, List <Type> tables, Dictionary <Type, List <string> > columns, bool getRelations) { if (!tables.Contains(type)) { //TODO: lisää shared table attribute. bool ignorebaseType = false; foreach (var it in tables) { if (GXDbHelpers.IsSharedTable(it) && type.IsAssignableFrom(it.BaseType)) { ignorebaseType = true; break; } } if (ignorebaseType) { return; } tables.Add(type); Type tp; bool added; List <string> excluded = null; List <string> cols = null; string tableName = null; if (columns != null && columns.ContainsKey(type)) { cols = columns[type]; if (cols.Contains("*")) { cols = null; } } Dictionary <string, GXSerializedItem> properties = GXSqlBuilder.GetProperties(type); foreach (var it in properties) { if (cols != null && !cols.Contains(it.Key)) { continue; } if (!IsExcluded(it.Key, excluded)) { if (it.Value.Relation != null && getRelations) { GXJoin j = new GXJoin(); tp = it.Value.Relation.PrimaryTable; j.Table1Type = tp; bool shared = GXDbHelpers.IsSharedTable(tp); if (shared || GXDbHelpers.IsAliasName(tp)) { j.Alias1 = GXDbHelpers.OriginalTableName(tp); } j.Table2Type = it.Value.Relation.ForeignTable; j.UpdateTables(tp, it.Value.Relation.ForeignTable); //If nullable. Type tp2 = it.Value.Relation.ForeignId.Type; j.AllowNull1 = !shared && tp2.IsGenericType && tp2.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable <>); if (!j.AllowNull1) { tp2 = it.Value.Relation.PrimaryId.Type; j.AllowNull2 = !GXDbHelpers.IsSharedTable(it.Value.Relation.ForeignTable) && tp2.IsGenericType && tp2.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable <>); } if (GXDbHelpers.IsSharedTable(it.Value.Relation.ForeignTable) || GXDbHelpers.IsAliasName(it.Value.Relation.ForeignTable)) { j.Alias2 = GXDbHelpers.OriginalTableName(it.Value.Relation.ForeignTable); } if (it.Value.Relation.RelationType == RelationType.OneToOne || it.Value.Relation.RelationType == RelationType.Relation) { j.Column2 = GXDbHelpers.GetColumnName(it.Value.Relation.PrimaryId.Relation.ForeignId.Target as PropertyInfo, Parent.Settings.ColumnQuotation); j.Column1 = GXDbHelpers.GetColumnName(it.Value.Relation.PrimaryId.Target as PropertyInfo, Parent.Settings.ColumnQuotation); if (tables.Contains(it.Value.Relation.ForeignTable)) { continue; } //If nullable. tp2 = it.Value.Relation.PrimaryId.Relation.ForeignId.Type; j.AllowNull1 = !shared && tp2.IsGenericType && tp2.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable <>); if (!j.AllowNull1) { tp2 = it.Value.Relation.PrimaryId.Relation.PrimaryId.Type; j.AllowNull2 = !GXDbHelpers.IsSharedTable(it.Value.Relation.ForeignTable) && tp2.IsGenericType && tp2.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable <>); } } else if (it.Value.Relation.RelationType == RelationType.OneToMany) { j.Column1 = GXDbHelpers.GetColumnName(it.Value.Relation.PrimaryId.Relation.ForeignId.Target as PropertyInfo, Parent.Settings.ColumnQuotation); j.Column2 = GXDbHelpers.GetColumnName(it.Value.Relation.PrimaryId.Target as PropertyInfo, Parent.Settings.ColumnQuotation); //If nullable. tp2 = it.Value.Relation.ForeignId.Type; j.AllowNull1 = !shared && tp2.IsGenericType && tp2.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable <>); if (!j.AllowNull1) { tp2 = it.Value.Relation.PrimaryId.Type; j.AllowNull2 = !GXDbHelpers.IsSharedTable(it.Value.Relation.ForeignTable) && tp2.IsGenericType && tp2.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable <>); } } else if (it.Value.Relation.RelationType == RelationType.ManyToMany) { j.Table2Type = it.Value.Relation.RelationMapTable.Relation.PrimaryTable; j.UpdateTables(tp, it.Value.Relation.RelationMapTable.Relation.PrimaryTable); j.Column2 = GXDbHelpers.GetColumnName(GXSqlBuilder.FindRelation(it.Value.Relation.RelationMapTable.Relation.PrimaryTable, tp).Target as PropertyInfo, Parent.Settings.ColumnQuotation); j.Column1 = GXDbHelpers.GetColumnName(GXSqlBuilder.FindUnique(tp).Target as PropertyInfo, Parent.Settings.ColumnQuotation); added = false; //Check that join is not added already. string j1 = j.Table1; string j2 = j.Table2; foreach (var it4 in joinList) { string t1 = it4.Table1; string t2 = it4.Table2; if ((j1 == t1 && j2 == t2) || (j2 == t1 && j1 == t2)) { added = true; break; } } if (!added) { joinList.Add(j); j = new GXJoin(); Type tmp = it.Value.Type; j.AllowNull1 = !!GXDbHelpers.IsSharedTable(tmp) && tmp.IsGenericType && tmp.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable <>); j.UpdateTables(it.Value.Relation.RelationMapTable.Relation.PrimaryTable, it.Value.Relation.ForeignTable); j.Column1 = GXDbHelpers.GetColumnName(it.Value.Relation.RelationMapTable.Target as PropertyInfo, Parent.Settings.ColumnQuotation); j.Column2 = GXDbHelpers.GetColumnName(it.Value.Relation.ForeignId.Target as PropertyInfo, Parent.Settings.ColumnQuotation); joinList.Add(j); tables.Add(it.Value.Relation.RelationMapTable.Relation.PrimaryTable); if (cols != null) { tables.Add(it.Value.Relation.ForeignTable); } } j = null; } if (j != null) { //Check that join is not added already. added = false; string j1 = j.Table1; string j2 = j.Table2; int index = -1; foreach (var it4 in joinList) { string t1 = it4.Table1; string t2 = it4.Table2; if ((j1 == t1 && j2 == t2) || (j2 == t1 && j1 == t2)) { added = true; break; } if (j.Alias2 != null && it4.Alias2 == j.Alias2) { ++index; } } //If we have multiple referenced to same table. if (index != -1) { j.Index = index + 1; } if (!added) { joinList.Add(j); } } if (cols == null || cols.Contains(it.Key)) { GetRelations(it.Value.Relation.ForeignTable, joinList, tables, columns, getRelations); } } } else { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Column " + tableName + "." + it.Key + " Skipped."); } } } }