/// <summary> /// Modulus. /// </summary> /// <param name="mod">Modulus.</param> public void Mod(GXBigInteger mod) { /* * //value = value - (mod * (value / mod) ) * GXBigInteger tmp = new GXBigInteger(this); * tmp.Div(mod); * tmp.Multiply(mod); * Sub(tmp); * changed = true; */ GXBigInteger current = new GXBigInteger(1); GXBigInteger denom = new GXBigInteger(mod); bool neq = negative; negative = false; // while denom < this. while (denom.Compare(this) == -1) { current.Lshift(1); denom.Lshift(1); } //If overflow. if (denom.Compare(this) == 1) { if (current.IsOne) { if (neq) { Sub(mod); negative = false; } return; } current.Rshift(1); denom.Rshift(1); while (!current.IsZero) { int r = Compare(denom); if (r == 1) { Sub(denom); } else if (r == 0) { break; } current.Rshift(1); denom.Rshift(1); } } else { Clear(); } if (neq) { Sub(mod); negative = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Multily elliptic curve point and scalar. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Y^2 = X^3 + A*X + B (mod p) /// </remarks> /// <param name="eccSize"></param> /// <param name="p">Point to multiply</param> /// <param name="n">Scalar to multiply</param> /// <param name="N">Elliptic curve order.</param> /// <param name="A"></param> /// <param name="P">Prime number</param> internal static GXEccPoint JacobianMultiply(GXEccPoint p, GXBigInteger n, GXBigInteger N, GXBigInteger A, GXBigInteger P) { GXBigInteger tmp; if (p.y.IsZero || n.IsZero) { return(new GXEccPoint(0, 0, 1)); } if (n.IsOne) { return(p); } if (n.Compare(0) == -1 || n.Compare(N) != -1) { tmp = new GXBigInteger(n); tmp.Mod(N); return(JacobianMultiply(p, tmp, N, A, P)); } if (n.IsEven) { tmp = new GXBigInteger(n); tmp.Rshift(1); return(JacobianDouble(JacobianMultiply(p, tmp, N, A, P), A, P)); } tmp = new GXBigInteger(n); tmp.Rshift(1); GXEccPoint p2 = JacobianDouble(JacobianMultiply(p, tmp, N, A, P), A, P); JacobianAdd(p2, p, A, P); return(p2); }
public void Div(GXBigInteger value) { GXBigInteger current = new GXBigInteger(1); GXBigInteger denom = new GXBigInteger(value); GXBigInteger tmp = new GXBigInteger(this); bool neq = negative; negative = false; try { // while denom < this. while (denom.Compare(this) == -1) { current.Lshift(1); denom.Lshift(1); } //If overflow. if (denom.Compare(this) == 1) { if (current.IsOne) { Clear(); return; } Clear(); current.Rshift(1); denom.Rshift(1); while (!current.IsZero) { int r = tmp.Compare(denom); if (r == 1) { tmp.Sub(denom); Add(current); } else if (r == 0) { Add(current); break; } current.Rshift(1); denom.Rshift(1); } current.Data = Data; } } finally { negative = neq; } Data = current.Data; changed = true; }
/// <summary> /// Check that this is correct public key. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// This method can be used to verify that public and private key are on the curve. /// </remarks> public static void Validate(GXPublicKey publicKey) { if (publicKey == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Invalid public key."); } GXByteBuffer bb = new GXByteBuffer(); bb.Set(publicKey.RawValue); int size = SchemeSize(publicKey.Scheme); GXBigInteger x = new GXBigInteger(bb.SubArray(1, size)); GXBigInteger y = new GXBigInteger(bb.SubArray(1 + size, size)); GXCurve curve = new GXCurve(publicKey.Scheme); y.Multiply(y); y.Mod(curve.P); GXBigInteger tmpX = new GXBigInteger(x); tmpX.Multiply(x); tmpX.Mod(curve.P); tmpX.Add(curve.A); tmpX.Multiply(x); tmpX.Add(curve.B); tmpX.Mod(curve.P); if (y.Compare(tmpX) != 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Public key validate failed. Public key is not valid ECDSA public key."); } }
/// <summary> /// Verify that signature matches the data. /// </summary> /// <param name="signature">Generated signature.</param> /// <param name="data">Data to valuate.</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool Verify(byte[] signature, byte[] data) { GXBigInteger msg; if (PublicKey == null) { if (PrivateKey == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Invalid private key."); } PublicKey = PrivateKey.GetPublicKey(); } if (PublicKey.Scheme == Ecc.P256) { using (SHA256 sha = new SHA256CryptoServiceProvider()) { msg = new GXBigInteger(sha.ComputeHash(data)); } } else { using (SHA384 sha = new SHA384CryptoServiceProvider()) { msg = new GXBigInteger(sha.ComputeHash(data)); } } GXByteBuffer pk = new GXByteBuffer(PublicKey.RawValue); GXByteBuffer bb = new GXByteBuffer(signature); int size = SchemeSize(PublicKey.Scheme); GXBigInteger sigR = new GXBigInteger(bb.SubArray(0, size)); GXBigInteger sigS = new GXBigInteger(bb.SubArray(size, size)); GXBigInteger inv = sigS; inv.Inv(curve.N); // Calculate u1 and u2. GXEccPoint u1 = new GXEccPoint(curve.G.x, curve.G.y, new GXBigInteger(1)); GXEccPoint u2 = new GXEccPoint(new GXBigInteger(pk.SubArray(1, size)), new GXBigInteger(pk.SubArray(1 + size, size)), new GXBigInteger(1)); GXBigInteger n = msg; n.Multiply(inv); n.Mod(curve.N); Multiply(u1, n, curve.N, curve.A, curve.P); n = new GXBigInteger(sigR); n.Multiply(inv); n.Mod(curve.N); Multiply(u2, n, curve.N, curve.A, curve.P); u1.z = new GXBigInteger(1); u2.z = new GXBigInteger(1); JacobianAdd(u1, u2, curve.A, curve.P); FromJacobian(u1, curve.P); return(sigR.Compare(u1.x) == 0); }
/// <summary> /// Verify that signature matches the data. /// </summary> /// <param name="signature">Generated signature.</param> /// <param name="data">Data to valuate.</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool Verify(byte[] signature, byte[] data) { GXBigInteger msg; using (SHA256 sha = new SHA256CryptoServiceProvider()) { msg = new GXBigInteger(sha.ComputeHash(data)); } if (PublicKey == null) { PublicKey = PrivateKey.GetPublicKey(); } GXByteBuffer pk = new GXByteBuffer(PublicKey.RawValue); GXByteBuffer bb = new GXByteBuffer(signature); GXBigInteger sigR = new GXBigInteger(bb.SubArray(0, 32)); GXBigInteger sigS = new GXBigInteger(bb.SubArray(32, 32)); GXBigInteger inv = sigS; inv.Inv(curve.N); // Calculate u1 and u2. GXEccPoint u1 = new GXEccPoint(curve.G.x, curve.G.y, new GXBigInteger(1)); GXEccPoint u2 = new GXEccPoint(new GXBigInteger(pk.SubArray(1, 32)), new GXBigInteger(pk.SubArray(33, 32)), new GXBigInteger(1)); GXBigInteger n = msg; n.Multiply(inv); n.Mod(curve.N); Multiply(u1, n, curve.N, curve.A, curve.P); n = new GXBigInteger(sigR); n.Multiply(inv); n.Mod(curve.N); Multiply(u2, n, curve.N, curve.A, curve.P); // add = Math.add(u1, u2, P = curve.P, A = curve.A) u1.z = new GXBigInteger(1); u2.z = new GXBigInteger(1); JacobianAdd(u1, u2, curve.A, curve.P); FromJacobian(u1, curve.P); return(sigR.Compare(u1.x) == 0); }
/// <summary> /// Modulus. /// </summary> /// <param name="mod">Modulus.</param> public void Mod(GXBigInteger mod) { GXBigInteger current = new GXBigInteger(1); GXBigInteger denom = new GXBigInteger(mod); //Shift UInt32 values to make this faster. if (denom.Count < Count - 1) { UInt32[] tmp = new UInt32[Count - denom.Count - 1]; //Append UInt32 values. current.InsertRange(0, tmp); denom.InsertRange(0, tmp); current.changed = denom.changed = true; } bool neq = negative; negative = false; // while denom < this. while (denom.Compare(this) == -1) { current.Lshift(1); denom.Lshift(1); } //If overflow. if (denom.Compare(this) == 1) { if (current.IsOne) { if (neq) { Sub(mod); negative = false; } return; } current.Rshift(1); denom.Rshift(1); while (!current.IsZero) { int r = Compare(denom); if (r == 1) { Sub(denom); } else if (r == 0) { break; } current.Rshift(1); denom.Rshift(1); } } else { Clear(); } if (neq) { Sub(mod); negative = false; } changed = true; }
public void Div(GXBigInteger value) { GXBigInteger current = new GXBigInteger(1); GXBigInteger denom = new GXBigInteger(value); GXBigInteger tmp = new GXBigInteger(this); bool neq = negative; negative = false; try { //Shift UInt32 values to make this faster. if (denom.Count < Count - 1) { UInt32[] tmp2 = new UInt32[Count - denom.Count - 1]; //Append UInt32 values. current.InsertRange(0, tmp2); denom.InsertRange(0, tmp2); current.changed = denom.changed = true; } // while denom < this. while (denom.Compare(this) == -1) { current.Lshift(1); denom.Lshift(1); } //If overflow. if (denom.Compare(this) == 1) { if (current.IsOne) { Clear(); return; } Clear(); current.Rshift(1); denom.Rshift(1); while (!current.IsZero) { int r = tmp.Compare(denom); if (r == 1) { tmp.Sub(denom); Add(current); } else if (r == 0) { Add(current); break; } current.Rshift(1); denom.Rshift(1); } current.Data = Data; } } finally { negative = neq; } Data = current.Data; changed = true; }
/// <summary> /// Y^2 = X^3 + A*X + B (mod p) /// </summary> /// <param name="p"></param> /// <param name="q"></param> /// <param name="A"></param> /// <param name="P">Prime number</param> private static void JacobianAdd(GXEccPoint p, GXEccPoint q, GXBigInteger A, GXBigInteger P) { if (!(p.y.IsZero || q.y.IsZero)) { GXBigInteger U1 = new GXBigInteger(p.x); U1.Multiply(q.z); U1.Multiply(q.z); U1.Mod(P); GXBigInteger U2 = new GXBigInteger(p.z); U2.Multiply(p.z); U2.Multiply(q.x); U2.Mod(P); GXBigInteger S1 = new GXBigInteger(p.y); S1.Multiply(q.z); S1.Multiply(q.z); S1.Multiply(q.z); S1.Mod(P); GXBigInteger S2 = new GXBigInteger(q.y); S2.Multiply(p.z); S2.Multiply(p.z); S2.Multiply(p.z); S2.Mod(P); if (U1.Compare(U2) == 0) { if (S1.Compare(S2) != 0) { p.x = p.y = new GXBigInteger(0); p.z = new GXBigInteger(1); } else { p.x = A; p.y = P; } } //H GXBigInteger H = U2; H.Sub(U1); //R GXBigInteger R = S2; R.Sub(S1); GXBigInteger H2 = new GXBigInteger(H); H2.Multiply(H); H2.Mod(P); GXBigInteger H3 = new GXBigInteger(H); H3.Multiply(H2); H3.Mod(P); GXBigInteger U1H2 = new GXBigInteger(U1); U1H2.Multiply(H2); U1H2.Mod(P); GXBigInteger tmp = new GXBigInteger(2); tmp.Multiply(U1H2); //nx GXBigInteger nx = new GXBigInteger(R); nx.Multiply(R); nx.Sub(H3); nx.Sub(tmp); nx.Mod(P); //ny GXBigInteger ny = R; tmp = new GXBigInteger(U1H2); tmp.Sub(nx); ny.Multiply(tmp); tmp = new GXBigInteger(S1); tmp.Multiply(H3); ny.Sub(tmp); ny.Mod(P); //nz GXBigInteger nz = H; nz.Multiply(p.z); nz.Multiply(q.z); nz.Mod(P); p.x = nx; p.y = ny; p.z = nz; } }