예제 #1
		public Context() : base()
			m_ah     = null;
			m_onFail = null;
			m_onPass = null;
			m_tag    = "on-context";
예제 #2
 public void AccessibleObjectFromPoint()
     AccessibilityHelper child = m_ah.FindChild("statusBarFw", AccessibleRole.Window);
     Rect rect;
     Win32.GetWindowRect((IntPtr)child.HWnd, out rect);
     Point pt = new Point(rect.left, rect.top);
     AccessibilityHelper test = new AccessibilityHelper(pt);
     Assert.AreEqual(child.HWnd, test.HWnd);
예제 #3
		public void Init()
			string tePath = SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Utils.DirectoryFinder.GetFWCodeFile(@"\..\Output\Debug\TE.exe");
			m_proc = Process.Start(tePath);
			while (Process.GetProcessById(m_proc.Id).MainWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
			m_ah = new AccessibilityHelper(m_proc.MainWindowHandle);
예제 #4
		public override void Execute()
		{   // first, see if the last test left an error window open
			//m_memory = System.  //Application.Process
			// find any window then switch to its parent until it doesn't have one
			//IntPtr foundHwndPtr = FindWindow(null, null); // Random Window
			IntPtr foundHwndPtr = FindWindow(null, "Program Manager"); // 9:Program Manager/9:$NL;/33:Desktop?
			if ((int)foundHwndPtr != 0)
				m_ah = new AccessibilityHelper(foundHwndPtr);
				isNotNull(m_ah,"window "+(int)foundHwndPtr+"isn't accessible");
				areEqual(m_ah.Name, "Program Manager", "window " + m_ah.Name + " found insteadof Program Manager");
				//	while (m_ah.Name != "Desktop" && m_ah.Role != AccessibleRole.Window && m_ah.Parent != null)
			//		m_ah = m_ah.Parent;
			// isTrue(m_ah.Name == "Desktop" && m_ah.Role == AccessibleRole.Window, @"Desktop not found! Got """+m_ah.Role+":"+m_ah.Name+@""" instead");
			if (1 == m_logLevel)
				m_log.paragraph("Desktop is ""+m_ah.Role+":"+m_ah.Name+""");

			Finished = true; // tell do-once it's done
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the GUI element represented by this path step in the application GUI
        /// beginning from the context specified.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ahContext">The context to start the search from</param>
        /// <param name="visitor">The class with the visitNode() method to
        /// apply to each node except the last found, may be null</param>
        /// <returns>The AccessibilityHelper of the last node found or null if the path does not exist</returns>
        public AccessibilityHelper FindInGui(AccessibilityHelper ahContext, IPathVisitor visitor)
            AccessibilityHelper ah = ahContext;

            if (m_name == "#focus")
            { // get the ah from the focused Gui element
                ah = ah.GetFocused;
                ah = ah.SearchPath(this, visitor);
            return ah;
예제 #6
파일: Click.cs 프로젝트: bbriggs/FieldWorks
 private string ClickPath(AccessibilityHelper ah, GuiPath gpath)
     //bool forAll = false;
     //bool clickParent = false;
     //AccessibilityHelper child;
     //if (m_for != null && "all" == (string)m_for) forAll = true;
     if (1 == m_logLevel)
         m_log.paragraph(makeNameTag() + "Click starting path from &quot;" + ah.Role + ":" + ah.Name + "&quot;");
     ah = gpath.FindInGui(ah, this);
     if (ah != null)
         if (1 == m_logLevel) m_log.paragraph(makeNameTag() + "Clicking last pair in path");
         int j;
         for (j = 0; j < m_repeat; j++)
         {  // click 10 pixels from the left edge - see below
             if (m_side == "right")
                 ah.SimulateRightClickRelative(m_dx, m_dy);
                 ah.SimulateClickRelative(m_dx, m_dy);
             // when @wait="no" don't wait at all between repeated clicks
             if (m_wait) Thread.Sleep(400); // wait a while eg. let menus open, etc.
         m_finished = true; // tell do-once it's done
     else return m_message;
     return "";
예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Given the GUI control or view ah, get its entire string value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ah">Accessibility helper from the GUI control or view</param>
 /// <returns>true if the string value was retrieved.</returns>
 private bool getStrValue(AccessibilityHelper ah)
     m_text = ah.Value;
     return m_text != null;
예제 #8
		/// <summary>
		/// method to apply when a non-terminal node has been found
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ah"></param>
		public void visitNode(AccessibilityHelper ah)
		{ // does this ah need to be clicked or something to get to its children?
			ah.MoveMouseOverMe(); // hover
			if (1 == m_logLevel)
				m_log.paragraph("HoverOver hovering over &quot;" + ah.Role + ":" + ah.Name + "&quot;");
예제 #9
		/// <summary>
		/// Given the GUI control or view ah, find and highlight the text indicated
		/// via the location (level) path.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="lpath">Level path array.</param>
		/// <param name="ah">Accessibility helper from the GUI control or view</param>
		/// <returns>true if the selected string was retrieved.</returns>
		private bool selectText(GuiPath lpath, AccessibilityHelper ah)
			IVwRootBox rbox = ah.RootBox();
			isNotNull(rbox,"view rootbox not found");

			IVwSelection sel = null; // returned selection

			// create a SelLevInfo[] array to the content using the model view levels.
			int clevels = 0;
			SelLevInfo[] rgvsli;
			if (DrillToContent(lpath, out rgvsli, out clevels))
				int ihvoRoot = 0; // first rootbox
				int tagTextProp = 16002; // kflidStTxtPara_Contents
				int cpropPrevious = 0;
				int ichAnchor = m_at;  // starting character number
				int ichEnd    = m_at + m_run;  // ending character number in rgvsli[0].ihvo or ihvoEnd if it is not -1
				int ws = 0;
				bool fAssocPrev = false;
				int ihvoEnd = -1; // paragraph # to end at, if it doesn't exist, get unspecified interop error
				ITsTextProps ttpIns = null;
				bool fInstall  = true; // make it the view's default selection

				//int iHeight = rbox.get_Height();
				int iHeight = rbox.Height;

				sel = rbox.MakeTextSelection
					(ihvoRoot, clevels, rgvsli, tagTextProp, cpropPrevious, ichAnchor, ichEnd,
					ws, fAssocPrev, ihvoEnd, ttpIns, fInstall);
				isNotNull(sel,"failed to select text");
				//areEqual(true, sel.get_IsValid(), "selection is not valid");
				areEqual(true, sel.IsValid, "selection is not valid");
				ITsTextProps ttp = spyOnSelection(sel);
				if(ttp != null) spyOnTextProps(ttp);
			string strSeparator = "|";
			ITsString tssFromApp;
			sel.GetSelectionString(out tssFromApp, strSeparator);
			ITsStreamWrapper tsw = TsStreamWrapperClass.Create();
			//UCOMIStream strm = tsw.get_Stream();
			System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream strm = tsw.Stream;
			// Copy the string to our address space.
			ITsStrBldr bldr = TsStrBldrClass.Create();
			bldr.ReplaceTsString(0,0, tssFromApp);
			ITsString tss = bldr.GetString();
			int icchIndent = 2;
			int iws = 0;
			bool fWriteObjData = true;
			//tsw.WriteTssAsXml(tss2, icchIndent, iws, fWriteObjData);
			//ISilDataAccess da = rbox.get_DataAccess();
			ISilDataAccess da = rbox.DataAccess;
			//ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = da.get_WritingSystemFactory();
			ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = da.WritingSystemFactory;
			tss.WriteAsXml(strm, wsf, icchIndent, iws, fWriteObjData);
			//m_text = tsw.get_Contents(); // XML formatted string
			m_text = tsw.Contents; // XML formatted string
			return m_text != null;
예제 #10
		public AppHandle(string exe)
			m_ExePath      = exe;
			m_proc         = null;
			m_AccHelper    = null;
예제 #11
		// look for the expected dialog to appear. If it does, make an accessibilty
		// helper for it.
		public override void Execute()
			// base.Execute(ts); // can't call this yet as it executes the children
			Wait(); // do call this but make sure Rest is reset to zero!
			Rest = 0; // reset to zero so there is no delay after the dialog is found.
			// number is needed in diagnostics for the log
			if (Number == -1) Number = TestState.getOnly().IncInstructionCount;

			Process proc = Application.Process;

			/// If present, use the selected dialog model title
			Context con = (Context)Ancestor(typeof(Context));
			if (m_select != null && m_select != "")
			{  // make a new model context node and move dialog's children to it
				XmlDocument doc = m_elt.OwnerDocument;
				XmlElement modElt = doc.CreateElement("model");
				modElt.SetAttribute("select", m_select);
				XmlNodeList children = m_elt.ChildNodes;
				int count = children.Count;
				while (count > 0)
				{  // move dialog children to model
					XmlNode child = children.Item(0); //get the first child
					modElt.AppendChild(child); // automatically removed from m_elt!!
					count = children.Count;
				// set the title to look for
				// can only have one text node
				XmlNodeList pathNodes = XmlInstructionBuilder.selectNodes(this, m_select, makeName());
				m_log.isNotNull(pathNodes, "dialog " + this.Id + " select='" + m_select + "' returned no model");
				m_log.isTrue(pathNodes.Count > 0, "dialog " + this.Id + " select='" + m_select + "' returned no model nodes");
				// This is the model node
				XmlNode modNode = pathNodes.Item(0);
				m_title = XmlFiler.getAttribute(modNode, "title");
				m_name = XmlFiler.getAttribute(modNode, "name");
				m_select = null; // can only do this one time in do-once or model
			if (m_title != null && m_title != "") m_title = Utilities.evalExpr(m_title);
			if (m_name != null && m_name != "") m_name = Utilities.evalExpr(m_name);


			// Give the window m_Rest seconds to show up
			int startTick = System.Environment.TickCount;
			IntPtr foundHwndPtr;
			string name = null;

			while (!m_found)
			{   // If there is a regular expression, try it.
				if (m_title != null && m_title.StartsWith("rexp#"))
				{  // match the window title via the regular expression
					Process[] allProcs = Process.GetProcesses();
					Regex rx = null;
					try { rx = new Regex(m_title.Substring(5)); }
					catch (ArgumentException e)
						m_log.paragraph("on-dialog title from rexp# " + m_title.Substring(5)
									  + " error: " + e.Message);
					for (int p = 0; p < allProcs.Length; p++)
						Process pro = allProcs[p];
						AccessibilityHelper ah = new AccessibilityHelper(pro.Handle);
						if (rx.IsMatch(ah.Name))
							m_ah = ah;
							m_found = true;
				{   // get the window handle for windows with the right name
					// unfortuneately, other windows, or partially formed windows
					// seem to be obtained too.
					foundHwndPtr = FindWindow(null, m_title);
					if ((int)foundHwndPtr != 0)
					{   // is this the window? Is it completely formed?
						m_ah = new AccessibilityHelper(foundHwndPtr);
						if (m_ah == null) m_log.paragraph("Obtained window with no Accessibiilty!");
						else // this window has accessibility - hope it's fully built
						{   // is this or one of its children the window?
							name = m_ah.Name; //when name1 = "", m_ah is probably bad - i.e. not an object
							if (name == "") { } // do nothing, keep looking
							else if (name.Equals(m_title) || name.Equals(this.m_name))
							{   // this is likely it
								m_found = true;
							else // m_ah might be the ah for the main app or dialog window
							{   // Maybe one of its children is the window we want
								m_ah = m_ah.FindChild(m_title, AccessibleRole.Dialog);
								if (m_ah != null)
								{ // is this the window?
									name = m_ah.Name; // name1 can't be null
									if (name == "") { } // do nothing, keep looking
									else if (name.Equals(m_title) || name.Equals(this.m_name))
									{   // this might be it
										m_found = true;

				if (Utilities.NumTicks(startTick, System.Environment.TickCount) > m_until)
					break;	// time is up

			m_Rest = 0; // don't wait later when base.Execute is invoked

			if (m_found) m_DlgHwndStack.Push(m_ah.HWnd);
			{   // Didn't find the window
				m_ah = null;

			string contextPass, contextFail;
			PassFailInContext(OnPass, OnFail, out contextPass, out contextFail);	//  out m_onPass, out m_onFail);
			m_log.paragraph("on-dialog: passIn="+OnPass+" failIn="+OnFail+" pass="******" fail="+contextFail);
			if (!m_found && contextFail == "skip")
				return; // quietly exit
			isTrue(m_found, "Dialog '" + m_title + @"' was not created or not accessible");
			if (name == null)
				m_log.paragraph("Wierd: ah exists but name was null - should NEVER happen!!");
				name = "";
			if (contextPass == "assert")
				fail("Dialog '"+m_title+"' was not supposed to display.");

			base.Finished = true;	// finished processing this dialog context

			if (m_DlgHwndStack.Count > 0)
				int hwnd = (int)m_DlgHwndStack.Peek();
				m_log.paragraph("Sent Focus message to containing context object");
				//	m_ah.Parent.SendWindowMessage((int)SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Utils.Win32.WinMsgs.WM_SETFOCUS,0,0);
예제 #12
		bool GlimpseGUI(AccessibilityHelper ah)
			AccessibilityHelper ah2 = ah;
			if (ah.Role == AccessibleRole.MenuItem)
			{ // for menu items, drop to popup menu role, then its children
				foreach (AccessibilityHelper child in ah)
					ah2 = child;
			if (ah2.ChildCount > 0)
				// check each child against the list.
				foreach (AccessibilityHelper child in ah2)
					if (child.States != AccessibleStates.Invisible)
						string Name = child.Name;
						if (Name == null || Name == "") Name = "#NONE";
						if (!m_list.Contains(Name))
							m_extra = Name;
			else m_extra = "#noChild";
			return m_extra == null;
예제 #13
		/// <summary>
		/// Examines the GUI for the value of the property specified via @prop.
		/// If @expect is set, the @prop value is compared to it.
		/// The result is true when @expect = the @prop GUI value.
		/// When @prop names a boolean property, and @expect is not set, then
		/// the boolean value is the result.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ah">Context accessibility helper, taken as the starting place for gpath. May be null.</param>
		/// <param name="expect">The expected value of the prop attribute.</param>
		/// <returns>True if @expect = @prop GUI value, false otherwise, or the boolean value of @prop in the GUI.</returns>
		bool GlimpseGUI(AccessibilityHelper ah, string expect)
			bool result = true;
			if (m_prop == null) m_prop = "present";
			switch (m_prop)
			case "absent":
					if (ah == null) result = true;
					else result = false;
			case "children":
					if (expect == null) expect = "0";
					int exectedValue = 0;
					if (Utilities.IsNumber(expect))
						exectedValue = (int)Utilities.GetNumber(expect);
						fail("children requires an integer not '" + expect + "'.");
					if (ah == null)
						if (exectedValue == 0) result = true;
						else result = false;
					{   // ah != null
						int val = ah.ChildCount;
						m_got = val.ToString();
						result = val.Equals(exectedValue);
				case "handle":
					if (expect == null) expect = "0";
					int exectedValue = 0;
					if (Utilities.IsNumber(expect))
						exectedValue = (int)Utilities.GetNumber(expect);
						fail("handle requires a big integer not '" + expect + "'.");
					if (ah == null)
						if (exectedValue == 0) result = true;
						else result = false;
					{   // ah != null
						int val = ah.HWnd;
						m_got = val.ToString();
						result = val.Equals(exectedValue);
				case "hotkey":
					if (ah == null)
						if (expect == null) result = true;
						else result = false;
					{   // ah != null
						m_got = ah.Shortcut;
						if (m_got == null || m_got == "")
							m_got = "NONE";
						result = m_got == expect; // neither can be null
				case "name":
					if (ah == null)
						if (expect == null) result = true;
						else result = false;
					{   // ah != null
						m_got = ah.Name;
						if (m_got == null || m_got == "") m_got = "NAMELESS";
						result = m_got == expect; // neither can be null
				case "role":
					if (expect == null) expect = "none";
					m_got = ah.Role.ToString();
					result = m_got == expect;
				case "value":
					if (ah == null)
						if (expect == null) result = true;
						else result = false;
					{   // ah != null
						m_got = ah.Value;
						if (expect != null && expect.StartsWith("rexp#"))
							Regex rx = new Regex(expect.Substring(5));
							result = rx.IsMatch(m_got);
							m_log.paragraph("Expect reg exp " + expect.Substring(5)
								+ " on " + m_got + " was " + result.ToString());
						else result = m_got == expect || (m_got == "" && expect == null); // either can be null
				case "visible":
					if (expect == null) expect = "True";
					if (ah == null)
						if (expect == "True") result = false;
						else result = true;
					{   // ah != null
						result = !(((AccessibleStates.Invisible & ah.States) == AccessibleStates.Invisible) ||
							((AccessibleStates.Offscreen & ah.States) == AccessibleStates.Offscreen));
						m_got = result.ToString();
						result = m_got.ToLower() == expect.ToLower();
				case "checked":
					if (expect == null) expect = "True";
					if (ah == null)
						if (expect == "True") result = false;
						else result = true;
					{   // ah != null
						result = ((AccessibleStates.Checked & ah.States) == AccessibleStates.Checked);
						m_got = result.ToString();
						result = m_got.ToLower() == expect.ToLower();
				case "selected":
					if (expect == null) expect = "True";
					if (ah == null)
						if (expect == "True") result = false;
						else result = true;
					{   // ah != null
						result = ((AccessibleStates.Selected & ah.States) == AccessibleStates.Selected);
						m_got = result.ToString();
						result = m_got.ToLower() == expect.ToLower();
				case "present":
					if (ah == null) result = false;
					else result = true;
				case "unavailable":
					if (expect == null) expect = "True";
					if (ah == null)
						if (expect == "True") result = true;
						else result = false;
					{   // ah != null
						result = ((AccessibleStates.Unavailable & ah.States) == AccessibleStates.Unavailable);
						m_got = result.ToString();
						result = m_got.ToLower() == expect.ToLower();
					fail("property '"+m_prop+"' is not understood");
					m_got = result.ToString();
					result = false;
			return result;
예제 #14
		/// <summary>
		/// Glimpse one gui-path and return the result. If the expected value is not found,
		/// an assertion is raised.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ah">Context accessibility helper, taken as the starting place for gpath.</param>
		/// <param name="gpath">The path through the GUI to the control.</param>
		/// <param name="expect">The expected value of the property for the control.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		bool GlimpsePath(AccessibilityHelper ah, GuiPath gpath, string expect)
			m_Result = true;
			m_got = null;
			IPathVisitor visitor = null;
			ah = gpath.FindInGui(ah, visitor);
			m_Result = GlimpseGUI(ah, expect);
			if (m_Result) base.Finished = true; // teminates do-once
			if ((m_onPass == "assert" && m_Result == true)
				||(m_onFail == "assert" && m_Result == false) )
				if (m_message != null && m_message.HasContent())
					string image = "Property [" + m_prop + "] was [" + m_got + "] expecting [" + m_expect + "] Result = '" + m_Result + "', on-pass='******', on-fail='" + m_onFail + "'";
					if (gpath != null)
						fail(image + " on gPath = " + gpath.toString());
			return m_Result;
예제 #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Collects ah's associated with steps in a path.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ah">The ah of a non-terminal node found along a path</param>
 public void visitNode(AccessibilityHelper ah)
     // add them so the first to be visited later is the first one added.
예제 #16
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Exits the application
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="fOnCurrentWindow">If <c>true</c> send Alt-F4 regardless of what window
		/// is active. Otherwise switch to the main window first.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public void Exit(bool fOnCurrentWindow)
		{ // assume m_proc != null - an assert would have come up during launch in on-application
			if (!fOnCurrentWindow)
				try { m_proc.Kill(); }
				catch {}
			else KillWithKeys(fOnCurrentWindow);
			m_proc = null;
			m_AccHelper = null;
예제 #17
		public AppHandle()
			m_ExePath      = null;
			m_proc         = null;
			m_AccHelper    = null;
예제 #18
        // look for the expected dialog to appear. If it does, make an accessibilty
        // helper for it.
        public override void Execute()
            // base.Execute(ts); // can't call this yet as it executes the children
            WaitMsec(); // do call this but make sure Wait is reset to zero!
            Wait = 0; // reset to zero so there is no delay after the dialog is found.
            // number is needed in diagnostics for the log
            if (Number == -1) Number = TestState.getOnly().IncInstructionCount;

            /// If present, use the selected dialog model title
            Context con = (Context)Ancestor(typeof(Context));
            if (m_select != null && m_select != "")
            {  // make a new model context node and move dialog's children to it
                m_select = Utilities.evalExpr(m_select);
                XmlDocument doc = m_elt.OwnerDocument;
                XmlElement modElt = doc.CreateElement("model");
                modElt.SetAttribute("select", m_select);
                XmlNodeList children = m_elt.ChildNodes;
                int count = children.Count;
                while (count > 0)
                {  // move dialog children to model
                    XmlNode child = children.Item(0); //get the first child
                    modElt.AppendChild(child); // automatically removed from m_elt!!
                    count = children.Count;
                // set the title to look for
                // can only have one text node
                XmlNodeList pathNodes = Instructionator.selectNodes(this, m_select, makeName());
                m_log.isNotNull(pathNodes, makeNameTag() + " select='" + m_select + "' returned no model");
                m_log.isTrue(pathNodes.Count > 0, makeNameTag() + " select='" + m_select + "' returned no model nodes");
                // This is the model node
                XmlNode modNode = pathNodes.Item(0);
                if (m_title == null || m_title == "")
                {  // no title override, so set the title from the model
                    string titleCheck = XmlFiler.getAttribute(modNode, "title");
                    if (titleCheck != null)
                        m_title = titleCheck;
                        m_log.paragraph("on-dialog title set from selected model " + titleCheck);
                else { m_log.paragraph("on-dialog title set from @title " + m_title); }
                string nameCheck = XmlFiler.getAttribute(modNode, "name");
                if (nameCheck != null)
                    m_name = nameCheck;
                    m_log.paragraph("on-dialog name set from selected model " + nameCheck);
                m_select = null; // can only do this one time in do-once or model
            // if no name, try title
            if (m_title != null && m_title != "" && (m_name == null || m_name == "")) m_name = m_title;

            m_log.isNotNull(m_title, makeNameTag() + " No @title in script or model for this dialog.");
            m_log.isFalse(m_title == "", makeNameTag() + " @title in script or model is blank.");
            m_log.isFalse(m_name == null && !m_title.StartsWith("rexp#"), makeNameTag() + " No @name step in script or model for this dialog.");
            m_log.isFalse(m_name == "" && !m_title.StartsWith("rexp#"), makeNameTag() + " @name step in script or model is blank.");
            //if (m_title != null && m_title != "") m_title = Utilities.evalExpr(m_title);
            //if (m_name != null && m_name != "") m_name = Utilities.evalExpr(m_name);
            m_title = Utilities.evalExpr(m_title);
            m_name = Utilities.evalExpr(m_name);


            if (Application != null)
                try { Application.Process.WaitForInputIdle(); }
                catch (Win32Exception e)
                { m_log.paragraph(makeNameTag() + " WaitForInputIdle: " + e.Message); }
            // Give the window m_Rest seconds to show up
            int startTick = System.Environment.TickCount;
            IntPtr foundHwndPtr;
            string name = null;
            Regex rx = null;

            if (m_title != null && m_title.StartsWith("rexp#"))
            {   // Create a regular expression object
                try { rx = new Regex(m_title.Substring(5)); }
                catch (ArgumentException e)
                    m_log.fail(makeNameTag() + " title from rexp# [" + m_title.Substring(5)
                                  + "] error: " + e.Message);

            while (!m_found)
            {   // If there is a regular expression, try it.
                if (rx != null)
                {   // try the main window name then other windows it may own via the regular expression
                    m_log.paragraph("Searching all processes");
                    Process[] allProcs = Process.GetProcesses();
                    for (int p = 0; p < allProcs.Length; p++)
                        Process pro = allProcs[p];
                        try {
                            if (rx.IsMatch(pro.MainWindowTitle)) {
                                m_found = true;
                                m_ah = new AccessibilityHelper(pro.Handle);
                        catch (Exception e) {
                            m_log.paragraph(makeNameTag() + " main title from rexp# [" + m_title.Substring(5)
                                          + "] process error: " + e.Message);
                        #region Attempt to explore process threads - useful?
                        // try the windows that belong to this process
                        /*try {
                            foreach (ProcessThread pt in pro.Threads)

                                string para = "on-dialog matching proc [" + pro.ProcessName + ":";
                                if (pt.Site != null) para += pt.Site.Name + "]";
                                else                 para += "]";
                                if (pt.Site != null && rx.IsMatch(pt.Site.Name)) {
                                    m_found = true;
                                    m_ah = new AccessibilityHelper(pro.Handle);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            m_log.paragraph("on-dialog title from rexp# [" + m_title.Substring(5)
                                          + "] process error: " + e.Message);
                        } */
                if (!m_found)
                {   // get the window handle for windows with the right name
                    // unfortuneately, other windows, or partially formed windows
                    // seem to be obtained too.
                    m_log.paragraph("Searching the desktop for a window via FindWindow");
                    if (rx != null) foundHwndPtr = FindWindow(null, null);
                    else foundHwndPtr = FindWindow(null, m_title);
                    if ((int)foundHwndPtr != 0)
                    {   // is this the window? Is it completely formed?
                        m_ah = new AccessibilityHelper(foundHwndPtr);
                        if (m_ah == null) m_log.paragraph(makeNameTag() + " Obtained window with no Accessibiilty!");
                        else // this window has accessibility - hope it's fully built
                        {   // is this or one of its children the window?
                            name = m_ah.Name; //when name1 = "", m_ah is probably bad - i.e. not an object
                            if (name == "") { } // do nothing, keep looking
                            else if (name.Equals(m_title) || name.Equals(this.m_name))
                            {   // this is likely it
                                m_found = true;
                            else // m_ah might be the ah for the main app or dialog window
                            {   // Maybe one of its children is the window we want
                                m_log.paragraph("Searching for a child window");
                                m_ah = m_ah.FindChild(m_title, AccessibleRole.Dialog);
                                if (m_ah != null)
                                { // is this the window?
                                    name = m_ah.Name; // name1 can't be null
                                    if (name == "") { } // do nothing, keep looking
                                    else if (name.Equals(m_title) || name.Equals(this.m_name))
                                    {   // this might be it
                                        m_found = true;

                if (Utilities.NumTicks(startTick, System.Environment.TickCount) > m_until)
                    break;	// time is up

            m_Rest = 0; // don't wait later when base.Execute is invoked

            if (m_found) m_DlgHwndStack.Push(m_ah.HWnd);
            {   // Didn't find the window
                m_ah = null;

            string contextPass, contextFail;
            PassFailInContext(OnPass, OnFail, out contextPass, out contextFail);	//  out m_onPass, out m_onFail);
            m_log.paragraph(makeNameTag() + " passIn=" + OnPass + " failIn=" + OnFail + " pass="******" fail=" + contextFail);
            if (!m_found && contextFail == "skip")
                return; // quietly exit
            m_log.isTrue(m_found, makeNameTag() + m_title + @"' was not created or not accessible");
            if (name == null)
                m_log.paragraph(makeNameTag() + " Wierd: ah exists but name was null - should NEVER happen!!");
                name = "";
            if (contextPass == "assert")
                m_log.fail(makeNameTag() + m_title + " was not supposed to display.");

            base.Finished = true;	// finished processing this dialog context

            if (m_DlgHwndStack.Count > 0)
                int hwnd = (int)m_DlgHwndStack.Peek();
                m_log.paragraph(makeNameTag() + " Sent Focus message to containing context object");
                //	m_ah.Parent.SendWindowMessage((int)SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Utils.Win32.WinMsgs.WM_SETFOCUS,0,0);
예제 #19
		public AppHandle(string exe, Process proc, AccessibilityHelper ah)
			m_ExePath      = exe;
			m_proc         = proc;
			m_AccHelper    = ah;
예제 #20
		public void findInGui()
			Process m_proc = Process.Start(@"C:\WINDOWS\NOTEPAD.EXE");
			AccessibilityHelper m_ah;
			while (Process.GetProcessById(m_proc.Id).MainWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero)


			m_ah = new AccessibilityHelper(m_proc.MainWindowHandle);

			AccessibilityHelper ah = null;
			GuiPath gpath = new GuiPath("menu:Help/menu:Help Topics");
			ah = gpath.FindInGui(m_ah, null);
			Assert.IsNotNull(ah,"'menu:Help/menu:Help Topics' Accessibility Helper not found");
			Assert.AreEqual("Help Topics",ah.Name,"'menu:Help/menu:Help Topics' menu item not found");
			Assert.AreEqual(AccessibleRole.MenuItem,ah.Role,"'menu:Help/menu:Help Topics' menu item role not found");
예제 #21
		public void FindNthChild()
			AccessibilityHelper ah = m_ah;

			// now look for the second instance
			int nWhich = 3;
			AccessibilityHelper first = m_ah.Parent.FindNthChild("Paragraph",
				AccessibleRole.Text, nWhich, 10);
			nWhich = 4;
			AccessibilityHelper second = m_ah.Parent.FindNthChild("Paragraph",
				AccessibleRole.Text, nWhich, 10);
			nWhich = 300;
			AccessibilityHelper none = m_ah.Parent.FindNthChild("Paragraph",
				AccessibleRole.Text, nWhich, 10);

			m_ah = ah;

			Assert.IsTrue(first != second);
예제 #22
 private AccessibilityHelper findFromPath(AccessibilityHelper ancestor, string path)
     // break the path into typed tokens of the form type:name[#]
     AccessibilityHelper ah = ancestor;
     ArrayList typedTokens = SplitPath(path);
     foreach (string typedToken in typedTokens)
         string name, type;
         int    duplicate;
         SplitTypedToken(typedToken, out name, out type, out duplicate);
         AccessibleRole role = TypeToRole(type);
         if (duplicate == 1) ah = ah.FindChild(name,role);
         else				ah = ah.FindNthChild(name,role,duplicate,10);
     return ah;
예제 #23
		string HoverPath(AccessibilityHelper ah, GuiPath gpath)
			ah = gpath.FindInGui(ah, this);
			return m_message;
예제 #24
        private string getPathFromAh(AccessibilityHelper ancestor)
            string path = null;
            // two ways to do this:
            // 1 : If ancestor is in m_Paths, match the value and return the key.
            bool hasIt = m_Paths.ContainsValue(ancestor);
            if (hasIt)
                ICollection keys = m_Paths.Keys;
                IEnumerator key = keys.GetEnumerator();
                while (!(m_Paths[key.Current]).Equals(ancestor)) key.MoveNext();
                // since it was contained in m_Paths, it must have been found.
                return (string)(key.Current);

            // 2 : Use the Parent attribute of ancestors to build a path.
            //     (must get rid of "client"s and other fluff)
            if (ancestor.HWnd == m_Root.HWnd) // found the root
                return root + ":" + m_Root.Name;
            string prefix = getPathFromAh(ancestor.Parent);
            string role = RoleToType(ancestor.Role);
            if (role.Equals("none"))
                path = prefix;
            else path = prefix + "/" + role + ":" + ancestor.Name;
            // if (duplicate) path += "[n]";
            return 	path;
예제 #25
		// when all the instructions pass, do-once passes
		// otherwise it fails
		public override void Execute()
			// Don't call the base execute method! - want control..
			// base.Execute();
			if (Number == -1) Number = TestState.getOnly().IncInstructionCount;
			m_ExecuteTickCount = System.Environment.TickCount;

			PrepareChildren(); // base method to build child instructions

			// remove all wait times in this context, but only at the child level
			foreach (Instruction ins in m_components)

			PassFailInContext(OnPass, OnFail, out m_onPass, out m_onFail);
			AccessibilityHelper m_ah = Accessibility;
			if (1 == m_logLevel)
				m_log.paragraph("Context is &quot;" + m_ah.Role + ":" + m_ah.Name + "&quot;");

			if (m_waitingFor != null && m_waitingFor != "")
				m_waitingFor = Utilities.evalExpr(m_waitingFor);

			int startTick = System.Environment.TickCount;

			bool done = false;
			bool lastPass = false;	// used to allow 1 last pass over instructions after time is up
			while (!done)
				// see if there are any cmds not finished
				done = true;	// start as if they're all done
				foreach (Instruction ins in m_components)
					if (!ins.Finished)	// not already finished
						// Don't assert onFail until it's the last pass (time is up)
						ins.DeferAssert = !lastPass;
						if (!ins.Finished)	// still not finished
							done = false;
				m_Result = done;
				AccessibilityHelper ah = null;
				string title = null;
				if (m_waitingFor != null && m_waitingFor != "")
					m_Result = false; // fail if the window is not found
					IntPtr foundHwndPtr = FindWindow(null,m_waitingFor);
					if ((int)foundHwndPtr != 0)
						ah = new AccessibilityHelper(foundHwndPtr);
						// The ah constructor gets the topWindow if our window isn't found
						// Don't want that
						// ah = new AccessibilityHelper(m_waitingFor);

						// get the title, the ah.Name can be different.
						GuiPath path = new GuiPath("titlebar:NAMELESS");
						AccessibilityHelper ah1 = ah.SearchPath(path, null);
						if (ah1 != null)
							title = ah1.Value;
				if (ah != null) m_log.paragraph("do-once found window:"+ah.Name);
				if (title != null) m_log.paragraph("do-once found title:"+title);
				if (lastPass)
					done = true;
				if (title != null && title == m_waitingFor)
					lastPass = true; // A window may appear a bit later
					m_Result = true;

				// once time is up, allow finial pass over instructions allowing asserts as needed
				if (!lastPass)
					lastPass = Utilities.NumTicks(startTick, System.Environment.TickCount) > m_waitTicks;
			} // end of while loop

			Finished = true; // tell do-once it's done

			if (m_onPass == "assert" && m_Result == true)
				fail("do-once accomplished its task(s) but was not supposed to.");
			if (m_onFail == "assert" && m_Result == false)
				fail("do-once did not accomplish all of its tasks.");
예제 #26
        AccessibilityHelper m_Root = null; // the root of the accessibility tree

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public PathManager(AccessibilityHelper root)
            m_Root = root;
예제 #27
파일: Click.cs 프로젝트: bbriggs/FieldWorks
        /// <summary>
        /// method to apply when a non-terminal node has been found
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ah"></param>
        public void visitNode(AccessibilityHelper ah)
            // does this ah need to be clicked or something to get to its children?
            if (1 == m_logLevel)
                m_log.paragraph(makeNameTag() + "Click found &quot;" + ah.Role + ":" + ah.Name + "&quot;");

            if ((ah.Role == AccessibleRole.MenuItem) || (m_for != null && "all" == (string)m_for))
                if (1 == m_logLevel) m_log.paragraph(makeNameTag() + "Click determining what to do with this intermediate step");
                bool isFocused = (ah.States & AccessibleStates.Focused) == AccessibleStates.Focused;
                if (!isFocused)
                    if (1 == m_logLevel) m_log.paragraph(makeNameTag() + "Clicking relative to &quot;" + ah.Role + ":" + ah.Name + "&quot; by (" + m_dx + ", " + m_dy + ") since it does not have focus");
                    ah.SimulateClickRelative(m_dx, m_dy);
                    if (1 == m_logLevel) m_log.paragraph(makeNameTag() + "Click hovering on &quot;" + ah.Role + ":" + ah.Name + "&quot; since it has focus");
                    ah.MoveMouseOverMe(); // hover
예제 #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets an accessible object from a path starting from the ancestor
 /// provided.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ancestor">Begin looking with the children of this object.</param>
 /// <param name="path">Text in the form type:name[#]/type:name[#]/...</param>
 /// <returns>The accessible object found at the end of the path</returns>
 public AccessibilityHelper getAhFromContextPath(AccessibilityHelper ancestor, string path)
     AccessibilityHelper ah = null;
     // is the path a key in the m_Paths?
     string aPath = getPathFromAh(ancestor);
     string fullPath = aPath + '/' +path;
     if (m_Paths.ContainsKey(fullPath))
         ah = (AccessibilityHelper)m_Paths[fullPath];
     else // go find it
         // find the accessible object starting from the ancestor provided
         ah = findFromPath(ancestor, path);
             if (ah != null) m_Paths.Add(fullPath,ah);
     return ah;
예제 #29
파일: Click.cs 프로젝트: bbriggs/FieldWorks
 /// <summary>
 /// Tries to find the target ah repeatedly for the "Wait" period
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ah"></param>
 /// <param name="gpath"></param>
 private void ClickPathUntilFound(AccessibilityHelper ah, GuiPath gpath)
     string badPath = "";
     if (DoingOnce()) badPath = ClickPath(ah, gpath);
     { // act as if it's being done once
         //IntPtr handle = (IntPtr)ah.HWnd; // get an updated ah based on its window handle
         bool done = false;
         while(!done && !m_finished)
             //ah = new AccessibilityHelper((handle)); // refresh the context ah
             ah = new AccessibilityHelper(ah); // refresh the context ah
             if (ah == null) m_log.paragraph(makeNameTag() + "ClickPathUntilFound on " + gpath + " handled a null context");
             if (ah != null) badPath = ClickPath(ah, gpath);
             done = Utilities.NumTicks(m_ExecuteTickCount, System.Environment.TickCount) > m_until;
             System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); // try every half second
         // if not clicked, it waited a long time on a bad path
         if (!m_finished) m_log.fail(makeNameTag() + badPath);
예제 #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks for an open error window and closes it.
 /// This may close the application.
 /// Also, set doAssert to true if this test should terminate on finding one.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="doAssert">false when the test should not fail as when another test caused the error window.</param>
 protected void CheckForErrorDialogs(bool doAssert)
     // check for specific error dialogs
     // Try to get the ah for "An error has occurred" window
     // Log its info
     // Close the error window
     // Assert if directed to
     AccessibilityHelper ah = new AccessibilityHelper("An error has occurred");
     // This constructor returns the top window if it can't find the
     // one with the title
     // Even though the ah is not null, sometimes it can't get the name
     string name = "";
     if (ah != null && ah.Name == "An error has occurred")
     { // this is really bad!
         string color = "green";
         m_log.paragraph("Window: " + name);
         GuiPath path = new GuiPath("button:Exit the application");
         AccessibilityHelper ahExit = ah.SearchPath(path, null);
         if (ahExit == null)
             color = "yellow"; // can continue
             path = new GuiPath("button:Ok");
             ahExit = ah.SearchPath(path, null);
         if (ahExit == null) color = "unknown";
         if (color == "green")   m_log.paragraph("Found a green error window!");
         if (color == "yellow")  m_log.paragraph("Found a yellow error window! Continuing...");
         if (color == "unknown") m_log.paragraph("Found an unknown error window!");
         // write the error text to the log
         path = new GuiPath("window:NAMELESS[2]");
         AccessibilityHelper ahTextWin = ah.SearchPath(path, null);
         AccessibilityHelper ahText = null;
         if (ahTextWin != null)
             path = new GuiPath("text:NAMELESS[2]");
             ahText = ah.SearchPath(path, null);
         if (ahText != null)
         else m_log.paragraph(@"Don't know where to get the message text from.");
         if (color == "green" || color == "yellow")
         if (doAssert && color == "green")
             m_log.fail("Got an error window!");
         if (color == "unknown" && Application != null)
             Application.SendKeys(@"{ESC}"); // exits error window but maybe not the app
         if (doAssert && color == "unknown")
             m_log.fail("Closed the unknown error window.");
         Thread.Sleep(20000); // if still alive, wait for things to calm down