public Ctor (XmlElement elem, ClassBase implementor) : base (elem, implementor) { preferred = elem.GetAttributeAsBoolean ("preferred"); if (implementor is ObjectGen) needs_chaining = true; name = implementor.Name; }
public VirtualMethod (XmlElement elem, ClassBase container_type) : base (elem, container_type) { this.elem = elem; retval = new ReturnValue (elem ["return-type"]); parms = new Parameters (elem["parameters"]); parms.HideData = true; }
public Ctor (XmlElement elem, ClassBase implementor) : base (elem, implementor) { if (elem.HasAttribute ("preferred")) preferred = true; if (implementor is ObjectGen) needs_chaining = true; name = implementor.Name; }
/* Creates a callback method which invokes the corresponding virtual method * @implementor is the class that implements the virtual method(e.g. the class that derives from an interface) or NULL if containing and declaring type are equal */ public void GenerateCallback (StreamWriter sw, ClassBase implementor) { if (!Validate ()) return; string native_signature = ""; if (!IsStatic) { native_signature += "IntPtr inst"; if (parms.Count > 0) native_signature += ", "; } if (parms.Count > 0) native_signature += parms.ImportSignature; sw.WriteLine ("\t\t[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\tdelegate {0} {1}NativeDelegate ({2});", retval.ToNativeType, this.Name, native_signature); sw.WriteLine (); sw.WriteLine ("\t\tstatic {0} {1}_cb ({2})", retval.ToNativeType, this.Name, native_signature); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t{"); string unconditional = call.Unconditional ("\t\t\t"); if (unconditional.Length > 0) sw.WriteLine (unconditional); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\ttry {"); if (!this.IsStatic) { string type; if (implementor != null) type = implementor.QualifiedName; else if (this.container_type is InterfaceGen) type = this.container_type.Name + "Implementor"; // We are in an interface/adaptor, invoke the method in the implementor class else type = this.container_type.Name; sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\t{0} __obj = Gst.GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as {0};", type); } sw.Write (call.Setup ("\t\t\t\t")); sw.Write ("\t\t\t\t"); if (!retval.IsVoid) sw.Write (retval.CSType + " __result = "); if (!this.IsStatic) sw.Write ("__obj."); sw.WriteLine (this.CallString + ";"); sw.Write (call.Finish ("\t\t\t\t")); if (!retval.IsVoid) sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\treturn " + retval.ToNative ("__result") + ";"); bool fatal = parms.HasOutParam || !retval.IsVoid; sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t} catch (Exception e) {"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tGst.GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, " + (fatal ? "true" : "false") + ");"); if (fatal) { sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\t// NOTREACHED: above call does not return."); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tthrow e;"); } sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t}"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}"); sw.WriteLine (); }
public Signal (XmlElement elem, ClassBase container_type) { this.elem = elem; name = elem.GetAttribute ("name"); marshaled = elem.GetAttribute ("manual") == "true"; retval = new ReturnValue (elem ["return-type"]); parms = new Parameters (elem["parameters"]); this.container_type = container_type; }
public Method (XmlElement elem, ClassBase container_type) : base (elem, container_type) { this.retval = new ReturnValue (elem["return-type"]); if (!container_type.IsDeprecated) { deprecated = elem.GetAttributeAsBoolean ("deprecated"); } if (Name == "GetType") Name = "GetGType"; }
public Method (XmlElement elem, ClassBase container_type) : base (elem, container_type) { this.retval = new ReturnValue (elem["return-type"]); if (!container_type.IsDeprecated && elem.HasAttribute ("deprecated")) { string attr = elem.GetAttribute ("deprecated"); deprecated = attr == "1" || attr == "true"; } if (Name == "GetType") Name = "GetGType"; }
public Method(XmlElement elem, ClassBase container_type) : base(elem, container_type) { this.retval = new ReturnValue(elem["return-type"]); if (!container_type.IsDeprecated && elem.HasAttribute("deprecated")) { string attr = elem.GetAttribute("deprecated"); deprecated = attr == "1" || attr == "true"; } if (elem.HasAttribute("win32_utf8_variant")) { string attr = elem.GetAttribute("win32_utf8_variant"); win32_utf8_variant = attr == "1" || attr.ToLower() == "true"; } if (Name == "GetType") { Name = "GetGType"; } }
protected MethodBase(XmlElement elem, ClassBase container_type) { this.elem = elem; this.container_type = container_type; = elem.GetAttribute ("name"); parms = new Parameters (elem ["parameters"]); IsStatic = elem.GetAttribute ("shared") == "true"; if (elem.HasAttribute ("new_flag")) mods = "new "; if (elem.HasAttribute ("accessibility")) { string attr = elem.GetAttribute ("accessibility"); switch (attr) { case "public": case "protected": case "internal": case "private": case "protected internal": protection = attr; break; } } }
public void Generate(GenerationInfo gen_info, ClassBase implementor) { StreamWriter sw = gen_info.Writer; if (implementor == null) { GenEventHandler(gen_info); } GenDefaultHandlerDelegate(gen_info, implementor); if (gen_info.GlueEnabled && implementor == null && ClassFieldName.Length > 0) { GenGlueVirtualMethod(gen_info); } else { GenChainVirtualMethod(sw, implementor); } GenEvent(sw, implementor, "this"); Statistics.SignalCount++; }
protected MethodBase (XmlElement elem, ClassBase container_type) { this.elem = elem; this.container_type = container_type; = elem.GetAttribute ("name"); parms = new Parameters (elem ["parameters"]); IsStatic = elem.GetAttribute ("shared") == "true"; if (elem.HasAttribute ("new_flag")) mods = "new "; if (elem.HasAttribute ("accessibility")) { string attr = elem.GetAttribute ("accessibility"); switch (attr) { case "public": case "protected": case "internal": case "private": case "protected internal": protection = attr; break; } } }
public void GenEvent (StreamWriter sw, ClassBase implementor, string target) { string args_type = IsEventHandler ? "" : ", typeof (" + EventArgsQualifiedName + ")"; if (Marshaled) { GenCallback (sw); args_type = ", new " + DelegateName + "(" + CallbackName + ")"; } sw.WriteLine("\t\t[GLib.Signal("+ CName + ")]"); sw.Write("\t\tpublic "); if (NeedNew (implementor)) sw.Write("new "); sw.WriteLine("event " + EventHandlerQualifiedName + " " + Name + " {"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t\tadd {"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t\tGLib.Signal sig = GLib.Signal.Lookup (" + target + ", " + CName + args_type + ");"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t\tsig.AddDelegate (value);"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t}"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t\tremove {"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t\tGLib.Signal sig = GLib.Signal.Lookup (" + target + ", " + CName + args_type + ");"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t\tsig.RemoveDelegate (value);"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t}"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t}"); sw.WriteLine(); }
/* Creates a callback method which invokes the corresponding virtual method * @implementor is the class that implements the virtual method(e.g. the class that derives from an interface) or NULL if containing and declaring type are equal */ public void GenerateCallback (StreamWriter sw, ClassBase implementor) { LogWriter log = new LogWriter (); log.Type = container_type.QualifiedName; if (!Validate (log)) return; string native_signature = ""; if (!IsStatic) { native_signature += "IntPtr inst"; if (parms.Count > 0) native_signature += ", "; } if (parms.Count > 0) native_signature += parms.ImportSignature; sw.WriteLine ("\t\t[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\tdelegate {0} {1}NativeDelegate ({2});", retval.ToNativeType, this.Name, native_signature); sw.WriteLine (); sw.WriteLine ("\t\tstatic {0} {1}_cb ({2})", retval.ToNativeType, this.Name, native_signature); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t{"); string unconditional = call.Unconditional ("\t\t\t"); if (unconditional.Length > 0) sw.WriteLine (unconditional); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\ttry {"); if (!this.IsStatic) { string type; if (implementor != null) type = implementor.QualifiedName; else if (this.container_type is InterfaceGen) // We are in an interface/adaptor, invoke the method in the implementor class type = (this.container_type as InterfaceGen).ImplementorName; else type = this.container_type.Name; sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\t{0} __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as {0};", type); } string indent = "\t\t\t\t"; if (!retval.IsVoid) sw.WriteLine (indent + retval.CSType + " __result;"); sw.Write (call.Setup (indent)); sw.Write (indent); if (!retval.IsVoid) sw.Write ("__result = "); if (!this.IsStatic) sw.Write ("__obj."); sw.WriteLine (this.CallString + ";"); sw.Write (call.Finish (indent)); if (!retval.IsVoid) sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\treturn " + retval.ToNative ("__result") + ";"); bool fatal = parms.HasOutParam || !retval.IsVoid; sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t} catch (Exception e) {"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tGLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, " + (fatal ? "true" : "false") + ");"); if (fatal) { sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\t// NOTREACHED: above call does not return."); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tthrow e;"); } if (call.HasDisposeParam) { sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t} finally {"); sw.Write (call.DisposeParams (indent)); } sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t}"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}"); sw.WriteLine (); }
public FieldBase (XmlElement elem, ClassBase container_type) : base (elem, container_type) {}
private bool NeedNew (ClassBase implementor) { return elem.HasAttribute ("new_flag") || (container_type != null && container_type.GetSignalRecursively (Name) != null) || (implementor != null && implementor.GetSignalRecursively (Name) != null); }
private void GenerateDeclCommon(StreamWriter sw, ClassBase implementor) { GenerateDeclCommon (sw, implementor, false); }
protected bool IgnoreMethod (Method method, ClassBase implementor) { if (implementor != null && implementor.QualifiedName != this.QualifiedName && method.IsStatic) return true; string mname = method.Name; return ((method.IsSetter || (method.IsGetter && mname.StartsWith("Get"))) && ((props != null) && props.ContainsKey(mname.Substring(3)) || (fields != null) && fields.ContainsKey(mname.Substring(3)))); }
public PropertyBase(XmlElement elem, ClassBase container_type) { this.elem = elem; this.container_type = container_type; }
private void GenChainVirtualMethod (StreamWriter sw, ClassBase implementor) { GenVMDeclaration (sw, implementor); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t{"); if (IsVoid) sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tGLib.Value ret = GLib.Value.Empty;"); else sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tGLib.Value ret = new GLib.Value (" + ReturnGType + ");"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tGLib.ValueArray inst_and_params = new GLib.ValueArray (" + parms.Count + ");"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tGLib.Value[] vals = new GLib.Value [" + parms.Count + "];"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tvals [0] = new GLib.Value (this);"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tinst_and_params.Append (vals [0]);"); string cleanup = ""; for (int i = 1; i < parms.Count; i++) { Parameter p = parms [i]; if (p.PassAs != "") { if (SymbolTable.Table.IsBoxed (p.CType)) { if (p.PassAs == "ref") sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tvals [" + i + "] = new GLib.Value (" + p.Name + ");"); else sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tvals [" + i + "] = new GLib.Value ((GLib.GType)typeof (" + p.CSType + "));"); cleanup += "\t\t\t" + p.Name + " = (" + p.CSType + ") vals [" + i + "];\n"; } else { if (p.PassAs == "ref") sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tIntPtr " + p.Name + "_ptr = GLib.Marshaller.StructureToPtrAlloc (" + p.Generatable.CallByName (p.Name) + ");"); else sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tIntPtr " + p.Name + "_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (" + p.MarshalType + ")));"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tvals [" + i + "] = new GLib.Value (" + p.Name + "_ptr);"); cleanup += "\t\t\t" + p.Name + " = " + p.FromNative ("(" + p.MarshalType + ") Marshal.PtrToStructure (" + p.Name + "_ptr, typeof (" + p.MarshalType + "))") + ";\n"; cleanup += "\t\t\tMarshal.FreeHGlobal (" + p.Name + "_ptr);\n"; } } else if (p.IsLength && parms [i - 1].IsString) sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tvals [" + i + "] = new GLib.Value (System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount (" + parms [i-1].Name + "));"); else sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tvals [" + i + "] = new GLib.Value (" + p.Name + ");"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tinst_and_params.Append (vals [" + i + "]);"); } sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tg_signal_chain_from_overridden (inst_and_params.ArrayPtr, ref ret);"); if (cleanup != "") sw.WriteLine (cleanup); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tforeach (GLib.Value v in vals)"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tv.Dispose ();"); if (!IsVoid) { IGeneratable igen = SymbolTable.Table [retval.CType]; sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t" + retval.CSType + " result = (" + (igen is EnumGen ? retval.CSType + ") (Enum" : retval.CSType) + ") ret;"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tret.Dispose ();"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\treturn result;"); } sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}\n"); }
public void GenProperties (GenerationInfo gen_info, ClassBase implementor) { if (props.Count == 0) return; foreach (Property prop in props.Values) prop.Generate (gen_info, "\t\t", implementor); }
public ObjectField (XmlElement elem, ClassBase container_type) : base (elem, container_type) { if (CType == "char*" || CType == "gchar*") ctype = "const-" + CType; }
public void GenSignals(GenerationInfo gen_info, ClassBase implementor) { if (sigs == null) return; foreach (Signal sig in sigs.Values) sig.Generate (gen_info, implementor); }
public void Generate (GenerationInfo gen_info, ClassBase implementor) { StreamWriter sw = gen_info.Writer; if (implementor == null) GenEventHandler (gen_info); GenDefaultHandlerDelegate (gen_info, implementor); if (gen_info.GlueEnabled && implementor == null && ClassFieldName.Length > 0) GenGlueVirtualMethod (gen_info); else GenChainVirtualMethod (sw, implementor); GenEvent (sw, implementor, "this"); Statistics.SignalCount++; }
private void GenerateDeclCommon(StreamWriter sw, ClassBase implementor) { GenerateDeclCommon(sw, implementor, false); }
public void GenMethods (GenerationInfo gen_info, IDictionary<string, bool> collisions, ClassBase implementor) { if (methods == null) return; foreach (Method method in methods.Values) { if (IgnoreMethod (method, implementor)) continue; string oname = null, oprotection = null; if (collisions != null && collisions.ContainsKey (method.Name)) { oname = method.Name; oprotection = method.Protection; method.Name = QualifiedName + "." + method.Name; method.Protection = ""; } method.Generate (gen_info, implementor); if (oname != null) { method.Name = oname; method.Protection = oprotection; } } }
private void GenVMDeclaration (StreamWriter sw, ClassBase implementor) { VMSignature vmsig = new VMSignature (parms); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(" + (implementor != null ? implementor.QualifiedName : container_type.QualifiedName) + "), ConnectionMethod=\"Override" + Name +"\")]"); sw.Write ("\t\tprotected "); if (NeedNew (implementor)) sw.Write ("new "); sw.WriteLine ("virtual {0} {1} ({2})", retval.CSType, "On" + Name, vmsig.ToString ()); }
public void GenerateBody (GenerationInfo gen_info, ClassBase implementor, string indent) { StreamWriter sw = gen_info.Writer; sw.WriteLine(" {"); if (!IsStatic && implementor != null) implementor.Prepare (sw, indent + "\t\t\t"); if (IsAccessor) Body.InitAccessor (sw, Signature, indent); Body.Initialize(gen_info, is_get, is_set, indent); if (HasWin32Utf8Variant) { if (!retval.IsVoid) sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t" + retval.MarshalType + " raw_ret;"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t" + "if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT ||"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t" + " Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32S ||"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t" + " Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32Windows ||"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t" + " Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.WinCE)"); if (retval.IsVoid) { sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t\t" + CName + "_utf8" + call + ";"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t" + "else"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t\t" + CName + call + ";"); } else { sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t\traw_ret = " + CName + "_utf8" + call + ";"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t" + "else"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t\traw_ret = " + CName + call + ";"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t" + retval.CSType + " ret = " + retval.FromNative ("raw_ret") + ";"); } } else { sw.Write(indent + "\t\t\t"); if (retval.IsVoid) sw.WriteLine(CName + call + ";"); else { sw.WriteLine(retval.MarshalType + " raw_ret = " + CName + call + ";"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t" + retval.CSType + " ret = " + retval.FromNative ("raw_ret") + ";"); } } if (!IsStatic && implementor != null) implementor.Finish (sw, indent + "\t\t\t"); Body.Finish (sw, indent); Body.HandleException (sw, indent); if (is_get && Parameters.Count > 0) sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\t\treturn " + Parameters.AccessorName + ";"); else if (!retval.IsVoid) sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\t\treturn ret;"); else if (IsAccessor) Body.FinishAccessor (sw, Signature, indent); sw.Write(indent + "\t\t}"); }
public void GenerateBody(GenerationInfo gen_info, ClassBase implementor, string indent) { StreamWriter sw = gen_info.Writer; sw.WriteLine(" {"); if (!IsStatic && implementor != null) { implementor.Prepare(sw, indent + "\t\t\t"); } if (IsAccessor) { Body.InitAccessor(sw, Signature, indent); } Body.Initialize(gen_info, is_get, is_set, indent); if (HasWin32Utf8Variant) { if (!retval.IsVoid) { sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t" + retval.MarshalType + " raw_ret;"); } sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t" + "if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT ||"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t" + " Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32S ||"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t" + " Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32Windows ||"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t" + " Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.WinCE)"); if (retval.IsVoid) { sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t\t" + CName + "_utf8" + call + ";"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t" + "else"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t\t" + CName + call + ";"); } else { sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t\traw_ret = " + CName + "_utf8" + call + ";"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t" + "else"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t\traw_ret = " + CName + call + ";"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t" + retval.CSType + " ret = " + retval.FromNative("raw_ret") + ";"); } } else { sw.Write(indent + "\t\t\t"); if (retval.IsVoid) { sw.WriteLine(CName + call + ";"); } else { sw.WriteLine(retval.MarshalType + " raw_ret = " + CName + call + ";"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t" + retval.CSType + " ret = " + retval.FromNative("raw_ret") + ";"); } } if (!IsStatic && implementor != null) { implementor.Finish(sw, indent + "\t\t\t"); } Body.Finish(sw, indent); Body.HandleException(sw, indent); if (is_get && Parameters.Count > 0) { sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\treturn " + Parameters.AccessorName + ";"); } else if (!retval.IsVoid) { sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\treturn ret;"); } else if (IsAccessor) { Body.FinishAccessor(sw, Signature, indent); } sw.Write(indent + "\t\t}"); }
public void Generate(GenerationInfo gen_info, ClassBase implementor) { if (!Validate ()) return; Method comp = null; gen_info.CurrentMember = Name; /* we are generated by the get Method, if there is one */ if (is_set || is_get) { if (Modifiers != "new " && container_type.GetPropertyRecursively (Name.Substring (3)) != null) return; comp = GetComplement (); if (comp != null && is_set) { if (Parameters.AccessorReturnType == comp.ReturnType) return; else { is_set = false; call = "(Handle, " + Body.GetCallString (false) + ")"; comp = null; } } /* some setters take more than one arg */ if (comp != null && !comp.is_set) comp = null; } GenerateImport (gen_info.Writer); if (comp != null && retval.CSType == comp.Parameters.AccessorReturnType) comp.GenerateImport (gen_info.Writer); if (IsDeprecated) gen_info.Writer.WriteLine("\t\t[Obsolete]"); gen_info.Writer.Write("\t\t"); if (Protection != "") gen_info.Writer.Write("{0} ", Protection); GenerateDeclCommon (gen_info.Writer, implementor); if (is_get || is_set) { gen_info.Writer.Write ("\t\t\t"); gen_info.Writer.Write ((is_get) ? "get" : "set"); GenerateBody (gen_info, implementor, "\t"); } else GenerateBody (gen_info, implementor, ""); if (is_get || is_set) { if (comp != null && retval.CSType == comp.Parameters.AccessorReturnType) { gen_info.Writer.WriteLine (); gen_info.Writer.Write ("\t\t\tset"); comp.GenerateBody (gen_info, implementor, "\t"); } gen_info.Writer.WriteLine (); gen_info.Writer.WriteLine ("\t\t}"); } else gen_info.Writer.WriteLine(); gen_info.Writer.WriteLine(); Statistics.MethodCount++; }
public override void Generate(GenerationInfo gen_info) { gen_info.CurrentType = QualifiedName; string asm_name = gen_info.AssemblyName.Length == 0 ? NS.ToLower() + "-sharp" : gen_info.AssemblyName; DirectoryInfo di = GetDirectoryInfo(gen_info.Dir, asm_name); StreamWriter sw = gen_info.Writer = gen_info.OpenStream(Name, NS); sw.WriteLine("namespace " + NS + " {"); sw.WriteLine(); sw.WriteLine("\tusing System;"); sw.WriteLine("\tusing System.Collections;"); sw.WriteLine("\tusing System.Collections.Generic;"); sw.WriteLine("\tusing System.Runtime.InteropServices;"); sw.WriteLine(); SymbolTable table = SymbolTable.Table; sw.WriteLine("#region Autogenerated code"); if (IsDeprecated) { sw.WriteLine("\t[Obsolete]"); } foreach (string attr in customAttrs) { sw.WriteLine("\t" + attr); } sw.Write("\t{0} {1}partial class " + Name, IsInternal ? "internal" : "public", IsAbstract ? "abstract " : ""); string csParent = table.GetCSType(Elem.GetAttribute("parent")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(csParent)) { di.objects.Add(CName, QualifiedName); sw.Write(" : " + csParent); } foreach (string iface in interfaces) { if (Parent != null && Parent.Implements(iface)) { continue; } sw.Write(", " + table.GetCSType(iface)); } foreach (string iface in managed_interfaces) { if (Parent != null && Parent.Implements(iface)) { continue; } sw.Write(", " + iface); } sw.WriteLine(" {"); sw.WriteLine(); GenCtors(gen_info); GenProperties(gen_info, null); GenFields(gen_info); GenChildProperties(gen_info); bool has_sigs = (sigs != null && sigs.Count > 0); if (!has_sigs) { foreach (string iface in interfaces) { if (table.GetClassGen(iface) is InterfaceGen iGen && iGen.Signals != null) { has_sigs = true; break; } } } if (has_sigs && Elem.HasAttribute("parent")) { GenSignals(gen_info, null); } GenConstants(gen_info); GenClassMembers(gen_info, csParent); GenMethods(gen_info, null, null); if (interfaces.Count != 0) { var all_methods = new Dictionary <string, Method> (); foreach (Method m in Methods.Values) { all_methods[m.Name] = m; } var collisions = new Dictionary <string, bool> (); foreach (string iface in interfaces) { ClassBase igen = table.GetClassGen(iface); foreach (Method m in igen.Methods.Values) { if (m.Name.StartsWith("Get") || m.Name.StartsWith("Set")) { if (GetProperty(m.Name.Substring(3)) != null) { collisions[m.Name] = true; continue; } } all_methods.TryGetValue(m.Name, out Method collision); if (collision != null && collision.Signature.Types == m.Signature.Types) { collisions[m.Name] = true; } else { all_methods[m.Name] = m; } } } foreach (string iface in interfaces) { if (Parent != null && Parent.Implements(iface)) { continue; } InterfaceGen igen = table.GetClassGen(iface) as InterfaceGen; igen.GenMethods(gen_info, collisions, this); igen.GenProperties(gen_info, this); igen.GenSignals(gen_info, this); igen.GenVirtualMethods(gen_info, this); } } foreach (XmlElement str in strings) { sw.Write("\t\tpublic static string " + str.GetAttribute("name")); sw.WriteLine(" {\n\t\t\t get { return \"" + str.GetAttribute("value") + "\"; }\n\t\t}"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(csParent) && GetExpected(CName) != QualifiedName) { sw.WriteLine(); sw.WriteLine("\t\tstatic " + Name + " ()"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t{"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t\tGtkSharp." + Studlify(asm_name) + ".ObjectManager.Initialize ();"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t}"); } GenerateStructureABI(gen_info); sw.WriteLine("#endregion"); sw.WriteLine("\t}"); sw.WriteLine("}"); sw.Close(); gen_info.Writer = null; Statistics.ObjectCount++; }
private void GenerateDeclCommon(StreamWriter sw, ClassBase implementor) { if (IsStatic) sw.Write("static "); sw.Write (Safety); Method dup = null; if (container_type != null) dup = container_type.GetMethodRecursively (Name); if (implementor != null) dup = implementor.GetMethodRecursively (Name); if (Name == "ToString" && Parameters.Count == 0) sw.Write("override "); else if (Name == "GetGType" && container_type is ObjectGen) sw.Write("new "); else if (Modifiers == "new " || (dup != null && ((dup.Signature != null && Signature != null && dup.Signature.ToString() == Signature.ToString()) || (dup.Signature == null && Signature == null)))) sw.Write("new "); if (is_get || is_set) { if (retval.IsVoid) sw.Write (Parameters.AccessorReturnType); else sw.Write(retval.CSType); sw.Write(" "); if (Name.StartsWith ("Get") || Name.StartsWith ("Set")) sw.Write (Name.Substring (3)); else { int dot = Name.LastIndexOf ('.'); if (dot != -1 && (Name.Substring (dot + 1, 3) == "Get" || Name.Substring (dot + 1, 3) == "Set")) sw.Write (Name.Substring (0, dot + 1) + Name.Substring (dot + 4)); else sw.Write (Name); } sw.WriteLine(" { "); } else if (IsAccessor) { sw.Write (Signature.AccessorType + " " + Name + "(" + Signature.AsAccessor + ")"); } else { sw.Write(retval.CSType + " " + Name + "(" + (Signature != null ? Signature.ToString() : "") + ")"); } }
public ChildProperty (XmlElement elem, ClassBase container_type) : base (elem, container_type) {}
protected void GenerateMethodBody(StreamWriter sw, ClassBase implementor) { sw.WriteLine ("\t\t[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler(Type=typeof(" + (implementor != null ? implementor.QualifiedName : container_type.QualifiedName) + "), ConnectionMethod=\"Override" + this.Name +"\")]"); sw.Write ("\t\t{0} ", this.Protection); if (this.modifiers != "") sw.Write ("{0} ", this.modifiers); sw.WriteLine ("virtual {0} On{1} ({2})", retval.CSType, this.Name, Signature.ToString ()); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t{"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t{0}Internal{1} ({2});", retval.IsVoid ? "" : "return ", this.Name, Signature.GetCallString (false)); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}"); sw.WriteLine (); // This method is to be invoked from existing VM implementations in the custom code sw.WriteLine ("\t\tprivate {0} Internal{1} ({2})", retval.CSType, this.Name, Signature.ToString ()); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t{"); }
public MethodABIField(XmlElement elem, ClassBase container_type, string info_name) : base(elem, container_type, info_name) { Elem = elem; is_valid = true; }
public Property(XmlElement elem, ClassBase container_type) : base(elem, container_type) { }
public void Generate(GenerationInfo gen_info, ClassBase implementor) { Method comp = null; gen_info.CurrentMember = Name; /* we are generated by the get Method, if there is one */ if (is_set || is_get) { if (Modifiers != "new " && container_type.GetPropertyRecursively(Name.Substring(3)) != null) { return; } comp = GetComplement(); if (comp != null && is_set) { if (Parameters.AccessorReturnType == comp.ReturnType) { return; } else { is_set = false; call = "(" + (IsStatic ? "" : container_type.CallByName() + (parms.Count > 0 ? ", " : "")) + Body.GetCallString(false) + ")"; comp = null; } } /* some setters take more than one arg */ if (comp != null && !comp.is_set) { comp = null; } } GenerateImport(gen_info.Writer); if (comp != null && retval.CSType == comp.Parameters.AccessorReturnType) { comp.GenerateImport(gen_info.Writer); } if (IsDeprecated) { gen_info.Writer.WriteLine("\t\t[Obsolete]"); } gen_info.Writer.Write("\t\t"); if (Protection != "") { gen_info.Writer.Write("{0} ", Protection); } GenerateDeclCommon(gen_info.Writer, implementor); if (is_get || is_set) { gen_info.Writer.Write("\t\t\t"); gen_info.Writer.Write((is_get) ? "get" : "set"); GenerateBody(gen_info, implementor, "\t"); } else { GenerateBody(gen_info, implementor, ""); } if (is_get || is_set) { if (comp != null && retval.CSType == comp.Parameters.AccessorReturnType) { gen_info.Writer.WriteLine(); gen_info.Writer.Write("\t\t\tset"); comp.GenerateBody(gen_info, implementor, "\t"); } gen_info.Writer.WriteLine(); gen_info.Writer.WriteLine("\t\t}"); } else { gen_info.Writer.WriteLine(); } if (Parameters.HasOptional && !(is_get || is_set)) { GenerateOverloads(gen_info.Writer); } gen_info.Writer.WriteLine(); Statistics.MethodCount++; }
/* Creates a callback method which invokes the corresponding virtual method * @implementor is the class that implements the virtual method(e.g. the class that derives from an interface) or NULL if containing and declaring type are equal */ public void GenerateCallback(StreamWriter sw, ClassBase implementor) { if (!Validate()) { return; } string native_signature = ""; if (!IsStatic) { native_signature += "IntPtr inst"; if (parms.Count > 0) { native_signature += ", "; } } if (parms.Count > 0) { native_signature += parms.ImportSignature; } sw.WriteLine("\t\t[GLib.CDeclCallback]"); sw.WriteLine("\t\tdelegate {0} {1}NativeDelegate ({2});", retval.ToNativeType, this.Name, native_signature); sw.WriteLine(); sw.WriteLine("\t\tstatic {0} {1}_cb ({2})", retval.ToNativeType, this.Name, native_signature); sw.WriteLine("\t\t{"); string unconditional = call.Unconditional("\t\t\t"); if (unconditional.Length > 0) { sw.WriteLine(unconditional); } sw.WriteLine("\t\t\ttry {"); if (!this.IsStatic) { string type; if (implementor != null) { type = implementor.QualifiedName; } else if (this.container_type is InterfaceGen) { type = this.container_type.Name + "Implementor"; // We are in an interface/adaptor, invoke the method in the implementor class } else { type = this.container_type.Name; } sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t{0} __obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (inst, false) as {0};", type); } sw.Write(call.Setup("\t\t\t\t")); sw.Write("\t\t\t\t"); if (!retval.IsVoid) { sw.Write(retval.CSType + " __result = "); } if (!this.IsStatic) { sw.Write("__obj."); } sw.WriteLine(this.CallString + ";"); sw.Write(call.Finish("\t\t\t\t")); if (!retval.IsVoid) { sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t\treturn " + retval.ToNative("__result") + ";"); } bool fatal = parms.HasOutParam || !retval.IsVoid; sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t} catch (Exception e) {"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t\tGLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, " + (fatal ? "true" : "false") + ");"); if (fatal) { sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t// NOTREACHED: above call does not return."); sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t\tthrow e;"); } sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t}"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t}"); sw.WriteLine(); }
private void GenDefaultHandlerDelegate (GenerationInfo gen_info, ClassBase implementor) { StreamWriter sw = gen_info.Writer; StreamWriter glue; bool use_glue = gen_info.GlueEnabled && implementor == null && ClassFieldName.Length > 0; string glue_name = String.Empty; ManagedCallString call = new ManagedCallString (parms, true); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t[GLib.CDeclCallback]"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\tdelegate " + retval.ToNativeType + " " + Name + "VMDelegate (" + parms.ImportSignature + ");\n"); if (use_glue) { glue = gen_info.GlueWriter; glue_name = String.Format ("{0}sharp_{1}_override_{2}", container_type.NS.ToLower ().Replace (".", "_"), container_type.Name.ToLower (), ClassFieldName); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t[DllImport (\"{0}\")]", gen_info.GluelibName); sw.WriteLine ("\t\tstatic extern void {0} (IntPtr gtype, {1}VMDelegate cb);\n", glue_name, Name); glue.WriteLine ("void {0} (GType gtype, gpointer cb);\n", glue_name); glue.WriteLine ("void\n{0} (GType gtype, gpointer cb)", glue_name); glue.WriteLine ("{"); glue.WriteLine ("\tGObjectClass *klass = g_type_class_peek (gtype);"); glue.WriteLine ("\tif (klass == NULL)"); glue.WriteLine ("\t\tklass = g_type_class_ref (gtype);"); glue.WriteLine ("\t(({0} *)klass)->{1} = cb;", container_type.CName + "Class", ClassFieldName); glue.WriteLine ("}\n"); } sw.WriteLine ("\t\tstatic {0} {1};\n", Name + "VMDelegate", Name + "VMCallback"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\tstatic " + retval.ToNativeType + " " + Name.ToLower() + "_cb (" + parms.ImportSignature + ")"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t{"); string unconditional = call.Unconditional ("\t\t\t"); if (unconditional.Length > 0) sw.WriteLine (unconditional); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\ttry {"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\t{0} {1}_managed = GLib.Object.GetObject ({1}, false) as {0};", implementor != null ? implementor.Name : container_type.Name, parms[0].Name); sw.Write (call.Setup ("\t\t\t\t")); sw.Write ("\t\t\t\t{0}", IsVoid ? "" : retval.CSType == retval.ToNativeType ? "return " : retval.CSType + " raw_ret = "); sw.WriteLine ("{2}_managed.{0} ({1});", "On" + Name, call.ToString (), parms[0].Name); sw.Write (call.Finish ("\t\t\t\t")); if (!IsVoid && retval.CSType != retval.ToNativeType) sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\treturn {0};", SymbolTable.Table.ToNativeReturn (retval.CType, "raw_ret")); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t} catch (Exception e) {"); bool fatal = HasOutParams || !IsVoid; sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tGLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, " + (fatal ? "true" : "false") + ");"); if (fatal) { sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\t// NOTREACHED: above call doesn't return"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tthrow e;"); } sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t}"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}\n"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\tprivate static void Override" + Name + " (GLib.GType gtype)"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t{"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tif (" + Name + "VMCallback == null)"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\t" + Name + "VMCallback = new " + Name + "VMDelegate (" + Name.ToLower() + "_cb);"); if (use_glue) sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\t{0} (gtype.Val, {1}VMCallback);", glue_name, Name); else sw.WriteLine ("\t\t\tOverrideVirtualMethod (gtype, " + CName + ", " + Name + "VMCallback);"); sw.WriteLine ("\t\t}\n"); }
public override void Generate(GenerationInfo gen_info) { gen_info.CurrentType = Name; string asm_name = gen_info.AssemblyName.Length == 0 ? NS.ToLower() + "-sharp" : gen_info.AssemblyName; DirectoryInfo di = GetDirectoryInfo(gen_info.Dir, asm_name); StreamWriter sw = gen_info.Writer = gen_info.OpenStream(Name); sw.WriteLine("namespace " + NS + " {"); sw.WriteLine(); sw.WriteLine("\tusing System;"); sw.WriteLine("\tusing System.Collections;"); sw.WriteLine("\tusing System.Runtime.InteropServices;"); sw.WriteLine(); SymbolTable table = SymbolTable.Table; sw.WriteLine("#region Autogenerated code"); if (IsDeprecated) { sw.WriteLine("\t[Obsolete]"); } foreach (string attr in custom_attrs) { sw.WriteLine("\t" + attr); } sw.Write("\t{0} {1}class " + Name, IsInternal ? "internal" : "public", IsAbstract ? "abstract " : ""); string cs_parent = table.GetCSType(Elem.GetAttribute("parent")); if (cs_parent != "") { di.objects.Add(CName, QualifiedName); sw.Write(" : " + cs_parent); } foreach (string iface in interfaces) { if (Parent != null && Parent.Implements(iface)) { continue; } sw.Write(", " + table.GetCSType(iface)); } foreach (string iface in managed_interfaces) { if (Parent != null && Parent.Implements(iface)) { continue; } sw.Write(", " + iface); } sw.WriteLine(" {"); sw.WriteLine(); GenCtors(gen_info); GenProperties(gen_info, null); GenFields(gen_info); GenChildProperties(gen_info); bool has_sigs = (sigs != null && sigs.Count > 0); if (!has_sigs) { foreach (string iface in interfaces) { ClassBase igen = table.GetClassGen(iface); if (igen != null && igen.Signals != null) { has_sigs = true; break; } } } if (has_sigs && Elem.HasAttribute("parent")) { GenSignals(gen_info, null); } if (vm_nodes.Count > 0) { if (gen_info.GlueEnabled) { GenVirtualMethods(gen_info); } else { Statistics.VMIgnored = true; Statistics.ThrottledCount += vm_nodes.Count; } } GenMethods(gen_info, null, null); if (interfaces.Count != 0) { Hashtable all_methods = new Hashtable(); foreach (Method m in Methods.Values) { all_methods[m.Name] = m; } Hashtable collisions = new Hashtable(); foreach (string iface in interfaces) { ClassBase igen = table.GetClassGen(iface); foreach (Method m in igen.Methods.Values) { Method collision = all_methods[m.Name] as Method; if (collision != null && collision.Signature.Types == m.Signature.Types) { collisions[m.Name] = true; } else { all_methods[m.Name] = m; } } } foreach (string iface in interfaces) { if (Parent != null && Parent.Implements(iface)) { continue; } ClassBase igen = table.GetClassGen(iface); igen.GenMethods(gen_info, collisions, this); igen.GenProperties(gen_info, this); igen.GenSignals(gen_info, this); } } foreach (XmlElement str in strings) { sw.Write("\t\tpublic static string " + str.GetAttribute("name")); sw.WriteLine(" {\n\t\t\t get { return \"" + str.GetAttribute("value") + "\"; }\n\t\t}"); } if (cs_parent != String.Empty && GetExpected(CName) != QualifiedName) { sw.WriteLine(); sw.WriteLine("\t\tstatic " + Name + " ()"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t{"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t\tGtkSharp." + Studlify(asm_name) + ".ObjectManager.Initialize ();"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t}"); } sw.WriteLine("#endregion"); AppendCustom(sw, gen_info.CustomDir); sw.WriteLine("\t}"); sw.WriteLine("}"); sw.Close(); gen_info.Writer = null; Statistics.ObjectCount++; }
public void Generate (GenerationInfo gen_info, string indent, ClassBase implementor) { SymbolTable table = SymbolTable.Table; StreamWriter sw = gen_info.Writer; if (Hidden || (!Readable && !Writable)) return; string modifiers = ""; if (IsNew || (container_type.Parent != null && container_type.Parent.GetPropertyRecursively (Name) != null)) modifiers = "new "; else if (implementor != null && implementor.Parent != null && implementor.Parent.GetPropertyRecursively (Name) != null) modifiers = "new "; string name = Name; if (name == container_type.Name) { name += "Prop"; } string qpname = "\"" + CName + "\""; string v_type = ""; if (table.IsInterface (CType)) { v_type = "(Gst.GLib.Object)"; } else if (table.IsOpaque (CType)) { v_type = "(Gst.GLib.Opaque)"; } else if (table.IsEnum (CType)) { v_type = "(Enum)"; } GenerateImports (gen_info, indent); if (IsDeprecated || (Getter != null && Getter.IsDeprecated) || (Setter != null && Setter.IsDeprecated)) sw.WriteLine (indent + "[Obsolete]"); sw.WriteLine (indent + PropertyAttribute (qpname)); sw.WriteLine (indent + "public " + modifiers + CSType + " " + name + " {"); indent += "\t"; if (Getter != null) { sw.Write(indent + "get "); Getter.GenerateBody(gen_info, implementor, "\t"); sw.WriteLine(); } else if (Readable) { sw.WriteLine(indent + "get {"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\tGst.GLib.Value val = " + RawGetter (qpname) + ";"); if (table.IsOpaque (CType) || table.IsBoxed (CType)) { sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t" + CSType + " ret = (" + CSType + ") val;"); } else if (table.IsInterface (CType)) { // Do we have to dispose the Gst.GLib.Object from the Gst.GLib.Value? sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t{0} ret = {0}Adapter.GetObject ((Gst.GLib.Object) val);", CSType); } else { sw.Write(indent + "\t" + CSType + " ret = "); sw.Write ("(" + CSType + ") "); if (v_type != "") { sw.Write(v_type + " "); } sw.WriteLine("val;"); } sw.WriteLine(indent + "\tval.Dispose ();"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\treturn ret;"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "}"); } if (Setter != null) { sw.Write(indent + "set "); Setter.GenerateBody(gen_info, implementor, "\t"); sw.WriteLine(); } else if (Writable) { sw.WriteLine(indent + "set {"); sw.Write(indent + "\tGst.GLib.Value val = "); if (table.IsBoxed (CType)) { sw.WriteLine("(Gst.GLib.Value) value;"); } else if (table.IsOpaque (CType)) { sw.WriteLine("new Gst.GLib.Value(value, \"{0}\");", CType); } else { sw.Write("new Gst.GLib.Value("); if (v_type != "" && !(table.IsObject (CType) || table.IsInterface (CType) || table.IsOpaque (CType))) { sw.Write(v_type + " "); } sw.WriteLine("value);"); } sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t" + RawSetter (qpname) + ";"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\tval.Dispose ();"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "}"); } sw.WriteLine(indent.Substring (1) + "}"); sw.WriteLine(); Statistics.PropCount++; }
public void GenerateBody(GenerationInfo gen_info, ClassBase implementor, string indent) { StreamWriter sw = gen_info.Writer; sw.WriteLine(" {"); if (!IsStatic && implementor != null) implementor.Prepare (sw, indent + "\t\t\t"); if (IsAccessor) Body.InitAccessor (sw, Signature, indent); Body.Initialize(gen_info, is_get, is_set, indent); sw.Write(indent + "\t\t\t"); if (retval.IsVoid) sw.WriteLine(CName + call + ";"); else { sw.WriteLine(retval.MarshalType + " raw_ret = " + CName + call + ";"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t\t\t" + retval.CSType + " ret = " + retval.FromNative ("raw_ret") + ";"); } if (!IsStatic && implementor != null) implementor.Finish (sw, indent + "\t\t\t"); Body.Finish (sw, indent); Body.HandleException (sw, indent); if (is_get && Parameters.Count > 0) sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\t\treturn " + Parameters.AccessorName + ";"); else if (!retval.IsVoid) sw.WriteLine (indent + "\t\t\treturn ret;"); else if (IsAccessor) Body.FinishAccessor (sw, Signature, indent); sw.Write(indent + "\t\t}"); }
private bool NeedNew(ClassBase implementor) { return(elem.HasAttribute("new_flag") || (container_type != null && container_type.GetSignalRecursively(Name) != null) || (implementor != null && implementor.GetSignalRecursively(Name) != null)); }
public void GenMethods(GenerationInfo gen_info, IDictionary <string, bool> collisions, ClassBase implementor) { if (methods == null) { return; } foreach (Method method in methods.Values) { if (IgnoreMethod(method, implementor)) { continue; } string oname = null, oprotection = null; if (collisions != null && collisions.ContainsKey(method.Name)) { oname = method.Name; oprotection = method.Protection; method.Name = QualifiedName + "." + method.Name; method.Protection = ""; } method.Generate(gen_info, implementor); if (oname != null) { method.Name = oname; method.Protection = oprotection; } } }
private void GenChainVirtualMethod(StreamWriter sw, ClassBase implementor) { GenVMDeclaration(sw, implementor); sw.WriteLine("\t\t{"); if (IsVoid) { sw.WriteLine("\t\t\tGLib.Value ret = GLib.Value.Empty;"); } else { sw.WriteLine("\t\t\tGLib.Value ret = new GLib.Value (" + ReturnGType + ");"); } sw.WriteLine("\t\t\tGLib.ValueArray inst_and_params = new GLib.ValueArray (" + parms.Count + ");"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t\tusing (var val0 = new GLib.Value (this)) {"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t\tinst_and_params.Append (val0);"); string cleanup = ""; string indent = new string ('\t', 4); for (int i = 1; i < parms.Count; i++) { Parameter p = parms [i]; indent = new string ('\t', 3 + i); if (p.PassAs != "") { if (SymbolTable.Table.IsBoxed(p.CType)) { if (p.PassAs == "ref") { sw.WriteLine(indent + "using (var val" + i + " = new GLib.Value (" + p.Name + ")) {"); } else { sw.WriteLine(indent + "using (var val" + i + " = new GLib.Value ((GLib.GType)typeof (" + p.CSType + "))) {"); } cleanup += indent + p.Name + " = (" + p.CSType + ") vals [" + i + "];\n"; } else { if (p.PassAs == "ref") { sw.WriteLine(indent + "IntPtr " + p.Name + "_ptr = GLib.Marshaller.StructureToPtrAlloc<" + p.MarshalType + "> (" + p.Generatable.CallByName(p.Name) + ");"); } else { sw.WriteLine(indent + "IntPtr " + p.Name + "_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (" + p.MarshalType + ")));"); } sw.WriteLine(indent + "using (var val" + i + " = new GLib.Value (" + p.Name + "_ptr)) {"); cleanup += indent + p.Name + " = " + p.FromNative("Marshal.PtrToStructure<" + p.MarshalType + "> (" + p.Name + "_ptr)") + ";\n"; cleanup += indent + "Marshal.FreeHGlobal (" + p.Name + "_ptr);\n"; } } else if (p.IsLength && parms [i - 1].IsString) { sw.WriteLine(indent + "using (var val" + i + " = new GLib.Value (System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount (" + parms [i - 1].Name + "))) {"); } else { sw.WriteLine(indent + "using (var val" + i + " = new GLib.Value (" + p.Name + ")) {"); } sw.WriteLine(indent + "inst_and_params.Append (val" + i + ");"); } sw.WriteLine(indent + "g_signal_chain_from_overridden (inst_and_params.ArrayPtr, ref ret);"); if (cleanup != "") { sw.WriteLine(cleanup); } for (int i = 1; i < parms.Count; ++i) { indent = new string ('\t', parms.Count - i + 3); sw.WriteLine(indent + "}"); } sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t}"); if (!IsVoid) { IGeneratable igen = SymbolTable.Table [retval.CType]; sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t" + retval.CSType + " result = (" + (igen is EnumGen ? retval.CSType + ") (Enum" : retval.CSType) + ") ret;"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t\tret.Dispose ();"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t\treturn result;"); } sw.WriteLine("\t\t}\n"); }
public void Generate(GenerationInfo gen_info, string indent, ClassBase implementor) { var table = SymbolTable.Table; var sw = gen_info.Writer; if (Hidden || (!Readable && !Writable)) { return; } string modifiers = ""; if (IsNew || (container_type.Parent != null && container_type.Parent.GetPropertyRecursively(Name) != null)) { modifiers = "new "; } else if (implementor != null && implementor.Parent != null && implementor.Parent.GetPropertyRecursively(Name) != null) { modifiers = "new "; } string name = Name; if (name == container_type.Name) { name += "Prop"; } string qpname = "\"" + CName + "\""; string v_type = ""; if (table.IsInterface(CType)) { v_type = "(GLib.Object)"; } else if (table.IsOpaque(CType)) { v_type = "(GLib.Opaque)"; } else if (table.IsEnum(CType)) { v_type = "(Enum)"; } GenerateImports(gen_info, indent); if (IsDeprecated || (Getter != null && Getter.IsDeprecated) || (Setter != null && Setter.IsDeprecated)) { sw.WriteLine(indent + "[Obsolete]"); } sw.WriteLine(indent + PropertyAttribute(qpname)); sw.WriteLine(indent + "public " + modifiers + CSType + " " + name + " {"); indent += "\t"; if (Getter != null) { sw.Write(indent + "get "); Getter.GenerateBody(gen_info, implementor, "\t"); sw.WriteLine(); } else if (Readable) { sw.WriteLine(indent + "get {"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\tGLib.Value val = " + RawGetter(qpname) + ";"); if (table.IsOpaque(CType) || table.IsBoxed(CType)) { sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t" + CSType + " ret = (" + CSType + ") val;"); } else if (table.IsInterface(CType)) { // Do we have to dispose the GLib.Object from the GLib.Value? sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t{0} ret = {0}Adapter.GetObject ((GLib.Object) val);", CSType); } else { sw.Write(indent + "\t" + CSType + " ret = "); sw.Write("(" + CSType + ") "); if (v_type != "") { sw.Write(v_type + " "); } sw.WriteLine("val;"); } sw.WriteLine(indent + "\tval.Dispose ();"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\treturn ret;"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "}"); } if (Setter != null) { sw.Write(indent + "set "); Setter.GenerateBody(gen_info, implementor, "\t"); sw.WriteLine(); } else if (Writable) { sw.WriteLine(indent + "set {"); sw.Write(indent + "\tGLib.Value val = "); if (table.IsBoxed(CType)) { sw.WriteLine("(GLib.Value) value;"); } else if (table.IsOpaque(CType)) { sw.WriteLine("new GLib.Value(value, \"{0}\");", CType); } else { sw.Write("new GLib.Value("); if (v_type != "" && !(table.IsObject(CType) || table.IsInterface(CType) || table.IsOpaque(CType))) { sw.Write(v_type + " "); } sw.WriteLine("value);"); } sw.WriteLine(indent + "\t" + RawSetter(qpname) + ";"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "\tval.Dispose ();"); sw.WriteLine(indent + "}"); } sw.WriteLine(indent.Substring(1) + "}"); sw.WriteLine(); Statistics.PropCount++; }
private void GenDefaultHandlerDelegate(GenerationInfo gen_info, ClassBase implementor) { StreamWriter sw = gen_info.Writer; StreamWriter glue; bool use_glue = gen_info.GlueEnabled && implementor == null && ClassFieldName.Length > 0; string glue_name = String.Empty; ManagedCallString call = new ManagedCallString(parms, true); sw.WriteLine("\t\t[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]"); sw.WriteLine("\t\tdelegate " + retval.ToNativeType + " " + Name + "VMDelegate (" + parms.CallbackImportSignature + ");\n"); if (use_glue) { glue = gen_info.GlueWriter; glue_name = String.Format("{0}sharp_{1}_override_{2}", container_type.NS.ToLower().Replace(".", "_"), container_type.Name.ToLower(), ClassFieldName); sw.WriteLine("\t\t[DllImport (\"{0}\", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]", gen_info.GluelibName); sw.WriteLine("\t\tstatic extern void {0} (IntPtr gtype, {1}VMDelegate cb);\n", glue_name, Name); glue.WriteLine("void {0} (GType gtype, gpointer cb);\n", glue_name); glue.WriteLine("void\n{0} (GType gtype, gpointer cb)", glue_name); glue.WriteLine("{"); glue.WriteLine("\tGObjectClass *klass = g_type_class_peek (gtype);"); glue.WriteLine("\tif (klass == NULL)"); glue.WriteLine("\t\tklass = g_type_class_ref (gtype);"); glue.WriteLine("\t(({0} *)klass)->{1} = cb;", container_type.CName + "Class", ClassFieldName); glue.WriteLine("}\n"); } sw.WriteLine("\t\tstatic {0} {1};\n", Name + "VMDelegate", Name + "VMCallback"); sw.WriteLine("\t\tstatic " + retval.ToNativeType + " " + Name.ToLower() + "_cb (" + parms.CallbackImportSignature + ")"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t{"); string unconditional = call.Unconditional("\t\t\t"); if (unconditional.Length > 0) { sw.WriteLine(unconditional); } sw.WriteLine("\t\t\ttry {"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t{0} {1}_managed = GLib.Object.GetObject ({1}, false) as {0};", implementor != null ? implementor.Name : container_type.Name, parms[0].Name); sw.Write(call.Setup("\t\t\t\t")); sw.Write("\t\t\t\t{0}", IsVoid ? "" : retval.CSType == retval.ToNativeType ? "return " : retval.CSType + " raw_ret = "); sw.WriteLine("{2}_managed.{0} ({1});", "On" + Name, call.ToString(), parms[0].Name); sw.Write(call.Finish("\t\t\t\t")); if (!IsVoid && retval.CSType != retval.ToNativeType) { sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t\treturn {0};", SymbolTable.Table.ToNativeReturn(retval.CType, "raw_ret")); } sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t} catch (Exception e) {"); bool fatal = HasOutParams || !IsVoid; sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t\tGLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException (e, " + (fatal ? "true" : "false") + ");"); if (fatal) { sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t// NOTREACHED: above call doesn't return"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t\tthrow e;"); } sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t}"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t}\n"); sw.WriteLine("\t\tprivate static void Override" + Name + " (GLib.GType gtype)"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t{"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t\tif (" + Name + "VMCallback == null)"); sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t" + Name + "VMCallback = new " + Name + "VMDelegate (" + Name.ToLower() + "_cb);"); if (use_glue) { sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t{0} (gtype.Val, {1}VMCallback);", glue_name, Name); } else { sw.WriteLine("\t\t\tOverrideVirtualMethod (gtype, " + CName + ", " + Name + "VMCallback);"); } sw.WriteLine("\t\t}\n"); }
private void GenerateDeclCommon(StreamWriter sw, ClassBase implementor) { if (IsStatic) { sw.Write("static "); } sw.Write(Safety); Method dup = null; if (container_type != null) { dup = container_type.GetMethodRecursively(Name); } if (implementor != null) { dup = implementor.GetMethodRecursively(Name); } if (Name == "ToString" && Parameters.Count == 0 && (!(container_type is InterfaceGen) || implementor != null)) { sw.Write("override "); } else if (Name == "GetGType" && (container_type is ObjectGen || (container_type.Parent != null && container_type.Parent.Methods.ContainsKey("GetType")))) { sw.Write("new "); } else if (Modifiers == "new " || (dup != null && ((dup.Signature != null && Signature != null && dup.Signature.ToString() == Signature.ToString()) || (dup.Signature == null && Signature == null)))) { sw.Write("new "); } if (Name.StartsWith(container_type.Name)) { Name = Name.Substring(container_type.Name.Length); } if (is_get || is_set) { if (retval.IsVoid) { sw.Write(Parameters.AccessorReturnType); } else { sw.Write(retval.CSType); } sw.Write(" "); if (Name.StartsWith("Get") || Name.StartsWith("Set")) { sw.Write(Name.Substring(3)); } else { int dot = Name.LastIndexOf('.'); if (dot != -1 && (Name.Substring(dot + 1, 3) == "Get" || Name.Substring(dot + 1, 3) == "Set")) { sw.Write(Name.Substring(0, dot + 1) + Name.Substring(dot + 4)); } else { sw.Write(Name); } } sw.WriteLine(" { "); } else if (IsAccessor) { sw.Write(Signature.AccessorType + " " + Name + "(" + Signature.AsAccessor + ")"); } else { sw.Write(retval.CSType + " " + Name + "(" + (Signature != null ? Signature.ToString() : "") + ")"); } }
public FieldBase(XmlElement elem, ClassBase container_type) : base(elem, container_type) { }
public StructField (XmlElement elem, ClassBase container_type) : base (elem, container_type) {}
public FieldBase(XmlElement elem, ClassBase container_type, FieldBase abi_field) : base(elem, container_type) { abi_field = abi_field; }